Jenkins plugin Klocwork : Error occurred during build: Authentication failed - authentication

I'm running Klocwork analysis with Jenkins on a windows server 2019.
Jenkins : 2.235.1
Klocwork Analysis Plug-in : 2020.3.
when the job is executing klockwork command (kwbuildproject, kwdeploy), there is authentication error :
Authentication failed. Please run the "C:\Klocwork\Server 18.2\bin\kwauth.exe --url https://<my-URL>/" command to login.
Of course, I ran kwauth.exe, and the klockwork commands run fine from command line on server.
The problem is that when run by the plugin, the authentication fails (or no credential provided - it's not visible in log)
I tried to use explicit ltoken configuration, and it's detected by the plugin
Detected ltoken file. Setting KLOCWORK_LTOKEN to "C:\Users\<my-USER>\.klocwork\ltoken"
But still, same authentication error.
On an older Jenkins (Plugin Klocwork Analysis 1.18), the authentication works using same ltoken file.
Do I miss something in the configuration of Klocwork plugin ?

Are you running the Klocwork analysis from the command line as X user and trying to run the Jenkins Job as Y user? if yes, you should authenticate the Y user as well through kwauth. Y user should have access to perform Klocwork analysis (Roles).
Please Make sure the ltoken file can be accessed by Jenkins.


Unable to run testcafe tests on CI/CD gitlab but works fine locally on the runner

I am seeing an issue running testcafe tests on the gitlab runner. The tests runs fine locally on the gitlab runner, but when run off the CI/CD pipeline it fails. Below is my .yaml code -
stage: test
<<: *global_cache
policy: pull
#needs: ['yarn-install']
- win32
- yarn install
- yarn run test:e2e
Below is the error I see -
$ yarn run test:e2e
Running tests in:
Chrome 99.0.4844.82 / Windows 10
Audio Configuration Combination
× Inbuilt_Mic_Recording_1Ch_48 khz_16 bit_64 kbps_opus_webm
A JavaScript error occurred on
Repeat test actions in the browser and check the console for errors.
To ignore client-side JavaScript errors, enable the
"--skip-js-errors" CLI option, or set the "skipJsErrors"
configuration file property to "true".
If the website only throws this error when you test it with
TestCafe, please create a new issue at:
JavaScript error details:
NotFoundError: Requested device not found
No stack trace available
Am I missing something here?
According to the "Requested device not found" error message, this issue is related to your application implementation:
DOMException: Requested device not found GetUserMedia.
Requested device not found - Unable to access Camera and Microphone
I can assume that it tries to access some device on a virtual machine but fails due to the fact that this device does not exist. In my opinion, the best way to resolve this issue is to manually handle this error in your application.
If my assumptions are wrong, please create a new GitHub issue using this template and share a minimal working example illustrating the issue.

Sonar Buildbreaker Skip Failing the Build

I am using Jenkins job to build .Net project. I have added sonar analysis.
D:\Temp\tools\Scanner_MSBuild-2.2\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe begin /k:myproj /n:myproj-full /v:1.0.0 /s:D:\Temp\SonarQube.Analysis.xml
I have updated "SonarQube.Analysis.xml" with required sonar url and login credentials. But it fails with following error:
Pre-processing started.
Preparing working directories...
SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild 2.2
09:07:00.437 Updating build integration targets...
09:07:00.451 Fetching analysis configuration settings...
09:07:01.239 Could not find a file on the SonarQube server. URL: https:///api/qualityprofiles/search?defaults=true
09:07:01.239 Pre-processing failed. Exit code: 1
I tried following:
D:\Temp\tools\Scanner_MSBuild-2.2\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe begin /k:myproj /n:myproj-full /v:1.0.0 /s:D:\Temp\SonarQube.Analysis.xml -Dsonar.buildbreaker.skip=true
But it threw error that -Dsonar.buildbreaker.skip=true is not recognised command. By default buildbreaker is set to false and I am not able to make it true via commandline. SonarQube version I am using is below 5.2.
How do I fix this?
Thank you
If you're using the 'Begin Analysis' and 'End Analysis' build steps, then configuring your server URL in SonarQube.Analysis.xml won't get you far (as you've learned).
Instead, you need to configure the location of your server at the global level as described in the docs. Briefly:
Manage Jenkins > Configure System > SonarQube configuration
Add SonarQube
fill in your server info.
Then double check that that server instance is selected in your build steps (if you have only one server configured, build steps will default to it). And analyze.

Unable to run a test from MTM - Config issue

I have set up a Test Controller and Test Agent running in separate machines and they are able to communicate with each other.
When I try to run the test from MTM (Selenium Tests), the test failed with the below error message
(QTController.exe, PID 1104, Thread 15) Could not use lab service account to access the build directory.
Failure: Network path does not exist or is not accesible using following user:
using MYDEV\timothy.alex. Error Code: 67
(QTController.exe, PID 1104, Thread 15) TcmRunner: Error starting the test run: The build directory of the test run either does not exist or access permission is required..
This clearly mentions that the error is because of access issue. But when I try downloading the build from the url mentioned in the error log using the same credentials mentioned in the ERROR log, I am able to download the drop zip file.
Is there any thing I am missing in the set up. Any help would be really really great.
It looks like you're using the new task-based build system. You can't run automated tests from a task-based build from MTM at present -- you have to use the older XAML build system for that.

jenkins error FATAL: Unable to find build script at C:\selenium tests for moveon\moveon4tests1\build.xml

I am using Jenkins and Ant to run my selenium tests. It works fine when I run them on my local machine.
Now I have a Jenkins server which is on a different location and I have to run my tests on that server.
when I tried to run the tests on that server Its is failing because it couldn't find the build.xml file. can you please let me know how can I change the home directory path?
Started by user :**********
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/moveon4 java tests/workspace
FATAL: Unable to find build script at C:\selenium tests for move\movetests1\build.xml
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
Are you using "Invoke Ant" in your Jenkins job configuration for the build step that executes your Ant build ? If so, the build file location is hidden away in the Advanced section - it's an annoying quirk of Jenkins.

Jenkins stops at Launching Internet Explorer

we are using Jenkins as CI in our project. We were running the CI from the command line using the following command
java -jar C:\\jenkins\\jenkins.war --httpPort=8085 --ajp13Port=8009
As the system needs to restart frequently, we change CI to start as a windows service.
Now we are facing the issues for Selenium test cases. Selenium test cases are not running after we make Jenkins as service. We are getting the following log and no more progress from that point
18:36:30,718 INFO [org.openqa.selenium.server.SeleniumDriverResourceHandler] Command request: getNewBrowserSession[*iexploreproxy,, ] on session null
18:36:30,718 INFO [org.openqa.selenium.server.BrowserSessionFactory] creating new remote session
18:36:30,796 INFO [org.openqa.selenium.server.BrowserSessionFactory] Allocated session 80b95d0273ac4ea4a82860c79438f071 for, launching...
18:36:30,796 INFO [org.openqa.selenium.server.browserlaunchers.WindowsProxyManager] Modifying registry settings...
18:36:31,781 INFO [org.openqa.selenium.server.browserlaunchers.InternetExplorerCustomProxyLauncher] Launching Internet Explorer...
Per hudson wiki, you should be running Hudson (or jenkins) as tasks rather than service for GUI testing. Check here. Look at the section GUI Testing in Windows
Following changes will resolve the problem
Update the selenium version.
Use *iexploreproxy or *piiexplore for IE instead of *iehta/*iexplore