Localizing a user control with inheritance at runtime VB.net - vb.net

I have a UserControl which Inherits Listiview and I am tying to figure out how to localize the column headers.
I have looked at Localization at runtime, but it's not getting me where I need to go.
I create my inherited listviews at runtime, so I somewhow need to iterate the column collection and apply the appropriate localization.
Prior to the Form Intialize, I use Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo(sLang) and this works successfully on all the form's static controls in changing all the text, but not on my dynamically added listviews' columns.


Accessing a form's tooltip from another class in visual studio (vb.net)

I am quite new to visual studio. Developed previously with vba.
Encountering a problem writing a language translation class.
The language dependent values are stored in a localdb table every row having formname , controlname and controlproperty as wel as a column per language.
The Language class Handles the translations at runtime. For forms I use a Sub FormUpdate(frm as Form) called from the form's load event as FormUpdate(Me) it checks the form's language kept in a custom parameter against the current language and updates the .text property of the controls on the form that are exposing some language specific text (Buttons, Labels, Tabcontrol etc..).
However I could not solve how to access and update the form's Tooltip component from the language class. (in vba it was easy as every control was exposing it's Controltiptext property)
In the form's class you would use MyTooltip.Settooltip(CtrlName,Text) but I could not figure out how to do that from another class (the tooltip component is not part of the form's controls - and I could not figure out nor find info how to do it) ??
Could someone advise pls?
I was so focused on finding a similar way to the one I used before that I did not see the easy way to resolve it - not yet enough accustomed to the new environment.
Sure, I am interested in an answer to my question but instead of making it too complicated using external components I'll do it the easy way by overloading the FormUpdate sub adding a sub with an extra parameter as Tooltip.

How can I derive a control to an inherited form in VB.Net?

I have a VB form (named "MyBaseForm"), with an ImageList control ("MyIcons").
I want to derive MyBaseForm to another form ("MyDerivedForm"), allowing it to use MyIcons ImageList defined into the base class.
Of course what I want to do is to use the images of MyIcons to define MyDerivedForm with Designer and/or into the code.
To do that, i set MyBaseForm.MyIcons.Modifiers property to Protected (I also tried with Public and Protected Friend, with the same results...)
In this way, I expect that if i modify the MyIcons image list from the Designer view of MyBaseForm, I would find the change into MyDerivedForm.
But, if i for example add a new image to MyBaseForm.MyIcons, MyDerivedForm.MyIcons keeps being still unchanged.
It looks like when i create the derived form, VisualStudio just create a copy of the ImageList control. Which is not what i want.
To have MyDerivedForm.MyIcons updated, what I have to do is to manually remove the "MyIcons" section of file MyDerivedForm.Designer.vb, so that, when I re-build, VisualStudio re-generates that section.
Is there a way to have that control REALLY derived, or, alternatively, to force the compiler to re-create MyDerivedForm.Designer.vb at any build (without having to manually manipulate the self-generated code)?
(I am using VB.Net 2005)

How can I remove all properties of a user control?

I am working on a Visual Basic project and I had to create my own user control. I want to remove-hide ALL default properties of this user control but not by using this <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> way, one by one property. I need something more massive.
I'm afraid what you want to do isn't possible in VB, as it would require to add the attributes dynamically (on all properties) and in VB attributes are static and cannot be added or removed dynamically.
The only way to do what you want to do is to add the attributes one by one property.

VB.NET Exposing child control properties

For a custom control I'm making, the datagridview is pretty much only going to be a customized version of the original. However, so that other controls I have made can interact with it, I have made it inherit my MetroControl class.
Since I cannot add multiple "Inherits", I have placed a DataGridView and docked it inside the control. From here I can then influence and theme it. Most of the properties are handled by my theming (such as the "RowHeadersStyle" etc..
I need to push forward the "Columns" property of the DataGridView so that the user can interact with the same column setup screen that they would as if they were using the normal DataGridView. Is there any way I can simply forward this property (as it would make it much easier for both me and the user)?
Yes, you can add a property on your UserControl that just returns the Columns property on the DataGridView (Assuming that your DataGridView is stored in field named dataGridView):
public DataGridViewColumnCollection Columns {
get { return dataGridView.Columns; }
That's it

Can I change properties of inherited controls at design time?

I am using visual inheritance and was wondering if there is a way to change the properties of inherited controls at design time, preferably in the form designer. If not, then in the designer code.
I have my control declared as Public in the base class. I can access it in the child form code, but not in the form designer. Is this just not possible?
There are limitations placed within visual studio for visual inheritance. Unfortunately, derived forms\usercontrols cannot modify controls containing collections within the base, namely DataGridViewRows, ToolStrips, ListViewColumns, etc.
Microsoft Bug Report
There are ways around this in certain situations. Create a protected property in the base class that exposes the exact properties of the control you wish to modify (DataGridView.BackgroundColor, or ListView.Columns).
Your base form should be able access this property to change the components needed. I've done this for ListView.Columns, and DataGridView.rows successfully, however ToolStrip.Items would not work.
It seems to work only for certain controls, but not all and I can't understand why. On my base form I have a TabControl that within it is a ComboBox, a ToolStrip, and a DataGridView. All of them are set to Public, but I can only modify the properties of the ComboBox and not the other two controls.
I have no idea why this is.
You need to change your control visibility. Put the control property Modifiers on public and recompile the project and then you can change properties of the inherited control.