Slow Response from ABP Authentication -

I have just downloaded and configured my first ABP solution and I'm having a performance problem.
I chose the option to have a separate site for IdentityServer. I configured a database and changed the ConnectionString entries in the appsettings.json files of the Hosts project, Migration project, and the IdentityServer project. I followed all the instructions in the getting started tutorial.
Everything (eventually) works but each time I try to authenticate myself either to the Swagger site or the Angular website, there is a significant (minutes-long) delay before I am either logged in or the request times out.
Suspected Problem:
So I read that the site uses a redis cache during login. I have never used this technology before. I had to get that installed.
I used the following commands to pull down the image and run it in Docker - another technology that I have not used before:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> docker pull redis
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/redis
a330b6cecb98: Pull complete
14bfbab96d75: Pull complete
8b3e2d14a955: Pull complete
5da5e1b21a2f: Pull complete
6af3a5ca4596: Pull complete
4f9efe5b47a5: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:e595e79c05c7690f50ef0136acc9d932d65d8b2ce7915d26a68ca3fb41a7db61
Status: Downloaded newer image for redis:latest
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> docker run --name development9-redis -d redis
This appeared to do something, so I assume my cache is running and available. Am I missing something? Could a misconfiguration of redis be the cause of my performance problem?
Please ask me any relevant questions you'd like and I will describe my set up. Thanks.

As you've pointed out, your performance issue is probably related to the improper Redis configuration. It really helps to downgrade response time.
You need to check the Redis running on port 6379, and also check does it get requests.
You might find useful this comment if you have a question about why I need to use Redis.
(Redis can help you to share data between IdentityServer and your host application.)
"run the command docker run --nameredis-container -p 6379:6379 -d redis and change the redis connection string in your appsettings to localhost:6379."


I want to turn my localhost server into a real website

I created an application that runs on a localhost server using expressjs. And I also bought a domain.
I'm wondering if there is a way to take that localhost server and turn it into a real shared server
I tried once to use a hosting service like hostgator but I still don't know how I can turn the express app into a real website.
I have no experience with any web development services so please don't tell me to use ....... whatever because I will have no idea what that is.
For one thing it is not clear how your website actually works: if it is only express does it generate HTML or is it purely JSON passed to browser clients via get requests (to each their own).
There are so many options as to how you might do this: one of the best options is to first make sure your server runs on Docker. Find a tutorial on YouTube/google/Stack Overflow/Blogs on how to run your Express server with docker. If you do that you can deploy it to a Container manager like Google/Amazon/Digital Ocean. If this seems hard to you there are other options.
Presumably you run your server with something like npm start. This guide can show you how to do essentially that but on a cloud computer.
Before you begin make sure that you're locally working server is checked in to a cloud Git provider like Github, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.
Since Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud have free tier or options for hosting for free for a certain amount of time (AWS 1 year) or for a certain amount of money (Google Cloud). These two seem like viable place to start.
If you find the option that you'd like you'll need to:
create an account
Create a server (choose a cheap one especially initially like mice/small/cheap etc).
Find a tutorial on how to "SSH" into that server (which basically means remotely control the terminal on that server). Google actually makes this fairly easy there's a big button that says SSH into this server.
Once you've logged into that Computer you'll be able to run the same commands you probably normally do on your home computer:
The computer you'll be getting is likely to be a virtual Linux Computer probably something like Linux Ubuntu. Find a tutorial on how to get git and node installed there (but it's something like sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git node).
Once you have git and node try mkdir www and cd into that: mkdir www && cd project (This isn't critical but conventional.)
Copy the link that allows you to "Clone your repo using HTTPS" (there's a link at the top right of your GitHub (or others) repo that allows you to do that. You'll need to enter your password
Now all the files that you had on your computer are on this new computer.
Next you'll have to probably npm i to install your dependent NPM packages. (This assumes you properly used .gitignore to prevent GitHub from being filled with extra copies of your npm packages.)
Now you should be able to run your code as usual: npm run start
If all those steps work you'll want to get something that will run these "forever" like npm i -g forever or even better: will allow you to continuously run your express server.
Finally, you'll need to configure this server on AWS/Google/whatever service you're using to push traffic coming in on port 80 and 443 to port 3000 and open traffic to all. And depending on the service you chose that's different so find a tutorial for doing just that part.
This will only allow people across the internet to see your service on an AWS URL or a google URL. But it's a good chance to make sure everything works perfectly. Once you're happy with everything associate your purchased domain with that special AWS/Google domain. You can do that on the AWS side, or the GoDaddy/NameCheap/where-ever you bought your domain side.
For the docker option you can download aws-cli tools and upload your built docker container to AWS and have it available. Find a tutorial to do that.
Essentially your question is very broad so I sometimes brushed over some details, but this is essentially what you have to do.

How to configure Redis cache on local?

I have implemented Redis cache with .net core 2.1 application. Now the issue is I have only development connection string. I want to configure and test Redis cache somehow on my local pc. I have read somewhere that it is possible using chocalatey. So can body refer me any link?
PS: When I tried to run redis cache from development server using vpn, It shown me popup to select "ResultBox.cs" file. So I created new ResultBox.cs file and give it the path, but when I call rediscache.Get() method it opens ResultBox.cs file but nothing happens then. Can anybody tell what is ResultBox.cs for?
I have found a way to configure Redis on local using chocolatey. Use this link. If you face Misconf issues while testing on redis-cli this link will be helpful.
You can run a local docker redis image. See this and this for reference.

