Json Serialize an interface's properties which have non primitive types [duplicate] - serialization

With a simple class/interface like this
public interface IThing
string Name { get; set; }
public class Thing : IThing
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
How can I get the JSON string with only the "Name" property (only the properties of the underlying interface) ?
Actually, when i make that :
var serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject((IThing)theObjToSerialize, Formatting.Indented);
I get the full object as JSON (Id + Name);

The method I use,
public class InterfaceContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
private readonly Type _InterfaceType;
public InterfaceContractResolver (Type InterfaceType)
_InterfaceType = InterfaceType;
protected override IList<JsonProperty> CreateProperties(Type type, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
//IList<JsonProperty> properties = base.CreateProperties(type, memberSerialization);
IList<JsonProperty> properties = base.CreateProperties(_InterfaceType, memberSerialization);
return properties;
// To serialize do this:
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings() {
ContractResolver = new InterfaceContractResolver (typeof(IThing))
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(theObjToSerialize, settings);

Improved version with nested interfaces + support for xsd.exe objects
Yet another variation here. The code came from http://www.tomdupont.net/2015/09/how-to-only-serialize-interface.html with the following improvements over other answers here
Handles hierarchy, so if you have an Interface2[] within an Interface1 then it will get serialized.
I was trying to serialize a WCF proxy object and the resultant JSON came up as {}. Turned out all properties were set to Ignore=true so I had to add a loop to set them all to not being ignored.
public class InterfaceContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
private readonly Type[] _interfaceTypes;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, Type> _typeToSerializeMap;
public InterfaceContractResolver(params Type[] interfaceTypes)
_interfaceTypes = interfaceTypes;
_typeToSerializeMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, Type>();
protected override IList<JsonProperty> CreateProperties(
Type type,
MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
var typeToSerialize = _typeToSerializeMap.GetOrAdd(
t => _interfaceTypes.FirstOrDefault(
it => it.IsAssignableFrom(t)) ?? t);
var props = base.CreateProperties(typeToSerialize, memberSerialization);
// mark all props as not ignored
foreach (var prop in props)
prop.Ignored = false;
return props;

Inspired by #user3161686, here's a small modification to InterfaceContractResolver:
public class InterfaceContractResolver<TInterface> : DefaultContractResolver where TInterface : class
protected override IList<JsonProperty> CreateProperties(Type type, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
IList<JsonProperty> properties = base.CreateProperties(typeof(TInterface), memberSerialization);
return properties;

You can use conditional serialization. Take a look at this link. Basicly, you need to implement the IContractResolver interface, overload the ShouldSerialize method and pass your resolver to the constructor of the Json Serializer.

An alternative to [JsonIgnore] are the [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes. If you class is tagged with [DataContract] the serializer will only process properties tagged with the [DataMember] attribute (JsonIgnore is an "opt-out" model while DataContract is "op-in").
public class Thing : IThing
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
The limitation of both approaches is that they must be implemented in the class, you cannot add them to the interface definition.

You can add the [JsonIgnore] annotation to ignore an attribute.

I'd like to share what we ended up doing when confronted with this task. Given the OP's interface and class...
public interface IThing
string Name { get; set; }
public class Thing : IThing
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
...we created a class that is the direct implementation of the interface...
public class DirectThing : IThing
public string Name { get; set; }
Then simply serialized our Thing instance, deserialized it as a DirectThing, then Serialized it as a DirectThing:
var thing = new Thing();
This approach can work with a long interface inheritance chain...you just need to make a direct class (DirectThing in this example) at the level of interest. No need to worry about reflection or attributes.
From a maintenance perspective, the DirectThing class is easy to maintain if you add members to IThing because the compiler will give errors if you haven't also put them in DirectThing. However, if you remove a member X from IThing and put it in Thing instead, then you'll have to remember to remove it from DirectThing or else X would be in the end result.
From a performance perspective there are three (de)serialization operations happening here instead of one, so depending on your situation you might like to evaluate the performance difference of reflector/attribute-based solutions versus this solution. In my case I was just doing this on a small scale, so I wasn't concerned about potential losses of some micro/milliseconds.
Hope that helps someone!

in addition to the answer given by #monrow you can use the default [DataContract] and [DataMember]
have a look at this

Finally I got when it will not work...
If you want to have inside another complex object it will not be properly serialized.
So I have made version which will extract only data stored in specific assembly and for types which have the same base interface.
So it is made as .Net Core JsonContractResolver.
In addition to data extraction it solves:
a) camelCase conversion before sending data to client
b) uses top most interface from allowed scope (by assembly)
c) fixes order of fields: field from most base class will be listed first and nested object will meet this rule as well.
public class OutputJsonResolver : DefaultContractResolver
#region Static Members
private static readonly object syncTargets = new object();
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, IList<JsonProperty>> Targets = new Dictionary<Type, IList<JsonProperty>>();
private static readonly Assembly CommonAssembly = typeof(ICommon).Assembly;
#region Override Members
protected override IList<JsonProperty> CreateProperties(Type type, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
if (type.Assembly != OutputJsonResolver.CommonAssembly)
return base.CreateProperties(type, memberSerialization);
IList<JsonProperty> properties;
if (OutputJsonResolver.Targets.TryGetValue(type, out properties) == false)
lock (OutputJsonResolver.syncTargets)
if (OutputJsonResolver.Targets.ContainsKey(type) == false)
properties = this.CreateCustomProperties(type, memberSerialization);
OutputJsonResolver.Targets[type] = properties;
return properties;
protected override string ResolvePropertyName(string propertyName)
return propertyName.ToCase(Casing.Camel);
#region Assistants
private IList<JsonProperty> CreateCustomProperties(Type type, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
// Hierarchy
IReadOnlyList<Type> types = this.GetTypes(type);
// Head
Type head = types.OrderByDescending(item => item.GetInterfaces().Length).FirstOrDefault();
// Sources
IList<JsonProperty> sources = base.CreateProperties(head, memberSerialization);
// Targets
IList<JsonProperty> targets = new List<JsonProperty>(sources.Count);
// Repository
IReadOnlyDistribution<Type, JsonProperty> repository = sources.ToDistribution(item => item.DeclaringType);
foreach (Type current in types.Reverse())
IReadOnlyPage<JsonProperty> page;
if (repository.TryGetValue(current, out page) == true)
return targets;
private IReadOnlyList<Type> GetTypes(Type type)
List<Type> types = new List<Type>();
if (type.IsInterface == true)
return types;


ASPNET Core ActionResult property not serialize

I have this object
public class FilterList<T> : List<T>
public int Total { get; set; }
In my controller:
public ActionResult<FilterList<MyPOCO>> GetFilteredResult(string filter)
var l = new FilterList<MyPOCO>();
l.Total = 123456;
// Continue to add many MyPOCO objects into the list
return l;
I can get back the MyPOCO list at the client side, but the l.Total is NOT serialize. May I know what I had done wrongly?
Here is a workaround , you could try to use [JsonObject] attribute . But the items will not be serialized, because a JSON container can have properties, or items -- but not both. If you want both, you will need to add a synthetic list property to hold the items.
[JsonObject] will also cause base class properties such as Capacity to be serialized, which you likely do not want. To suppress base class properties, use MemberSerialization.OptIn. Thus your final class should look something like:
[JsonObject(MemberSerialization = MemberSerialization.OptIn)]
public class FilterList<T> : List<T>
public int Total { get; set; }
List<T> Items
return this.ToList();
if (value != null)

ASP.NET Core OData entity with private setters on properties

I have this entity:
public int Id { get; private set; }
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Behavior Behavior { get; private set; }
public Product(int id, string name, Behavior behavior)
Id = id;
Name = name;
Behavior = behavior;
In startup method I'm registering the EdmModel :
var builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
var entitySet = builder.EntitySet<Product>("Products");
entitySet.EntityType.HasKey(x => x.Id);
var model = builder.GetEdmModel();
app.UseMvc(route =>
route.MapODataServiceRoute("odata", null, model);
When I'm running my app, this exception occurs:
InvalidOperationException: The entity 'Product' does not have a key
If I change private setter to public all is working. Also others properties with private setters are giving: ODataException Product does not contain property with name 'Name'. How can I solve it ?
the question is quite old, I stumbled across the same issue now. Scalar properties (i.e. int, string, bool) with private setters are not recognized by the ODataConventionModelBuilder, even though it recognizes collections with private setters.
I could solve the problem using EntityTypeConfiguration<T> obtained via the model builder:
public class Article
public string ArticleNr { get; private set; }
public string SomeProperty { get; private set; }
var builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
var articleBuilder = builder.EntityType<Article>();
articleBuilder.HasKey(a => a.ArticleNr);
articleBuilder.Property(a => a.SomeProperty);
var model = builder.GetEdmModel();
This is giving me a model that can be built, it recognizes the key in spite of its private setter and I can also issue queries against SomeProperty. But this way every property must be registered explicitly using a call to Property which seems very error prone when adding new properties. I think it should be able to write a custom convention for it, but I have not tried this so far.

