Query smallest number of rows to match a given value threshold - sql

I would like to create a query that operates similar to a cash register. Imagine a cash register full of coins of different sizes. I would like to retrieve a total value of coins in the fewest number of coins possible.
Given this table:
How would I query for a list of rows that:
has a total value of AT LEAST a given threshold
with the minimum excess value (value above the threshod)
in the fewest possible rows
For example, if my threshold is 1050, this would be the expected result:
I'm working with postgres and elixir/ecto. If it can be done in a single query great, if it requires a sequence of multiple queries no problem.

I had a go at this myself, using answers from previous questions:
Using ABS() to order by the closest value to the threshold
Select rows until a sum reduction of a single column reaches a threshold
Based on #TheImpaler's comment above, this prioritises minimum number of rows over minimum excess. It's not 100% what I was looking for, so open to improvements if anyone can, but if not I think this is going to be good enough:
-- outer query selects all rows underneath the threshold
-- inner subquery adds a running total column
-- window function orders by the difference between value and threshold
SUM(i.value) OVER (
ABS(i.value - $THRESHOLD),
) AS total
inputs i
) t
t.total - t.value < $THRESHOLD;


Calculating the mode/median/most frequent observation in categorical variables in SQL impala

I would like to calculate the mode/median or better, most frequent observation of a categorical variable within my query.
E.g, if the variable has the following string values:
dog, dog, dog, cat, cat and I want to get dog since its 3 vs 2.
Is there any function that does that? I tried APPX_MEDIAN() but it only returns the first 10 characters as median and I do not want that.
Also, I would like to get the most frequent observation with respect to date if there is a tie-break.
Thank you!
the most frequent observation is mode and you can calculate it like this.
Single value mode can be calculated like this on a value column. Get the count and pick up row with max count.
select count(*),value from mytable group by value order by 1 desc limit 1
now, in case you have multiple modes, you need to join back to the main table to find all matches.
select orig.value from
(select count(*) c, value v from mytable) orig
join (select count(*) cmode from mytable group by value order by 1 desc limit 1) cmode
ON orig.c= cmode.cmode
This will get all count of values and then match them based on count. Now, if one value of count matches to max count, you will get 1 row, if you have two value counts matches to max count, you will get 2 rows and so on.
Calculation of median is little tricky - and it will give you middle value. And its not most frequent one.

SQL Query for the closest value (HELP!!)

I have created a table on the database or I have loaded a caliber list with the corresponding prices.
I need a request which when you enter a caliber (which is not frocally in the caliber table) it displays the price corresponding to the nearest key on the table of the one which was entered.
The table of sizes by price :
in an example, based on this the table of calibers. if I put the value 1.47 as the caliber, it must bring me the price corresponding to the 1.5 caliber. or if I put the value 1.41 as the caliber, it must bring me the price corresponding to the 1.4 caliber
I would consider something like the following:
SELECT mt.*, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY ABS(caliber-1.41)) rn
FROM mytable mt
WHERE rn = 1
This calculates the difference between caliber and 1.41 using ABS for absolute value (to get closest without caring whether it is bigger or smaller). The WHERE rn = 1 then limits to the rows with the smallest difference.
Note that this assumes that if there are two rows that are equally far from your number, you want to return them both. If you want to arbitrarily pick one in the event of a tie I would replace RANK with ROW_NUMBER.

