Is there a way to convert this query into one without having the subquery in where clause?
select distinct
, ie.sp_id
, ie.device_config_id
from d1_sp sp
inner join install_evt ie
on ie.sp_id = sp.sp_id
where ie.install_dttm = (select max(iemax.install_dttm)
from install_evt iemax
where iemax.sp_id = sp.sp_id)
select distinct
, ie.sp_id
, ie.device_config_id
, max(ie.install_dttm)
from d1_sp sp
inner join install_evt ie
on ie.sp_id = sp.sp_id
group by ie.install_id, ie.sp_id, ie.device_config_id
if you need additional grouping you can use an order by
Following are two options to query CTE and NFSE data. Pls advise !
A similar approach may have to be used in many places.
I would like you to verify them and suggest, if there are better options.
Option 1: Query CTE with all necessary joins UNION with query on NFSe with all necessary joins
, cte.isqn_mstr_cd as ctePk
, cte.ct_e_cd
, cter.stat_desc
, awb.AWB_NBR
, awb.SHPR_NM
, awbs.DEST_LOC_CD
, nfe.NT_FSCL_CD
FROM cte_identity_master cte
INNER JOIN cte_response_detail cter ON (cte.isqn_mstr_cd = cter.isqn_mstr_cd)
LEFT JOIN match_ref_awb mawb ON (cte.isqn_ref_cd = mawb.isqn_mstr_cd)
LEFT JOIN awb_cust_master awb ON (mawb.awb_nbr = awb.awb_nbr)
LEFT JOIN awb_shipment_detail awbs ON (awb.awb_nbr = awbs.awb_nbr)
LEFT JOIN match_ref_nfe mnfe ON (cte.isqn_ref_cd = mnfe.isqn_mstr_cd)
LEFT JOIN nfe_identity_master nfe ON (mnfe.nt_fscl_cd = nfe.nt_fscl_cd)
, nfse.isqn_mstr_cd as nfsePk
, nfse.rp_s_id
, nfser.stat_desc
, awb.AWB_NBR
, awb.SHPR_NM
, awbs.DEST_LOC_CD
, nfe.NT_FSCL_CD
FROM nfse_request_detail nfse
INNER JOIN nfse_response_detail nfser ON (nfse.isqn_mstr_cd = nfser.isqn_mstr_cd)
LEFT JOIN match_ref_awb mawb ON (nfse.isqn_ref_cd = mawb.isqn_mstr_cd)
LEFT JOIN awb_cust_master awb ON (mawb.awb_nbr = awb.awb_nbr)
LEFT JOIN awb_shipment_detail awbs ON (awb.awb_nbr = awbs.awb_nbr)
LEFT JOIN match_ref_nfe mnfe ON (nfse.isqn_ref_cd = mnfe.isqn_mstr_cd)
LEFT JOIN nfe_identity_master nfe ON (mnfe.nt_fscl_cd = nfe.nt_fscl_cd)
Option 2: Use Union of CTe and NFSe first and then apply joins with other tables
SELECT ctnf.*
, awb.AWB_NBR
, awb.SHPR_NM
, awbs.DEST_LOC_CD
, nfe.NT_FSCL_CD
, cte.isqn_mstr_cd as docPk
, cte.ct_e_cd as docNbr
, cter.stat_desc as docStat
, cte.isqn_ref_cd as matchRef
FROM cte_identity_master cte
INNER JOIN cte_response_detail cter ON (cte.isqn_mstr_cd = cter.isqn_mstr_cd)
, nfse.isqn_mstr_cd as nfsePk
, nfse.rp_s_id
, nfser.stat_desc
, nfse.isqn_ref_cd
FROM nfse_request_detail nfse
INNER JOIN nfse_response_detail nfser ON (nfse.isqn_mstr_cd = nfser.isqn_mstr_cd)
) ctnf
LEFT JOIN match_ref_awb mawb ON (ctnf.matchRef = mawb.isqn_mstr_cd)
LEFT JOIN awb_cust_master awb ON (mawb.awb_nbr = awb.awb_nbr)
LEFT JOIN awb_shipment_detail awbs ON (awb.awb_nbr = awbs.awb_nbr)
LEFT JOIN match_ref_nfe mnfe ON (ctnf.matchRef = mnfe.isqn_mstr_cd)
LEFT JOIN nfe_identity_master nfe ON (mnfe.nt_fscl_cd = nfe.nt_fscl_cd)
Both approaches of the above will have following Where Clause:
WHERE lower(cte.sttn_cd) = lower(:stationId)
and (:documentType is null or lower(:documentType) = 'cte')
and (:shipperName is null or lower(awb.shipperNm) like lower(concat(concat('%',:shipperName),'%')))
and (:awbCreated is null or to_char(awb.createDt, 'MM-DD-YYYY') = :awbCreated)
and (:awbNumber is null or m2.awbNbr like concat(concat('%',:awbNumber),'%'))
and (:serviceType = 0 or awbs.baseServiceCd = :serviceType)
and (:commitmentDate is null or awbs.commitmentDate = :commitmentDate)
and (:ursa is null or lower(awbs.ursaCd) like lower(concat(concat('%',:ursa),'%')))
and (:destLocationId is null or lower(awbs.destLocCd) like lower(concat(concat('%',:destLocationId),'%')))
and (:nfeNumber is null or nfe.fiscalDocumentNumber like concat(concat('%',:nfeNumber),'%'))
PLEASE SUGGEST - Output of these two approaches to get data which one will be better to fix at Java End to retrieve the data.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Also suggest if there is any other better query apart from these two!
