How to use modalPresentationStyle .fullscreen in React Native navigation - react-native

I am trying to create my first React Native application. I have a login screen from which I want to navigate to a register screen if users want to sign up.
To achieve this, I was thinking of opening a modal above the first screen (login). I created the following:
import { NavigationContainer } from "#react-navigation/native";
import { createStackNavigator } from "#react-navigation/stack";
const Stack = createStackNavigator();
function RegisterScreen({ navigation }) {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
<Text style={{ fontSize: 30 }}>Register Screen</Text>
<Button onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} title="Go back" />
function MyStack() {
return (
<Stack.Screen name="Login" component={LoginScreen} options={{ headerShown: false }} />
<Stack.Group screenOptions={{ presentation: "modal", headerShown: false }} options={{modalPresentationStyle: 'fullScreen'}}>
<Stack.Screen name="Register" component={RegisterScreen} />
export default function App() {
return (
<MyStack />
This works perfectly fine, the modal shows. However, as you can see in this screenshot below, the modal is shown with modalPresentationStyle .automatic (in iOS). I want it to show as .fullScreen, so the hierarchy is not visible in the screen. Basically, I want the view to be shown from the safeArea/statusBar all the way down to the safeArea on the bottom.
How can I achieve this?

The terminology in React Native isn't the same as terminology in native apps. If you want a full-screen screen, you probably don't want a modal. If you want a vertical animation, change the animation based on docs:
screenOptions={{ cardStyleInterpolator: CardStyleInterpolators. forVerticalIOS, headerShown: false }}
There's also no modalPresentationStyle: 'fullScreen' in documentation and Group component doesn't take an options prop.

The accepted answer states:
If you want a full-screen screen, you probably don't want a modal.
That's not necessarily true. Use
screenOptions={{ presentation: 'transparentModal' }}
screenOptions={{ presentation: 'fullScreenModal' }}
for a full screen modal animation you can't dismiss on iOS.


React Navigation 6 - how to close modal from navigation stack

I am trying to close a React Navigation modal from the navigation stack.
Following the official React Navigation documentation navigation.goBack''' is being used within the '''Modal Screen. This successfully closes the modal, but what I would like to achieve is closing the modal by pressing a button in the navigation stack instead of in the screen.
I have tried both of the below functions and although they work as expected in the Screen, they do not work in the stack navigator.
<Button onPress={() => navigation.pop()} title="Dismiss" />
<Button onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} title="Dismiss" />
I get the following error:
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigation.goBack')
How can I get the modal to close by pressing a button in the stack navigator?
I think you have misunderstood this Example.
function HomeScreen({ navigation }) {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
<Text style={{ fontSize: 30 }}>This is the home screen!</Text>
onPress={() => navigation.navigate('MyModal')}
title="Open Modal"
function ModalScreen({ navigation }) {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
<Text style={{ fontSize: 30 }}>This is a modal!</Text>
<Button onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} title="Dismiss" />
const RootStack = createStackNavigator();
function RootStackScreen() {
return (
<RootStack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
<RootStack.Group screenOptions={{ presentation: 'modal' }}>
<RootStack.Screen name="MyModal" component={ModalScreen} />
both HomeScreen and ModalScreen are screen not model of any kind. screenOptions is an object where you define what type of animation you want to see when user navigate to that screen.
when you set screenOptions to model:
The modal behavior slides the screen in from the bottom and allows the
user to swipe down from the top to dismiss it on iOS.
Finally let talk about your error:
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigation.goBack')
navigation props will only be available on those screen which are include in your navigation.
so check that screen is present or not where your accessing navigation.goBack

Disable animation for a custom header in React Navigation

I would like to disable the screen animation for the header part of the Stack Navigator.
I have a common custom Header defined in the Stack Navigator via screenOptions.
And have default animations for screen transitions.
I want to make sure the animation happens only to the screen and not to my header component.
Since the header will a static content.
I've also tried making the headerMode as screen and float but that did not help.
I wanted to see if there is a property similar to animationEnabled but for the header component.
screenOptions= {{
headerMode: 'screen',
animation: 'fade',
header: (props) =>
<Header {...props} />
// Rest of my screens
What you could do is completely separate the header from your Navigator, and use a ref to control navigation from it. Something like this:
const App = () => {
const navigationRef = useNavigationContainerRef()
return (
<Text>This header won't animate!</Text>
<Text onPress={() => navigationRef.navigate('Home')}>Link</Text>
<NavigationContainer ref={navigationRef}>
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }}>
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="Other" component={OtherScreen} />

