Using cmake to sign target - cmake

I was wondering if there's any specific command that performs codesign for application bundle or even a single executable file in macOS. The only way I've found out so far is
using the generic add_custom_command but perhaps there's an ad-hoc directive in cmake for this purpose which is also cross-platform (which means that in windows it will call signtool and in macOS/iPhone it will call codesign)

CMake (CPack) does not have any unified or cross-platform support for signing anything.
However, since CMake 3.19 there is the CPACK_POST_BUILD_SCRIPTS variable that can be used to perform any actions right after CPack finished building a package. For example, one can provide a CMake script to sign the package using whatever tool. It just makes unnecessary any special custom targets for package signing.


Is it possible to generate a Kotlin .def file from a CMake library?

I have an existing CMake project which is used to build a native library (supporting a few Linux platforms as well as Windows). This library will soon be integrated into a Kotlin app, for which I need to create a .def file, as stated here
Conceptually, I could create this using FILE and other native CMake tools, but if there's a "proper" way to do this, I'd prefer to use that!
Is that file something you have to write yourself? I can't tell just from reading the docs, but that's the impression I'm getting. If each .def corresponds to a CMake target, you could create a build event custom command by using the build events signature of add_custom_command to run the cinterop command.
If you want to script the process of writing the .def file so it's more automatically-robust to you renaming things in the future,
As for putting things like target compile options in a file, you could use the $<TARGET_GENEX_EVAL:> and $<TARGET_PROPERTY:> generator expressions and the COMPILE_OPTIONS target property and the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS (and similar) variables in a file(GENERATE) command call.
Simliar for compile definitions (see the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS target property).
For a list of all properties supported on targets, see

specify a custom build tool in CMake

I have a simple CMakeLists.txt
add_executable(myexecutable test.cpp)
I don't intend to use CMake to actually indirectly be responsible for building the program. I intend to use it so I can use CLion and have a nice IDE experience for working on my c++ program.
If I hit build in CLion, or cmake --build on the commandline, I want it to invoke my real buildtool. How can I specify a buildtool to run instead of the normal build cmake/clion would do? I have only been able to find add_custom_command which can be run before/after the normal cmake/clion build.
You need some fake target to let CLion understand which files are there in the project. Then you can add add_custom_target with your own build commands. So if you avoid building fake target, but instead run custom targets via run configuration by name (after CMake reload CLion will automatically create run configurations for such targets), they will call build for you.

CMake build & link to library without installing to /usr/local or elsewhere

I'm trying to include an external library in a build environment that uses CMake. I'm not trying to install it on the local system (in fact I'd rather not do that, I don't want /usr/local clogged up with all kinds of libraries); I'd just like to have the resulting libxml2.a available for linking with my executable. I can build it fine with the following in CMakeLists.txt:
set (LIBXML_PATH ${MY_SOURCE_DIR}/libxml2-2.9.1)
add_custom_target (build_libxml ALL
COMMENT "Building libxml"
COMMAND ./configure --prefix=/tmp
But I'm still having trouble with the following:
1) Is this the right approach in the first place, for the general purpose of getting libraries built with configure and make into a CMake environment?
2) How do I get the resulting library (i.e. libxml2.a) under my build output directory?
3) How can I link to that library for my executable builds?
I tried a fiddly solution with
ADD_LIBRARY( xml2 STATIC libxml2.a )
but it seems like there must be a better way than hauling a whole library's contents into… a library.
You need to make it clearer to CMake what is going on here. All it can see now is that you have some custom command that it will run every time. Instead of using add_custom_target with COMMAND, I've found it better to use add_custom_command.
Something like this:
set (LIBXML_PATH ${MY_SOURCE_DIR}/libxml2-2.9.1)
OUTPUT libxml2.a
COMMENT "Building libxml"
COMMAND ./configure --prefix=/tmp
target_link_libraries(your-program libxml2.a)
By doing it this way, CMake can understand that your custom command's essential product is libxml2.a, and when CMake sees something depending on that, it will run the command (if the library doesn't exist already).

CMake Header Generator Updates

In CMake I currently have a simple Python script to generate a header, but if I update the script itself CMake won't re-run the script. Is there a way I can get CMake to do this?
It seems you are directly invoking your code generation script when cmake is run. While it is possible solution but it is definitely not a right way to use code generators with cmake.
I recommend you to use add_custom_command for your case:
OUTPUT generated.h
And next you can simple put your header to the list of source files passed to add_library/add_executable commands. cmake will automatically track all the dependencies and invoke your script.
Term DEPENDS informs cmake that it should regenerate header if script is changed.
With this approach file generated.h will be generated only at build time (when you run make or execute a build command in IDE). In contrast if you are running your script at cmake time (with execute_process command) then you have to rerun cmake to regenerate your file. Which is possible but you need to use some tricks to introduce a non-standard dependency.

Compile-time wildcards in cmake install targets

I'm new to cmake and I'm finding it very frustrating. I am trying to use wildcards in file paths that are evaluated when the build runs, not when the build is generated.
I have created a build that uses SWIG to generate Java wrappers for some C++ code. I can write the commands to generate the native code, compile it, and produce a working shared library, and even use the INSTALL command to install that shared library correctly. What I can't figure out how to do is to write an INSTALL command that can copy all *.java files generated by SWIG into that same install location.
It seems that cmake's FILE GLOB command does the globbing when cmake is executed, and not when the build actually runs. Of course, when cmake is executed, SWIG hasn't run yet, and the Java files don't exist.
Is there a way to do what I want? Am I going about things wrong? It seems like this is such a fundamental part of what Makefiles need to do, I'm really surprised not to find an easy way to do it.
Assuming that the Java wrappers are located in the current binary directory, you can use the following install command to copy the Java files upon install:
CODE "file( GLOB _GeneratedJavaSources \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/*.java\" )"
CODE "file( INSTALL \${_GeneratedJavaSources} DESTINATION \"$ENV{HOME}\" )"
The CODE form of the install command is used to execute two CMake commands upon running the install target. The first one collects all generated Java files in a helper variable. The second one uses the INSTALL form of the file command to copy the files.
you can use install(SCRIPT swigInstaller.cmake) or install(DIRECTORY) both of which supports doing file globing at install time. You can read more about the install command at: