'Global' parent selector: limiting scope of any selector to a certain parent - testing

Im looking for an option to limit the scope of every selector to a parent selector.
Am trying to abstract away a lot of the (internal implementation) details of our WebApp for the testers that will actually write the UI tests.
If our application shows a Modal dialog (just a div tag that lies op top of all the other content and prevents interacting with the underlying content), I'd like to restrict all Selectors used in the tests written by testers to be automatically limited to the scope of this Modal Dialog div.
Our new client UI framework uses just divs for Modal Dialogs, while our previous client UI framework used an embedded iframe for each modal dialog. In the iframe scenario, we'd call .switchToIframe(), which would effectively limited all selectors used in tests to this iframe.
Am trying to achieve something similar for the new client framework that uses just divs

I'm not sure you can limit the scope of the DOM like that, but you could build out a Page Object Model (POM) design that would only intelliSense existing locators from their respected repos. This way, if they begin typing a locator and it doesn't pop up, a hint that they aren't in the 'scope' of the modal.


Vuejs Hide/Show Elements refreshes when Routes change

I have been developing a Vue project and something caught my attention today. I used checkboxes with some sytling (I use them as toggle switches) throughout the project and thanks to these elements, I show or hide some elements and components. Toggle elements control specific data within each component. When the data istrue, some elements are displayed on the page and when false, they are hidden. What I noticed today is a little interesting. There is probably a simple solution, but although I have been searching the internet for a while, I haven't found a solution yet.
Here is the thing;
Let's say I am at the About page of my project. I used my toggle switches and now some of my elements and some sub components are displaying in the About.vue. Then I go and visit my Services.vue page and showing and hiding some elements and sub components as well. By the way, almost all of these pages have forms and I save these forms to local storage. When I return to My About page from my Services page, I see that the elements I activated have been restored. In other words, each component welcomes me with its default state when it is returned from another component. What I want to see is, If I go and check some checkboxes to show some element, No matter how long I roam between other routes, I want those elements to remain visible or hidden when I come back. For example, a toggle element must be activated to write a username and password on a component. After activating the toggle element, the user types the username and password and clicks the Save button. Then he continues to browse many areas of the project and when he returns, he sees that the toggle element is inactive and the username and password are not entered. I don't want it to be that way. How do I fix this?
you can use vuex for solved this problem.
Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion. It also integrates with Vue's official devtools extension (opens new window)to provide advanced features such as zero-config time-travel debugging and state snapshot export / import.

Does the windowClass property or NgbModalOptions actually do anything?

I am opening an NgbModal passing a TemplateRef to create the dialog body, and passing in a custom class via the windowClass property of the NgbModalOptions object that I pass to the open() method. I define the class in a referenced styleUrl in the component and am serving the modal via an injectable service in the component. The modal is loading fine, and I can see the class name when I inspect the DOM, but the class appears to have no bearing on the modal. I would like to use it to customize the size of the modal (css is defined to affect the child div where the size is set), but I have also played with properties that I can see in the Styles tab of the Chrome dev tools, but cannot see it affecting anything. When I inspect in Firefox dev tools, I can find the CSS as an inline style sheet and it has a reference to the ngContent identifier assigned by Angular, so I am assuming that is does not affect the entire document, nor those parts added by ng-bootstrap that constitute the modal wrapper. Has anyone been able to make this work successfully? I am at my wit's end. I would even be happy if I could get an ElementRef of the modal-header dive, but since I am using a template (which is not fully loaded in the DOM at init time) I have not been able to. One of my requirements is that we do all DOM manipulation via Angular to maintain platform independence in the project ... so no jQuery. Any thoughts? And thanks in advance!!
I use windowClass and size attributes of NgbModalOptions to customize the modal. Sample code follows:
this.modalService.open(<your_template_ref_var>, {size: 'lg', windowClass: 'modal-adaptive-s1'});
.modal-adaptive-s1 .modal-lg {width: 400px !important; max-width: 400px;}

Aurelia popover checkbox checked.bind not reflecting on the view model

We have implemented checkbox in popover. There we are using checked.bind , but in the view model its not reflecting its value on change of the checkboxes.
Sample Gist Run Provided below:
Gist Run
Thanks in Advance
Programmatically injected HTML needs to be compiled manually
The integration with bootstrap I provided to you earlier cannot do this. The bootstrap plugin assigns the innerHTML property of the popover and it does this outside of aurelia's rendering pipeline. The HTML is therefore not compiled by aurelia, which is why bindings (and other aurelia behaviors) will not work.
The templating framework takes care of this for you automatically as long as you are following conventions (such as custom elements). In any other case you'll need to manually work with the ViewCompiler.
In case you're interested, you can see an example with programmatically generated HTML in this gist. Also see this question if you want to know more about it. I do not recommend it in this scenario however.
Use aurelia-dialog
A tooltip (or popover) is just that: a tip on how to use the tool. It should not need more than some plain markup, text and styling (of course this is subjective to some degree, and some people may disagree)
For collecting user input in-between pages or screens, I'd argue a modal dialog is a better fit because of its property to "pop out" more and to de-emphasize the rest of the screen until the user either proceeds or cancels.
More importantly, by using aurelia-dialog your bindings and behaviors will simply work because, well, it's an aurelia plugin :-)

JavaScript from a Web page to a Safari extension

Can a Web page communicate directly with a Safari extension on JavaScript level?
Ideally, I'd like some way to invoke the JavaScript in the extension's global page, but talking to the injected script will do, too, since that can talk to the global page via messages.
Direct function calling doesn't work. The window object the page and the injected script have are distinct. safari.self is not available to a regular Web page. Is there dispatchMessage in some other DOM object that's visible to the Web page code?
Found one clumsy workaround. The injected script and the page share the document object. The injected script would create an HTML element in the page (an <input type="hidden"> in my case), give it an agreed-upon ID, and hook its onclick. The page would find that element by ID and invoke onclick, passing some arguments along. The injected script gets control. For script-to-page callbacks, I'd use onchange on the same element.
The calls are synchronous, even.
The injected script would then pass the message on to the extension's global page using safari.self.tab.dispatchMessage().

How to navigate from one ViewModel to another in Caliburn.Micro?

I want to navigate from a login screen to the dashboard in my Silverlight OOB app.
I started using Caliburn.Micro but now I'm having doubts seeing as all I can use is the Conductor. Or am I missing something?
Note: I changed constructor to Conductor as originally intended. This is what you get for not proofreading your questions.
There are several ways you could display a login screen, probably the nicest is to initiate it from your ShellViewModel. So, your ShellViewModel would have a dependency on your LoginViewModel, which you could inject as an abstraction (ILoginViewModel), or better still use an abstract factory instead, and inject that into your ShellViewModel constructor.
Either way, once you have an instance of your LoginViewModel in the ShellViewModel, you can display it either as a modal dialog box (in which case use the Caliburn.Micro WindowManager.ShowDialog method - inject this dependency as an IWindowManager abstraction), or display the login view as part of your shell views main content area, in which case your ShellViewModel would be a conductor, and will activate an instance of your LoginViewModel with the ActivateItem method.
Once you have received input from your LoginViewModel, either as a modal dialog or conducted view, you can display your DashboardViewModel as appropriate using the ShellViewModel as a conductor.