What creates an aggregate that isn't stored in a database? - repository

In my DDD design, a Command Handler is asked to create a conversation. This is done by calling a third party API.
I use conversation as an abstraction, as today it is a phone call, tomorrow could be something else. I will represent that conversation as a Conversation aggregate in my domain model.
Since it's not a CRUD thing from a database that I am retrieving/updating, do I continue to use a Repository or is there another pattern I should use in it's place? Or should I simply inject my adapter (IConversationAPIAdapter, not depicted in the diagram) into my Command Handler and let it create and return the aggregate back to the handler?
UML Design

If the 3rd party is creating the Conversation, then you don't really have an aggregate. You have at best a facade (the command handler) which just relays the command.
This is actually good, because it simplifies things. However, you should be aware that the returned object is not really an aggregate (as far as DDD is concerned), but a simple business (domain) object (in lack of another term).
You can still use the Repository as a pattern and send that object to be persisted if your app needs it.

Repository is a commonly pattern used in DDD.
The ConversationRepository (an interface) should be in your Domain Layer.
You can totally inject your implementation/adapter (from your Infrastructure Layer) into your ConversationRepository to retrieve your Conversation aggregates from the BDD and return it to your handler (your "Application Service").


How to structure the query-side of a CQRS application?

I am working on two different services:
The first one handles all of the write operations through a REST API, it contains all of the required business logic to maintain data in a consistent state, and it persists entities on a database. It also publishes events to a message broker when an entity is changed (creation, update, deletion, etc). It's structured in a DDD fashion.
The second one only handles reads, also with a REST API. It subscribes to the same message broker in order to process the events published by the first service, then it saves the received data to an in memory database for fast reads.
Nothing fancy, just CQRS with eventual consistency.
For the first service, I had a clear mind on how to structure the application:
I have the domain package with subpackages for each different aggregate. Each aggregate has its own domain objects, and its own repository interface.
I have the application package with different application services, and they basically just orchestrate the domain objects and call repositories to persist/update data, and the event publisher to publish domain events. The event publisher interface is also in this package.
I have the infrastructure package, which includes a persistence package, where the repository implementations reside, and a messaging package, where the event publisher implementation resides.
Finally, the interfaces package is where I keep the controllers/handlers for the REST API.
For the second service, I'm very unsure on how to structure it. My doubts are the following:
Should I use the repository pattern? To be fair it seems redundant and not very useful in this scenario. There are no domain objects nor rules here, cause the data to be saved/updated is already validated by the first service.
If I avoid using the repository pattern, I suppose I'd have to inject the database client in my application service, and access the data directly. Is this a good practice? If yes, where would the returned objects fit? Would they also be part of the application layer?
Would it make sense to skip the application service entirely and inject the database client straight up in the controller/handler? What if the queries are a bit complicated? This would pollute the controllers with a lot of db logic, making it harder to switch implementations (there would be no interface in this case).
What do you think?
The Query side will only contain the methods for getting data, so it can/should be really simple.
You are right, an abstraction on top of your persistence like a repository pattern can feel redundant.
You can actually call the database in your controller. Even when it comes to testing, on the query side you only need basically integration tests that test the actual database. Having unit tests won't test much.
On the other hand, it can make sense to wrap the database calling logic in a query service similar to a repository. You would inject only that query service interface in your controller, which should use your ubiquitous language! You would have all the db logic in this query service and keep the db complexity there, while keeping the controller really simple.
You can avoid complex queries by having multiple read models based on your events depending on your needs.