Value Injecter : Dto to Domain Model (NHibernate)

I am using ValueInjecter to map properties from a Domain model to a DTO served up via a Service Layer. The service in question also accepts updates... so an updated DTO is passed in and this is then injected to the domain object and saved.
// Domain
public class Member
public Country Country { get; set; }
public class Country
public string Code { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class MemberDto
public string CountryCode { get; set; }
//Transformation Method attempt 1
public Member InjectFromDto (MemberDto dto, Member source)
source = source.InjectFrom<UnflatLoopValueInjection>(dto);
return source;
Now all this above code does is updates the Property Member.Country.Code which is obviously not what I need it to do.
So from the docs, I figured I needed to create an override and got this:
public class CountryLookup: UnflatLoopValueInjection<string, Country>
protected override Country SetValue(string sourcePropertyValue)
return countryService.LookupCode(sourcePropertyValue);
//revised transformation call
//Transformation Method attempt 2
public Member InjectFromDto (MemberDto dto, Member source)
source = source.InjectFrom<UnflatLoopValueInjection>(dto)
return source;
My problem is during debugging, CountryLookup never gets called.
Possible reasons I can think of:
Nhibernate Proxy classes causing value injecter to not match the Country type? Tho this doesnt make sense because it works during the flattening.
Perhaps the unflattening isn't firing for some reason. I.e Dto is CountryCode and Domain is Country.Code
I need to use the CountryCode property on the Dto to call a countryService.LookupCode to return the correct object to use during the update injection.
unflattening would be to do this:
entity.Country.Code <- dto.CountryCode
what you need is:
entity.Country <- dto.CountryCode
so the solution for you would be to inherit an ExactValueInjection where you would go from CountryCode to Country.
what I recommend you to do is do the same that I did in the live demo of another project of mine http://awesome.codeplex.com
where I have something like this:
public class Entity
public int Id{get;set;}
public class Member : Entity
public Country Country{get;set;}
public class MemberDto : DtoWithId
public int? Country {get;set;}
and use these injections to go from entity to dto and back
public class NullIntToEntity : LoopValueInjection
protected override bool TypesMatch(Type sourceType, Type targetType)
return sourceType == typeof(int?) && targetType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Entity));
protected override object SetValue(object sourcePropertyValue)
if (sourcePropertyValue == null) return null;
var id = ((int?) sourcePropertyValue).Value;
dynamic repo = IoC.Resolve(typeof(IRepo<>).MakeGenericType(TargetPropType));
return repo.Get(id);
//(you also need to have a generic repository, notice IRepo<>)
public class EntityToNullInt : LoopValueInjection
protected override bool TypesMatch(Type sourceType, Type targetType)
return sourceType.IsSubclassOf(typeof (Entity)) && targetType == typeof (int?);
protected override object SetValue(object o)
if (o == null) return null;
return (o as Entity).Id;
these injections will handle not just going from int? to Country and back but also any other type which inherits Entity
Using the suggestion/reference from Omu this was the specific code to the problem.
public class CountryLookup : ExactValueInjection
private ICountryService countryservice;
public CountryLookup(ICountryService countryService)
this.countryService = countryService;
protected override bool TypesMatch(Type s, Type t)
return (s == typeof(string)) && (t == typeof (Country));
protected override Object SetValue(object v)
if (v == null)
return null;
var country = countryService.LookupCode((string) v);
return country;
public override string SourceName()
return "CountryCode";
public override string TargetName()
return "Country";
public Member InjectFromDto (MemberDto dto, Member source)
source = source.InjectFrom<UnflatLoopValueInjection>(dto)
return source;
Is a framework calling the setter method? In most DI frameworks, the standard is lowercase 's' in the setMethod(). Just a first-thought recommendation.

How to automap a collection of components with Fluent NHibernate?