fetch aggregate value along with data

I have a table with the following fields
350, What is the symbol used to represent Bromine?,2,MCQ
758,What is the symbol used to represent Bromine? ,2,MCQ
2425,What is the symbol used to represent Bromine?,3,Essay
2080,A quadrilateral has four sides, four angles ,1,MCQ
2614,A circular cone has a curved surface area of ,2,MCQ
2520,Two triangles have sides 5 cm, 11 cm, 2 cm . ,2,MCQ
2196,Life supporting process mediated by water? ,2,Essay
I would like to get random questions where total marks is an input number.
For example if I say 25, the result should be all the random questions whose Sum(QuestionMarks) is 25(+/-1)
Is this really possible using a SQL
select content,id,questionmarks,sum(questionmarks) from quiz_question
group by content,id,questionmarks;
Expected Input 25
Expected Result (Sum of Question Marks =25)
How do I ensure I get atleast 2 Essay Type Questions (this is just an example) I would extend this for other conditions. Thank you for all the help
S-Man's cumulative sum is the right approach. For your logic, though, I think you want to get up to the first row that is 24 or more. That logic is:
where total - questionmark < 24
If you have enough questions, then you could get exactly 25 using:
with q25 as (
select *
from (select t.*,
sum(questionmark) over (order by random()) as running_questionmark
from t
) t
where running_questionmark < 25
select q.ID, q.Content, q.QuestionMarks, q.TypeofQuestion
from q25 q
union all
(select t.ID, t.Content, t.QuestionMarks, t.TypeofQuestion
from t cross join
(select sum(questionmark) as questionmark_25 from q25) x
where not exists (select 1 from q25 where q25.id = t.id)
order by abs(questionmark - (25 - questionmark_25))
limit 1
This selects questions up to 25 but not at 25. It then tries to find one more to make the total 25.
Supposing, questionmark is of type integer. Then you want to get some records in random order whose questionmark sum is not more than 25:
You can use the consecutive SUM() window function. The order is random. The consecutive SUM() adds every current value to the previous sum. So, you could filter where SUM() <= <your value>:
SUM(questionmark) OVER (ORDER BY random()) as total
WHERE total <= 25
This returns a records list with no more than 25, but as close as possible to it with an random order.
To find an exact match of your value is some sort of combinatorical problem which shouldn't be solved in a database. Especially when there's a random factor. What if your current SUM is 22 and the next randomly chosen value is 4. Would you retry maybe until infinity to randomly find a value = 3? Or are you trying to remove an already counted record with value = 1?

Result if TOP 10 values are not there

FROM fp_basic_bd
WHERE fs_perm_sec_id='B00242-S-US'
ORDER BY fs_perm_sec_id
) as f
By using this query I am calculating the average of top 10 price values. My question is:
How the average will be calculated if the subquery returns less than 10 values?
The average is calculated over whatever the inner query returns, with NULL values being ignored by AVG().
If inner query returns 10 non-null values, then result = SUM(10 values) / 10.
If inner query returns 3 non-null values, then result = SUM(3 values) / 3.
If inner query returns no non-null values or even no values at all, then result = NULL.
You can think of TOP as restricting the total number of rows returned, not adding or manipulating any values. So if your query returns 90 rows total, TOP will just return the first N of those, so the first 10 in your case. If there are less than N rows returned, then TOP will return all rows found since it did not exceed the maximum value specified.
For your specific case, if your subquery returned <10 rows, the average value found would be based on those rows instead of 10. Since you are using the AVG function instead of manually finding the average yourself, the value found will still be the correct average of the rows found. So if you have 6 rows returned in the subquery, AVG would do the same as (r1 + r2 + ... + r6)/6.

Split a query result based on the result count

I have a query based on basic criteria that will return X number of records on any given day.
I'm trying to check the result of the basic query then apply a percentage split to it based on the total of X and split it in 2 buckets. Each bucket will be a percentage of the total query result returned in X.
For example:
Query A returns 3500 records.
If the number of records returned from Query A is <= 3000, then split the 3500 records into a 40% / 60% split (1,400 / 2,100).
If the number of records returned from Query A is >=3001 and <=50,000 then split the records into a 10% / 90% split.Etc. Etc.
I want the actual records returned, and not just the math acting on the records that returns one row with a number in it (in the column).
I'm not sure how you want to display different parts of the resulting set of rows, so I've just added additional column(part) in the resulting set of rows that contains values 1 indicating that row belongs to the first part and 2 - second part.
select z.*
, case
when cnt_all <= 3000 and cnt <= 40
then 1
when (cnt_all between 3001 and 50000) and (cnt <= 10)
then 1
else 2
end part
from (select t.*
, 100*(count(col1) over(order by col1) / count(col1) over() )cnt
, count(col1) over() cnt_all
from split_rowset t
order by col1
) z
Demo #1 number of rows 3000.
Demo #2 number of rows 3500.
For better usability you can create a view using the query above and then query that view filtering by part column.
Demo #3 using of a view.