Can I force MSBuild to raise an error if a specific project or library is referenced? - msbuild

We have a large, multi-project solution, that has a number of build configurations and output targets.
For various reasons, mainly to do with excessive references or additional files, I'd like to ensure that some of these projects are not updated to ever reference some of the other projects.
For example:
- Foundation.Common.Entities (Simple models, interfaces, etc.)
- Foundation.Common (References Entities, has additional logic)
- Foundation.XConnect.CustomTabs (More models, references Foundation.Common.Entities,
must not reference Foundation.Common)
- Project.Web (References all of the above)
I'd like to stop people referencing Foundation.Common in the CustomTabs project, as it has a number of additional references that must not be deployed to some of the targets that the CustomTabs DLL is deployed to.
As CustomTabs is also referenced further down the chain, I can't just create a separate solution for the CustomTabs tree.
I'm not adverse to dropping StyleCop or similar in, but would prefer a slightly more lightweight solution initially.

A simple target does the trick; add this into the CustomTabs project file:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Error Condition="'%(ProjectReference.Name)' == 'Foundation.Common'"
Text="Please don't reference Foundation.Common"/>
This loops over all project references checking if the name matches and raises an error if so. The same principle works for Reference.Identity as well.


Disable transitive PackageReference dependency for a specific MsBuild project

I am migrating an old style MsBuild csproj project to using PackageReference format and have run into a problem with transitive dependencies.
Consider the following
Project A reference NuGet package B and C, each containing one single assembly using PackageReference.
On Build Project A uses IL merge to incorporate B as public symbols in the A assembly and C as internalized symbols.
Project D have a project reference to A.
The transitive dependencies case D to reference A, B and C.
When building D, compile errors of the type
error CS0433: The type 'X' exists in both 'A' and 'B'
Is there any way to force D to not add an explicit reference to B or C in the scenario above?
Disable transitive PackageReference dependency for a specific MsBuild project
If I understand you correct, you can try to use property <PrivateAssets>all</PrivateAssets>or PrivateAssets="all" for the PackageReference. If you have a package that's marked with private assets it merely prevents it from flowing to parent project or getting packed.
<PackageReference Include="B" Version="1.0.0" PrivateAssets="all">
<PackageReference Include="C" Version="1.0.0" PrivateAssets="all">
You can check the document Controlling dependency assets and this thread for some details.
Hope this helps.
I ended up using a workaround to move the transitive dependency to an alias to get around the compiler error.
<Target Name="ChangeAliasesOfBNameAssemblies" BeforeTargets="FindReferenceAssembliesForReferences;ResolveReferences">
<ReferencePath Condition="'%(FileName)' == 'B'">
I tried to use private assets but couldn't get the compiler error to go away in that way.
I was looking for this too and this answer kept popping up in google searches, but it didn't have the solution I know off (but can never remember), so I'll add my answer for future reference.
PrivateAssets can be used to hide many things, but hiding all is a bad move imo. You want some assets to move transitively, for example, for your app to run after a dotnet publish, you'll need the assemblies you need, at runtime. Hiding all assets means that when publishing, you may miss a few critical things - similar to deleting some files from the output.
From reading MS docs on the subject, I think what I want to hide, in order to not transitively be able to compile up against an assembly (but still have it at runtime), is compile. So I'll set my PrivateAssets to contentfiles;analyzers;build;compile. This should mean that if MyLibraryB depends on NugetPackageA - then MyAppC depending on MyLibraryB will be able to run and publish correctly, without being able to use any classes or code from NugetPackageA.
Note: This of course means that MyLibraryB must not expose any public API that uses types found in NugetPackageA. The consumer won't be able to use those public API's, at least not without themselves also referencing NugetPackageA.

Add reference to dll or reference to shared project in VS2017

When a solution has 20+ projects, which method should be used to:
minimize build order issues?
provided the fastest run time?
minimize issues when code is changing frequenty?
<Reference Include="Project2"><HintPath>..\..\Project2\bin\$(Configuration)\Project2.dll</HintPath></Reference>
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\Project2\Project2.csproj"><Name>Project2</Name></ProjectReference>
First of all, here's the difference between adding a Reference and adding a Project Reference:
References reference an already built .dll and therefore there is
no way this .dll will be rebuilt.
Project References reference another project, which can be rebuilt
(if it has changes).
Now to your question specifically:
By referencing already built .dlls (read: using Reference) you
will not experience any build order issues (since they won't be
built again).
Apart from that, it shouldn't make any difference at runtime
whether you use References or Project References - however,
there will be differences in compile-time as References will not
be built.
For frequently changing code, you should use Project References
since they will be rebuild if changes occurred; already built .dlls
won't. You will have to manually rebuild and add a reference to them
again every time they change.

Target not running when using BeforeTargets="Build" on Build Server

I have a custom .targets file which I import into my C# MVC web application's project file. I've added custom targets to this like so:
<Target Name="CopyFiles" BeforeTargets="Build"></Target>
This works fine when building under Visual Studio, but when I use TeamCity to build it, the target never gets run, and I can't work out why.
If I change my target to use BeforeTargets="Compile" then it runs. Alternatively, if I add an additional target with the name Build to the .targets file
<Target Name="Build" />
then it will run, but doing so overrides the existing Build target and thus my application doesn't build. I can't quite make out the logic to this - it doesn't make sense. I'm using the Compile target for now, but if someone could explain why trying to execute it before the Build task doesn't work I'd really appreciate it.
'Build' is a special built-in target, so doesn't really work the same way as most other targets. It definitely can't be safely overridden.
The most relevant documentation is here:
If you want something to run before build, the standard approach (as recommend by the comments in a newly-created .csproj file) is to override the BeforeBuild target (as documented above).
However, this isn't the most robust solution. As noted in the documentation above:
Overriding predefined targets is an easy way to extend the build process, but, because MSBuild evaluates the definition of targets sequentially, there is no way to prevent another project that imports your project from overriding the targets you already have overridden.
It's better (and only slightly more complex), to override the BuildDependsOn property and extend the default value of this property to include the target you want to run (this is also documented in the link above).
Another approach would be to leave BeforeBuild empty and use BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild", which feels a bit odd but is quite simple and will still work even if the BeforeBuild target gets overridden.
As to why BeforeTargets="Build" doesn't work, I can't find a reference for this in the documentation, but I think it's to do with its special nature. It doesn't work the same as ordinary targets and it's probably better not to think of it as a target at all.

