show block toolbar programmatically gutenberg - block

I am creating a block with InnerBlocks component.
If no content added to the InnerBlocks (and even with content in fact) it is very difficult to popup the block toolbar
I would like to add an iconbutton on top corner that will show the block floating toolbar
How can I tell the .block-editor-block-contextual-toolbar to show?
I don't see any method of the .wp-block in the inspector that would do that and the documentation of Block Controls: Block Toolbar and Settings Sidebar is quite basic
Many thanks

You can use useSelect() to determine if there are any blocks present in the InnerBlocks component:
import { useSelect } from '#wordpress/data';
const hasInnerBlocks = useSelect((select) => (
select('core/block-editor').getBlock(clientId).innerBlocks.length > 0
), [clientId]);
Then you can use hasInnerBlocks to conditionally render whatever you'd like within the edit function:
{ !!hasInnerBlocks && (
<BlockControls group="block">
// Toolbar group settings here
) }

Try to use same code structure among the edit and save methods. The RIchText need to be waraped inside div.
className={ `sticky-note-${ props.attributes.alignment }` }
style={ {
fontSize: props.attributes.fontSize,backgroundColor: props.attributes.color,
} }
value={ props.attributes.content }/>

I created this example to illustrate your situation.
import { InnerBlocks, BlockControls } from '#wordpress/block-editor';
// ...
edit: () => {
const blockProps = {
// your own props
return (
<div { ...blockProps }>
// your controls
<InnerBlocks />
For the BlockControls to decide whether or not it should appear, it needs to get some context from its parent which your own props don't have.
Use the block props instead for the parent of BlockControls.
Import useBlockProps from #wordpress/block-editor:
import { InnerBlocks, BlockControls, useBlockProps } from '#wordpress/block-editor';
Pass your own props as an argument to useBlockProps():
const blockProps = useBlockProps({
// your own props
import { InnerBlocks, BlockControls, useBlockProps } from '#wordpress/block-editor';
// ...
edit: () => {
const blockProps = useBlockProps({
// your own props
return (
<div { ...blockProps }>
// your controls
<InnerBlocks />
I hope that helped.
My answer is based on Wordpress's official Block Editor Handbook:


Populte WYSIWYG editor after react native fetch

I am trying to incorporate this WYSIWYG package into my react native project (0.64.3). I built my project with a managed workflow via Expo (~44.0.0).
The problem I am noticing is that the editor will sometimes render with the text from my database and sometimes render without it.
Here is a snippet of the function that retrieves the information from firebase.
const [note, setNote] = useState("");
const getNote = () => {
const myDoc = doc(db,"/users/" + user.uid + "/Destinations/Trip-" + trip.tripID + '/itinerary/' + date);
.then(data => {
The above code and the editor component are nested within a large function
export default function ItineraryScreen({route}) {
// functions
return (
onChange={newText => {
placeholder={'What are you planning to do this day?'}
Here is what it should look like with the text rendered (screenshot of simulator):
But this is what I get most of the time (screenshot from physical device):
My assumption is that there is a very slight delay between when the data for the text editor is actually available vs. when the editor is being rendered. I believe my simulator renders correctly because it is able to process the getNote() function faster.
what I have tried is using a setTimeOut function to the display of the parent View but it does not address the issue.
What do you recommend?
I believe I have solved the issue. I needed to parse the response better before assigning a value to note and only show the editor and toolbar once a value was established.
Before firebase gets queried, I assigned a null value to note
const [note, setNote] = useState(null);
Below, I will always assign value to note regardless of the outcome.
if( !== undefined){
} else {
The last step was to only show the editor once note no longer had a null value.
note !== null &&
style={{backgroundColor:"white", width:"114%", flex:1, position:"absolute", left:0, zIndex:4, bottom: (toolbarVisible) ? keyboardHeight * 1.11 : 0 , marginBottom:-40, display: toolbarVisible ? "flex" : "none"}}
actions={[ actions.undo, actions.setBold, actions.setItalic, actions.setUnderline,actions.insertLink, actions.insertBulletsList, actions.insertOrderedList, actions.keyboard ]}
iconMap={{ [actions.heading1]: ({tintColor}) => (<Text style={[{color: tintColor}]}>H1</Text>), }}
onChange={ descriptionText => { setNote(descriptionText) }}
placeholder={'What are you planning to do?'}
It is working properly.