What layer should contain Queries in DDD

I have a simple DDD service, with Article Aggregate root. I use MediatR and CQRS for separation of commands and queries. In DDD domain should not have dependencies on application and infrastructure layers. I have a repository IArticleRepository for composing some data from articles database. I have a rest endpoint for getting articles by some kind of filters so that I create
ArticleQuery : IRequest<ArticleDto(or Article)>
And when this query object should be? I have a repository per aggregate, so in Domain layer I have IArticleRepository. And I need to specify the input parameter type. If I put query in Infrastructure or Application layer I get the dependency from domain pointing to infrastructure or application. If I put query in Domain it violates DDD, because the query has no relations to business. If I will not putting an object, and just fields as a parameter to the repository, there will be about 10-15 parameters - this is a code smell.
It needed because in Query handler also appear SearchEngine logic, so I decided to encapsulate SQL logic from search engine logic in infrastructure via the repository or something like that.
I usually go for a query layer of sorts. Just as I would have an ICustomerRepository that handles my aggregates I would have an ICustomerQuery that interacts directly with my data store.
A repository really should be only for aggregates and, therefore, only for data modification. The only retrieval should be retrieving an entire aggregate in order to effect some form of change on that aggregate.
The query layer (more concern than layer, really) is infrastructure. I usually also namespace any read model in a Query namespace in order to distinguish between my domain Customer, say, and my Query.Customer.
I don't understand your question entirely, but there seems to be some confusion on how to use repositories. Answering that may help you find the right way.
Let me answer your question in two parts: where do repositories fit in, and how to use queries represent domain concepts.
Repositories are not part of the Domain layer. They belong outside in the Application layer.
A typical transaction flow would be something like this:
UI sends a request to API
API Controller gathers request params and
invokes the Application Service
Application Service gathers Repositories (Applications typically inject repositories at runtime based on configuration)
Application Service loads Aggregates (domain objects) based on the request params with the help of Repositories
Application Service invokes the methods on Aggregates to perform changes, if necessary
Application Service persists the aggregates with the help of Repositories
Application Service formats response and returns data to API Controller
So, you see, Application Service deals with repositories and aggregates. Aggregates, being in the domain layer, do not ever have to deal with Repositories.
A Query is best placed within the Repository because it is the responsibility of the Repository to interact with underlying data stores.
However, you should ensure that each Query represents a concept in the domain. It is generally not recommended to use filter params directly, because you don't capture the importance of the Query from the domain's point of view.
For example, if you are querying for, say, people who are adults (age > 21), then you should have a Query object called Adults which holds this filter within it. If you are querying for, say, people are who are senior citizens (age > 60), you should have a different Query object called Senior Citizen and so on.
For this purpose, you could use the Specification pattern to expose one GET API, but translate it into a Domain Specification Object before passing it on to the Repository for querying. You typically do this transformation in your Controller, before invoking the Application Service.
Martin Fowler and Eric Evans have published an excellent paper on using Specifications: https://martinfowler.com/apsupp/spec.pdf
As the paper states, The central idea of Specification is to separate the statement of how to match a candidate, from the candidate object that it is matched against.
Use the specification pattern for the Query side, but avoid reusing it in different contexts. Unless the Query represents the same domain concept, you should be creating a different specification object for each need. Also, DO NOT use a specification object on both the query side and command side, if you are using CQRS. You will be creating a central dependency between two parts, that NEED to be kept separate.
One way to get the underlying domain concept is to evaluate your queries (getByAandB and getByAandC) and draw out the question you are asking to the domain (For ex., ask your domain expert to describe the data she is trying to fetch).
Repository Organization:
Apologies if this confuses you a bit, but the code is in Python. But it almost reads like pseudocode, so you should be able to understand easily.
Say, we have this code structure:
The repository.py file under article will be an abstract repository, with important but completely empty methods. The methods represent domain concepts, but they need to implemented concretely (I think this is what you are referring to in your comments).
class ArticleRepository:
def get_all_active_articles(...):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_articles_by_followers(...):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_article_by_slug(...):
raise NotImplementedError
And in postgres_repository.py:
# import SQLAlchemy classes
# This class is required by the ORM used for Postgres
class Article(Base):
__tablename__ = 'articles'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
title = Column(String)
And this is a possible concrete implementation of the Factory, in the same file:
# This is the concrete repository implementation for Postgres
class ArticlePostgresRepository(ArticleRepository):
def __init__(self):
# Initialize SQL Alchemy session
self.session = Session()
def get_all_active_articles(self, ...):
return self.session.query(Article).all()
def get_article_by_slug(self, slug, ...):
return self.session.query(Article).filter(Article.slug == slug).all()
def get_articles_by_followers(self, ...):
return self.session.query(Article).filter(followee_id__in=...).all()
So in effect, the aggregate still does not know anything about the repository itself. Application services or configuration choose what kind of repository is to be used for a given environment dynamically (Maybe Postgres in Test and Mongo in Production, for example).

