flink on yarn use table api read from hive ,many hive file caused flink used all resource(cpu,memory) - hive

when I use flink execute one job that read from hive to deal ,hive include about 1000 files,the flink show the parallelism is 1000,flink request resources used all resources of my cluster that caused others job request slot faild,others job executed faild.each file of 1000 files is small. the job maybe not need occupy the all resources.how can I tune the flink param that use less resource to execute the job

Yarn perspective
I don't recommend usage of Yarn's memory management. Yarn kills containers instantly when they exceed the limits. Usually you need to disable memory checks to overcome this kind of problems.
Flink perspective
You can't limit slot resource usage. You have to tune your task managers on your needs. By reducing slots or running multiple task managers on each node . You can set task manager resource usage limit by taskmanager.memory.process.size.
Alternatively you can use flink on kubernetes. You can create Flink clusters for each job which will give you more flexibility. It will create task managers for each job and destroy them when jobs are completed.
There are also stateful functions which you can deploy job pipeline operators into separate containers. This will allow you to manage each function resources separately beside task managers. This allows you to reduce pressure on task managers.
Flink also supports Reactive Mode. This also can reduce pressure on workers by scaling up/down operators automatically based on cpu kind of metrics.
You need to discover this kind of features and find best solution for your needs.


Matillion: How to identify performance bottleneck

We're running Matillion (v1.54) on an AWS EC2 instance (CentOS), based on Tomcat 8.5.
We have developped a few ETL jobs by now, and their execution takes quite a lot of time (that is, up to hours). We'd like to speed up the execution of our jobs, and I wonder how to identify the bottle neck.
What confuses me is that both the m5.2xlarge EC2 instance (8 vCPU, 32G RAM) and the database (Snowflake) don't get very busy and seem to be sort of idle most of the time (regarding CPU and RAM usage as shown by top).
Our environment is configured to use up to 16 parallel connections.
We also added JVM options -Xms20g -Xmx30g to /etc/sysconfig/tomcat8 to make sure the JVM gets enough RAM allocated.
Our Matillion jobs do transformations and loads into a lot of tables, most of which can (and should) be done in parallel. Still we see, that most of the tasks are processed in sequence.
How can we enhance this?
By default there is only one JDBC connection to Snowflake, so your transformation jobs might be getting forced serial for that reason.
You could try bumping up the number of concurrent connections under the Edit Environment dialog, like this:
There is more information here about concurrent connections.
If you do that, a couple of things to avoid are:
Transactions (begin, commit etc) will force transformation jobs to
run in serial again
If you have a parameterized transformation job,
only one instance of it can ever be running at a time. More information on that subject is here
Because the Matillion server is just generating SQL statements and running them in Snowflake, the Matillion server is not likely to be the bottleneck. You should make sure that your orchestration jobs are submitting everything to Snowflake at the same time and there are no dependencies (unless required) built into your flow.
These steps will be done in sequence:
These steps will be done in parallel (and will depend on Snowflake warehouse size to scale):
Also - try the Alter Warehouse Component with a higher concurrency level

resource management on spark jobs on Yarn and spark shell jobs

Our company has a 9 nodes clusters on cloudera.
We have 41 long running spark streaming jobs [YARN + cluster mode] & some regular spark shell jobs scheduled to run on 1pm daily.
All jobs are currently submitted at user A role [ with root permission]
The issue I encountered are that while all 41 spark streaming jobs are running, my scheduled jobs will not be able to obtain resource to run.
I have tried the YARN fair scheduler, but the scheduled jobs remain not running.
We expect the spark streaming jobs are always running, but it will reduce the resources occupied whenever other scheduled jobs start.
please feel free to share your suggestions or possible solutions.
Your spark streaming jobs are consuming too many resources for your scheduled jobs to get started. This is either because they're always scaled to a point that there aren't enough resources left for scheduled jobs or they aren't scaling back.
For the case where the streaming jobs aren't scaling back you could check whether you have dynamic resource allocation enabled for your streaming jobs. One way of checking is via the spark shell using spark.sparkContext.getConf.get("spark.streaming.dynamicAllocation.enabled"). If dynamic allocation is enabled then you could look at reducing the minimum resources for those jobs.

