I am using IntelliJ 2021.2.1 on Windows 10 on a project that runs in WSL2 > Ubuntu
My project is set so that it fails to run if the environment variables are not set.
If I go to Settings > Terminal , there is an option to set environment variables. I added them using the pattern: VAR1=VALUE1;VAR2=VALUE2 .
They seem to be loaded correctly as they are listed on the Environment Variables dialog.
When I run the project using IntelliJ, it opens on the IntelliJ terminal, but the project fails to run because the variables are not set.
Is there something I'm missing from the configuration?
It's a known bug in IntelliJ IDEA.
I have a IntelliJ Community Edition with Gradle 4.3.1 and com.bmuschko.tomcat plugin running. My application will be deployed currently and its working, now I want to enable JRebel for this. So that changes on my webapp folder will be hot-deployed.
At the plugin site is a description for this
Edit your Gradle startup script and add the following line to it to
tell Gradle to use the JRebel agent. Please make sure to set the
environment variable REBEL_HOME that points to your JRebel
installation directory.
JAVA_OPTS="-javaagent:$REBEL_HOME/jrebel.jar $JAVA_OPTS"
Currenty its not clear for me where do I need to change this? Obiously JRebel is not active when I start my tomcat with the pluging.
What I did:
installed the jrebel plugin in intellij
enabled the jrebel functionality with the ide
manually added a rebel.xml file (as described on the plugin site) in the build/classes/main folder
Where do I need to edit the gradle start up so that jrebel is active for gradle builds?
There are two ways you can run gradle that will affect how to add the arguments, with the daemon and without.
If you run gradle tomcatRun --no-daemon the arguments for JRebel must be added via JAVA_OPTS or GRADLE_OPTS environment variables. So this means either running as GRADLE_OPTS=-agentpath:/path/to/jrebel/lib/libjrebel64.so gradle tomcatRun --no-daemon or specifying the variable in a script(gradlew if you are using it). If you run the gradle task directly from IntelliJ, you can specify environment variables there.
If you run with the daemon, the GRADLE_OPTS variable will set JVM arguments for the launcher process, not the daemon. This will mean that JRebel is included in the wrong process and your changes aren't monitored. One way to set JVM arguments for the daemon is by adding the following to your gradle.properties
Running with the daemon will mean that the JRebel banner is not displayed so don't be alarmed as the changes will still be monitored.
Also since JRebel 7.0 the folder structure was changed and the jrebel.jar located in installation root is the new core which requires additional bootstrapping provided by the included native agents in the jrebel/lib dir. It is suggested to use the corresponding native agent for your OS/arch using the agentpath argument and not the javaagent argument as in the tomcat plugin docs.
I'm using Geb 2.0 (http://gebish.org/) and have downloaded the Gradle sample (https://github.com/geb/geb-example-gradle).
All works just fine on my machine with all browsers (Chrome, Firefox, ChromeHeadless).
I have imported the project in IntelliJ (latest Ultimate edition) and all normal code editing functions are working fine.
What fails is attempting to run a spec. I get an exception with the helpful hint of the path to the driver executable must be set by the webdriver.chrome.driver system property.
However, I can't figure out what to point it at. I've tried pointing at the selenium-chrome-driver-3.6.0.jar but that results in failure also.
I'm using -Dgeb.env=chrome and -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=SOMERANDOMEPATHSHERE
The Gradle example Geb project is set up to generate the appropriately configured IntelliJ project capable fo running the specs from the IDE. Simply run ./gradlew idea and load the project by opening the geb-example-gradle.ipr file in IntelliJ instead of loading the project by importing it's Gradle build the way you do.
I have two Java JDKs installed on my workstation, with jdk1.6.0_41 in my path, and jdk1.7.0_21 available as well, but not in the path.
How can I configure IntelliJ IDEA 13 to use a particular JVM? To be clear, I want to set the JVM used to run IntelliJ itself, not the SDK used for running my code. I am running Windows 7 Enterprise Edition and launch IntelliJ 13.0.2 by running idea64.exe
I have set JAVA_HOME to point to jdk1.7.0_21 but according to the About box it is using jdk1.6.0_41.
This FAQ on the JetBrains web site describes how to do this for Mac, but not for Windows.