Good practice to achieve this eventual consistency

In my application, when a user is created, an Event called UserCreatedEvent is thrown.
This user must have all his description data retrieved from Facebook (with his authorization of course) and should be treated by some custom process.
I chose to apply eventual consistency (using Akka and his eventStream feature to handle events) between the fact of saving the user aggregate and the fact to retrieve all his description data and apply them, since it involves some call network to Facebook.
The point is I also allowed any newly created user to override some of the description (job, age etc.) through the REST api PUT /api/users/:id.
1) Should the process of handling UserCreatedEvent (basically an Akka actor) call this api (causing an indirection) to assign default user description (from Facebook) or should it retrieve and update user itself?
2) Should the process of handling UserCreatedEvent and the api aiming to manage User (CRUD) be part of the same bounded context? (in that case, no recommendation to involve the indirection).
I'm not sure I would call this eventual consistency, since consistency (making sure that an entity respects invariants) is not at stake. This is more like out-of-band asynchronous data completion.
What hoops this side process has to go through again basically depends on your context :
REST API if there's important stuff there you want to reapply (logging, security, whatever)
Application Service / Command handler layer if you want that data completion to be treated as a full blown modification with proper validation (e.g. did Facebook return data that would be unsupported in your application ?)
In the domain layer, you could model it either as just any other modification of the User, or as a specific, maybe more intention-revealing operation : User.completeDescriptionData(...)
I wouldn't necessarily place this in a different Bounded Context since it doesn't introduce a new definition of User. It's important that the part that knows the nitty gritty details of talking to Facebook is in a separate non domain layer though.

Entity Framework Code First DTO or Model to the UI?

I am creating a brand new application, including the database, and I'm going to use Entity Framework Code First. This will also use WCF for services which also opens it up for multiple UI's for different devices, as well as making the services API usable from other unknown apps.
I have seen this batted around in several posts here on SO but I don't see direct questions or answers pertaining to Code First, although there are a few mentioning POCOs. I am going to ask the question again so here it goes - do I really need DTOs with Entity Framework Code First or can I use the model as a set of common entities for all boundaries? I am really trying to follow the YAGNI train of thought so while I have a clean sheet of paper I figured that I would get this out of the way first.
Paul Speranza
There is no definite answer to this problem and it is also the reason why you didn't find any.
Are you going to build services providing CRUD operations? It generally means that your services will be able to return, insert, update and delete entities as they are = you will always expose whole entity or single exactly defined serializable part of the entity to all clients. But once you do this it probably worth to check WCF Data Services.
Are you going to expose business facade working with entities? The facade will provide real business methods instead of just CRUD operations. These buisness methods will get some data object and decompose it to multiple entities in wrapped business logic. Here it makes sense to use specific DTO for every operation. DTO will transfer only data needed for the operation and return only date allowed to the client.
Very simple example. Suppose that your entities keep information like LastModifiedBy. This is probably information you want to pass back to the client. In the first scenario you have single serializable set so you will pass it back to the client and client pass it modified back to the service. Now you must verify that client didn't change the field because he probably didn't have permissions to do that. You must do it with every single field which client didn't have permission to change. In the second scenario your DTO with updated data will simply not include this property (= specialized DTO for your operation) so client will not be able to send you a new value at all.
It can be somehow related to the way how you want to work with data and where your real logic will be applied. Will it be on the service or on the client? How will you ensure that client will not post invalid data? Do you want to restrict passing invalid data by logic or by specific transferred objects?
I strongly recommend a dedicated view model.
Doing this means:
You can design the UI (and iterate on it) without having to wait to design the data model first.
There is less friction when you want to change the UI.
You can avoid security problems with auto-mapping/model binding "accidentally" updating fields which shouldn't be editable by the user -- just don't put them in the view model.
However, with a WCF Data Service, it's hard to ignore the advantage of being able to write the service in essentially one line when you expose entities directly. So that might make the most sense for the WCF/server side.
But when it comes to UI, you're "gonna need it."
do I really need DTOs with Entity Framework Code First or can I use the model as a set of common entities for all boundaries?
Yes, the same set of POCOs / entities can be used for all boundaries.
But a set of mappers / converters / configurators will be needed to adapt entities to some generic structures of each layer.
For example, when entities are configured with DataContract and DataMember attributes, WCF is able to transfer domain objects' state without creating any special classes.
Similarly, when entities are mapped using Entity Framework fluent mapping api, EF is able to persist domain objects' state in database without creating any special classes.
The same way, entities can be configured to be used in any layer by means of the layer infrastructure without creating any special classes.

