How to avoid hardcoding contract address in Solidity - solidity

When looking at other team's smart contracts, I often see code like this:
address constant public token = address(0xabc123...);
Where the hexadecimal number is the address of an earlier-deployed smart contract. Coming from JS and C++ background, I'm not a fan of this because it effectively hardcodes what should be in a configuration file directly into the smart contract code. Several questions come to mind when I see code like this:
What if I want to deploy this to another EVM-compatible network?
What if I want to deploy this to testnet?
I'm still relatively new to Solidity, so it's possible I'm missing some feature of truffle that allows me to insert these strings at the time of deployment, but I didn't see this mentioned in any of the tutorials I went through. I would much rather have something like a JSON configuration file for testnet/mainnet/L2-chain/etc instead of having N versions of the same file with minor differences. How should I handle these cases?

You can have a variable (instead of a constant) containing the token address. And this variable can be set from a constructor.
So you can effectively pass the value from an environment variable to the contract constructor, to the contract storage.
deploy.js using Truffle (docs) for example
You can also use Hardhat (docs) or any other library allowing you to deploy to any network depending on the config.
pragma solidity ^0.8;
contract MyContract {
address token;
constructor(address _token) {
token = _token;


How do i automatically make a function start in solidity without putting it in a constructor

function changeOwnership() public {
require(lastpresence < block.timestamp -30 seconds);
lastpresence = block.timestamp;
is it possible to make this function start automatically without me pressing the chaneOwnership function
There is no way to do it using only solidity and your contract. The solidity was designed in a way where there is no nondeterministic behavior inside the contract - thus, automatic function execution is forbidden.
But there is a way to do it if you use not only solidity but also some other solutions.
You can create a service(on the backend, frontend, or even mobile) that periodically calls the needed function via the RPC API of your contract and blockchain RPC endpoint.
Some solidity oracles also provide such a capability - for example, you can do it via chainlink

New contracts visibility

first of all, excuse me because I am starting to learn Solidity programming, and this question is surely trivial for most of you, but I haven't found any answer yet.
When I create a simple smart contract from within another one (using "new"), and I try to check the new contract visibility, I cannot find it on etherscan (Rinkeby), even though I can interact with it from within Remix IDE. Is there any reason for that?
Thank you very much in advance!!
First, how do you know which address the new contract has? You can try to log it via event emitting and Remix will show it on the console.
Secondly, on which network are you deploying your contract? By default Remix use an EVM VM that some mimic a fake network, it is not a public test net, just something that runs locally in your browser, meaning, you can not see in etherscan.
To achieve this, you have to choose "injected web3" in the environment dropdown during the deployment process.
There are a lot of gotchas but here is a good guide on how to connect your metamastk testnet.
when you create Contract that Creates other Contracts,It doesn't create or what you are trying to say that it doesn't deploying any
new contract on Rinkeby.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
contract Account {
address public owner;
constructor(address _owner) {
owner = _owner;
contract AccountFactory{
function createAccount(address _owner) public {
Account account = new Account(_owner);
When you are deploying the written smart contract both Account and AccountFactory will be deployed you will be able to find it on (Rinkeby)
Therefore each time you hit the public createAccount function it's just making an transaction on with interact with the deployed Account smart contract
which will definitely not create Account smart contract again for each function call.
Have a look HERE
Thank you all!
For example, if this piece of code
SimpleStorage[] public simpleStorageArray;
function createSimpleStorageContract() public {
SimpleStorage simpleStorage = new SimpleStorage();
is suposed to "deploy" a new instance of a contract (storing their addresses in an array), each time I call the function, so we can interact with to store or retrieve values, or whatever, my question came because I figured out that the address of the new "deployed" contract (contained in simpleStorageArray) should be found in Etherscan, but it actually does not.

Running new() inside my contract adds 20K to contract size?

