Bigcommerce if condition check for the URL is not working - bigcommerce

Can you suggest what is wrong with my code below?
{{#if url '===' (first (split (last (split head.meta_tags "href='")) "'")) }}
I need to add a condition in the header navigation if the URL under consideration is equaled to the current page URL.
But I'm always getting false values for my condition.
Thank you in advance.

url is not a global object, which indicates to me you are inside some sort of non-global context (perhaps an each loop). You would need to go back up to the global context with a "../" (or several, depending on how deep you are). So, your code would look like this: {{#if url '===' (first (split (last (split head.meta_tags "href='")) "'")) }} activePage {{/if}}
However, you may run into issues splitting the meta tags like that. I would recommend using breadcrumbs instead. {{#contains ../breadcrumbs.1.url url}} activePage{{/contains}}.
Lastly, if you are inside a component here, you might not ever be able to get to the global context with "../" alone. You could try using the #root flag instead. {{#contains #root.breadcrumbs.1.url url}} activePage{{/contains}}.
If this still doesn't work, you will want to pass the breadcrumbs object to the component, but in order to give you code to use here, I would need to see further up the flow. Essentially, it would look like this: {{> components/menu/menu-item breadcrumbs=../breadcrumbs}}


Looking for child elements in a TagHelper

I am writing a custom TagHelper that should change its behavior based on what child elements its owner tag has. This will be used for substituting custom html elements in a localized string.
Here's a simple example of what I'm trying to do:
<h2 locale-key="Hello, %1!">
<span class="bold" locale-parameter="1">#userName</span>
In the example above, the TagHelper for LocaleKey will change the content of the <h2> tag to a localized string. If this is a simple string with no parameters, then I can just simply use output.Content.SetHtmlContent() in the TagHelper to set the h2's content to the string. However in this case, the localized string has a parameter (%1), and I want the corresponding child element (<span parameter="1">) to be substituted in the final output. So the final rendered html would look like this:
<h2>Hello, <span class="bold">Lázár Zsolt</span>!<h2/>
To achieve this, I should be able to see all the child elements in the DOM from the LocaleKey TagHelper, so I can generate the correct HTML code. In the TagHelper's ProcessAsync method I can access the TagHelperContext and the TagHelperOutput, but I couldn't find any information about child elements in either of these objects while debugging. Is this possible somehow?
Another approach is to leave the string as is, with the %1 parameter key, and then use the child ParameterTagHelper to substitute itself into the parameterized string. To do this, I'd have to see the siblings of the current tag from the TagHelper.
Recursion would also be fun (e.g. the <span> is also localized and has its own parameters), but for the scope of this question, I'd be happy if I could get this to work without recursion.
I posted too soon again... There is a GetChildContentAsync() method in TagHelperOutput that will... get the child content asynchronously.

How to interpolate nuxt-link's `to` prop?

I've been searching this for a while but can't seem to get it right. I have a basic Nuxt project with the following directory structure (ignore the fun.vue) :
The idea is to be able to navigate to a single post with paths like http://localhost:3000/posts/1
This works, if I manually go to .../posts/1 I get my page defined in _id.vue.
The problem is that, in my index page, I cannot get <NuxtLink> to go to single post pages. I have a basic v-for looping over my fetched posts array, like so:
<div v-for="post in posts" :key="">
{{ post.title }}
<NuxtLink to="`posts/${}`">Link to post</NuxtLink>
I would expect, upon clicking on the 2nd post's link for example, to navigate to posts/2, but instead I get /%60posts/$ Why isn't the template string converted normally? I've also tried using a computed value with no success, and the Nuxt Routing docs haven't been of much help.
Highly appreciate any help regarding this.
You forgot the semicolon:
or even better
:to="{ name: 'post-id' }" // post-id or basically the name you gave to your component
As shown here:
You can use something like this
the ":" in front of it will make it dynamic and you can use template literals
in between those double quotes
<NuxtLink :to="`posts/${}`">Link to post</NuxtLink>
I tried your code in my development environment. You also may forgot to add "/" in front of "posts":
<NuxtLink :to="`/posts/${}`">Link to post</NuxtLink>
If you put your code without "/" in a Nuxt "layout", it adds "posts" iteratively to your "URL" and makes the destination wrong:
This happens when you click on post 1 and after to post 2.