How use SOA with nHibernate?

First of all, I'll clarify some words: when I use the word "user" you have to understand "application user" and the "patient" is an "item" from the model layer.
Let's now explain the context:
A client application has a button "get patient" and "update", a text box "patient name" and a grid to display the patient returned after the click on the "Get patient" button.
At server side I've got a WCF method GetPatient(string name) that searches the reclaimed patient and does some business logic to a PatientEntity used with nHibernate. That method returns a PatientDto (a mapping from PatientEntity). And I've got an Update(PatientDto patient) method to update the modified patient.
The user can modify the returned PatientDto and click on the "Update" button.
So far I have two ideas to manage a "session" through this senario:
First idea: I expose an "ID" property in my DTO so when the user clicks on update, I search, at server side, the "patient" with the specified ID using nHibernate's "GetByID()", I update the result with the data from PatientDto and call the nHibernate's "Update()" method.
Second idea: I create manually at server side a CustomSession (I use this name for clarity) class that encapsulates an ISession and exposes a session's unique id that will travel between the client and the server. So, when the client sends to the server the PatientDto and the unique session id, I can get the CutsomSession and update the patient with the Update() methods of the ISession
I don't like these ideas. Because the first is a lot of overhead and it doesn't use the features of nHibernate. And the second idea demands to the developer to manage himself the id of the CustomSession between the calls: It is error prone.
Furthermore, I'm sure nHibernate provides such a mechanism although I googled and found nothing about this.
Then my questions are:
What mechanism (pattern) should I use? Of course, the mechanism should support an entity's object graph and not a single entity!"
Does nHibenrate provides such a mechanism?*
Thank you in advance for your help,
I don't think this is a Hibernate issue and in my opinion is a common misunderstanding. Hibernate is a OR-Mapper and therefor handles your database objects and provides basic transactional support. Thats almost it.
The solution for Sessionmanagement in Client-Server environments is for example the use e.g. Spring.net which does provide solutions (Search for OpenSessionInView) for your problem and integrates quite well with NHibernate.
The stateless approach you mentioned offers many advantages compared to a session-based solution. For example think about concurrency. If your comitt is stateless you can simply react on a failed Save() operation on the client side for example by reloading the view.
Besides your 2 good arguments for the use of Hibernae is, if done right, security aggainst SQL-Injection.
One reason that I usually don't bother with ORM tools/frameworks in client-server programming is that you land at, usually, your first solution with them. It helps in making the server side more stateless (and thus more scalable) at the expense of some reasonably cheap database calls (a fetch-by-PK is usually very cheap, and if you immediate write it anyway, guess what the database is likely to do first on a write? Grab the old record - so SELECT/UPDATE may be only marginally slower than just UPDATE because it seeds the cache).
Yes, you're doing stuff manually that you want to push out to the ORM - such is life. And don't fret over performance until you've measured it - for this particular case, I wonder if you really can measure it.
Here's a sumary of what has been said:
A nHibernate session lasts the time of the service call. That's, the time of the call of "GetPatient(string name)" no more.
The server works with entities and returns DTO's to the client.
The client displays and update DTO's. And calls the service "Update(PatientDto patient)"
When the client triggers the service "Update(PatientDto patient)", the mapper gets the patient entities thanks to the ID contained in the DTO with a "GetById(int id)" and updates the properties which has to be.
And finally, the server calls the nHibernate's "Update()" to persists all the changes.