Рow to get multiple values at the same timeusing xPath - selenium

I have a list of prices that I need to get. They are all not in li.They are in div.And I have this situation:
<div class="col search_price discounted responsive_secondrow">
<span style="color: #888888;"><strike>30 758₴</strike></span><br>
26 973₴
<div class="col search_price_discount_combined responsive_secondrow" data-price-final="644900">
<div class="col search_price responsive_secondrow">
6 449₴
I need to write such xPath what I could get at the same time 26 973₴ and 6 449₴
How can I do that?

To select the first non-empty text() node of an element, you can use this XPath expression:
This expression relates to the context node of your example.
But, of course, to get all results, you have to iterate over all result nodes.
To make the expression a little bit more distinctive, you could use


How to write Xpath for next Div using Sibling

I want to read the Tax Price using the sibling concept, so I have I've written below XPath, but it's not working
My code:
//div[#class='grid_3 d-grid_10']//label[contains(text(), 'Tax')]/following-sibling::div
<div class="grid_3 d-grid_10">
<label class="m-confirmation-modal-print-detail-capgrey"> Tax:</label>
<div class="grid_1 d-grid_2">
<label class="m-confirmation-modal-print-price text-align-right"> $10.50</label>
To read the Tax Price i.e. $10.50 using text Tax within the ancestor node, you need to locate the <label> node with text as Tax: first. Then with respect to this node you need to locate the following <div> node which have a decedent node containing the required text i.e. $10.50 and to achieve that you can use the following solution:
//label[#class='m-confirmation-modal-print-detail-capgrey' and contains(.,'Tax')]//following::div[1]/label
The second <div> is a sibling of the first one, not of the child <label>. You need to go back to the parent <div> first using .. or parent::div
//div[#class='grid_3 d-grid_10']//label[contains(text(), 'Tax')]/parent::div/following-sibling::div
As suggested in the comments you can simplify it by starting the xpath with the "Tax" <label>
//label[contains(text(), 'Tax')]/parent::div[#class='grid_3 d-grid_10']/following-sibling::div
You can use this :
//label[contains(text(), 'Tax')]/../following-sibling::div

Proper ARIA metatags for responsive table

Im making responsive table and I want it be fully accessible for every people. But in this case i'm not sure where i should use rowheader and where to use columheader.
Here is my code (ofcourse it is just example, there is not actual data):
<div role="grid">
<div class="row" role="row">
<div class="hidden-xs col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-3 " role="columnheader">
<img class="img-responsive" style="width:200px;" src="http://blogmedia.whoishostingthis.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/free-hosting.jpg" alt="Vendor 1">
<div class="hidden-xs col-sm-offset-1 col-sm-3 " role="columnheader">
<img class="img-responsive" style="width:200px;" src="http://jennmoney.biz/assets/free.gif" alt="Vendor 2">
<hr class="line">
<div class="raty-table" role="row">
<span class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4" role="rowheader">
Title 1
<span class="visible-xs-block col-xs-4" role="rowheader">
Vendor 1
<span class="col-xs-8 col-sm-4" role="gridcell">
<span class="visible-xs-block col-xs-4" role="rowheader">
Vendor 2
<span class="col-xs-8 col-sm-4" role="gridcell">
Here is a fiddle:
For vendors should I use rowheader or columnheader? And how I should tag "How long can I sing?" Once it is rowheader and on different screen size it can be columnheader.
I see, it is hard to undestand what I mean, so I made two mocks, but thanks to StackOverflow I can't post it, becouse I have to low reputation...
I must post it as a link: http://postimg.org/gallery/j2elhzmc/ - first picture shows how it looks on desktop, second how it looks at smartphone (if you have the same order as me).
Your grid must be defined as non editable
A grid is considered editable unless otherwise specified. To make a grid read-only, set the aria-readonly attribute of the grid to true.
You should explicitly indicate relationships
If relevant headers cannot be determined from the DOM structure, authors SHOULD explicitly indicate which header cells are relevant to the cell by referencing elements with role rowheader or columnheader using the aria-describedby attribute.
Note that you might reference a "display:none" element in the aria-describedby attribute. I will say that the more semantic choice will then be to set aria-hidden attribute on your rowheader elements.
Set aria-readonly=true on the grid
Set aria-describedby attribute on your "gridcell" cells referencing each one of your "not always visible" columnheader
Remove role="rowheader" and set aria-hidden="true"
Sorry if I'm missing something obvious but columnheader should be used at the top of each column. (You could have a columnheader in the middle of the table, but that's not typical, although I could see it used as a repeating header if it split across pages.)
A rowheader is usually the first cell in the table for that row. You can have multiple rowheaders but it's not common unless you're showing a multi-dimensional table (eg, a sales report that has a year header for all rows, then quarter headers for every three months, then month headers).
You start getting unreliable results (from screen readers) if you have row headers spread across several non-contiguous cells.
I'm assuming you don't want to use <table> and <th scope='row|col'>

