Ktor Keycloak Acess Token Route Protection - kotlin

I'm using a server that authenticates through keycloak. In keycloak I have created a realm and am able to get an Access token as a response. This access token gets fed now into my Ktor application.
However, I'm not quite sure how to protect routes in an easy manner. I want to have some protected routes that have a authenticate("keycloakOAuth"){} scope around it which handles validating the access token and refreshing using the refresh token if the access token is expired.
Currently I have keycloak inside Ktor configured as this:
authenticate("keycloakOAuth") {
get("login") {}
route("/callback") {
// This handler will be executed after making a request to a provider's token URL.
handle {
val principal = call.authentication.principal<OAuthAccessTokenResponse>()
if (principal != null) {
val response = principal as OAuthAccessTokenResponse.OAuth2
call.respondText { "Access token: ${response.accessToken}" }
} else {
call.respondText { "NO principal" }
This works fine because when I go to login I'm getting sent to the Keycloak login page and I can login. When I logged in the callback executes and I get my Access Token back.
When I'm trying to protect routes however, some odd stuff happens. I know that I need to validate the incoming JWT token. But I have no clue how to given the Ktor capabilities. The examples are also of little help, since they are quite vague.
Currently I have something like this:
authenticate("keycloakOAuth") {
get("/testAuth") {
val principal = call.authentication.principal<OAuthAccessTokenResponse.OAuth2>()
if(principal != null) {
} else {
But my application will always send me to the login page and then callback page, even though I am sending the Bearer token when I'm testing this call.
My question is:
How do I protect routes in a manner that they need a valid token, with the same syntax that Ktor uses (like authenticate(){}). Do I need to configure JWT for this?

When you request one of the routes under authenticate, the full cycle of OAuth authentication is triggered. This is because the Authentication plugin is designed so a client sends credentials and gets authenticated for each request. For some reason, OAuth integration was implemented on top of the Authentication plugin hence such unexpected behavior.
To solve your problem you can have only /login and /callback routes restricted. In the callback's handler save user ID and tokens in a session or in any other storage for future use. For other routes, you can check manually the fact that a user is authenticated and then use tokens from storage to acquire protected data from the resource server. For convenience, you can create some extension functions to minimize the amount of boilerplate code. Unfortunately, there is no built-in functionality to make it work out of the box.
You don't need to configure JWT for this.


How to verify a keycloak kcToken and kcIdToken fetched from browser's cookies after #react-keycloak/ssr login?

I am trying to secure NextJS API endpoints with keycloak. Keycloak authentication is already implemented on the front-end pages. The user is forced to sign in before they can view those pages. Two tokens are saved in the browser's cookies following keycloak authentication. They are kcToken and kcIdToken.
Those same pages call on api endpoints, which also need to be secured, in case someone is trying to access them outside of the application pages.
I am trying to use the two tokens (kcIdToken and kcToken) to secure the APIs endpoints. I am not trying to require authentication again at the api level, but directly fetch these two tokens from the browser when an api endpoint is called and verify the tokens to check authentication status, etc.
Is there a way of verifying these two tokens ? I checked the format of these two tokens and they are not exactly jwt tokens with headers, payload, etc.
I am able to get these two tokens. I am not sure though what are their differences and uses.
What are the differences and uses of kcToken and kcIdToken, obtained using the #react-keycloak/ssr authentication for keycloak ?
Here is my api endpoint function:
const handler = async (req, res) => {
// Fetching the tokens from the request cookies
const { kcToken, kcIdToken } = req.cookies
// If the tokens are undefined or non-existent in the browser
if ( !kcIdToken || !kcToken) {
return res.status(401).json({ success: false, message: "Unauthorized Access"})
// Verify kcToken and kcIdToken are valid
// Get user information, roles, etc, if the tokens are valid
return res.status(401).json({ success: false, message: "Unauthorized Access"})
How do I verify these two tokens validate the correct authentication state ? What are the uses and differences between these two tokens ? Are these tokens coming directly from keycloak or from #react-keycloak/ssr ?