Adding background color to app.js on react-native

I want to add a default color for all my screens on react-native. My entry file doesn't have a default react-native component that takes in styles as prop. Hence, I'll be asking "How to add styles when Navigation container is present". I have tried adding the cardStyle prop on Drawer.Screen but it doesn't work.
Here's a sample of my code
<Drawer.Screen name='SignUp' component={SignUp} />
<Drawer.Screen name='Reset Password' component={ResetPassword}/>
<Drawer.Screen name="Forgot Password" component={ForgotPasswordScreen} />
<Drawer.Screen name='Login' component={Login} />
<Drawer.Screen name="Verify Email" component={EmailVerification} />
Simply we have to create a Root Component in which we can put the background color.
For Example.
Create a Root Component with background color:
const RootComponent = props => {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: "YOUR_BACKGROUND_COLOR" }} >
export default RootComponent;
Now we can import the Root Component in our screens in which screens we are supposed to show the same background color.
for Example:
const HomeScreen = props => {
return (

Remove navigation stack for login screen after user login

I am new to React Native. I am so confused about navigation stack.
Here is my code.
const AppNavigator = () => {
return (
<Stack.Screen name="Login" component={LoginScreen} options={{ title: 'login' }}/>
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} options={{ title: 'home' }}/>
Users will see the login screen once they run this app.
And here is LogInScreen.
const LogInScreen = ({ navigation }) => {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
title="google login"
onPress={() =>
Users is going to see home screen after they clicked login button.
But the problem is they still can see back button in home screen.
After log in , it's not necessary to show login screen to users.
Hence, I need to reset stack to remove back button in home screen.
If you want to remove the back button in the home screen, you can use the headerLeft option as specified here.
I think it is enough if you're developing for iOS. For Android, the user can still use the back button to go back. I think resetting the stack and navigate the user the home page is also a good solution. You can look into this post

