Oracle SQL - SUM aggregate not working in LEVEL - sql

I have this query where it has an output when using count but no output when using sum
select to_char(counter)
from (select level counter from dual connect by level <= 1000000)
where counter =
(select sum(a.amount) from table a)
I'm wondering it's because the query only supports outputs of whole numbers? I am expecting to have outputs with decimals.
I am using this as a table value set in Oracle HCM, if anyone's familiar with that. It's why I don't have the aggregate in the SELECT statement as it doesn't support it.

Are you sure your subquery is returning rows? Because SUM of an empty set is null not zero, eg
SQL> select to_char(counter)
2 from ( select level counter from dual connect by level <= 1000000 )
3 where counter =
4 (select sum(deptno) from scott.emp);
SQL> select to_char(counter)
2 from ( select level counter from dual connect by level <= 1000000 )
3 where counter =
4 (select sum(deptno) from scott.emp where 1=0);
no rows selected

Your query says: Create all integers from 1 to 1,000,000 and of these show me the one that matches exactly the total amount of the table. So if that total is 123.45, you will get no row. If that amount is -123, you will get no row. If that amount is 1,000,001 you will get no row.
If you simply want the total, but you can have aggregations only in subqueries for some weird reason, just do
select * from (select sum(amount) as total from table) t;


Execute both the query and the COUNT of the query

I'm trying to build a query or a PL/SQL code to both execute a query, as well as return the number of results of this query.
Is this possible in a single query? Right now I feel like I'm being very wasteful: I first wrap the query in a COUNT (without ORDER BY) and then run the same query again (without the COUNT). A difference of a few seconds will probably not change the total number of rows, I can live with that.
The DB I'm using is Oracle Enterprise 12.2
An easy SQL way:
a test table:
create table testTable(a, b, c) as (
select 1, 'one', 'XX' from dual UNION ALL
select 2, 'two', 'YY' from dual UNION ALL
select 3, 'three', 'ZZ' from dual
A simple query:
select a, b, c
from testTable
---------- ----- --
1 one XX
2 two YY
3 three ZZ
3 rows selected.
The query with the number of records :
select a, b, c, count(*) over (partition by 1) as count
from testTable
---------- ----- -- ----------
1 one XX 3
2 two YY 3
3 three ZZ 3
3 rows selected.
You can try to do something like:
WITH test_query
AS (SELECT LEVEL just_a_number
FROM dual
CONNECT BY level < 101)
SELECT just_a_number
, COUNT(just_a_number) OVER (ORDER BY 1) total_count
FROM test_query;
Where COUNT(just_a_number) OVER (ORDER BY 1) will return total number of rows fetched in each row. Note that it may slow down the query.
Typically, when I do something like this, I create a stored procedure that returns 2 values. The first would be the result set as a REF CURSOR, and the other a number(12,0) returning the count. Both would of course require separate queries, but since it is in a single stored procedure, it is only one database connection and command being executed.
You are of course right for having your COUNT query forgo the ORDER BY clause.
To answer your question, you are not being wasteful per se. This is common practice in enterprise software.

SELECT statement to Return a Count for Each Row in Sybase Table

While working on a MongoDB/Node back-end environment I am needing to run some ETLs to pull in data from a previous Sybase environment. I am far less familiar with SQL than I am with Mongo/Node.
The following SELECT statement finds the count for a particular record (row of data) in the bl_serv_staffmember_xref table:
SELECT Count()
FROM "bl_serv_staffmember_xref"
WHERE ( "bl_serv_staffmember_xref"."staff_member_id" = 129 ) AND
( "bl_serve_staffmember_xref"."isactive" = 1 );
What I need to do is generate a SELECT statement that will return data with that count for EACH row in the table. How would I go about doing that?
I tried this:
SELECT Count()
FROM "bl_serv_staffmember_xref"
WHERE ( "bl_serv_staffmember_xref"."staff_member_id" is NOT NULL ) AND
( "bl_serv_staffmember_xref"."isactive" = 1 ) ;
But this just returns one total count:
1 2,452
rather than a count for each staff_member_id, which is what I need.
This is my desired result:
staff_member_id assignment_count
1 23
2 12
3 16
You could use count(*) and group by eg:
SELECT bl_serv_staffmember_xref.staff_member_id, Count(*)
FROM "bl_serv_staffmember_xref"
WHERE ( "bl_serve_staffmember_xref"."isactive" = 1 )
GROUP BY bl_serv_staffmember_xref.staff_member_id

