Why is 'route.params.id' unavailable/undefined in setup method? - vue.js

I'm working with vue-router and Vue 3. I have a view where I'd like to take the router url and use it to call a method to access an API. This method returns a promise I can use to populate my page. When calling my method with 'route.params.id', it says that the parameter is undefined. When I do console.log(route.params.id), it displays correctly in console. I've tried using a computed property instead, but I had the same issue.
Setup code:
import { ref } from "vue";
import MovieApiService from "../api/MovieApiService";
import { useRoute } from "vue-router";
export default {
setup() {
const movie = ref([]);
const route = useRoute();
MovieApiService.getMovie(route.params.id).then((response) => {
movie.value = response.data.results;
return {
method: {},
Method being called:
static getMovie(body: GetMovieByTmdbId) {
return axios.get(
Here's what I tried to compute the property instead, with the same result.
setup() {
const route = useRoute();
const id = computed(()=>{return route.params.id})
const movie = ref([]);
getMovie(id).then((response) => {
movie.value = response.data.results;
How should I ensure this value is available when I call my method?

You are giving route.params.id as a variable to getMovie(body).
You are then using body.id in your URL. This would equal route.params.id.id which is not defined.
Use body in your URL, or change the parameter to id so is makes more sense.
Like this:
const route = useRoute();
MovieApiService.getMovie(route.params.id).then((response) => {
movie.value = response.data.results;
const getMovie = (id) => {
return axios.get(


NuxtJS dispatch is not loading data

I've been struggling for 5 hours with the following issue.
I have a service file where I have API calls using Axios. In the store, I have an action that uses the service to pull a list of schools, then I commit the data to the mutations. If I console log the data on the mutation object, it works correctly and shows the data. However, when I call dispatch from the component inside the onMounted hook, I get an empty object. Any help is greatly appreciated. (see the code below)
export const state = () => ({
mySchools: []
export const mutations = {
getSchools(state, data) {
state.schools = data;
console.log(state.schools); // works;
export const actions = {
async getMySchools({ commit }) {
await this.$getSchools().then(response => {
commit("getSchools", response.data);
import {onMounted, ref, useStore} from "#nuxtjs/composition-api";
export default {
layout: 'portal',
setup() {
const store = useStore();
const schools = ref([]);
onMounted(async() => {
await store.dispatch('schools/getMySchools'); // is not pulling data
schools.value = store.state.schools.mySchools;
console.log(schools); // empty
return {
Thank you
You shouldn't use await with then
try this
async getMySchools({ commit }) {
const response = await this.$getSchools();
commit("getSchools", response.data);
I'm assuming that your this.$getSchools() actually works since I'm not sure what that is and it's not part of the code

Returning Apollo useQuery result from inside a function in Vue 3 composition api

I'm having some issues finding a clean way of returning results from inside a method to my template using Apollo v4 and Vue 3 composition API.
Here's my component:
export default {
components: {
setup() {
const showNewAssetModal = ref(false);
const onSubmitAsset = (asset) => {
// how do I access result outside the handler function
const { result } = useQuery(gql`
query getAssets {
assets {
return {
The onSubmitAsset is called when user clicks on a button on the page.
How do I return useQuery result from the setup function to be able to access it in the template? (I don't want to copy the value)
You can move the useQuery() outside of the submit method, as shown in the docs. And if you'd like to defer the query fetching until the submit method is called, you can disable the auto-start by passing enabled:false as an option (3rd argument of useQuery):
export default {
setup() {
const fetchEnabled = ref(false)
const { result } = useQuery(gql`...`, null, { enabled: fetchEnabled })
const onSubmitAsset = (asset) => {
fetchEnabled.value = true
return { result, onSubmitAsset }

