How to stop the PNG warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile printing to console? - tensorflow

I am trying to run some code which cannot be altered in functionality, but it would be great if I can somehow ignore the warnings or prevent them from being printed to the console, as it congests it and makes it unreadable. Thank you.

You can try tf.autograph.set_verbosity it's used to control how much info tensorflow logs as indicated in their docs for TF2.6
level=0, alsologtostdout=False
Check also the answers here which covers solutions for multiple versions of tensorflow and python.


Unexpected keyword argument 'show_dtype'

I am trying to plot my model with the data types with the following the code:
plot_model(model, to_file='model/model.png', show_dtype=True, show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
However, I get an error that show_dtype is not an acceptable parameter even though it appears on the TensorFlow documentation:
This is the first time that I have run into this issue. It seems that this may be due to having an earlier release if you downloaded it from Anaconda Forge rather than something else like Pip. It is a simple fix, however.
Basically, you need to go into the library source file and edit it to the current version that is shown on the TensorFlow documentation page.
The link to the GitHub page that you will copy the Python code from is here:
Afterwards, head to your library path and paste that Python code there.
For example, my path is the following: C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/envs/ml/Lib/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/utils/ Yours should be something similar.

how to fix the problem of downloading fasttext-model300?

I'm using windows 10 and python 3.3. I tried to download fasttext_model300 to calculate soft cosine similarity between documents, but when I run my python file, it stops after arriving at this statement:
fasttext_model300 = api.load('fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300')
There are no errors or not responding, It just stops without any reaction.
Does anybody know why it happens?
I'd recommend against using the gensim api.load() functionality. It dynamically runs new, unversioned source code from remote servers – which is opaque in its operations & suboptimal for maintaining a secure local configuration, or debugging any issues which occur.
Instead, find the actual exact data files you trust and download them as plain data. Then, use specific library operations, like the KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format() method, so instantiate exactly the model you need, using precise local-file paths you understand.
Following those steps may make it clearer what, if anything, is going wrong. If it doesn't, try also enabling logging at the INFO level to gather more information about what progress is made before failure (and add any new details as a comment or to your question).
python3 -m gensim.downloader --download fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300
Try using this. Source :

Output logs from pyscipopt

It may be a basic question, but how can I view the log of the solver after the model is optimized. I came across the option to hide the outputs by specifying model.hideOutput(). Is there an option to show the outputs (by default, I don't see any output log. I am using Spyder IDE).
Printing the SCIP output is activated by default in PySCIPOpt. As you already wrote, you would have to manually disable it by calling hideOutput(). Have you tried running your code in a terminal outside of Spyder? Is the model even solved, so did you check whether there is a solution in the end?
To complete the other answer: if your PySCIPOpt model has been created by third-party code, it is possible the output has been turned off upstream.
You can still call model.hideOutput(False) -- see the documentation of hideOutput().

Is there any good tutoria or reference for writing code with Magma?

Currently I am trying to use Magma to do matrix operation on GPU, however, I found few documents about it. The only thing I can refer to is its testing program and the online generated document(here), which is not convenient to use. And the user guide seems outdated.
If you look here, getri and potri are supported.

Print complete control flow through gdb including values of variables

The idea is that given a specific input to the program, somehow I want to automatically step-in through the complete program and dump its control flow along with all the data being used like classes and their variables. Is their a straightforward way to do this? Or can this be done by some scripting over gdb or does it require modification in gdb?
Ok the reason for this question is because of an idea regarding a debugging tool. What it does is this. Given two different inputs to a program, one causing an incorrect output and the other a correct one, it will tell what part of the control flow differ for them.
So What I think will be needed is a complete dump of these 2 control flows going into a diff engine. And if the two inputs are following similar control flows then their diff would (in many cases) give a good idea about why the bug exist.
This can be made into a very engaging tool with many features build on top of this.
Tell us a little more about the environment. dtrace, for example, will do a marvelous job of this in Solaris or Leopard. gprof is another possibility.
A bumpo version of this could be done with yes(1), or expect(1).
If you want to get fancy, GDB can be scripted with Python in some versions.
What you are describing sounds a bit like gdb's "tracepoint debugging".
See gdb's internal help "help tracepoint". You can also see a whitepaper
Unfortunately, this functionality is not currently implemented for
native debugging, but I believe that CodeSourcery is doing some work
on it.
Check this out, unlike Coverity, Fenris is free and widly used..
How to print the next N executed lines automatically in GDB?