A question about Vue.js source code in function _createElement()

In _createElement, I want to ask whether is same to the v-bind:is?
Why tag =
Thanks for every respondent!
As the comment in the code suggests, that line is specifically to handle the case where is is included inside an object v-bind. e.g.:
<component v-bind="{ is: 'button' }">Button</component>
You can see this for yourself by setting a breakpoint in your browser on that line. I'm using Webpack and Chrome and the relevant file appears under webpack:///./node_modules/vue/dist/vue.esm.js in the Sources tab. Quick search for _createElement and click in the margin to set a breakpoint.
In the example above the is value is intended to be used as the tag, whereas component is just a dummy tag that can be discarded.
The syntax above is equivalent to:
<component is="button">Button</component>
However, neither of these two examples will go into the relevant if section. In these other two cases the tag is already resolved correctly prior to this point.

Aurelia not outputting attribute with string interpolation in repeat

Is there any reason why a repeat.for binding would remove attributes from elements inside the repeater?
<div repeat.for="i of model.someArray.length">
<label>Some Array - Index ${i + 1}</label>
<input value.bind="model.someArray[i]" some-custom-attribute="someArray[${i}]"/>
and that some-custom-attribute is not being output within the repeat, but if I were to remove the string interpolation within there then it outputs fine.
== Edit ==
I have put it in a comment but just to make sure everyone is on the same page, ideally this is the output I expect:
<input value.bind="model.someArray[i]" some-custom-attribute="someArray[0]"/>
The some-custom-attribute is not an aurelia attribute, its pure HTML that a 3rd party JS library uses, so the goal here is to get the textual value of the index into the textual attribute value.
model.someArray.length is a number, not an array. You need to iterate over the array. If you do need the current index, the repeater provides the $index property for you to use.
Your code should look like this:
<div repeat.for="item of model.someArray">
<label>Some Array - Index ${$index + 1}</label>
<input value.bind="item" some-custom-attribute.bind="item"/>
To answer your original question, doing some-custom-attribute="model.someArray[${i}]" makes Aurelia think you are trying to pass a string value to the custom attribute. You can see that in the following gist: I've created a custom element that just pushes whatever value it is given in to an element on the page. Note!!! Don't ever do what I'm doing here! I just did this this way so you wouldn't have to open the js console. To actually get a value passed in, you would need to use some-custom-attribute.bind="item" or (to do things how you are doing things, some-custom-attribute.bind="someArray[i]"

Adding Custom Product Detail Fields in BigCommerce Stencil?

We want to add custom fields that can be modified on the back end, yet also populate on the front end using custom fields. We have tried following, yet the fields didn't populate on the front end. See below for examples of the code and corresponding output:
Example Code
How can we get these fields to properly populate on the front end?
I would start by reading the BigCommerce Stencil Documentation. The way you are calling the custom field values is not how they suggest calling these values.
The custom_fields are only accessible on the product detail page at this time in Stencil.
To display them on the product detail page, you can loop through each custom_field value with the following code.
{{#each product.custom_fields}}
<dt class="productView-info-name">{{name}}:</dt>
<dd class="productView-info-value">{{{value}}}</dd>
You can check to see what values are available on each page by either reading the Stencil docs linked above, or debugging your page by removing the closing '/' and adding '?debug=bar' to the end of your localhost URL. Refresh your page and you will see all available store data in JSON format below the rendered page.
For more control over which custom field you output where you can create a reusable loop.
i.e. Create templates/components/products/custom-fields.html
{{#each product.custom_fields}}
{{#if name '===' ../custom_field}}
Then from your product_view.html you can specify the field value to output with a single line:
{{> components/products/custom-field custom_fields='custom field name'}}