UIButton always truncate text on iOS 15 - uibutton

After update to xcode 13 / ios 15. I see, that always text is truncated on UIButton with non fix size. The text is delivered from a PushRelay (RxSwift).
See UIButton's on a horizontal UIStackView.
The Code is the following
let tagButton = UIButton()
tagButton.layer.cornerRadius = 16
tagButton.layer.masksToBounds = true
tagButton.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 8, left: 16, bottom: 8, right: 16)
The Text is deliverd by:
.drive(tagButton.rx.attributedTitle(for: .normal))

I'm seeing this problem inside a UIStackView.
Switching from titleEdgeInsets to contentEdgeInsets fixed the problem for me.

The solution is the titleEdgeInsets property.


How to set the format of text in Korge?

The 2048 Game tutorial shows
text("0", cellSize * 0.5, Colors.WHITE, font) {
setTextBounds(Rectangle(0.0, 0.0, bgScore.width, cellSize - 24.0))
format = format.copy(align = Html.Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER) // there is an error
alignTopToTopOf(bgScore, 12.0)
I use android studio 4.1 and Korge plugin The IDE shows: Unresolved reference.
I change this line to
setFormat(align = TextAlignment.MIDDLE_CENTER)
The error of IDE disappear, but the text don't show either.
How to fix it, and set the text in the middle of the object of bgScore
Thanks a lot
The korge in new version
text("0", cellSize * 0.5, Colors.WHITE, font) {
setTextBounds(Rectangle(0.0, 0.0, bgScore.width, cellSize - 24.0))
// format = format.copy(align = Html.Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER) // there is an error
alignment = TextAlignment.MIDDLE_CENTER // it works in version korGE 2.0
alignTopToTopOf(bgScore, 12.0)

VB.Net make a image in background task using Win2d

Dependency : Win2D
I am trying to generate a Livetile image from background task.
However, the generated PNG file only looks transparent, no single dot is painted at all.
So, I simplified the important code as below to test, yet no result was changed.
I imported Microsoft.Canvas.Graphics(+Effects,+Text),
Dim device As CanvasDevice = New CanvasDevice()
Dim width = 150, height = 150
Using renderTarget = New CanvasRenderTarget(device, width, height, 96)
Dim ds = renderTarget.CreateDrawingSession()
'ds = DrawTile(ds, w, h)
Dim xf As CanvasTextFormat = New CanvasTextFormat()
xf.HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Left
xf.VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Top
xf.FontSize = 12
ds.DrawText("hi~", 1, 1, Colors.Black, xf)
renderTarget.CreateDrawingSession.DrawText("hi~", 1, 1, Colors.Black, xf)
Await renderTarget.SaveAsync(Path.Combine(ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, "_tile_150x150.png"))
End Using
The file is created, but it's filled with neither Red or Blue. No text at all. It's transparent with only 150x150 pixel canvas.
Is there any problem with the code? or any other reason?
Thanks a lot!
The CanvasDrawingSession ("ds" in your sample) needs to be Closed / Disposed before you call SaveAsync.
You can use "Using ds = renderTarget.CreateDrawingSession()" to do this for you - put the call to SaveAsync after "End Using".
From there you should use the same "ds" rather than call "CreateDrawingSession" multiple times.

table header in pdf getting displayed using itextpdf5.1.1 but not in itextpdf5.5.3

We have generated a pdf in landscape mode with header and footer as part of the pdf. The header table and footer display fine in pdf using itextpdf5.1.1 jar. However when we update the jar to 5.5.3, the header table does not show only the footer shows. Below is the code snippet.
document = new Document(PageSize.A4.rotate(), 20, 20, 75, 20);
PdfCopy copy = new PdfCopy(document, new FileOutputStream(strPDFFile));
PdfReader pdfReaderIntermediate =
new PdfReader(strIntermediatePDFFile);
numberOfPages = pdfReaderIntermediate.getNumberOfPages();
Font ffont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.UNDEFINED, 7, Font.NORMAL);
System.out.println("###### No. of Pages: " + numberOfPages);
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfPages; ) {
page = copy.getImportedPage(pdfReaderIntermediate, ++j);
stamp = copy.createPageStamp(page);
Phrase footer =
new Phrase(String.format("%d of %d", j, numberOfPages), ffont);
Element.ALIGN_CENTER, footer,
(document.right() - document.left()) /
2 + document.leftMargin(),
document.bottom() - 10, 0);
if (j != 1) {
headerTable = new PdfPTable(2);
headerTable.addCell(new Phrase(String.format(header1), ffont));
headerTable.addCell(new Phrase(String.format(header2), ffont));
headerTable.addCell(new Phrase(String.format(header3), ffont));
headerTable.addCell(new Phrase(String.format(header5, j),
headerTable.writeSelectedRows(0, 5, 60.5f, 550,
When we change the jar from 5.1.1 to 5.5.3 the header is lost. May be a change is needed in the way we call the header for the new jar.
Any inputs will be well appreciated.
You have cells with default padding (i.e. 2) and height 10, and you try to insert text at height 7. But 2 (top margin) + 7 (text height) + 2 (bottom margin) = 11, i.e. more than fits into your cell height 10. Thus, the text does not fit and is not displayed.
You can fix this by either
using a smaller font, e.g. 6, or
using a heigher cell, e.g. 11, or
using a smaller padding, e.g. 1:
With any of these changes, your header shows.
I don't know in which way iText 5.1.1 handled this differently, but the behavior of current iText versions makes sense.

I'm trying to add a Box to a JLayeredPane

I declared the Box as: Box caja=Box.createHorizontalBox();
However the first layer the one that says FondoMenu.png is the only one showing and the Box doesnt show unless I put that JOptionPane showing it first, please some help (The BuscaImagen is a method I made that creates JLabel with my specifications)
capas.add(new BuscaImagen("FondoMenu.png", 0, 0), new Integer(0));
caja.add(new BuscaImagen("JUGAR", "FIz.png", 2, 40, 90));
caja.add(new BuscaImagen("SALIR", "FDe.png", 2, 40, 240));
caja.add(new BuscaImagen("INSTRUCCIONES", "FAb.png", 2, 40, 390));
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, caja);
caja.setLocation(60, capas.getHeight() / 2 - 10);
capas.add(caja, new Integer(1));
There is a nice write up on oracle on how to use Layered Panes. I hope this helps with your issue

How to set axis margin in WinRT XAML Toolkit line chart?

Finally I solved my answer with this.
((LineSeries)MyChart.Series[0]).IndependentAxis = new LinearAxis
Minimum = 1,
Maximum = 5,
Orientation = AxisOrientation.X,
Interval = 1,
Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 10, 0)
((LineSeries)MyChart.Series[0]).Clip = null;
((LineSeries)MyChart.Series[0]).Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 10, 0);
I am drawing line chart with help of WinRT XAML Toolkit. I am setting X axis manually, but when I set I am getting wierd start & end point. I tried to set margin and padding but it's not working. Will you please suggest me how can I do that ?
((LineSeries)MyChart.Series[0]).IndependentAxis = new LinearAxis
Minimum = 1,
Maximum = 5,
Orientation = AxisOrientation.X,
Interval = 1,
//Margin = .... Not working
//Padding = .... Not working
I'd use a visual tree debugger to walk up the visual tree from these data points to see where the Clip property is set. In fact I just did that on the samples project and it is set on the LineSeries. See if it's set as part of its XAML template or if it is done in C# and remove it there. Also you could change the Minimum/Maximum values on your X axis to make more space. I'll add cleaning this all up to my TODO list.