I have set of two queries. In first query, if is separate from second, I got good results.
First query
SELECT nks.[Id]
, nks.[IdNarudzbe]
, nks.[IdArtikla] as artikal
, nks.[IdUsluge]
, nks.[Naziv]
, nks.Kolicina
, p.Naziv as kupac
, p.Id as kupacId
, p.Adresa
, p.Telefon
, nkz.[BrojDokumenta] AS nalog
, nkz.[BrojDokumentaKroz] AS nalogKroz
, nkz.[RokIsporuke]
, nkz.[IdNastaloOdDokumenta]
, d.Naziv as drzava
FROM [dbo].[NarudzbaKupacaStavke] nks
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[NarudzbeKupacaZaglavlje] nkz
ON nkz.Id = nks.IdNarudzbe
LEFT JOIN dbo.Partneri p
ON nkz.IdKupac = p.Id
LEFT JOIN dbo.Drzave d
ON p.IdDrzava = d.Id
WHERE idArtikla IN ('FP80PUR-08', 'FP80PUR-09', 'FP80PUR-12')
AND nkz.[VrstaDokumenta] = 'PRO'
AND nkz.StatusArhive = 0
from first query nkz.[IdNastaloOdDokumenta] is important to second
SELECT BrojDokumenta
, BrojDokumentaKroz
FROM .[dbo].[NarudzbeKupacaZaglavlje]
where id = nkz.[IdNastaloOdDokumenta]
For ex. In first query I got nkz.[IdNastaloOdDokumenta] = 20. Number 20 I use in second query in where statement, and value I get from BrojDokumenta, I would like to join to first query.
I was wondering if is possible to make one query out of these two. I think I can not union operator because number of column from these two queries don't match.
The same table, and the same columns are already in the first query. Perhaps you want a self-join, like this:
FROM [dbo].[NarudzbaKupacaStavke] nks
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[NarudzbeKupacaZaglavlje] nkz
ON nkz.Id = nks.IdNarudzbe
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[NarudzbeKupacaZaglavlje] nkz2
ON nkz2.Id = nkz.[IdNastaloOdDokumenta]
LEFT JOIN dbo.Partneri p
ON nkz.IdKupac = p.Id
LEFT JOIN dbo.Drzave d
ON p.IdDrzava = d.Id
WHERE idArtikla IN ('FP80PUR-08', 'FP80PUR-09', 'FP80PUR-12')
AND nkz.[VrstaDokumenta] = 'PRO'
AND nkz.StatusArhive = 0
I'm writing SQL against a Progress 10.2B07 database and am getting the following error "Column 'OUTERINVOICEHEADER.MEMBERID' cannot be found or is not specified for query (13865).
Here is the query:
select concat(substring(OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_nbr, 1, 6) + '-', OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_seq) as MemberID,
sum(OuterInvoiceHeader.net_weight) as TotalInvoicePounds,
sum(OuterInvoiceHeader.net_weight / 2000) as TotalTons,
sum(OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_amt) as InvoiceAmount,
sum(InvoiceSurcharges.Surcharge) as Surcharges,
sum(OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_amt - InvoiceSurcharges.Surcharge) as Total,
sum(Returns.qty_received) as PoundsReturned
from AXS.PUB.ivc_header OuterInvoiceHeader
inner join
(select m.invoice_nbr, sum(m.extension) Surcharge from AXS.PUB.ivc_mchgs m
inner join
AXS.PUB.ivc_header h
on h.invoice_nbr = m.invoice_nbr
group by m.invoice_nbr) InvoiceSurcharges
on OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_nbr = InvoiceSurcharges.invoice_nbr
left outer join
(select concat(substring(ReturnHeader.ship_to_nbr, 1, 6)+'-',InnerInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_seq) as ReturnMemberID,
ReturnHeader.invoice_nbr as ReturnInvoiceNum,
from AXS.PUB.return_hdr ReturnHeader
inner join
AXS.PUB.ivc_header InnerInvoiceHeader
on ReturnHeader.invoice_nbr = InnerInvoiceHeader.invoice_nbr
inner join AXS.PUB.return_line ReturnLine
on ReturnHeader.claim_nbr = ReturnLine.claim_nbr
where ReturnInvoiceNum = '0001010914'
group by ReturnMemberID, ReturnInvoiceNum, qty_received) Returns
on OuterInvoiceHeader.MemberID = Returns.ReturnMemberID
--on OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_nbr = Returns.ReturnInvoiceNum
where OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_nbr = '000837' and OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_date between '06/01/2016' and '06/30/2016' and OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_status = '5804' and OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_type='5601'
group by MemberID
The problem is in the left join; the commented out on clause "on OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_nbr = Returns.ReturnInvoiceNum" will work if uncommented. The "on OuterInvoiceHeader.MemberID = Returns.ReturnMemberID" clause gives me the error.
