Is it possible to hide the caption (a.k.a. titlebar) of a top-level frame? - wxwidgets

I've tried, but in vain, setting the window style of a wxFrame to (wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE & (~wxCAPTION)). The title bar is still stubbornly there. My platform is Linux MX-19.4_x64, and the wxWidgets port is wxGTK 3.1.5. Any suggestion? Thanks.
By the way, I'm aware of the method wxNonOwnedWindow::SetShape, but I prefer to not use it, because the purpose is as simple as hiding the titlebar, instead of changing the shape to a triangle, a star or something.


How do you replace HBox/VBox with Box/Grid

The documentation for HBox and VBox includes the statement:
Deprecated: Use Box instead, which is a very quick and easy change.
But we recommend switching to Grid, since Box will go away eventually.
However, it isn't obvious what the "quick and easy change" should be.
How do you use Box and/or Grid to achieve the functionality of VBox or HBox?
One of the big changes in gtkmm3:
Gtk::Box, Gtk::ButtonBox, Gtk::IconView, Gtk::Paned, Gtk::ProgressBar,
Gtk::ScaleButton, Gtk::ScrollBar and Gtk::Separator now derive from
Gtk::Orientable, allowing their orientation (vertical or horizontal)
to be specified without requiring the use of a derived class such as
Although Grid isn't mentioned above, both containers now have a method set_orientation; Box can also take it in the constructor. So for Box, set the orientation and use your usual pack_start, pack_end.
With Grid, if you scrutinize the documentation, you'll see this line:
Grid can be used like a Box by just using Gtk::Container::add(), which
will place children next to each other in the direction determined by
the orientation property.
So, it should be as simple as setting the orientation and then add your child widgets.

How do I change windows skin in api

I really wonder how winamp did it. I tried to change a drawing code to draw on title bar at ncpaint. it was run well but it was complex and it didn't draw,choosing another window.
I searched some source code or article but they used other ways... how do I do it?...
Well, Winamp just creates a borderless, decorationless window, and draws everything itself. Important is, that you still can attach a sysmenu to the window, so that a right click on the taskbar button gives the usual options.
If you want to get fancy you can process the WM_NCPAINT message to perform frame and title drawing yourself on a decorated window:
But the easier solution actually is to just emulate the standard Windows decorations and synthesize the events the standard buttons do.

Drawing outside of NSWindow

I understand how to draw inside an NSWindow frame. But I don't understand how to achieve something like this for example:
If I knew, how this is called, I could investigate the matter further, but as I didn't know what to look for, this is impossible.
I appreciate any kind of hint.
Thanks a lot.
The app in the screenshot looks like it's using a customized NSDrawer. Drawers slide out from a side of a window and can display any content.
Take a look at the documentation to see if it's what you want:
Drawers are easy to set up. However, while you have full control over the content inside a drawer, you don't have much control over how the border looks without using private APIs (e.g., the ragged edges in the screenshot). If you want more control, you can use a borderless child window.
Here's a tutorial that makes a borderless, entirely custom window:
Then, you can "attach" your custom window to the parent window with -[NSWindow addChildWindow:ordered:]. That will allow the child window to follow the parent window as it moves. You will still need to respond to changes to the parent window size, and perhaps some other properties, on your own.

(Mac) Rollover Buttons in IB

Does anyone know the best way to create rollover buttons in IB? I tried a square button with image/alt image but nothing happens upon rollover.
There is an AMRollOverButton Project that comes with an Interface Builder pLugin. haven't tested it yet but have a look at it(at the section code):
if you're after what i believe you're after, then see:
-[NSResponder mouseEntered:]
-[NSResponder mouseExited:]
and family. on enter/exit, change the image (or do whatever changes you like).

How do I use an indeterminate status indicator as the image for an NSStatusItem?

I have an application that is an NSStatusItem.
It has a few different modes, each of which require an external process to be launched, during which the icon is simply highlighted, and appears to be frozen.
I want to use the -setImage: method (or reasonable facsimile) to display something along the lines of a "spinner" commonly seen in web applications and all over OS X.
Is there any native method for accomplishing this (e.g. some instance of NSProgressIndicator?) or must I manually display an animation by cycling through a set of images?
In either case, how would I implement?
In order to have it be animated (and not just a static image), you'll probably need to use -setView: and give it a custom view (which then animates itself). You might be able to get away with using a suitably-configured standard NSProgressIndicator (i.e. set to NSProgressIndicatorSpinningStyle style, etc.) as that "custom view".
But, if the NSProgressIndicator standard sizes don't work well, then you can check out my YRKSpinningProgressIndicator (BSD-licensed), which is a clone of the spinning NSProgressIndicator that can be set to arbitrary size and colors.