Remove Redis key deletion behavior on expiration - redis

I'm using Redis Key Space Notification to get my application notified when a specified key gets expired.
But when the key gets expired, Redis deletes the key, i need to remove this behavior because my application can use this expired information in another moment.
Is there a way to remove this behavior?

As #sazzad and #nitrin0 said, there's no way to change that.
As another option to get a similar result, I'd suggest you use a sorted set to track these "psuedo-expirations", and when they "expire", a background process does whatever else you need the key for: move it, transform it, reset the expiration, etc.
Use the command zadd to both create a new sorted set and to add members to it. The key for the set can be anything, but I'd use the members as the keys from the data that expires so you can easily work with both the real data, and the member in the sorted set.
ZADD name-of-sorted-set NX timestamp-when-data-expires key-of-real-data
Let's break this down:
name-of-sorted-set is what you'd use in the other Z* commands to work with this specific sorted set.
NX means "Only add new elements. Don't update already existing elements.". The other option is XX which is "Only update elements that already exist. Don't add new elements." For this, the only options are NX or nothing.
timestamp-when-data-expires is the score for this member, and we'll use it as the exact timestamp when the data would otherwise "expire", so you'll have to do some calculations in your application to provide the timestamp instead of just the seconds until it expires.
key-of-real-data is the exact key used for the real data this represents. Using the exact key here will help easily combine the two when you're working with this sorted set to find which members have "expired", since the members are the keys you'd use to move, delete, transform, the data.
Next I'd have a background process run zrangebyscore to see if there are any members whose scores (timestamps) are within some range:
ZRANGEBYSCORE name-of-sorted-set min-timestamp max-timestamp WITHSCORES LIMIT 0 10
Let's break this down too:
name-of-sorted-set is the key for the set we chose in ZADD above
min-timestamp is the lower end of the range to find members that have "expired"
max-timestamp is the higher end of the range
WITHSCORES tells Redis to return the name of the members AND their scores
LIMIT allows us to set an offset (the 0) and a count of items to return (the 10). This is just an example, but for very large data sets you'll likely have to make use of both the offset and count limits.
ZRANGEBYSCORE will return something like this if using redis-cli:
1) "first-member"
2) "1631648102"
3) "second-member"
4) "1631649154"
5) "third-member"
6) "1631650374"
7) "fourth-member"
8) "1631659171"
9) "fifth-member"
10) "1631659244"
Some Redis clients will change that, so you'll have to test it in your application. In redis-cli the member-score pair is returned over two lines.
Now that you have the members (keys of the actual data) that have "expired" you can do whatever it is you need to do with them, then probably either remove them from the set entirely, or remove them and replace them. Since in this example we created the sorted set with the NX example, we can't update existing records, only insert new ones.



I'm working with redis and am incrementing a key by 1, however I want to keep the associated TTL with that key when I increment it, unless it doesn't have a TTL, in which case I want to set it to 1.
I've read that there's a KEEPTTL property on the SET command, and that operations such as SET that change a value will set the TTL to either persist if one is not defined in the SET command, or to whatever it is set too. And hence I assumed that INCR does the same.

Are there alternatives to Redis when buffering is undesired and unacceptable?

I want to stream real-time sensor data(webcam, laser point cloud, etc.) from one robot to multiple observers.
In this use case, only the newest data is useful. For example, when a new frame of point cloud arrives, the older ones will be useless.
Redis has nice publisher/consumer support, but it has buffers according to (Redis Pubsub and Message Queueing).
So are there better alternatives? Something like ROS's publishers/subscribers. They have a message queue size parameter.
* The subscribe() call is how you tell ROS that you want to receive messages
* on a given topic.
* The second parameter to the subscribe() function is the size of the message
* queue. If messages are arriving faster than they are being processed, this
* is the number of messages that will be buffered up before beginning to throw
* away the oldest ones.
ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("chatter", 1000, chatterCallback);
Maybe you can use redis list data structure for your purpose, like a queue. The list data structure in redis is made with linked list and adding a new item is O(1). Whenever your robot produces data it can put it in a list with LPUSH command, and when you want to get the latest item from the list use LRANGE "key-name" 0 0. This command will retrive the latest pushed item. Also if you want to not accumulate the data in queue, you may try to use LTRIM before LRANGE to maintain the latest records. For example LTRIM "key-name" 0 10 will keep the records of last 10 elements. This trim interval should be set according to your observer processing speeds. ref:

PDDL How to assign number for many predicates

I have tile based map, where agent needs to go from one tile to another, Some tiles have (occupied pos-X-Y) meaning that agent cant step on these tiles named pos-X-Y. This part works, but I need to make these tiles occupied only in certain turns. I tried to use action-cost and add a number to each (occupied pos-X-Y) like this: (occupied pos-X-Y Z) planning to compare the Z number with the current action-cost. But I couldnt even assign the number to the occupied tile.
How do I assign a number to these occupied tiles and how do I compare it with the action-cost?
Have you tried functions Numeric Fluents ?
Your move action can increase a "turn" function.
A (forbidden_turn ?t - tile) function can be affected with an integer value, then you can use it in a precondition. But this requires your planner to support negative preconditions.
Otherwise, you can use a allowed turn function.
I figured it out (with help). Instead of using numbers I created many objects, I will call them turns, then I set that, turn 2 is always after turn 1, turn 3 is always after turn 2 etc. and I added these turns as the letter z in "(occupied pos-X-Y Z)". And when actor moved I just changed his turn to the next number based on the rule I created earlier.

Why is Redis Streams minimum message ID '0-1'?

The timestamp minimum is 0, and the sequence part starts at 0. Why is Redis Streams minimum message ID '0-1' and not '0-0'?
Is '0-0' used internally? Is this why you can have 'empty' streams?
It appears to be a bug - there is an open pull request to fix it at
This makes perfect sense. If id 0-0 was allowed, there'd be no way to start fetching stream from the very beginning if using an explicit index (as opposed to -). Sometimes it is convenient to use an explicit index and not -.
In other words, it would be confusing and undesirable if simply passing 0 would result in skipping first element.

Is there good way to support pop members from the Redis Sorted Set?

Is there good way to support pop members from the Redis Sorted Set just like the api LPOP of the List ?
What I figured out for poping message from the Redis Sorted Set is using ZRANGE +ZREM , however it is not thread security and need the distributed lock when multi threads accessing them at the same time from the different host.
Please kind suggesting if there is better way to pop the members from the Sorted Set?
In Redis 5.0 or above, you can use [B]ZPOP{MIN|MAX} key [count] for this scenario.
The MIN version takes the item(s) with the lowest scores; MAX takes the item(s) with the highest scores. count defaults to 1, and the B prefix blocks until the data is available.
You can write a Lua script to do the job: wrap these two commands in a single Lua script. Redis ensures that the Lua script runs in an atomic way.
local key = KEYS[1]
local result ='ZRANGE', key, 0, 0)
local member = result[1]
if member then'ZREM', key, member)
return member
return nil