How can I remove the radio icon from a ToggleButton in a ToggleButtonGroup?

I am trying to create a button group where a user can choose between multiple options. react-bootstrap 2.0.0-rc.0 provides the combination ToggleButtonGroup + ToggleButton for this purpose. Unfortunately, a radio icon appears next to the button. I want to get rid of it. Below, you can find a minimal example to reproduce the radio icon.
import * as React from "react";
import {
} from "react-bootstrap";
interface OwnState {
val: boolean;
export default class SomeToggleOptions extends React.Component<OwnProps, OwnState> {
constructor(p: Readonly<OwnProps>) {
this.state = { val: true }
setVal = (newVal: number) => {
val: newVal == 1
render() {
return (
<div className="p-1 text-right">
<span className="p-1">Auto Refresh:</span>
value={this.state.val ? 1 : 0}
{, idx) => {
return (
this.state.val === radio.value ? "dark" : "outline-dark"
NOTE: I already found React-Bootstrap Toggle Button is Failing to Hide the Radio Button Circle and this is NOT working for me.
The icon seems to disappear when I use the normal ButtonGroup + Button instead. But this is not primarily an option as you don't have the radio-like "exclusive" behavior there.
I reverted to the earlier react-bootstrap version 1.6.4. This is probably not fixable (without any hacky moves, css-overwriting, or similar) and induced by react-bootstrap 2.0.0 being only a release candidate so far.
In the earlier react-bootstrap version, my code snippet worked flawless.
This appears to be a temporary issue when upgrading react-bootstrap, see my answer here on duplicate question:
Also here is the closed issue on github:

Unable to set focus to a textarea, when the page loads

I am trying to set the focus on a syncfusion textarea but I am unable to do so. I have used the this.$nextTick when the component mounts as defined here but the system still does not focus on the textarea.
I have added the same "focus to textarea" code in the created event because somehow the created event is triggered after the mounted event.
I have re-created the issue here.
I also see that this.$refs.vocabularies.$el returns input#vocabularies.e-control.e-textbox.e-lib.
What am I doing wrong?
<ejs-textbox cssClass="height:500px;" id='vocabularies' :multiline="true" placeholder="Enter your vocabularies" floatLabelType="Auto" :input= "inputHandler" v-model="vocabularies" ref="vocabularies"/>
import '#syncfusion/ej2-base/styles/material.css';
import '#syncfusion/ej2-vue-inputs/styles/material.css';
export default
data() {
return {
vocabularies: '',
inputHandler: (args) =>
{ = "auto"; = (args.event.currentTarget.scrollHeight)+"px";
this.$refs.vocabularies.$ = "auto";
this.$refs.vocabularies.$ = (this.$refs.vocabularies.$el.scrollHeight)+"px";
console.log(`mounted run`);
async created()
this.$refs.vocabularies.$ = "auto";
this.$refs.vocabularies.$ = (this.$refs.vocabularies.$el.scrollHeight)+"px";
console.log(`created run`);
So, here's how I've solved it. I am not so sure regarding how good of an approach this is as I haven't worked with syncfusion, so can't say if there might be a better way.
<ejs-textbox cssClass="test" id='vocabularies' :multiline="true" placeholder="Enter your vocabularies" floatLabelType="Auto" :input= "inputHandler" v-model="vocabularies" ref="vocabularies"/>
Then in mounted I did
mounted() {
let a = document.getElementsByClassName('test')[0];
I was able to fix the issue by using this.$refs.vocabularies.focusIn(); in the mounted() method, based on the documentation here
You can focus the text area by using the focusIn public method of the TextBox component in the created event. Kindly refer the below code,
<ejs-textbox cssClass="height:500px;" id='vocabularies' :multiline="true" placeholder="Enter your vocabularies" floatLabelType="Auto" :input= "inputHandler" v-model="vocabularies" ref="vocabularies" :created='onCreated' />
Please find the sample from the below link,
Sample Link:

React DnD change div style only when dragging

I am implementing the drag and drop mechanic using react-dnd library, but I find it hard to style my drop targets. I want to show the user which drop target is available to drop on, but using the isOver and canDrop will only style the item that is currently being hovered on.
If I use the !isOver value, all the divs are being styled, without even dragging any of the elements.
How can I style the drop targets only when the dragging of an element happens?
This is my code so far, for a #DropTarget:
import React from 'react';
import {DropTarget} from 'react-dnd';
import {ItemTypes} from './Constants';
const target = {
drop(props, monitor, component){
// console.log("Dropped on",;
canDrop(props, monitor, component){
var cardColumn = monitor.getItem().column;
var targetColumn = props.column;
return false; // still testing styling when only an element is being dragged on the page
#DropTarget(ItemTypes.CARD, target, (connect, monitor) => ({
connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(),
isOver: monitor.isOver({shallow: true}),
canDrop: monitor.canDrop(),
class CardList extends React.Component{
this.addClass = this.addClass.bind(this);
const {isOver, canDrop} = this.props;
if(isOver && canDrop){
return "willDrop"; // green background for .card-list
if(isOver && !canDrop){
return "noDrop"; // red background for .card-list
if(!isOver && !canDrop){
return ""; // will style all the backgrounds in a color, but not when dragging
const {connectDropTarget} = this.props;
return connectDropTarget(
<div class={"card-list col-xl-12 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 " + this.addClass()} id={}>
export default CardList;
Is there a way to get the isDragging value when an element is being dragged on the page, since this is the only possibility to obtain what I want.
Both isOver and canDrop implicitly do the isDragging check, per - note that they only return true if a drag operation is in progress. Therefore, if you want to style drop targets such that only when something that can be dragged is being dragged, then I think you need another case in your addClass() function to handle that, like this:
const {isOver, canDrop} = this.props;
if(isOver && canDrop){
return "willDrop"; // green background for .card-list
if(isOver && !canDrop){
return "noDrop"; // red background for .card-list
if(!isOver && canDrop){
And I don't think you want the !isOver && !canDrop block - this will execute even when nothing is being dragged at all.

Aurelia Dialog and Handling Button Events

I have set up the aurelia-dialog plugin. It's working using the example in the GitHub readme, but the documentation doesn't explain anything about how to use it otherwise. I have a simple use case with a list page. I want to click an "add new" button, pop the modal dialog which has it's own VM. The modal contains a simple dropdown list. I need to select an item on the list and make an API call to save the data, but I can't seem to figure out how to wire up my save method with the save button on the dialog.
The method that opens the dialog on my list page (which works just fine):
loadAgencyDialog(id){{ viewModel: AddAgency, model: { id: id }}).then((result) => {
if (!result.wasCancelled) {
} else {
My modal add-agency.js (VM for the modal, also loads the select list just fine and yes, I have a variable named kase because case is reserved):
import {DialogController} from 'aurelia-dialog';
import {ApiClient} from 'lib/api-client';
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
#inject(DialogController, apiClient)
export class AddAgency {
kase = { id: '' };
constructor(controller, apiClient){
this.controller = controller;
this.agencies = [];
this.apiClient = apiClient;
this.kase = kase;
.then(response => response.json())
.then(agencies => this.agencies =
.then(() => console.log(this.agencies)); //these load fine
addAgency() {
//Do API call to save the agency here, but how?
This is part I'm unsure about. In the example, they use controller.ok(theobjectpassedin), which returns a promise. But I don't get where I can call my addAgency method. Any ideas?
It's possible I'm misunderstanding your question, but you should be able to just call addAgency() in your HTML:
<button click.trigger="addAgency()">Add</button>
And then do what you need to do in addAgency(), finishing with a call to this.controller.ok() to wrap up the modal.
As an example, here's my modal's dialog-footer:
<button click.trigger="controller.cancel()">Cancel</button>
<button click.trigger="ok(item)">Save</button>
And in my code:
ok(item) {
Not too complex. Hope that helps.