Testing frontend webpages solve selenium-ide issues or change to so? - selenium

i'm using selenium ide to test webapp frontend webpages.
I'd like to test via cli AND via gui having to mantain one scripts only.
When automating tests via selenium-side-runner it does not handle alert/confirm command if i don't change any "choose ok on next confirmation" with "webdriver choose ok on visible confirmation", but after change it side gui does not handle it.
Even exporting to python has some incokmpatiblity with gui.
Anyone knows the proper way to record a side.script with gui and run with cli without having to modify it and letting run the tests with the gui again?
I've see many complaining about this without solution, do you advise to use another fronted tester in the place of side? Why?

Just reporting what said on github's bug tracker issue 1270 by toddtarsi.
There's no way to have one script only to handle gui and cli tests. We have to wait for selenium-ide v4 (not SELENIUM).
The correct way is webdriver one.


Can we customize Chrome browser launch with different options using Chrome Java API? [duplicate]

I am using the Karate framework to do the API testing. As part of CI efforts, we send an email at the end of test execution listing the summary of test results. There is a need to include the screeshot of the test execution counts from 'overview-feature.html' file.
I did so through the TestRunner.java file - launched Chrome using Chrome.start() and then using it to take screenshot. It all works well locally on Windows.
However when executing on CI server which is a Unix box, the chrome executable is not present in the default location (usr/bin/google-chrome) and hence the connection for the localhost fails.
Is there a way we can change the default location of the chrome executable?
PS: Apologies if this was too trivial to be asked.
Yes Chrome on CI is hard to get right, refer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/62325328/143475 - note that CI boxes typically are "headless" a browser may not be even installed.
I think the best thing for you is to ZIP the HTML and send it. But I really think you need to work with some CI experts, because the report generation and e-mailing business is normally done by things like Jenkins. What you are doing is certainly not normal or best-practice.
If you really want, there is a Karate Docker container that can give you a proper Chrome instance (see docs) but that is overkill for what you need.
EDIT: The Chrome Java API allows for customization of the executable path and this is in the docs: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/master/karate-core#chrome-java-api
It should be something like this:

How to run e2e tests automatically?

I really don't know how to ask question to Google about this, so I excuse me that it is naive.
Our team is developing SPA application in ReactJS. We also do back-end programming for NodeJS. Our project recently got more e2e tests. They are written using webdriver.io packages. Everything works as expected but circa 30 tests run about 50 minutes. It is too long to pause developer work and force him to run tests.
We came with the idea that now when we have so many tests, we need to run them on separate computer (other than a developer's laptop, further I call it e2e-laptop).
So I programmed a bash script and installed Ubuntu on a e2e-laptop. My idea is, that developer who wants to run e2e test logs in on e2e-laptop with ssh, runs specified script with arguments (eg: --rev= specific git revision the tests should run on, --email= where to send Allure report) and logs out. After tests are done he gets Allure report in his mailbox.
This all sounds to me OK, but not very well. It works - it is like a dirty MVP. But what I really would like to give my team is the web browser based UI that gives the features my script has. I can imagine this software is hosted on e2e-laptop, every developer can open its webpage address in his local browser. Then after authorization, there are options: run all specs, run chosen specs, send report and more. It would be the best if that software could also allow simultaneous running of tests commissioned by multiple developers.
What software I need?
You need a continuous integration tool. https://stackify.com/top-continuous-integration-tools/
I recommend Jenkins.
I would first try to run your selenium tests headless in a docker container on your laptop. Once you are able to do that, use that same configuration in your docker container running in Bitbucket pipelines. It could actually be the same container and the same scripts. Then, developers can just make a branch and work with the tests on that branch. If only a certain subset of tests need to run, then the developer can make the necessary changes on his or her local branch to run those tests and push it up to Bitbucket. This should help with the configuration https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/docker-selenium.

Why might my Vue.js project not show up during a CircleCI test using Cypress?

My project is built using Vue.js, powered by Nuxt
I’m using Cypress to write/run tests
I’m using CircleCI (v2) to run the tests
Locally, using Cypress’s instance of the Electron browser on macOS, the tests run correctly.
On CircleCI, the tests display a blank screen.
I’ve SSHed into CircleCI after the tests have failed, and if I make a curl request to the local server at that address, the correct HTML is returned to me.
My hypothesis is that the browser is not able to run Vue.js, but without a console log it’s hard to tell.
Any ideas as either how to continue debugging, or even better, fix it?
Edit: I’ve written an extra test to use another site, and it loaded correctly, so I can confirm that everything else is working.
Edit: It’s in my Nuxt config, just going through it now to pull out the line causing the problem.
So, of course this was super annoying. I’m not sure what the chances are of this happening to somebody else, but here’s the answer to my problem:
Google Analytics
On my CI I don’t have a GA code, and it was falling back to empty string, so it wasn’t able to load the page. It didn’t show up on the sever logs as it was an issue on the client side, and it’s not yet possible to easily get client logs using Cypress (coming soon).
Interesting, Thomas,
Could you open a GitHub issue with a link to a small repo that we can try ourselves? I do not see any factors that might affect running Cypress tests against Nuxt app on Circle

Do we have interactive mode in selenium webdriver?

I am a newbie to Selenium.I want to know do we have any interactive mode to automate Selenium webdriver.Because i want to test each and every line is correct or not while automating.I have Automated Watir earlier,i have used "irb" to interact with.Please help me do we have any similar kind of mode in Selenium webdriver.
IRB is nothing Watir specific it is just an interactive ruby shell (IRB = Interactive Ruby Shell) and thus you can also use it to work with Selenium. You only need the selenium-webdriver gem and then you can start.
You can also find a good getting started tutorial here: http://aspyct.org/blog/2012/09/09/functional-web-testing-with-selenium-and-ruby/
I'm sorry if this topic may feel so old, but I have an idea for this.
You can use the python interpreter in the terminal and type each line:
from selenium import webdriver
b = webdriver.Firefox()
And so on :)
I use a debugger (byebug gem) to stop tests at the point where I need to continue the automation interactively. I prefer to have all gems, modules, and classes available when I hit the breakpoint.
I also wrote a couple methods that will reload page object classes from the commandline/breakpoint. I can add a new method, reload, and verify it works, and move on to the next action; all without restarting the test.

Implementing selenium with Jenkins and PHPUnit

I'm trying to do set up some Selenium WebTests using PHPUnit, but php is no longer supported by Selenium IDE, does this mean I have to re-write all my tests into php in order to use this method?
I'm trying to set up a continuous integration system, but have never even used one before, I tried using jenkins-php.org but it wasn't very helpful.
The newer releasee Selenium IDE "claims" it does not support PHP,
But you can still convert your IDE to PHP or PHPUnit.
(In Selenium IDE) Option > Options > Enable Experimental Functions.
With this option checked you can switch your format under Options again.
You may still want to review your code.
Hope this helps and it is what you meant by "Selenium IDE does not support PHP".
I was able to find: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/selenium-ide-php-formatters/
It allows output from Selenium to PHP, either PHPUnit format or Selenium Testing.
However after all this playing around it became apparent that the best way was to use htmlSuite, it has the most support when it comes to automation and seems to work out of the box, whereas PHPUnit testing requires lots of tinkering.
After a lot of hacking around it became apparent that the best solution is this tool:
It works out of the box, supports htmlSuite, works with windows and linux, runs most browsers, sends email reports, can get new tests from SVN, integrates with Jenkins well, and works with Selenium tests, its not PHP based tests but it works wonders compared to the other tools I tried out.
Really, so much easier, very user friendly, free and works out the box.