White background flashing when switching screens - React-Navigation v5

I'm migrating a RN project version 4 to 5.
When switching screens there was an issue with a white background flashing in.
In v4 this was solved by setting cardStyle: { backgroundColor: material.containerBgColor } in the StackNavigation options.
However in v5 I'm unable to fix it with the same approach:
<Stack.Navigator cardStyle={{ backgroundColor: material.containerBgColor }} ...>
White flash has come back. Any idea how to fix it? Thanks.
The structure of the navigation may be important:
const AppTabNavigator = () => (
<Tab.Screen name="Home" component={Home} />
<Stack.Screen name="ScreenD" component={ScreenD} />
<Stack.Screen name="ScreenE" component={ScreenE} />
<Stack.Screen name="ScreenF" component={ScreenF} />
cardStyle={{ backgroundColor: material.containerBgColor }}
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={AppTabNavigator} />
<Stack.Screen name="ScreenA" component={ScreenA} />
<Stack.Screen name="ScreenB" component={ScreenB} />
<Stack.Screen name="ScreenC" component={ScreenC} />
Going from ScreenD to ScreenE does the flashing issue. I'm not sure about the other screens as they don't make any network request / async stuff.
I faced the same issue and dived into an investigation. It seems that the detachment of the screens causes it. I found a few approaches. You can choose one according to your needs. They are the following:
You can specify a view wrapper of the navigator with the same background color as the screens one like:
<View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#YOUR_SCREEN_COLOR' }}>
// It could be your NavigationContainer or your StackNavigator depends on your goals
<Navigator />
You can also specify your screen mode to be modal in the stack view config this prevents the screens from being detached like:
<StackNavigator.Navigator mode="modal">
{/*.... Your stack screens ... */}
You can add your custom overlay in screenOptions by using the cardOverlay prop:
cardOverlay: () => (
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#YOUR_COLOR',
You can use the cardStyleInterpolator:
This allows you to customize the animation transitions when navigating from screen to screen.
Here are the snippets from the original documentation:
const forFade = ({ current, closing }) => ({
cardStyle: {
opacity: current.progress,
options={{ cardStyleInterpolator: forFade }}
Stack Navigator exposes various options to configure the transition animation when a screen is added or removed.
Fixed it by using the DarkTheme for the Navigation Container
import { NavigationContainer, DarkTheme } from '#react-navigation/native';
return (
<NavigationContainer theme={DarkTheme}>
I am also using StackNavigator in v5, but none of the answers worked for me. That's how I solved the issue:
const navigatorOptions = {
headerShown: false,
cardStyle: { backgroundColor: 'transparent' },
cardStyleInterpolator: ({ current: { progress } }) => ({
cardStyle: {
opacity: progress.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 1],
outputRange: [0, 1],
overlayStyle: {
opacity: progress.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 1],
outputRange: [0, 0.5],
extrapolate: 'clamp',
I've found the solution here:
An easy fix to this problem that worked for me is to set the sceneContainerStyle in the Tab Navigator like this:
<Tab.Navigator sceneContainerStyle={{backgroundColor: 'black'}}>
...//your screens here
const App = () => (
<View style={styles.appStyle}>
<Navigation />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
appStyle: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: "#000" }
Using react-native-navigation:^6.0.0, I tested everything here but actually the only things that work is to set a theme on the NavigationContainer
colors: {
background: 'black',
I used the solution provided by #jul
<SafeAreaProvider style={{ backgroundColor: "black" }}>
Small difference is that our SafeAreaProvider wraps NavigationContainer at a much higher level.
<SafeAreaProvider style={{ backgroundColor: "black" }}>
<NavigationContainer />
Serves as a default background color without using native modules to set the root background color
In my case it was due to the default styles of a SafeAreaProvider inside a NavigationContainer. Setting
<SafeAreaProvider style={{ backgroundColor: "black" }}>
did the trick.
I have solved the issue by disabling the sceneAnimationEnabled of the Tab Navigator.
I solved this by setting lazy={false} in the <Tabs.Navigator> component:
cardStyle is an option on the screen, not the navigator.
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ cardStyle: backgroundColor: material.containerBgColor }}>
{/* ... */}
options={{ cardStyle: backgroundColor: material.containerBgColor }}
{/* ... */}
Probably a better way is to use the theming system to pass your colors rather than specifying it for every navigator:
The problem with me was that I had enableScreens() was enabled in my App.tsx.
You have 2 options:
Remove the enableScreens() call
add detachPreviousScreen: false to your screenOptions of your navigator and enableScreens(true) to your App.tsx
for expo you can change backgroundColor in App.json file to #000000.
The background color for your app, behind any of your React views. This is also known as the root view background color.
Put the outside your NavigationContainer with flex: 1 and backgroundColor with the color you like
I solved this problem doing this in the app.json file: (but i had the same background color on every page)
"expo": {
"backgroundColor": "#YOUR_COLOR",
I solved this problem with this code: you can also put cardStyleInterpolator in the options property of each <Screen>
const notAnimation = () => ({});
screenOptions={{ cardStyleInterpolator: notAnimation }}>
Using react-native-navigation:^4.4.4, the issue is resolved by disabling the animation.
const AppNavigator = createStackNavigator(
defaultNavigationOptions: {animationEnabled: false}, // Add this line
No need to worry about backgroundColor 👍
Try this , it will work -
Just wrap the navigator inside a view and give it a background color and don't forget to set flex
For me adding cardStyle was enough to fix it.
const navigatorOptions = {
cardStyle: { backgroundColor: 'transparent' },
Setting the background color merely "hides" the problem. For me, the problem arose when I switched to react-native-navigation:^6.0.0, but it only happened on screens where I was using LayoutAnimation.configureNext() in a useEffect callback (used to trigger effects when a state changes).
What completely solved the problem for me was to put the LayoutAnimation.configureNext() in the callback function that triggers the state change, instead of passively listening to it with useEffect (because it seemed that the useEffect trigger on render + the LayoutAnimation caused the flash).
I have solved this issue by wrapping navigationContainer inside the SafeAreaProvider which is imported from react-native-safe-area-context and give background color to it.
<SafeAreaProvider style={{backgroundColor: Colors?.backgroundColor}}>
<StackNavigator />
try it if this works fine, then give upvote and tick the answer.