This answer suggests using the IDEA_JVM environment variable for Ubuntu 12, but I have tried that and it isn't working.
I suspect you have another setting that is overriding your JAVA_HOME
From Jetbrains docs:
idea64.exe uses this JDK search sequence:
IDEA_JDK_64 environment variable
..\jre64 directory
system Registry
JDK_HOME environment variable
JAVA_HOME environment variable
With newer versions the environment variables are ignored. Instead there is a new action "Choose Boot Java Runtime". The easiest way to get to it is via "Find Action" Ctrl+Shift+A.
You can also edit the setting via the .jdk file in your user configuration directory, e.g. %APPDATA%\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2021.3\idea64.exe.jdk. This is a plain text file containing only the path to the JDK.
It is not recommended to do this, and you should use the JDK that is bundled with IDEA.
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S to go to Project Structure
Under Platform Settings, go to SDKs.
Use the + green icon to add a new SDK and set it to that one.
Is it possible to run a custom (shell) command from the Run/Debug configuration system in IntelliJ? I'm working with a framework that is not yet supported at all by IntelliJ (PhoneGap) and I want to add a few commands there.
This should work for you:
Edit Configurations > Before Launch > Add > Run External Tool
You can you Batch script plugin if you have windows or BashSupport for linux (and probably mac) os.
By putting bat or sh file inside your project you can execute them by adding new run configuration.
I can run gradle from a command line to see its version.
I can run, compile and debug a grails app in IntelliJ (version 10.0 or version 10.2)
I installed the IntelliJ Gradle Plugin.
Whenever I try to do anything with gradle from within Intellij I get an error as follows:
Executing command: "tasks"
Failed to connect to gradle process for command 'tasks'
ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 10.0\jre
Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation.
But in my environment I have JAVA_HOME set to the proper JDK in a different directory. Plus when I look in IntelliJ for the project, it also shows the JDK in the proper JDK location. I cannot find anything that attempts to point the JDK to the Intellij JRE location.
Any ideas please?
IntelliJ uses its own jre.
to force IntelliJ to use it, you need to set the environment variable IDEA_JDK to point to your JDK.
then simply restart intellij and gradle gui plugin should now work.
Man I had so much trouble with this as well, and I don't remember having this much trouble before. I think they changed something. Here are the incantations which got it working for me on Mac OS X 10.11.5, both with Java and Gradle on IntelliJ 2016.1
Here's the summary: install the latest Java JDK from Oracle, add the java_home value to $JAVA_HOME and set that value to $IDEA_HOME (IntelliJ's variable for defining which JDK to use), install gradle (optional) using homebrew, then define the project SDK in IntelliJ.
Here it is broken down from the very beginning of a clean install:
1. Download Java from Oracle's Download Page
2. Use homebrew to install gradle
IntelliJ ships with its own version of Gradle, so this is really optional, and is helpful if you want to use Gradle outside of IntelliJ.
`brew update && brew install gradle`
3. Set the env variables
Paste the following into ~/.profile. These values will work regardless of which version of java or gradle you have installed. Don't set the GRADLE_HOME if you didn't install the standalone gradle.
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
export GRADLE_HOME=/usr/local/opt/gradle/libexec
4. Set the environment variable to occur at application launch so that IntelliJ sees is using OS X's launchctl program:
launchctl setenv JAVA_HOME $(/usr/libexec/java_home)
5. Define the project SDK
Use the project settings window in IntelliJ to define the project SDK (I don't see this option anywhere else in the global IntelliJ preferences window, this has to be done in the project settings).
6. Wait for the indexes to update, then close and re-open IntelliJ. You should now be able to build the program.
if you are using Intellij version 10.x you should not install any Plugin to run a gradle script.
All you have to do is to go to the Gradle setup (File -> Settings -> Gradle) and set the Gradle Home folder (the location of your Gradle installation, eg. C:\tools\gradle).
You should be able to select a Gradle build file and run it.
Point your JAVA_HOME to JDK, not to JRE.
I think this error might be caused by an install bug with IntelliJ IDEA. When I look at the installed folder referred to in the error message on my filesystem:
C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 10.0\jre
I see the jre folder but then another jre folder beneath that one which contains the bin and lib folders of the jre:
I copied bin and lib up a level into the first jre folder, and that fixed this error for me.