Apache Airflow or Apache Beam for data processing and job scheduling

I'm trying to give useful information but I am far from being a data engineer.
I am currently using the python library pandas to execute a long series of transformation to my data which has a lot of inputs (currently CSV and excel files). The outputs are several excel files. I would like to be able to execute scheduled monitored batch jobs with parallel computation (I mean not as sequential as what I'm doing with pandas), once a month.
I don't really know Beam or Airflow, I quickly read through the docs and it seems that both can achieve that. Which one should I use ?
The other answers are quite technical and hard to understand. I was in your position before so I'll explain in simple terms.
Airflow can do anything. It has BashOperator and PythonOperator which means it can run any bash script or any Python script.
It is a way to organize (setup complicated data pipeline DAGs), schedule, monitor, trigger re-runs of data pipelines, in a easy-to-view and use UI.
Also, it is easy to setup and everything is in familiar Python code.
Doing pipelines in an organized manner (i.e using Airflow) means you don't waste time debugging a mess of data processing (cron) scripts all over the place.
Nowadays (roughly year 2020 onwards), we call it an orchestration tool.
Apache Beam is a wrapper for the many data processing frameworks (Spark, Flink etc.) out there.
The intent is so you just learn Beam and can run on multiple backends (Beam runners).
If you are familiar with Keras and TensorFlow/Theano/Torch, the relationship between Keras and its backends is similar to the relationship between Beam and its data processing backends.
Google Cloud Platform's Cloud Dataflow is one backend for running Beam on.
They call it the Dataflow runner.
GCP's offering, Cloud Composer, is a managed Airflow implementation as a service, running in a Kubernetes cluster in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
So you can either:
manual Airflow implementation, doing data processing on the instance itself (if your data is small (or your instance is powerful enough), you can process data on the machine running Airflow. This is why many are confused if Airflow can process data or not)
manual Airflow implementation calling Beam jobs
Cloud Composer (managed Airflow as a service) calling jobs in Cloud Dataflow
Cloud Composer running data processing containers in Composer's Kubernetes cluster environment itself, using Airflow's KubernetesPodOperator (KPO)
Cloud Composer running data processing containers in Composer's Kubernetes cluster environment with Airflow's KPO, but this time in a better isolated fashion by creating a new node-pool and specifying that the KPO pods are to be run in the new node-pool
My personal experience:
Airflow is lightweight and not difficult to learn (easy to implement), you should use it for your data pipelines whenever possible.
Also, since many companies are looking for experience using Airflow, if you're looking to be a data engineer you should probably learn it
Also, managed Airflow (I've only used GCP's Composer so far) is much more convenient than running Airflow yourself, and managing the airflow webserver and scheduler processes.
Apache Airflow and Apache Beam look quite similar on the surface. Both of them allow you to organise a set of steps that process your data and both ensure the steps run in the right order and have their dependencies satisfied. Both allow you to visualise the steps and dependencies as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in a GUI.
But when you dig a bit deeper there are big differences in what they do and the programming models they support.
Airflow is a task management system. The nodes of the DAG are tasks and Airflow makes sure to run them in the proper order, making sure one task only starts once its dependency tasks have finished. Dependent tasks don't run at the same time but only one after another. Independent tasks can run concurrently.
Beam is a dataflow engine. The nodes of the DAG form a (possibly branching) pipeline. All the nodes in the DAG are active at the same time, and they pass data elements from one to the next, each doing some processing on it.
The two have some overlapping use cases but there are a lot of things only one of the two can do well.
Airflow manages tasks, which depend on one another. While this dependency can consist of one task passing data to the next one, that is not a requirement. In fact Airflow doesn't even care what the tasks do, it just needs to start them and see if they finished or failed. If tasks need to pass data to one another you need to co-ordinate that yourself, telling each task where to read and write its data, e.g. a local file path or a web service somewhere. Tasks can consist of Python code but they can also be any external program or a web service call.
In Beam, your step definitions are tightly integrated with the engine. You define the steps in a supported programming language and they run inside a Beam process. Handling the computation in an external process would be difficult if possible at all*, and is certainly not the way Beam is supposed to be used. Your steps only need to worry about the computation they're performing, not about storing or transferring the data. Transferring the data between different steps is handled entirely by the framework.
In Airflow, if your tasks process data, a single task invocation typically does some transformation on the entire dataset. In Beam, the data processing is part of the core interfaces so it can't really do anything else. An invocation of a Beam step typically handles a single or a few data elements and not the full dataset. Because of this Beam also supports unbounded length datasets, which is not something Airflow can natively cope with.
Another difference is that Airflow is a framework by itself, but Beam is actually an abstraction layer. Beam pipelines can run on Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Google Cloud Dataflow and others. All of these support a more or less similar programming model. Google has also cloudified Airflow into a service as Google Cloud Compose by the way.
*Apache Spark's support for Python is actually implemented by running a full Python interpreter in a subprocess, but this is implemented at the framework level.
Apache Airflow is not a data processing engine.
Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule, and
monitor workflows.
Cloud Dataflow is a fully-managed service on Google Cloud that can be used for data processing. You can write your Dataflow code and then use Airflow to schedule and monitor Dataflow job. Airflow also allows you to retry your job if it fails (number of retries is configurable). You can also configure in Airflow if you want to send alerts on Slack or email, if your Dataflow pipeline fails.
I am doing the same as you with airflow, and I've got very good results. I am not very sure about the following: Beam is machine learning focused and airflow is for anything you want.
Finally you can create a hive with kubernetes +airflow.