I created a function where one of my contracts instantiates another and it suddenly pushed the whole contract over the size limit. Here's the function:
function createContract(E.BKLiteMeta memory meta)
require(meta.publisherAddress == msg.sender, "only pub");
return(address(new BKopyLite(meta)));
Hardhat size-contracts reports the size of the contract 24.02. When I change the function to:
function createContract(E.BKLiteMeta memory meta)
require(meta.publisherAddress == msg.sender, "only pub");
`size-contracts' reports a size of 4.68. So about 20K increase in size by calling new? Can someone explain, and sugggest a workaround? (The contract size of the BKopyLite contract is about 17k)
The new keyword results in a new contract being deployed and this requires access to its bytecode. To do this the compiler embeds BKopyLite's bytecode inside the parent contract. If the contract to be deployed is fairly big, it can add a lot to the size of the parent contract.
There are ways to avoid that:
You could for example have a special factory contract, whose only job is deploying copies of BKopyLite. The parent contract would make an external call to it to trigger deployment of BKopyLite and receive an address of a new instance in return.
You could deploy a single instance of the contract and use OpenZeppelin's Clones to create lightweight "copies". The copies would actually be proxy contracts that have their own storage and let the single instance operate on it via DELEGATECALL.
I'd like to expand on #cameel's answer which was very useful to me but took me a bit to understand.
I had a Wrapper contract which deployed instances of some contract ContractC. That means Wrapper calls new ContractC() and it takes all of ContractC's size. Not cool, it took me over the limit.
So I added a Deployer on the middle, who has a single method to deploy instances of ContractC and can only be called by Wrapper. I also added an interface for Deployer: IDeployer, which includes only the deploy method.
Wrapper keeps having all the validation logic but now does IDeployer(d_instance).deploy() instead of calling new, so it only needs to add the bytes of IDeployer, which are few. Wrapper now is way below the limit.
Init flow looks like this:
I deploy an instance of Wrapper and Deployer -> wrapper and deployer.
I tell deployer that only wrapper can call it, and I tell Wrapper who it's deployer partner is (deployer).
On every future call the flow is:
User calls wrapper.deploy()
wrapper does some validations
wrapper calls deployer.deploy()
deployer calls contractC = new ContractC()
deployer transfers ownership of contractC back to wrapper and returns it's address.
wrapper does some more logic with contractC's address
Everyone is happy.

How do I write proxy and implementation contracts that supports Chainlink functionality (Proxy Pattern via DELEGATECALL Solidity 0.6)