MSBuild: Generate XML documentation for main project but not dependency projects

I have a .sln file with several projects in it. To keep this simple, let's call them...
...where A is the main project which references B and C. My goal is to update my build script to generate an XML "Intellisense" documentation file for ProjectA, without giving build warnings about missing documentation from B and C.
Current Build Script
I have an MSBuild script which includes the following in the build step:
<Projects Include="ProjectA\ProjectA.csproj">
<MSBuild Projects="#(Projects)" />
(There are actually multiple Projects listed in the ItemGroup, but again, let's keep this simple.)
When I run the build script, it's smart enough to compile B, C, and A for me, even though I've only specified A. All output appears in the "CustomOutputPath" location.
The closest I've gotten...
If I add a 'DocumentationFile' property to my Project entry...
<Projects Include="ProjectA\ProjectA.csproj">
...then 'ProjectA.xml' appears in "CustomOutputPath". However, I also get files named 'ProjectA.xml' in the project folder for all three projects:
These files contain the "Intellisense" documentation for their respective projects, even though they're all named "ProjectA.xml".
This creates undesired and misleadingly-named files in the project folders, and (more importantly) generates build warnings for the missing documentation comments in B and C. I don't want to add documentation comments to those projects, so I'd prefer to find a way to have MSBuild generate the documentation only for ProjectA.
Can anyone provide any insight, or an alternative solution?
Based on what I've found - DocumentationFile is a global-level property (and will be used in creation of DocFileItem - global level items list). From my understanding you won't be able to alter it in any easy way in a single logical script.
What you can do is to define special target in separate file that will be imported to every proj file (directly editing proj files or using properties like $CustomBeforeMicrosoftCommonTargets) that will overwrite DocumentationFile with project-dependent value.
As a result - you probably can generate different documentation file names for different projects.
Another solution - just clean-up all unnecessary doc files right after all projs were built.

Tfs2010 Build Number and Assembly File Versions & MSBuild targets

I read John Robbins' article TFS 2010 Build Number and Assembly File Versions: Completely In Sync with Only MSBuild 4.0, and I'm wondering about the best way to go about integrating this.
The download for the article has two files, one is a targets file and one is a proj file.
The targets file has a number of tasks to scrape out a build number based on the Tfs build number (the same one used for the builds) and write that number out to some location (call it BuildNumberFile) for consumption by other proj files.
The proj file is very simple. It just imports the aforementioned targets file, and then declares a target with name "All" while also declaring DefaultTargets on the Project element to be All as well.
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="All" xmlns="">
<!-- The two required properties so the Wintellect.TFSBuildNumber tasks knows your major and minor values.-->
<Import Project="Wintellect.TFSBuildNumber.targets"/>
<!-- Just ask for the version information files you need. These are here to show all the diffent ones in
Wintellect.TFSBuildNumber.Targets. You can change the names -->
<Target Name="All"
I have two questions about this:
I'm still learning MSBuild. If the name of the target isn't specified elsewhere in the targets, is the target executed? How do I ensure that this target is run?
Are the csproj files supposed to declare an Include item for the location where BuildNumberFile is, even though it doesn't exist until compiletime?
Do ItemGroups and Include have a DependsOnTargets or something that allows them make sure the file exists before they build?
Are the entire contents of the csproj file using this supposed to be wrapped in a target that expresses DependsOnTargets for BuildNumberFile?
I think I've got this figured out, but two people promoted my question so I'll answer it here:
You can ensure that a target is run by expressing a dependency on it from another target. Microsoft.Common.targets exposes two targets--BeforeBuild and AfterBuild--expressly for the purpose of being overridden for customizability. I found the easiest way to do this was <Target Name="BeforeBuild" DependsOnTargets="WriteSharedCSharpAssemblyVersionFile" /> where WriteSharedCSharpAssemblyVersionFile is the target declared in the download from the link in the original post. Also, if you're new to MSBuild, this BeforeBuild target must be declared after the Microsoft.CSharp.targets is imported, but the default csproj template guides you in doing this.
The WriteSharedCSharpAssemblyVersionFile target should indeed write the file to some central location, since when building a solution, all targets are executed only once. All projects should reference the file from that location even if it doesn't exist, since by the time compilation happens (or more importantly, by the time references are resolved), the BeforeBuild target will have run and the file will be in place.
In my structure, I have these versioning files in a folder directly underneath the branch root folder. Furthermore, since the file being built is generated, I have it build to the output directory. It seems a little strange to be referencing things from the output, but it preserves the invariant of having all build products in one place so that the output directory can be blown away as a means of performing a clean.
In MSBuild items constitute inputs into the system (usually files) so it's weird to think of them depending on targets. After some learning this question doesn't make a lot of sense. In any case, the answer is no.
The entire contents of the file should indeed not be all in one target--all that is required is to import the Wintellect.TFSBuildNumber.targets file at the beginning of your csproj file, and declare BeforeBuild's dependency on WriteSharedCSharpAssemblyVersionFile at the end.
Hope this helps!