What I don't understand is that both of these reference a column in the top SELECT statement, the only difference is that one is a concatenation and the other is not.
I hope that I just can't see the forest for the trees here and the answer is simple, so if anyone has any suggestions or questions I'm all ears.
try this:
I replaced the references to the alias MemberID to be the actual concatinated columns CONCAT(SUBSTRING(OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_nbr, 1, 6)+'-', OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_seq)
SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTRING(OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_nbr, 1, 6)+'-', OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_seq) AS MemberID
, SUM(OuterInvoiceHeader.net_weight) AS TotalInvoicePounds
, SUM(OuterInvoiceHeader.net_weight / 2000) AS TotalTons
, SUM(OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_amt) AS InvoiceAmount
, SUM(InvoiceSurcharges.Surcharge) AS Surcharges
, SUM(OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_amt - InvoiceSurcharges.Surcharge) AS Total
, SUM(Returns.qty_received) AS PoundsReturned
FROM AXS.PUB.ivc_header OuterInvoiceHeader
(SELECT m.invoice_nbr
, SUM(m.extension) Surcharge
FROM AXS.PUB.ivc_mchgs m
INNER JOIN AXS.PUB.ivc_header h ON h.invoice_nbr = m.invoice_nbr
GROUP BY m.invoice_nbr) InvoiceSurcharges ON OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_nbr = InvoiceSurcharges.invoice_nbr
(SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTRING(ReturnHeader.ship_to_nbr, 1, 6)+'-', InnerInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_seq) AS ReturnMemberID
, ReturnHeader.invoice_nbr AS ReturnInvoiceNum
, qty_received
FROM AXS.PUB.return_hdr ReturnHeader
INNER JOIN AXS.PUB.ivc_header InnerInvoiceHeader ON ReturnHeader.invoice_nbr = InnerInvoiceHeader.invoice_nbr
INNER JOIN AXS.PUB.return_line ReturnLine ON ReturnHeader.claim_nbr = ReturnLine.claim_nbr
WHERE ReturnInvoiceNum = '0001010914'
GROUP BY ReturnMemberID
, ReturnInvoiceNum
, qty_received) Returns ON CONCAT(SUBSTRING(OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_nbr, 1, 6)+'-', OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_seq) = Returns.ReturnMemberID
--on OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_nbr = Returns.ReturnInvoiceNum
WHERE OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_nbr = '000837'
AND OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_date BETWEEN '06/01/2016' AND '06/30/2016'
AND OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_status = '5804'
AND OuterInvoiceHeader.invoice_type = '5601'
GROUP BY CONCAT(SUBSTRING(OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_nbr, 1, 6)+'-', OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_seq);
Basically you need to keep in mind the order which SQL statements are executed:
FROM clause
WHERE clause
GROUP BY clause
HAVING clause
SELECT clause
ORDER BY clause
That's a computed column alias and thus the error. You should consider using the entire expression rather like
on concat(substring(OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_nbr, 1, 6) + '-', OuterInvoiceHeader.sold_to_cust_seq) = Returns.ReturnMemberID
Instead of on OuterInvoiceHeader.MemberID = Returns.ReturnMemberID. As well, change any other place where you are using the same alias. You can and should use that alias only in a outer query and not in the same query.
In the following SQL, it was looking at only those vouchers from location_ID = 5. How can I code that, I ONLY want from a Patient_ID who ONLY visited location_ID 5?