Is it possible to limit number of oozie workflows running at the same time?

This is not clear to me from the docs. Here's our scenario and why we need this as succinctly as I can:
We have 60 coordinators running, launching workflows usually hourly, some of which have sub-workflows (some multiple in parallel). This works out to around 40 workflows running at any given time. However when cluster is under load or some underlying service is slow (e.g. impala or hbase), workflows will run longer than usual and back up so we can end up with 80+ workflows (including sub-workflows) running.
This sometimes results in ALL workflows hanging indefinitely, because we have only enough memory and cores allocated to this pool that oozie can start the launcher jobs (i.e. oozie:launcher:T=sqoop:W=JobABC:A=sqoop-d596:ID=XYZ), but not their corresponding actions (i.e. oozie:action:T=sqoop:W=JobABC:A=sqoop-d596:ID=XYZ).
We could simply allocate enough resources to the pool to accommodate for these spikes, but that would be a massive waste (hundreds of cores and GBs that other pools/tenants could never use).
So I'm trying to enforce some limit on number of workflows running, even if that means some will be running behind sometimes. BTW all our coordinators are configured with execution=LAST_ONLY, and any delayed workflow will simply catch up fully on the next run. We are on CDH 5.13 with Oozie 4.1; pools are setup with DRF scheduler.
Thanks in advance for your ideas.
AFAIK there is not a configuration parameter that let you control the number of workflows running at a given time.
If your coordinators are scheduled to run approximately in the same time-window, you could think to collapse them in just one coordinator/workflow and use the fork/join control nodes to control the degree of parallelism. Thus you can distribute your actions in a K number of queues in your workflow and this will ensure that you will not have more than K actions running at the same time, limiting the load on the cluster.
We use a script to generate automatically the fork queues inside the workflow and distribute the actions (of course this is only for actions that can run in parallel, i.e. there no data dependencies etc).
Hope this helps

Map Reduce in Map Reduce

I develop Map/Reduce using Hadoop.
My driver Program submit a MapReduce job (with a Map and Reduce Task) to the Job tracker of Hadoop. I have two questions:
a) Can my Map or reduce task submit another MapReduce Job? (with the same cluster Hadoop and to the same Job Tracker). That means, my begining driver program submit a mapreduce job in which, its map or reduce task spawn another MapReduce job and submit it to the same cluster Hadoop and to the same Job Tracker. I think it's possible. But I'am not sure. Moreover, it a good solution? If not, can we have another solution?
b) Can we use two Map tasks (with two different functions and one Reduce task in a MapReduce job?
Thanks a lot
You can certainly chain multiple map stages using the ChainMapper class
You can also setup dependencies between jobs using the JobControl class and addDependingJob() method. This may be preferable to having Map Reduce jobs spawn off other Map Reduce jobs which goes against the fundamental approach of Map Reduce as it will likely cause your solution to no longer be robust against hardware failure on an individual node.
Chapter 5 of Hadoop in Action by Chuck Lam has a good overview of this.
No , i dont think its possible. Alternate solution is to launch a singe MapReduce task with input as set1 and set2 , and in Map phase, add the if condition that if a tuple read is from set 1 , add it to arraylist1 , and if from set 2 , add it to arraylist2. Then you do whatever you want with these two arraylists!
You should look into Cascading which is sort of made to chain (or "cascade") the outputs of one mapreduce job into another. It abstracts away a lot of the grunt work needed to make that happen and allows the developer to write on a much higher level to make complex multi step mapreduce jobs.
I would suggest you looking at Oozie framework.
Its possible to launch a MR from another MR . oozie job launcher launches any action (pig , java , MR) using map as launcher .
User "MultiInputs" API to define different maps for different input paths but use the same reducer . It is a classical example of performing "Joins"