Cant see the whole information in the run console Intellij - intellij-idea

im trying to do a System.out.println in intellij of a hash combination with the size of 3.I can't see the whole code when i run it, i only see part of the URL's that the hash has. Can someone help me? I know that putting images is bad here in stackoverflow but there's no other way of demonstrating this.
As you can see here, the beggining doesn't show up and the scroll bar is at the top.

You need to set bigger value for Console buffer (which is 1024 KB by default). Set it in Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | General | Console | Override console cycle buffer size (1024 KB):


Intellij markdown line wrap adding space

Please see the below images.
The first image shows the issue at hand; When writing a markdown file with the markdown plugin in intellij, the line wrapping adds a space at the beginning of the next line, and it accumulates for each new line. The bottom three images shows what I believe are the relevant settings.
Any idea why these extra spaces are being added? Is it a bug or a problem with my settings? It is really annoying having to always go back and delete the extra spaces.
This is the bug:
You can disable hard wrap for Markdown (Preferences | Editor | Code Style | Markdown > Wrap on typing) and use only soft wrap (Preferences | Editor | General > Soft Wraps)

IntelliJ text looks HUGE after update to 2019.2

I updated IntelliJ to 2019.2 this morning. After the update, all the fonts (actually, fonts and widgets) on the window look absolutely HUGE (even the splashscreen is much bigger when it starts). Main window has the look (in terms of the size of widgets) as being in presentation mode, more or less.
I tried decreasing the size of the fonts in Settings -> Appearance & Behavior - > Appearance (set it to 8) and in Settings -> Font (also set to 8). And the font in the text editor now is back to almost usable (still a little bigger that I'd like) and the menu text as well.... but everything else still looks too big (buttons, tabs, text on the tabs that are on the left side)... so, it's CRAZY. How can I get it back to normal?
I'm on ubuntu 19.04 (actually running KDE) and using OpenJDK.
PS I just downloaded 2019.1 and tried starting it. It looks normal, the way I expect it to. I'm downloading 2019.2 now and let's see what happens what I start it (not from the updated IDE directory).
Just checked starting 2019.2. It looks the way it looked when I started from the updated one. Will stick to using 2019.1 for the time being.
Please refer to the HiDPI configuration document, there were some changes in handling HiDPI on Linux with the move to JetBrains Runtime 11.
It may help if you switch to the IDE-managed HiDPI mode (legacy mode) by adding
in Help | Edit Custom VM Options and restarting the IDE.

IntelliJ IDEA: What name of these markers?

I don't understand this markers (between line numbers and collapse/expand markers). What words I should to google to find a documentation about it? Thanks.
updated: It is not a Gutter
It comes from Version Control plugin, the definition of colors you can find here: File | Settings | Color scheme | VCS.
That area is called the Gutter in IntelliJ speak, so you can search the settings for that term. It's typically used to show file differences when a file is under VCS control (git, svn, etc) but can also have other usages.

Issues with IntelliJ on a 4K screen

I splurged and bought one of those high definition 4K screens. More specifically, the Dell UltraSharp 4k UP3216Q 31.5", combined with a new PC running Windows 10.
When the computer occasionally reboots, it goes into a mode where when I load IntelliJ, it shows the following error message:
8:16 PM You may need to manually configure the HiDPI mode to prevent UI scaling issues. See the troubleshooting guide.
The interesting thing is that when it's running in this mode, I actually like the way IntelliJ looks. I like it because it's running in true sharp 4K mode, and at the same time, all the fonts are large enough to be legible, and not require a magnetic resonance microscope or a monocle to make out the letters.
However, other times, when the system boots up, I do not get that error, meaning everything is functioning normally, but in that case, all the fonts are so tiny as to be illegible. It literally hurts my eyes to look at it, and the only alternatives I have left at that point is to either drop down from 3840x2160 into 1920x1080, or to go into the settings, and start increasing the font sizes, which is annoying. Not to mention that if I drop down into 1920x1080 mode, then the quality of what I am looking at degrades, everything starts looking pixelated...
Is there anything that can be done to stabilize the situation on these new 4K screens so that IntelliJ looks normal?
Try this:
Help > Edit Custom VM Options:
More information can be found here:
If that does not help create a ticket in the JetBrains issue tracker:
They are usually very responsive.
Another possibility is that you have the Windows UI scaling value for the screen set to a non-integral value in display settings. This messed me up, I had the setting to 175%, while the default is 200%. Intellij (and many other applications) will not scale properly if that is set to a non-integral scaling value.
As soon as I switch this back to 200% Intellij scales perfectly.
I fix this problem after setted env variable IDEA_JDK_64 to jdk path in windows 10

Unable to change some files in RubyMine project

Currently I'm having an issue where I cannot make any changes to some files in my project. When hitting the return or space bar key it will only select text and not create new lines or spaces respectively.
I'm fairly certain it has something to do with the VCS features but cannot seem to find any settings to correct the Read-Only issue I'm running into.
This issue did raise it head after installing the Dash plugin. Not sure if this is coincidental or related.
update: After further test it looks like some files go into a sort of preview mode. Return and Space bar keys will let you scan the file and hitting any other keys will wake up the edit function. Strange?
IdealVim caused this for me. Definitely plugin related.