SELECT "Vouchers"."Patient_ID", "vwGenPatInfo"."Patient_Number",
"Practitioners"."Practitioner_ID", "Practitioners"."First_Name",
"Practitioners"."Last_Name", "vwGenPatInfo"."Patient_First_Name",
"vwGenPatInfo"."Patient_Last_Name", "vwGenPatInfo"."Patient_DOB",
"vwGenPatInfo"."Patient_Sex", "Vouchers"."Carrier_ID",
"Vouchers"."Billing_Date", "Vouchers"."Patient_Policy_ID",
FROM ("Ntier_70751"."PM"."vwGenPatInfo" "vwGenPatInfo"
INNER JOIN "Ntier_70751"."PM"."Vouchers" "Vouchers"
ON "vwGenPatInfo"."Account_ID"="Vouchers"."Account_ID")
INNER JOIN "Ntier_70751"."PM"."Practitioners" "Practitioners"
ON "Vouchers"."Actual_Prov_Practitioner_ID"="Practitioners"."Practitioner_ID"
WHERE "Vouchers"."Location_ID"=5
Here is one way to do this. I also got rid of all those unneeded double quotes and used proper aliases.
, gpi.Patient_Number
, P.Practitioner_ID
, P.First_Name
, P.Last_Name
, gpi.Patient_First_Name
, gpi.Patient_Last_Name
, gpi.Patient_DOB
, gpi.Patient_Sex
, V.Carrier_ID
, V.Billing_Date
, V.Patient_Policy_ID
, V.Location_ID
FROM Ntier_70751.PM.vwGenPatInfo gpi
INNER JOIN Ntier_70751.PM.Vouchers V ON gpi.Account_ID = V.Account_ID
INNER JOIN Ntier_70751.PM.Practitioners P ON V.Actual_Prov_Practitioner_ID = P.Practitioner_ID
cross apply
select V2.Account_ID
from Ntier_70751.PM.Vouchers V2
where V2.Account_ID = V.Account_ID
group by V2.Account_ID
HAVING MAX(Location_ID) = 5
AND MIN(Location_ID) = 5
) x
Put a condition as say;
WHERE "Vouchers"."Location_ID" = 5
I would go with not exists
SELECT "Vouchers"."Patient_ID", "vwGenPatInfo"."Patient_Number",
"Practitioners"."Practitioner_ID", "Practitioners"."First_Name", "Practitioners"."Last_Name", "vwGenPatInfo"."Patient_First_Name", "vwGenPatInfo"."Patient_Last_Name", "vwGenPatInfo"."Patient_DOB", "vwGenPatInfo"."Patient_Sex", "Vouchers"."Carrier_ID", "Vouchers"."Billing_Date", "Vouchers"."Patient_Policy_ID", "Vouchers"."Location_ID"
FROM "Ntier_70751"."PM"."vwGenPatInfo" "vwGenPatInfo" INNER JOIN
"Ntier_70751"."PM"."Vouchers" "Vouchers"
ON "vwGenPatInfo"."Account_ID" = "Vouchers"."Account_ID" INNER JOIN
"Ntier_70751"."PM"."Practitioners" "Practitioners"
ON "Vouchers"."Actual_Prov_Practitioner_ID" = "Practitioners"."Practitioner_ID"
WHERE "Vouchers"."Location_ID"=5
and not exists (select 1
FROM "Ntier_70751"."PM"."Vouchers" "Vouchers2"
WHERE "Vouchers2"."Patient_ID" = "Vouchers2"."Patient_ID"
AND "Vouchers2"."Location_ID"<>5)
Just using the condition 'WHERE "Vouchers"."Location_ID" = 5'will return all Patient_IDs that visited the that location at least once but not exclusively. There are several ways to do it but the cleanest would be using having max (location_id) <5 and min (location_id) >5
fail statement:Error: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
select , , org_surveylog.division_code as divisionCode,org_surveylog.department_code as departmentCode , max(org_surveylog.actiondate) from org_surveylog
left join org_division on (org_surveylog.division_code= org_division.division_code and org_surveylog.SURVEY_NUM= org_division.survey_num)
left join org_department on (org_surveylog.department_code = org_department.department_code and org_surveylog.SURVEY_NUM = org_department.survey_num)
group by org_surveylog.division_code,org_surveylog.department_code
but below is ok
select org_surveylog.division_code as divisionCode,org_surveylog.department_code as departmentCode , max(org_surveylog.actiondate) from org_surveylog
left join org_division on (org_surveylog.division_code= org_division.division_code and org_surveylog.SURVEY_NUM= org_division.survey_num)
left join org_department on (org_surveylog.department_code = org_department.department_code and org_surveylog.SURVEY_NUM = org_department.survey_num)
group by org_surveylog.division_code,org_surveylog.department_code
how to use group by with left join when i need to show value of , ?
You need to change your GROUP BY to
group by ,
From Oracle Select Statements : Select Statement With GROUP BY Clause
SELECT <column_name>, <aggregating_operation>
FROM <table_name>
GROUP BY <column_name>;
You will notice that you need to include the non aggregated columns in the GROUP BY statement.