All of my entities and value objects implement marker interfaces IEntity and IValueObject. I have set them up to be treated as components like so:
public override bool IsComponent(Type type)
return typeof(IValueObject).IsAssignableFrom(type);
public override bool ShouldMap(Type type)
return typeof(IEntity).IsAssignableFrom(type) || typeof(IValueObject).IsAssignableFrom(type);
Unfortunately, this does not seem to allow entities that have collections of value objects to be automapped as component collections. For example:
public class MyEntity : IEntity
public IList<MyValueObject> Objects { get; set; }
public class MyValueObject : IValueObject
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
Is there any way to define a convention such that, any time an IEntity has an IList of a type that implements IValueObject, it gets mapped as if I had specified:
HasMany(x => x.Objects)
.Component(x => {
x.Map(m => m.Name);
x.Map(m => m.Value);
What I don't want to do is have to manually do these overrides for every class and write out each property for the value object again and again.
Create a new class that inherits from HasManyStep (FluentNHibernate.Automapping.Steps).
Override the ShouldMap() method with something like :
return base.ShouldMap(member) && IsCollectionOfComponents(member)
Add your logic to :
public void Map(ClassMappingBase classMap, Member member)
{ ... }
Replace the default step with your new one :
public class MyMappingConfiguration : DefaultAutomappingConfiguration
public override IEnumerable<IAutomappingStep> GetMappingSteps(AutoMapper mapper, IConventionFinder conventionFinder)
var steps = base.GetMappingSteps(mapper, conventionFinder);
var finalSteps = steps.Where(c => c.GetType() != typeof(FluentNHibernate.Automapping.Steps.HasManyToManyStep)).ToList();
var idx = finalSteps.IndexOf(steps.Where(c => c.GetType() == typeof(PropertyStep)).First());
finalSteps.Insert(idx + 1, new MyCustomHasManyStep(this));
return finalSteps;
Note : You could also get the original source code of HasManyStep.cs and copy it to your project to introduce your custom logic.

Ninject Cascading Inection with IList

I am trying to use Ninject to implement cascading injection into a class that contains an IList field. It seems that, unless I specifically specify each binding to use in the kernel.Get method, the IList property is always injected with a list of a single default object.
The following VSTest code illustrates the problem. The first test fails because the IList field contains one MyType object with Name=null. The second test passes, but I had to specifically tell Ninject what constructor arguments to use. I am using the latest build from the ninject.web.mvc project for MVC 3.
Does Ninject specifically treat IList different, or is there a better way to handle this? Note that this seems to only be a problem when using an IList. Createing a custom collection object that wraps IList works as expected in the first test.
public class NinjectTest
public void ListTest_Fails_NameNullAndCountIncorrect()
var kernel = new Ninject.StandardKernel(new MyNinjectModule());
var target = kernel.Get<MyModel>();
var actual = target.GetList();
// Fails. Returned value is set to a list of a single object equal to default(MyType)
Assert.AreEqual(2, actual.Count());
// Fails because MyType object is initialized with a null "Name" property
Assert.AreEqual("Fred", actual.First().Name);
public void ListTest_Passes_SeemsLikeUnnecessaryConfiguration()
var kernel = new Ninject.StandardKernel(new MyNinjectModule());
var target = kernel.Get<MyModel>(new ConstructorArgument("myGenericObject", kernel.Get<IGenericObject<MyType>>(new ConstructorArgument("myList", kernel.Get<IList<MyType>>()))));
var actual = target.GetList();
Assert.AreEqual(2, actual.Count());
Assert.AreEqual("Fred", actual.First().Name);
public class MyNinjectModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind<IList<MyType>>().ToConstant(new List<MyType> { new MyType { Name = "Fred" }, new MyType { Name = "Bob" } });
public class MyModel
private IGenericObject<MyType> myGenericObject;
public MyModel(IGenericObject<MyType> myGenericObject)
this.myGenericObject = myGenericObject;
public IEnumerable<MyType> GetList()
return myGenericObject.GetList();
public interface IGenericObject<T>
IList<T> GetList();
public class StubObject<T> : IGenericObject<T>
private IList<T> _myList;
public StubObject(IList<T> myList)
_myList = myList;
public IList<T> GetList()
return _myList;
public class MyType
public String Name { get; set; }
lists, collections and arrays are handled slightly different. For those types ninject will inject a list or array containing an instance of all bindings for the generic type. In your case the implementation type is a class which is aoutobound by default. So the list will contain one instance of that class. If you add an interface to that class and use this one the list will be empty.