Xpath Selenium trouble

Can anyone help me? i tried using Firepath for a correct Xpath however the code it gives me is incorrect in my eyes. First line in the examples, is the provided one.
<div id="content" class="article">
<div class="summary">
// this should be the correct xpath i think
Here i want check if the text in between is greater or equal to 1
and the other is:
<div id="content" class="article">
<div class="summary">
<div class="form fancy">
<div class="common results">
Here i want to check if the div class common results has been made, 1 item equals 1 common results
For retrieving span text you can use this
String spanText=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#id='content']/div/div/div/h2/span")).getText();
From the second question I am not so much clear.You can get class name like this, Please explain me if its not your solution
String className=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='content']/div/div/div/div/div")).getAttribute("class");
I would suggest you making usage of:
Note: the html code you shared was not well formed. I would suggest you to test in advance the code and the xpath with http://www.xpathtester.com/xpath (to fix the code) and http://codebeautify.org/Xpath-Tester (to test your xpath)

Multiple "container" class on a single page

In Bootstrap3, we can further divide a column into multiple columns by inserting a row. e.g
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6></div>
<div class="col-md-6></div>
<div class="col-md-6"> </div>
My question is, do we need to have the nested row to be wrapped in a container class, becuase documentation says, container contains the rows. I also want to know whether having more than one container class on a page is fine and syntactically correct? If yes, what will be the difference in above example if I include the nested row in a container.
do we need to have the nested row to be wrapped in a container class
also want to know whether having more than one container class on a page is fine and syntactically correct?
Yes, although you cannot nest containers.
If yes, what will be the difference in above example if I include the nested row in a container.
That would involve nesting containers, which as I said above is invalid.
Sidenote: Bootlint can point out most container-related usage errors.

Retrieve 5th item's price value using selenium webdriver

Say I have multiple price quotes from multiple retailers, how will I retrieve the 5th value from a particular retailer - say Target or Walmart ? I can get to the 5th entry using the matching image logo bit how do I retrieve the value ?
Adding Html Code to make things more clear .I need to retrieve the ratePrice value (198)
<div id="rate-297" class="rateResult standardResult" vendor="15">
<div class="rateDetails">
<h4>Standard Goods
<img src="http://walmart.com/walmart/ZEUSSTAR999.jpg">
<span class="vendorPart-380">
<img alt="Walmart" src="/cb2048547924/icons/15.gif">
<div class="ratePrice">
<a class="button-select" href="https://www.walmart.com/us/order/95134/2013-05-14-10-00/95134/2013-05-17-10-00/297"> </a>
If you could provide some HTML it would help. Speaking generally from what you're asking you'd get a locator to the price div or whatever HTML element and then get its text using something like:
The trick is understanding the HTML in order to target the 5th element. So if you can find the row that has the 5th entry then it's simply a matter or then finding the price div in that row and getting the text of it.
EDIT based on more info provided by OP in comments
Using the HTML you provided (which isn't well formed by the way, missing closing strong tag, a tag, etc.). I'd say do the following: