How did this code using zip() got the indexes of the elements in the list? - kotlin

I'm solving exercises for a programming book in Kotlin. The task is to implement function using "zip()" and return a "List" of Pairs, where the first item in a "Pair" is the element, and the second item is the index of that element.
I solved the exercise, the solution works but I cannot understand the book solution.
Here is mine solution:
fun zipWithIndex(listToTake: List<Any>): List<Pair<Any, Any>> {
val finalList = mutableListOf<Any>()
var num = 0
for(element in listToTake) {
finalList += num
num ++
return (listToTake zip finalList)
fun main() {
val listToCall = listOf<String>("a", "b", "c")
And here is the book solution:
fun <T> List<T>.zipWithIndex(): List<Pair<T, Int>> =
fun main() {
val list = listOf('a', 'b', 'c')
list.zipWithIndex() eq
"[(a, 0), (b, 1), (c, 2)]"
Can somebody please explain how does the book solution get the indexes of the elements in the list or tell me the topic that I need to read about to figure out how the code from the book works.
Thanks in advance for any help.

indices is a property of every kotlin List:
It's an IntRange of all valid indices, so essentially the range ( equivalent of [0, 1, 2]. An IntRange is an Iterable, so it can be zipped with (the third zip overload in the api docs of list).
So it is equivalent to the zip you did, except you constructed [0, 1, 2] yourself while they used the pre-existing property of the List.
They also defined an extension function on List ( instead of passing the list as a parameter.


What is the function of the * operation in Kotlin?

The Code A is from the offical sample project.
I don't understand what val tasks = remember { mutableStateListOf(*allTasks) } mean, could you tell me ?
BTW, Android Studio give me some information, you can see Image A
Code A
fun Home() {
// String resources.
val allTasks = stringArrayResource(R.array.tasks)
val allTopics = stringArrayResource(R.array.topics).toList()
// The currently selected tab.
var tabPage by remember { mutableStateOf(TabPage.Home) }
// True if the whether data is currently loading.
var weatherLoading by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
// Holds all the tasks currently shown on the task list.
val tasks = remember { mutableStateListOf(*allTasks) }
Image A
From the documentation of varargs:
When you call a vararg -function, you can pass arguments individually, for example asList(1, 2, 3). If you already have an array and want to pass its contents to the function, use the spread operator (prefix the array with *):
val a = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)
val list = asList(-1, 0, *a, 4)
As you see, it expands an array to multiple values for use in a vararg. If you havd an array containing the elements 1, 2, 3, you can pass *yourArray to a method that is equivalent to yourMethod(1,2,3).
In Kotlin * is the Spread Operator.
From docs :
When you call a vararg -function, you can pass arguments individually, for example asList(1, 2, 3). If you already have an array and want to pass its contents to the function, use the spread operator (prefix the array with *):
val a = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)
val list = asList(-1, 0, *a, 4)
In this case tasks will contain the list of strings from R.array.tasks

Kotlin: iterate through array in reversed order

Is there a convenient way in Kotlin to iterate through an array, let's say IntArray, in reversed order with these 2 conditions:
do not create an additional reversed copy of the array.
I need a handle to an element like in Java's enhanced for.
The best I could get is adding an extension function, but this needs to be done for each type of array if I need it not only for IntArrays:
fun IntArray.forEachReversed(action: (Int) -> Unit): Unit {
for (i in indices.reversed()) action(this[i])
Is there a better way in Kotlin class library?
this needs to be done for each type of array if I need it not only for IntArrays:
I think this is unavoidable because of the way the JVM works. There are separate classes to represent each primitive type on the JVM. However, there are only 8 of them, so it shouldn't be too bad ;-)
For Collections, there is the asReversed() function, but it's not available for arrays:
val original = mutableListOf('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
val originalReadOnly = original as List<Char>
val reversed = originalReadOnly.asReversed()
println(original) // [a, b, c, d, e]
println(reversed) // [e, d, c, b, a]
// changing the original list affects its reversed view
println(original) // [a, b, c, d, e, f]
println(reversed) // [f, e, d, c, b, a]
To answer you question, you solution looks fine but if your are targeting primitive IntArray, LongArray, FloatArray etc you cannot come with a generic solution, as this classes are independent and only thing common is Iterator, but you cannot traverse the iterator in reverse order without making a copy(ListIterator supports reverse iteration though), but the closest you can get is to use Array<T> instead specific Array like below
fun <T> Array<T>.forEachReversed(action: (T) -> Unit){
for(i in indices.reversed()){ action(this[i]) }
val intArray = Array(2){ 0 }
val longArray = Array<Long>(2){ 0 }
intArray.forEachReversed { }
longArray.forEachReversed { }
As pointed out by #ajan.kali if you need primitive arrays there is not much you can do. I suppose you have to deal with arrays but, if this is not the case, you should prefer other data structures (more info here)
Returning to your question, if your are fine using generic arrays you could probably declare your iterator to iterate in reverse order:
class ReverseIterator<T>(val it: Iterable<T>) : Iterator<T> {
private var index = it.count() - 1
override fun hasNext() = index >= 0
override fun next(): T = try { it.elementAt(index--) } catch (e:
IndexOutOfBoundsException) { index -= 1; throw
NoSuchElementException(e.message) }
then your extension function will become:
fun <T> Iterable<T>.forEachReversed(action: (T) -> Unit) {
for(elem in ReverseIterator(this)) {
and then given an array you can invoke it this way:
intArrayOf(1, 2, 3).asIterable().forEachReversed {
Not particularly happy with this, but with arrays there is not much you can do other to try avoiding them.

Kotlin Is there a way to flatten Map<K out T , List<V out T> to List<T>

I would like to transform the Map to List
e.g I have
mapOf("a" to listOf(1,2),
"b" to listOf(3,4)
I want the result to be
listOf("a", 1, 2, "b", 3, 4)
order must be Key and its Values, Key and its Values, ...
is there some function in kotlin that could help me with that?
My second comment variant as answer for a Map<String, List<Int>>:
mapOf("a" to listOf(1,2),
"b" to listOf(3,4))
.flatMap { (key, values) -> listOf(key) + values }
which gives a List<Any> with the keys followed by their values.
This example makes use of destructuring declaration and Map.flatMap.
UPDATE: the answer below was written before the question was updated and changed how the map was created (see the history of the question for details). As the question now stands, the answer below will no longer work. It does work for the question as originally asked though, I believe.
#Roland is right that your map will never result in that list because there can only ever be a single value in the map against any given key. So I think you need to replace that map with a list of pairs. You can then group it and flatmap it to get your desired result:
val pairs = listOf("a" to 1, "a" to 2, "b" to 3, "b" to 4)
val result = pairs
.groupBy { it.first }
.flatMap { (key, values) -> listOf(key).plus( { it.second }) }
Another slightly different option which you might decide is more readable is this:
val result = pairs
.groupBy({ it.first }, { it.second })
.flatMap { (key, values) -> listOf(key).plus(values) }
You can flatMap over map.entries. Have a look at this function:
val map = mapOf("a" to listOf(1,2),
"b" to listOf(3,4))
val flattened : List<Any> = map.entries.flatMap {entry ->
//create list with key as only element, must be type <Any> to add other stuff later
val list = mutableListOf<Any>(entry.key)
//add values
{a=[1, 2], b=[3, 4]}
[a, 1, 2, b, 3, 4]
#Rolands answer inspired this even simpler, more idiomatic version. It essentially does the same, but crams everything into one line:
val flattened: List<Any> = map.flatMap {entry ->
listOf(entry.key) + entry.value

Kotlin iterator to list?

I have an iterator of strings from fieldNames of JsonNode:
val mm = ... //JsonNode
val xs = mm.fieldNames()
I want to loop over the fields while keeping count, something like:
when mm.size() {
1 -> myFunction1(xs[0])
2 -> myFunction2(xs[0], xs[1])
3 -> myFunction3(xs[0], xs[1], xs[2])
else -> print("invalid")
Obviously the above code does not work as xs the Iterator cannot be indexed like so. I tried to see if I can convert the iterator to list by mm.toList() but that does not exist.
How can I achieve this?
Probably the easiest way is to convert iterator to Sequence first and then to List:
[1, 2, 3]
I would skip the conversion to sequence, because it is only a few lines of code.
fun <T> Iterator<T>.toList(): List<T> =
ArrayList<T>().apply {
while (hasNext())
this += next()
Please keep in mind though, that appending to an ArrayList is not that performant, so for longer lists, you are better off with the following, or with the accepted answer:
fun <T> Iterator<T>.toList(): List<T> =
LinkedList<T>().apply {
while (hasNext())
this += next()
You can turn an Iterator into an Iterable using Iterable { iterator } on which you can then call toList():
Iterable { listOf(1,2,3).iterator() }.toList() // [1, 2, 3]