Vue 2 composition API watching the store

I have a store which is just an array of strings.
I am trying to watch it and do a search when it has changed.
Originally I had a computed value a bit like this:
const { value } = computed(() => {
const urls = store.getters.wishlist;
filters.value = createFilters("IndexUrl", urls);
return useListProducts(page.value, filters.value);
which I returned like this:
return { ...value, skip, more };
This worked fine when loading the page the first time, but if another component adds/removes something from the wishlist I want the function to fire again.
For context, here is the whole component:
import {
} from "#vue/composition-api";
import Product from "#components/product/product.component.vue";
import {
} from "#/_shared/logic/list-products";
export default defineComponent({
name: "Wishlist",
components: { Product },
setup() {
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
const store = instance.proxy.$store;
const page = ref(1);
const skip = ref(0);
const filters = ref([]);
const { value } = computed(() => {
const urls = store.getters.wishlist;
filters.value = createFilters("IndexUrl", urls);
return useListProducts(page.value, filters.value);
const more = () => {
skip.value += 12;
page.value += 1;
const request = createRequest(page.value, filters.value);
variables: { search: request },
updateQuery: (prev, { fetchMoreResult }) => {
if (!fetchMoreResult) return prev;
return {
search: {
__typename: prev.search.__typename,
hasMoreResults: fetchMoreResult.search.hasMoreResults,
total: fetchMoreResult.search.total,
facets: [...prev.search.facets, ...fetchMoreResult.search.facets],
items: [...prev.search.items, ...fetchMoreResult.search.items],
return { ...value, skip, more };
So I figured that the issue was that I wasn't actually watching anything, so I removed the computed method and instead decided to setup a watch. First I created a listProducts method:
const result = reactive({
result: null,
loading: null,
error: null,
fetchMore: null,
const listProducts = (urls: string[]) => {
filters.value = createFilters("IndexUrl", urls);
Object.assign(result, useListProducts(page.value, filters.value));
And then I invoked that in my setup:
Then I setup a watch:
watch(store.getters.wishlist, (urls: string[]) => listProducts(urls));
What I expected to happen, was that when an item was added/remove from the wishlist store, it would then invoke listProducts with the new set of urls. But it didn't fire at all.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
I believe the issue is with destructuring the reactive property, on destructuring you assign the properties to variables and no longer have a proxy to react to changes..try
return { value, skip, more };
and reference the property in your template
this question has to do with setup props but the same concept applies
Vue 3 watch doesn’t work if I watch a destructured prop

Cannot use Vue-Router to get the parameters in the URL

Today, when trying to use Vue-Router (in Vue-CLI) to get URL parameters, I encountered difficulties ($route.query is empty), the code is as follows.
Code purpose: Get the parameters carried after the URL (such as client_id in "http://localhost:8080/#/?client_id=00000000000077")
Project file structure:
App.vue(Get part of the code for URL parameters):
The running result of this part of the code:
I'm not sure why $router.currentRoute and $route aren't matching up, but you could simply use $router.currentRoute.query.client_id if you need it in mounted().
Another workaround is to use a $watch on $route.query.client_id:
export default {
mounted() {
const unwatch = this.$watch('$route.query.client_id', clientId => {
console.log({ clientId })
// no need to continue watching
Or watch in the Composition API:
import { watch } from 'vue'
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'
export default {
mounted() {
route: this.$route,
router: this.$router,
setup() {
const route = useRoute()
const unwatch = watch(() => route.query.client_id, clientId => {
console.log({ clientId })
// no need to continue watching

How to get item by Id using Vue 3 Composition API using Axios

Im struggling using Axios and useRoute using Axios with Composition API. Here is the code on how to do it in using the Option API, how do I recreate it, the Vue-router docs not well documented at all right now.
async created() {
const result = await axios.get(`https://localhost:5001/api/artists/${this.$route.params.id}`
const artist = result.data;
this.artist = artist;
To convert that code to Composition API:
created() hook is effectively the same timing as setup(), so put that code in setup().
this.$route can be accessed via useRoute() (from vue-router#4).
artist can be declared as a data ref, returning it from setup() if used in the template.
To reactively fetch data from the API based on the id parameter, use watch on route.params.id. This watch call returns a function that stops the watcher, which is useful if you need to conditionally unwatch the reference.
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'
import { ref, watch } from 'vue'
export default {
// 1
setup() {
const route = useRoute() // 2
const artist = ref(null) // 3
// 4
const unwatch = watch(() => route.params.id, (newId, oldId) => {
const result = await axios.get(`https://localhost:5001/api/artists/${newId}`)
artist.value = result.data
// run only once
return {