How to return the rows between 20th and 30th in Oracle Sql [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Oracle SQL: Filtering by ROWNUM not returning results when it should
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
so I have a large table that I'd like to output, however, I only want to see the rows between 20 and 30.
I tried
select col1, col2
from table
where rownum<= 30 and rownum>= 20;
but sql gave an error
I also tried --where rownum between 20 and 30
it also did not work.
so whats the best way to do this?
OFFSET 20 ROWS --skips 20 rows
FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY --takes 10 rows
This shows only rows 21 to 30. Take care here that you need to sort the data, otherwise you may get different results every time.
See also here in the documentation.
Addendum: As in the possible duplicate link shown, your problem here is that there can't be a row with number 20 if there is no row with number 19. That's why the rownum-approach works to take only the first x records, but when you need to skip records you need a workaround by selecting the rownum in a subquery or using offset ... fetch
Example for a approach with using rownum (for lower oracle versions or whatever):
with testtab as (
select 'a' as "COL1" from dual
union all select 'b' from dual
union all select 'c' from dual
union all select 'd' from dual
union all select 'e' from dual
select * from
(select rownum as "ROWNR", testtab.* from testtab) tabWithRownum
where tabWithRownum.ROWNR > 2 and tabWithRownum.ROWNR < 4;
--returns only rownr 3, col1 'c'
Whenever you use rownum, it counts the rows that your query returns. SO if you are trying to filter by selecting all records between rownum 20 and 30, that is only 10 rows, so 20 and 30 dont exist. You can however, use WITH (whatever you want to name it) as and then wrap your query and rename your rownum column. This way you are selecting from your select. Example.
with T as (
select requestor, request_id, program, rownum as "ROW_NUM"
from fnd_conc_req_summary_v where recalc_parameters='N')
select * from T where row_num between 20 and 30;

How to check any missing number from a series of numbers?