Return double index of collection's element while iterating

In Kotlin documentation I found the following example:
for ((index, value) in array.withIndex()) {
println("the element at $index is $value")
Is it possible (and how) to do the similar with 2D matrix:
for ((i, j, value) in matrix2D.withIndex()) {
// but iterate iver double index: i - row, j - column
if (otherMatrix2D[i, j] > value) doSomething()
How to make support this functionality in Kotlin class?
While the solutions proposed by miensol and hotkey are correct it would be the least efficient way to iterate a matrix. For instance, the solution of hotkey makes M * N allocations of Cell<T> plus M allocations of List<Cell<T>> and IntRange plus one allocation of List<List<Cell<T>>> and IntRange. Moreover lists resize when new cells are added so even more allocations happen. That's too much allocations for just iterating a matrix.
Iteration using an inline function
I would recommend you to implement a very similar and very effective at the same time extension function that will be similar to Array<T>.forEachIndexed. This solution doesn't do any allocations at all and as efficient as writing nested for cycles.
inline fun <T> Matrix<T>.forEachIndexed(callback: (Int, Int, T) -> Unit) {
for (i in 0..cols - 1) {
for (j in 0..rows - 1) {
callback(i, j, this[i, j])
You can call this function in the following way:
matrix.forEachIndexed { i, j, value ->
if (otherMatrix[i, j] > value) doSomething()
Iteration using a destructive declaration
If you want to use a traditional for-loop with destructive declaration for some reason there exist a way more efficient but hacky solution. It uses a sequence instead of allocating multiple lists and creates only a single instance of Cell, but the Cell itself is mutable.
data class Cell<T>(var i: Int, var j: Int, var value: T)
fun <T> Matrix<T>.withIndex(): Sequence<Cell<T>> {
val cell = Cell(0, 0, this[0, 0])
return generateSequence(cell) { cell ->
cell.j += 1
if (cell.j >= rows) {
cell.j = 0
cell.i += 1
if (cell.i >= cols) {
return#generateSequence null
cell.value = this[cell.i, cell.j]
And you can use this function to iterate a matrix in a for-loop:
for ((i, j, item) in matrix.withIndex()) {
if (otherMatrix[i, j] > value) doSomething()
This solution is lightly less efficient than the first one and not so robust because of a mutable Cell, so I would really recommend you to use the first one.
These two language features are used for implementing the behaviour that you want:
For-loops can be used with any class that has a method that provides an iterator.
for (item in myItems) { ... }
This code will compile if myItems has function iterator() returning something with functions hasNext(): Boolean and next().
Usually it is an Iterable<SomeType> implementation (some collection), but you can add iterator() method to an existing class as an extension, and you will be able to use that class in for-loops as well.
For destructuring declaration, the item type should have componentN() functions.
val (x, y, z) = item
Here the compiler expects item to have component1(), component2() and component3() functions. You can also use data classes, they have these functions generated.
Destructuring in for-loop works in a similar way: the type that the iterator's next() returns must have componentN() functions.
Example implementation (not pretending to be best at performance, see below):
Class with destructuring support:
class Cell<T>(val i: Int, val j: Int, val item: T) {
operator fun component1() = i
operator fun component2() = j
operator fun component3() = item
Or using data class:
data class Cell<T>(val i: Int, val j: Int, val item: T)
Function that returns List<Cell<T>> (written as an extension, but can also be a member function):
fun <T> Matrix<T>.withIndex() =
(0 .. height - 1).flatMap { i ->
(0 .. width - 1). map { j ->
Cell(i, j, this[i, j])
The usage:
for ((i, j, item) in matrix2d.withIndex()) { ... }
UPD Solution offered by Michael actually performs better (run this test, the difference is about 2x to 3x), so it's more suitable for performance critical code.
The following method:
data class Matrix2DValue<T>(val x: Int, val y: Int, val value: T)
fun withIndex(): Iterable<Matrix2DValue<T>> {
//build the list of values
Would allow you to write for as:
for ((x, y, value) in matrix2d.withIndex()) {
println("value: $value, x: $x, y: $y")
Bear in mind though that the order in which you declare data class properties defines the values of (x, y, value) - as opposed to for variable names. You can find more information about destructuring in the Kotlin documentation.