Token based authentication for both Web App and Web API using Azure AD B2C

Both Web application and Web API need to be authenticated and protected from the server side.
Web application is serving the contents for the browser and browser should be calling Web API directly (i.e. Browser to API).
Is it possible to authenticate both Web APP and the API using tokens?
Any sample code or clear direction would be highly appreciated.
Normally web applications are authenticated using cookies and APIs are authenticated using tokens.There are some sample projects available here but they are either browser to API (SPA token based) or Server side Web App calling API from server to server.
App is saving the TokenValidationParameters and used bootstrapContext.Token within the app controller to grab for server to server communication.
As per #dstrockis, I'm trying to grab the id_token from the Web App soon after the end of validation (not within the app contrller).
I'm using SecurityTokenValidated invoker in OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions.Notifications within the Startup class. SecurityTokenValidated receives a parameter of type SecurityTokenValidatedNotification<OpenIdConnectMessage, OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions> but I'm not sure where to find the id_token within it. Method is below.
private OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions CreateOptionsFromPolicy(string policy)
return new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
// For each policy, give OWIN the policy-specific metadata address, and
// set the authentication type to the id of the policy
MetadataAddress = String.Format(aadInstance, tenant, policy),
AuthenticationType = policy,
// These are standard OpenID Connect parameters, with values pulled from web.config
ClientId = clientId,
RedirectUri = redirectUri,
PostLogoutRedirectUri = redirectUri,
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications
AuthenticationFailed = OnAuthenticationFailed,
//NEW METHOD INVOKE ************************************
SecurityTokenValidated = OnSecurityTokenValidated
Scope = "openid",
ResponseType = "id_token",
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
NameClaimType = "name",
SaveSigninToken = true
//NEW METHOD ************************************
private Task OnSecurityTokenValidated(
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions> arg)
//QUESTION ********************************************************
//How to find the just saved id_token using incoming parameter, arg
return Task.FromResult(0);
Instead of SecurityTokenValidated, I tried AuthorizationCodeReceived and it's not getting called at all. As discussed here, my redirect url does have an ending slash as well.
Any Ideas?
Our ASP.NET OpenID Connect middleware which supports AAD B2C is built to rely on cookie authentication from a browser. It doesn't accept tokens in a header or anything like that for securing web pages. So I'd say if you want to serve HTML from your web app in the classic way, you need to use cookies to authenticate requests to the web app.
You can definitely get & store tokens within the browser and use those to access your web API, even if you use cookies to authenticate to the web app. There's two patterns I'd recommend:
Perform the initial login using the OpenID Connect Middleware, initiating the flow from the server side as described in the samples. Once the flow completes, the middleware will validate the resulting id_token and drop cookies in the browser for future requests. You can instruct the middleware to save the id_token for later use by using the line of code written here. You can then somehow pass that id_token down to your browser, cache it, and use it to make requests to the API.
The other pattern is the inverse. Start by initiating the login from javascript, using the single page app pattern from the B2C documentation. Cache the resulting id_tokens in the browser, and use them to make API calls. But when the login completes, you can send a request to your web app with the id_token in the body, triggering the OpenID Connect middleware to process the request and issue a session cookie. If you want to know the format of that request, I'd recommend inspecting a regular server side OpenID Connect flow.
Found the answer to my own question and adding here for the future reference.
After a successful validation, id_token can be accessed by invoking the SecurityTokenValidated notification. Code sample is below.
private Task OnSecurityTokenValidated(
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions> arg)
//Id Token can be retrieved as below.
var token = arg.ProtocolMessage.IdToken;
return Task.FromResult(0);
However, saving this directly into a browser cookie may not be secure.