I am doing a project creating an admission system for a college; the technologies are Java and Oracle.
In one of the tables, pre-generated serial numbers are stored. Later, against those serial numbers, the applicant's form data will be entered. My requirement is that when the entry process is completed I will have to generate a Lot wise report. If during feeding pre-generated serial numbers any sequence numbers went missing.
For example, say in a table, the sequence numbers are 7001, 7002, 7004, 7005, 7006, 7010.
From the above series it is clear that from 7001 to 7010 the numbers missing are 7003, 7007, 7008 and 7009
Is there any DBMS function available in Oracle to find out these numbers or if any stored procedure may fulfill my purpose then please suggest an algorithm.
I can find some techniques in Java but for speed I want to find the solution in Oracle.
A solution without hardcoding the 9:
select min_a - 1 + level
from ( select min(a) min_a
, max(a) max_a
from test1
connect by level <= max_a - min_a + 1
select a
from test1
4 rows selected.
Try this:
SELECT t1.SequenceNumber + 1 AS "From",
MIN(t2.SequenceNumber) - 1 AS "To"
FROM MyTable t1
JOIN MyTable t2 ON t1.SequenceNumber < t2.SequenceNumber
GROUP BY t1.SequenceNumber
HAVING t1.SequenceNumber + 1 < MIN(t2.SequenceNumber)
Here is the result for the sequence 7001, 7002, 7004, 7005, 7006, 7010:
From To
7003 7003
7007 7009
This worked but selects the first sequence (start value) since it doesn't have predecessor. Tested in SQL Server but should work in Oracle
s.sequence FROM seqs s
s.sequence - (SELECT sequence FROM seqs WHERE sequence = s.sequence-1) IS NULL
Here is a test result
To get unassigned sequence, just do value[i] - 1 where i is greater first row e.g. (7004 - 1 = 7003 and 7007 - 1 = 7006) which are available sequences
I think you can improve on this simple query
This works on postgres >= 8.4. With some slight modifications to the CTE-syntax it could be made to work for oracle and microsoft, too.
WITH missing AS (
SELECT MIN(num)+1 as num
FROM numbers n0
UNION ALL SELECT 1+ fh0.num AS num
FROM fullhouse fh0
SELECT * FROM numbers ex
WHERE ex.num > fh0.num
SELECT * FROM fullhouse fh1
EXCEPT ( SELECT num FROM numbers nx)
SELECT * FROM missing;
Here's a solution that:
Relies on Oracle's LAG function
Does not require knowledge of the complete sequence (but thus doesn't detect if very first or last numbers in sequence were missed)
Lists the values surrounding the missing lists of numbers
Lists the missing lists of numbers as contiguous groups (perhaps convenient for reporting)
Tragically fails for very large lists of missing numbers, due to listagg limitations
WITH MentionedValues /*this would just be your actual table, only defined here to provide data for this example */
FROM ( SELECT LEVEL + 7000 seqnum
WHERE seqnum NOT IN (7003,7007,7008,7009)--omit those four per example
Ranges /*identifies all ranges between adjacent rows*/
AS (SELECT seqnum AS seqnum_curr,
LAG (seqnum, 1) OVER (ORDER BY seqnum) AS seqnum_prev,
seqnum - (LAG (seqnum, 1) OVER (ORDER BY seqnum)) AS diff
FROM MentionedValues)
SELECT Ranges.*,
( SELECT LISTAGG (Ranges.seqnum_prev + LEVEL, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY 1)
CONNECT BY LEVEL < Ranges.diff) "MissingValues" /*count from lower seqnum+1 up to lower_seqnum+(diff-1)*/
FROM Ranges
WHERE diff != 1 /*ignore when diff=1 because that means the numers are sequential without skipping any*/
7004 7002 2 "7003"
7010 7006 4 "7007,7008,7009"
One simple way to get your answer for your scenario is this:
create table test1 ( a number(9,0));
insert into test1 values (7001);
insert into test1 values (7002);
insert into test1 values (7004);
insert into test1 values (7005);
insert into test1 values (7006);
insert into test1 values (7010);
select n.n from (select ROWNUM + 7001 as n from dual connect by level <= 9) n
left join test1 t on n.n = t.a where t.a is null;
The select will give you the answer from your example. This only makes sense, if you know in advance in which range your numbers are and the range should not too big. The first number must be the offset in the ROWNUM part and the length of the sequence is the limit to the level in the connect by part.
I would have suggested connect by level as Stefan has done, however, you can't use a sub-query in this statement, which means that it isn't really suitable for you as you need to know what the maximum and minimum values of your sequence are.
I would suggest a pipe-lined table function might be the best way to generate the numbers you need to do the join. In order for this to work you'd need an object in your database to return the values to:
create or replace type t_num_array as table of number;
Then the function:
create or replace function generate_serial_nos return t_num_array pipelined is
l_first number;
l_last number;
select min(serial_no), max_serial_no)
into l_first, l_last
from my_table
for i in l_first .. l_last loop
pipe row(i);
end loop;
end generate_serial_nos;
Using this function the following would return a list of serial numbers, between the minimum and maximum.
select * from table(generate_serial_nos);
Which means that your query to find out which serial numbers are missing becomes:
select serial_no
from ( select *
from table(generate_serial_nos)
) generator
left outer join my_table actual
on generator.column_value = actual.serial_no
where actual.serial_no is null
SELECT a FROM test1 ;
Improved query is:
SELECT ROWNUM "Missing_Numbers" FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL < (SELECT Min(a) FROM test1)
SELECT a FROM test1;
Note: a is column in which we find missing value.
Try with a subquery:
SELECT A.EMPNO + 1 AS MissingEmpNo
FROM tblEmpMaster AS A
select A.ID + 1 As ID
From [Missing] As A
Where A.ID + 1 Not IN (Select ID from [Missing])
And A.ID < n
Data: ID
Result: ID

Generating Random Number In Each Row In Oracle Query

I want to select all rows of a table followed by a random number between 1 to 9:
select t.*, (select dbms_random.value(1,9) num from dual) as RandomNumber
from myTable t
But the random number is the same from row to row, only different from each run of the query. How do I make the number different from row to row in the same execution?
Something like?
select t.*, round(dbms_random.value() * 8) + 1 from foo t;
David has pointed out this gives uneven distribution for 1 and 9.
As he points out, the following gives a better distribution:
select t.*, floor(dbms_random.value(1, 10)) from foo t;
At first I thought that this would work:
select DBMS_Random.Value(1,9) output
from ...
However, this does not generate an even distribution of output values:
select output,
from (
select round(dbms_random.value(1,9)) output
from dual
connect by level <= 1000000)
group by output
order by 1
1 62423
2 125302
3 125038
4 125207
5 124892
6 124235
7 124832
8 125514
9 62557
The reasons are pretty obvious I think.
I'd suggest using something like:
select output,
from (
select floor(dbms_random.value(1,10)) output
from dual
connect by level <= 1000000)
group by output
order by 1
1 111038
2 110912
3 111155
4 111125
5 111084
6 111328
7 110873
8 111532
9 110953
you don’t need a select … from dual, just write:
SELECT t.*, dbms_random.value(1,9) RandomNumber
FROM myTable t
If you just use round then the two end numbers (1 and 9) will occur less frequently, to get an even distribution of integers between 1 and 9 then:
SELECT MOD(Round(DBMS_RANDOM.Value(1, 99)), 9) + 1 FROM DUAL