Restart Kubernetes API server with different options

I'm pretty new to Kubernetes and clusters so this might be very simple.
I set up a Kubernetes cluster with 5 nodes using kubeadm following this guide. I got some issues but it all worked in the end. So now I want to install the Web UI (Dashboard). To do so I need to set up authentication:
Please note, this works only if the apiserver is set up to allow authentication with username and password. This is not currently the case with the some setup tools (e.g., kubeadm). Refer to the authentication admin documentation for information on how to configure authentication manually.
So I got to read authentication page of the documentation. And I decided I want to add authentication via a Static Password File. To do so I have to append the option --basic-auth-file=SOMEFILE to the Api server.
When I do ps -aux | grep kube-apiserver this is the result, so it is already running. (which makes sense because I use it when calling kubectl)
Couple of questions I have:
So where are all these options set?
Can i just kill this process and restart it with the option I need?
Will it be started when I reboot the system?
in /etc/kubernetes/manifests is a file called kube-apiserver.json. This is a JSON file and contains all the option you can set. I've appended the --basic-auth-file=SOMEFILE and rebooted the system (right after the change of the file kubectl wasn't working anymore and the API was shutdown)
After a reboot the whole system was working again.
I didn't manage to run the dashboard using this. What I did in the end was installing the dashboard on the cluster. copying the keys from the master node (/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf) to my laptop and did kubectl proxy to proxy the traffic of the dashboard to my local machine. Now I can access it on my laptop through
I just found this for a similar use case and the API server was crashing after adding an Option with a file path.
I was able to solve it and maybe this helps others as well:
As described in the files in /etc/kubernetes/manifests are static pod definitions. Therefore container rules apply.
So if you add an option with a file path, make sure you make it available to the pod with a hostPath volume.

Remotely create a vhost on a docker container running rabbitmq

I have a Vagrantfile that does 2 important things; firstly pulls and runs dockerfile/rabbitmq, then builds from a custom Dockerfile that runs an application which assumes a vhost on the rabbitmq server, let's say "/foo".
The problem is the vhost is not there.
The container with rabbitmq is running successfully, the app is linked to it using --link as the built image is run. Using the environment variables docker sets I can hit the server. But somewhere in the middle of these operations I need to create the vhost as my connection is refused, i assume because "/foo" is not there.
How can I get the vhost onto the rabbit server?
note - using the webadmin is not an option, this has to be done programatically.
You can put default_vhost in /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config:
It will then be created on the first run. (Stop and delete the mnesia directory if has been started already)
There are few ways to get desired configuration:
Export/import whole configuration with rabbitmqadmin - Management Plugin CLI tool.
Use HTTP API from management plugin
Use rabbitmqctl cli tool to manage access control.
BTW according to docs in here:
You can du this via curl by using:
curl -u userename:pa$sw0rD -X PUT http://rabbitmq.local:15672/api/vhosts/vh1
So probably it doesnt matter you are doing this remotely or not..

Pushing my Mercurial Repository through HTTP with Apache and Windows

So I have managed it. I can clone mercurial-repositories remotely using HTTP to my Windows Server 2003 machine and the ipaddress from that machine. Although I did deactivate IIS6 and am using Apache 2.2.x now. But not all works right now...darn! Here's the thing:
Cloning goes smooth! But when I want to push my changes to the original repository I get the message "cannot lock static http-repository". On the internet I get to read several explanations that Mercurial wasn't designed to push over HTTP connections. Still, on the Mercurial website there's something about configuring an hgrc file.
There's also the possibilty to configure Apache to host via HTTPS (or SSL). For this you have to load the module enabling OpenSSL and generating keys.
Configuring the hgrc file
Just add "push_ssl = false" under the [web] line. But where to put this file when pushing your changes back?! Because I placed it in the root of the server, in the ".hg" directory, nothing works.
Using SSL/HTTPS with Apache
When I try to access 'https://myipaddress' it fails, displaying a dutch message which would mean something like "server taking too long to respond". Trying to push also gives me a dutch error message which means about the same. It can not connect to my server via https although I followed the steps exactly at this blog.
I don't care which of the above solutions will work for me. Turns out none of them work so far. So please, can anyone help me with one of the solutions above? Pick the easiest! Help will be greatly appreciated, not only from me.
-Windows Server 2003
-Apache 2.2 with OpenSSL
-Mercurial 1.8.2
-I can clone, but not push!
Thank you!
Maarten Baar(s)
It seems like you might have apache configured incorrectly for getting it to do what you want. Based on your question it sounds like you have a path (maybe the root of the server) pointing to the repository you want to serve.
Mercurial comes with a script for this exact purpose, in the latest version it is hgweb.cgi. There are reasonably good instructions for setting it up on the mercurial site. It should allow both cloning and pushing. You will need the push_ssl=false if you will not be configuring https and also an allow_push line which will let certain users, or all (*) push to the repository. But all that should be part of the setup docs.