How do I store JWT and send them with every request using react

So happy right know because I got my basic registration/authentication system going on.
so basically I got this :
app.post('/login', function(req,res) {
email: req.body.email
}, function(err, user) {
if(err) throw err;
if(!user) {
res.send({success: false, message: 'Authentication Failed, User not found.'});
} else {
//Check passwords
checkingPassword(req.body.password, user.password, function(err, isMatch) {
if(isMatch && !err) {
//Create token
var token = jwt.sign(user,db.secret, {
expiresIn: 1008000
res.json({success: true, jwtToken: "JWT "+token});
} else {
res.json({success: false, message: 'Authentication failed, wrong password buddy'});
Then I secure my /admin routes and with POSTMAN whenever I send a get request with the jwt in the header everything works perfectly.
Now here is the tricky part, basically When i'm going to login if this a sucess then redirect me to the admin page, and everytime I try to access admin/* routes I want to send to the server my jwToken but the problem is, how do I achieve that ? I'm not using redux/flux, just using react/react-router.
I don't know how the mechanic works.
Thanks guys
Do not store the token in localStorage, the token can be compromised using xss attack.
I think the best solution will be to provide both access token and refresh token to the client on login action.
save the access token in memory (e.g redux state) and the refresh token should be created on the server with httpOnly flag (and also secure flag if possible).
The access token should be set to expire every 2-3 minutes.
In order to make sure that the user will not have to enter his credentials every 2-3 minutes I have an interval which calls the /refreshToken endpoint before the current token expires (silent refresh token).
that way, the access token cannot be compromised using xss/csrf.
but using an xss attack, the attacker can make a call on your behalf to the /refreshToken endpoint, but this will not be harmful because the returned token cannot be compromised.
1- login component send a login request to the API server endpoint
2- server API endpoint returns a token
3- I save the token in user's localStorage
4- all the API calls from now on will have in the header
Example: https://github.com/joshgeller/react-redux-jwt-auth-example
Security update:
As #Dan mentioned in the comment, tokens should not be stored in Localstorage because every javascript script has access to that one, which means third party scripts you don't own could access tokens and do whatevery they want with it.
A better place is to store it as a Cookie with HttpOnly flag.
Since saving the JWT in localStorage is vulnerable to XSS attacks, the other way can be saving it inside a httpOnly cookie but too bad that you cannot do that in frontend, check this post.
The only option you have is to configure your server-side to return you a the JWT in a httpOnly cookie and also accept the token inside httpOnly cookie. You'll also have to think of how you want to deal with token expiry.
While modern browsers support and prevent reading/writing via httpOnly cookies, but I am not sure about old browsers.

Authentication in GraphQL servers

How to properly handle authentication in GraphQL servers?
Is it ok to pass a JWT token at the Authorization header of query/mutation requests?
Should I use something from GraphQL specification?
Stateless solutions is preferable.
A while ago I was wondering the same thing for sometime,
but apparently authentication is out of the scope of what GraphQL is trying to accomplish (see the conversations on Github).
But there are solutions such as this which handles it with sessions.
Assuming you use express-graphql, here is what you can do.
import graphQLHTTP from 'express-graphql'
app.use(`/graphql`, [aValidationFunction, graphQLHTTP(options)])
function aValidationFunction(req, res, next) {
const { authorization } = req.headers
// Do your validation here by using redis or whatever
if (validUser) {
return next()
} else {
return res.status(403)
It depends on whether your GraphQL consumer is a webapp or mobileapp.
If it is a webapp, then I would recommend sticking with session-cookie-based authentication since most popular web frameworks support this, and you also get CSRF protection.
If it is a mobileapp, then you will want JWT. You can try manually getting a cookie header from login response, and put stuff this "cookie" in your next request, but I had problem that some proxy servers strip off this "cookie", leaving your request unauthenticated. So as you said, including JWT in every authenticated request (GraphQL request) is the way to go.

loopback protected routes/ensure login

How do I ensure that a user is logged in before I render a view using loopback?
I can loggin in the front end using my angular app. But I wanted to block anonymous users from viewing the page.
I thought it would be a header, something like headers.authorization_token, but it does not seem to be there.
I am looking for something like connect-ensurelogin for passport, without having to use passport.
This is the $interceptor that solves your problem.
This code detects 401 responses (user not logged in or the access token is expired) from Loopback REST server and redirect the user to the login page:
// Inside app config block
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($q, $location) {
return {
responseError: function(rejection) {
if (rejection.status == 401) {
$location.nextAfterLogin = $location.path();
return $q.reject(rejection);
And this code will redirect to the requested page once the user is logged in
// In the Login controller
User.login($scope.credentials, function() {
var next = $location.nextAfterLogin || '/';
$location.nextAfterLogin = null;
Here is one possible approach that has worked for me (details may vary):
Design each of the Pages in your Single Page Angular App to make at one of your REST API calls when the Angular Route is resolved.
Secure all of your REST API Routes using the AccessToken/User/Role/ACL scheme that LoopBack provides.
When no valid Access Token is detected on the REST Server side, pass back a 401 Unauthorized Error.
On the Client Side Data Access, when you detect a 401 on your REST Call, redirect to your Logic Route.
For the smoothest User Experience, whenever you redirect to Login, store the Route the User wanted to access globally
(localStore, $RootScope, etc.) and redirect back there when the User
Logs in and gets a valid Access Token.
Here is the LoopBack Access Control sample: https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-example-access-control