Connect Google Sheets by C # using the KEY API (not OAuth2) - google-sheets-api

I want to do a search within a sheet.
I manage to get a list of entries ({spreadsheetsID}/values/1?alt=json&key={API KEY})
but am unable to perform a search.
I use API KEY Is it possible to get an example?

Unfortunately, there is no method in Sheets API which lets you perform a search.
This has already been reported on Google's Issue Tracker here. I suggest you star the issue and eventually add a comment as well stating that you are interested in this feature.


Search for issues that starts with xxx in Jira

This is my first time working with Jira and their API. My company wants me to fetch all "ASAPSD" issues, but I don't understand how to. The core problem in itself is that I do not understand exactly how Jira works, and how issues are "built" up.
The issue starts with "ASAPSD" followed by some random characters and numbers. For example "ASAPSD-334". How can I, with a GET request, get all issues that start with ASAPSD?
Basic information about Jira and projects
The first part (prefix) is the Project Key representing a project/collection where all similar issues are stored (in this case, ASAPSD may stand for ASAP Service Desk:-). There are certainly more projects in every Jira instance. Some other projects are intended to track different activities.
Searching for the project issues
You can search for any issues using the search function (available also via REST API).
First, log in to the Jira and try to search for the issues manually by yourself - in Issue Navigator (via Issues top menu bar). Here you'll find that you can search all issues via Basic (Project is ASAPSD) or Advanced search (project = ASAPSD). This advanced search is called JQL (Jira Query Language).
You can then use this JQL in your REST API search method:
The output lists only limited number of issues (usually 50) - to get more issues, you need to increase the limit (maxResults param) or paginate (startAt param) over next results.
Using expand and fields params you can alter the output to get more/less information.
There two types of Jira instances - on-premise Server/Data Center and Cloud one. REST API and usage might slightly differ.
Alternatively, you can get CSV export. When you search for issues in the Issue Navigator, there's an option to export results to CSV. Save this URL and you can request it in your script via GET.

Google Maps Api Key Custom Referrers Syntax

I'm trying to get this to work for my site, but I have a unique problem with syntax that I am not been able to find an answer for it yet.
For example: ( is the site url)
What I need is basically the dev to be dynamic and open to any number after it so basically it could be dev7, dev8, dev9
How would I write this into the referrers api section in the Google Api Referrers list?
I've tried multiple different combinations but nothing worked
Found a solution!
fixed the problem

Google Sheets API v4: Modifying URL in get request to filter data returned?

Is there a way to get a subset of data using Google Sheets API v4 by modifying the URL[something added to this URL]?
Specifically, I know that you can restrict the result by setting the range. But is there a way to filter the data in other ways through modifying the URL, say returning all rows containing 'John', or something like that?
This question is about Google Sheets API v4.
Many thanks.
Nope, there is no way to do that. According to the documentation the only parameters for this endpoint other than spreadsheet ID and range are:
However, all of these control rendering of the returned data and not filtering of the data.
It seems this feature is not supported yet. I suggest you specify a range i.e., A1:K10, and after procuring all data, perform a search.
You can also check this SO thread for additional insight.

How can I obtain an API-key for my Fusion Tables

Yep, newbie question here, but it's bothering me for some days now, trying to read all the docs on google developer site, but I'm spinning in circles.
I've created a Fusion Table and set the access to 'public' and got an ID.
According to Goolge I should have an API key to access the data from a REST-call. Google suggests:
Go to the Google Developers Console.
Select a project, or create a new one.
In the sidebar on the left, expand APIs & auth. Next, click APIs. In the list of APIs, make sure the status is ON for the Fusion Tables API.
In the sidebar on the left, select Credentials.
I can do that all I've got an API-key, but how does this relates to the Fusion Table I've created? Can I use that API key for
this is really simple API key give the ability to do the most of mysql request type SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE using GET and POST also PUT request , for GET you can use the navigator for that but the most effective way for your case is the use of curl librairie for php or jaira for java ... so you can send post or put request with a simple script.
So, what you can do with fusion table is automating the process of manipulating data and the option to share those data with someone else.
Edit: procedures changed since this post. Your mileage may vary
Head to the Google Developers Console
Create a project
Under Explore other services click "Enable APIs and get credentials like keys"
Search for Fusion Tables
Enable Fusion Tables API as a service under APIs & Auth --> APIs
You probably want the browser key. Grab the API key.
Happy Mapping...
API-keys are not related to specific Fusion Tables, they are related to projects.
You may use the key to request data from any public and downloadable FusionTable(not only your own Tables ), the key basically is used to identify your project(google-account) .
So when you have problems with requesting data from a public table, check if the table is downloadable too(click on the table-name on top-left->reuse access->allow downloads ).

How to make a Google Maps address - like lookup

You've probably all seen the address lookup. Start typing into the text box and your address auto completes in the list before you've finished. It also bolds the matching sections of the text that link to what you are typing.
I've used both the javascript api of maps and the http api. The geocoding seems to do something decent with the matches but i'm not entirely sure how one would go about getting this to work.
Anyway have a tutorial or a quick five step process that they would recommend I follow to get this feature going?
The feature you are looking for is "find as you type" or "suggest as you type" or AJAX live search.
To get the functionality via the Maps API is possible as any other find as you type solution. For each key entered into your search box you already send the request to the server and see what matches the entered text so far. The problem is that you can only send so many requests to google before you get a 620 (too many requests) error. Having a find-as-you-type mechanism is usually easier when you have your own small DB which you can query, that is faster and you won't have problems with too many requests.
Some links with tutorials:
Javascript Autocomplete Combobox - find as you type
Suggest as you type
AJAX Live Search