I have a Solidity smart contract which relies on Chainlink oracles for external data that has a lot of functionality code that does not need to be replicated on a per contract basis but does change the state of the contract instance, which is why I decided the proxy pattern using delegate calls makes the most sense. In the proxy pattern I only have to deploy the byte-code for my contracts functions once, and then all other instances of my contract will just delegate call to the implementation contract, and the only new information added to the block chain will be instance fields of that specific contract.
I am able to get an implementation contract deployed and point my deployed proxy to its functions, but then when I call the lock function on the proxy I fail the check require(owner == msg.sender,"Owner only") which doesnt make sense since delegate calls are supposed to pass msg.sender and I set the owner field to msg.sender in the proxy's constructor. If I remove the require, I can call the function without a revert but the locked and debugAddr fields are unchanged, even though the lock function should change them(I thought delegate call was executed in the context of the caller?). Does anyone know what is wrong with my proxy and implementation contracts? I can guess it is to do with memory layouts or the assembly im using to do delegate calls, but I am not yet on the level where I can use my googling skills to find out what is wrong, so if someone can spot where my proxy contract is incorrect/badly formatted please let me know.
Lock function code snippet
//Locks in the contract, buyer should have already provided data scientist an upload only API key and their model ID
function lock() public returns (bool success)
debugAddr = msg.sender;
uint tempStamp = now;
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can lock contract.");
//require(!locked, "Cannot lock contract that is already locked.");
//require(buyer != address(0),"No buyer to lock.");
//require(bytes(buyerModelName).length != 0,"No buyerModelName to lock.");
//require((tempStamp - startTimestamp) < 158400,"Cannot lock contract that was entered by buyer over 44 hours ago.");
//require((getWeekday(tempStamp) == 0) || (getWeekday(tempStamp) == 1 && getHour(tempStamp) < 14),"Contract can only be locked in between Sunday 00:00 UTC and Monday 14:00 UTC");
LinkTokenInterface link = LinkTokenInterface(chainlinkTokenAddress());
//require(link.balanceOf(address(this)) >= totalFee, "Contract requires 0.5 LINK total to operate once locked, current LINK balance is under 0.5.");
locked = true;
return true;
Proxy contract with require commented(also see the contract's txs, you can see me call lock):
Implementation contract the proxy points to:
Proxy contract with require uncommented(also see the contract's txs, you can see me call lock, and the revert):
Implementation contract the proxy points to:
Proxy Code and Implementation Code
Referenced Code:
Important Note In my proxy I do not want to declare the contract as a ChainlinkClient since then ChainlinkClient's functions will be included in the proxy which is unnecessary as the implementation should have those methods already. Instead I only declare the fields and of ChainlinkClient on my own. I feel like this is a prime place for my implementation to be wrong, but I am not sure what needs to change/if this is even feasible
This contract should have the minimal requirements to be a proxy for a ChainlinkClient and only has the lock function and a constructor, I get the same revert on require(owner == msg.sender). If I remove the require, the call to lock on the proxy contract says confirmed, but the proxy's state variables remain unchanged (debugAddr is 0, locked stays false)
Here is the minimal example code(I deployed on remix IDE compiled 0.6.12, the proxy's lock function was called by using at address retrieval with the delegate code compiled so that the abi of the delegate is used):
If I remove the ChainlinkClient portion/fields of my proxy and implementation minimum examples as linked above, I get a proxy contract that works and can accept external function calls defined in the implementation contract as it should.
So my question now is how do I write proxy and implementation contract that supports Chainlink GET request functionality? What fields/constants/events/interfaces does my proxy need defined or imported and where should I define/import them to allow for Chainlink to work? For example if I wanted to have my contract retrieve the temperature in Paris from an API via Chainlink, but also be a proxy so that I do not have to redploy all its functions and save on gas price.
Anything I have tried so far(see minimal breaking example) does not work once I add Chainlink into the mix, as I am not sure about how to structure the Proxy contract class so that the storage of the proxy and the access/write of the delegate call to the implementation line up. Here is the minimal code that works after I remove Chainlink functionality:
A version of my working example proxy/implementation pattern contracts but with Chainlink functionality, or pointers on what fields/events/cosntant the proxy contract needs in order for it to make calls to oracles would be much appreciated.
Instead of defining the fields of ChainlinkClient in your proxy class, write a class ChainlinkClientStorage that holds the fields of ChainlinkClient, then declare your Proxy as inheriting from ChainlinkClientStorage
contract MyProxy is ChainlinkClientStorage, MyContractStorage{}

How to mint ERC20 token using web3.js library?

I have been working on ERC20 token development. My code is written using solidity and zeppelin frameworks.
So far I have used the test networks like Rinkeby, Ropsten to deploy and test all the ERC20 methods. Last night, I have to deploy the smart contract in the mainnet where 10000000 tokens had to be deployed but I deployed only 1000000 (missed a zero).
As it is deployed in the mainnet, mint is the only way to top up the initial amount instead of redeploying. Mint is achievable using remix by removing the internal keyword in the mint method. But it requires to redeploy the smart contract in order to use mint method, which customer would not agree to redo the same.
The only way I think is to use web3js API to achieve the same. But there are no content given in the web3js document to how to pragmatically mint (to top up the initial amount).
If any of you have faced a similar situation, please let me know how you tackled it.
The mint using web3 would be just a call to the contract function just like from remix, nothing special. All you would have to do would be to call the function. But since this function internal you cannot call it directly not from remix, not from web3, not from any other library. To put it simply if you cannot call the function from remix you cannot do it from web3 either. Web3 offers nothing more than remix in terms access rights to the contract.