How to force font on RDLC - interpret html tags - rdlc

I chose in RDLC (VS 2017) the Markup Type option: interpret HTML tags
can I force font for those placeHolders?
I would like to get the tags but to override the font. (I need ol, ul but not styles).
Any idea how to do it?

FontFamily can be override by setting the font property to a different size then default.
For example: setting the HTML placeholder to 10pt was ignored but setting to 12pt forced the whole HTML to be 12 pt.


converting HTML with custom css fonts(#face-fonts) to image

I need to convert html with custom css fonts(#face-fonts) to image.I have evaluated html2image and flying-saucer but both fail to convert custom css font.
Below is the css font in html.
#font-face{font-family:'FuturaBT';src:url(../fonts/FuturaBT.eot?#iefix) format("embedded-opentype")
flying saucer requires ttf. I am not sure if eot is supported.

Change font size universal for Bootstrap without mucking with internal css

I am using a bootstrap theme for my application in Xpages (using the Xpages Bootstrap theme included). The size of everything seems way too big to me; this app is for web (and maybe the Lotus XPiNC client.
How can I change the size without changing modifying any of the Bootstrap css?
You can override the default font size with some CSS, by changing the font size set on the body element:
body.xsp {
font-size: 14px;
But that won't cover everything. There are likely to be a number of other font sizes you need to override for other elements, e.g. buttons
.xsp .btn {
font-size: 14px;
This will be noticably easier to do using Bootstrap 4 when it is released. In v4 there is a font-size set on the html element (default is 16px). Then every font-size set in the rest of the Bootstrap CSS uses rem values (root em). This sets the font-size of everything relative to the font size of the root html element. Thus you can easily change the font size throughout your application by making one CSS change to alter the font size of the html element. This will also allow for responsive typography, so you can scale your font size up/down depending on the device size. Check out this link for more info about this feature in Bootstrap 4; look for the "New Unit (rems) for Typography" section.

Font Awesome not aligining properly

I can't seem to get the font awesome icons to load properly. The page in question can be found here:
Am I loading the font awesome correctly or is there a conflict with Bootstrap?
You have the correct styling (line-height: 30px in stylesheet.css applying to the icons using .social-links > li a), but the order that you are loading the stylesheets in the page means that it is getting overridden by the default font awesome style. Make sure that you load stylesheet.css after the font awesome css files in your header.
I can see that you placed google analytics code wrogly at the top of the html file. Please place the code at the bottom of the html file & of course inside body tags.
Your <a> tags need some padding to push down the FontAwesome icons.
I was able to add
to the <a> and it fixed the centering of the icons.

dojoattributes for Rich Text Field

I am trying to set the default Font and Font size in a RT Field on my XPage. I have this code:
<xp:inputRichText value="#{document1.Body}" id="body1" >
<xp:dojoAttribute name="font-family" value="Tahoma"></xp:dojoAttribute>
<xp:dojoAttribute name="font-size" value="16pt"></xp:dojoAttribute>
When the XPage with this RT Control is displayed the default is unchanged so I'm guessing that the "font-family" is not a RTF attribute that dojo can set. Am I on the right track with this or is there another way.
XPages uses the CK Editor to handle mime entry (commonly referred to as RichText). Head over to the CKeditor website. There you will find extensive documentation how to set defaults and customize it
There is a small issue hereā€¦ the "default" font and size will be determined by CSS applied to the surrounding tags, as the editor by default does not add font family nor font size to the content until a selection is made from the drop down list. The editor does not know what CSS is applied by default to the content, but you can make the selects match the default that is being applied by setting the variables font_defaultLabel and fontSize_defaultLabel (see the documentation here: To apply CSS to the editor content, use the variable contentsCss to point to a CSS file, just make sure to make the CSS in that file match what will be applied to the field contents when it is in read mode for consistency.

How to set color of link in wxWidgets wxHtmlWindow?

The wxWidgets library includes a simple HTML parser and viewer, which I'm trying to use to display some simple HTML. I'd like to make certain links (the ones that go to items that don't yet exist) a different color, or otherwise indicate that they need to be created, but I don't see any obvious way to do so.
Does anyone know of a way to do this?
Use the color CSS Style for span (Something like
<span style='color:red;'>Red Link</span>). Here is a quote from class' documentation here
List of supported styles
wxHTML doesn't really have CSS support but it does support a few
simple styles: you can use "text-align", "width", "vertical-align" and
"background" with all elements and for SPAN elements a few other
styles are additionally recognized:
font-size (only in point units)
font-style (only "oblique", "italic" and "normal" values are supported)
font-weight (only "bold" and "normal" values are supported)
text-decoration (only "underline" value is supported)