InteliJ desktop compose project compile issue - kotlin

I am making a desktop app using Kotlin compose(IntelliJ version 2021.2.1). My project is still running but I am getting these compile errors in the kotlin compose code.
"Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies"
Here are my project configurations
As a solution, I removed cashe in .gradle and restart IDE with invalidating cashe but didn't work. and changed JDK versions and kotlin versions as well but still getting the same output.

Your project uses pretty outdated versions of both kotlin and Compose.
Check out that your Compose Multiplatform IDE Support plugin is up to date, the latest version for today is 1.0.0-alpha4-build331
Latest versions of plugins for build.gradle.kts:
kotlin("jvm") version "1.5.21"
id("org.jetbrains.compose") version "1.0.0-alpha3"


How do intellij.version and sinceBuild (untilBuild) relate to each other?

I have version in intellij block in build.gradle.kts:
intellij {
and patchPluginXml:
patchPluginXml {
here sinceBuild is set accordingly to intellij.version. but is this correct? which relations should have this properties? can I set sinceBuild lower than intellij.version?
The version in the intellij block is the version (number) of IntelliJ gradle will use to build the plugin.
As a result, this is also the IntelliJ version used for the sandbox IDE when you run gradle runIde.
The sinceBuild and untilBuild are the version numbers that specify the range of IntelliJ versions the plugin (build with version) supports.
You basically give users a guarantee that your plugin works with any IntelliJ version within this range.
When you upload a plugin to the market place, your plugin will be verified against all these versions by the IntelliJ Plugin Verifier.
You can also do this yourself with the runPluginVerifier task.
So, yes, you can set sinceBuild lower than version and probably should.
More often than not you want to test and build for the newest release while still supporting a few older versions.
With your current settings (version is 2021.2.1, sinceBuild is 212, and untilBuild is 223.*), your plugin will be built with 2021.2.1 and you promise users that your plugin will work with any IntelliJ version from 2021.2.1 until 2022.3.*.
When anyone tries to install your plugin with an IntelliJ older or newer than the specified range they will get a message saying that your plugin is not compatible with their IntelliJ version.

How to set the version of the Kotlin compiler in a non-Android project?

I am running into a compile error when trying to compile a project with Kotlin and Compose Multiplatform, I think due to the Compose 1.1.0 compiler extension not being compatible with Kotlin 1.6.21. Even though I set my Kotlin plugin version to 1.6.10:
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version "1.6.10"
id("org.jetbrains.compose") version "1.1.0"
I get this error:
Kotlin: kotlinc-jvm 1.6.21-release-334 (JRE 15+36-1562)
Kotlin: [Internal Error] java.lang.IllegalStateException: The provided plugin androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin.ComposeComponentRegistrar is not compatible with this version of compiler
I can't figure out how to set the version of the Kotlin compiler that is used. From the log above the error, I can see it's using version 1.6.21-release-334, rather than some 1.6.10 version.
An alternate possible solution would be to change the version of the Compose Kotlin Compliler plugin to a more recent alpha or beta version that supports Kotlin 1.6.21, but I can't figure out how to do that either. In an Android project, you would use:
android {
composeOptions {
kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion = "1.2.0-beta03"
However, I would rather solve this by setting the Kotlin compiler so I won't run into the issue again whenever the latest version of Kotlin outpaces the compatibility of the Compose Multiplatform Kotlin Compiler Plugin.
The main idea I was thinking about is that there are some other places in the existing project where the old version 1.6.21 was used or some other setups that require that version or maybe an old cache. So basically need to clean the project, even delete the .idea directory of the project, and check other places where the old version can be set. After that reopen the project, do cleanup, sync and rebuild it.

How to determine Kotlin version for old Gradle version?

I have an existing project using Gradle 5.6.3, which is currently building Java-only Android. I'd like to add a library in Kotlin.
I had IntelliJ generate a library module, which gave me the following configuration:
plugins {
id ''
and in my parent project
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.5.30'
However, when I run this, it fails, saying The current Gradle version 5.6.3 is not compatible with the Kotlin Gradle plugin. Please use Gradle 6.1.1 or newer, or the previous version of the Kotlin plugin.
Because of reasons, upgrading Gradle is not an option for the project right now. So I want to satisfy Gradle by using "the previous version".
I already looked at the compatibility matrix, but that only says that Gradle is tested with Kotlin 1.3.72 through 1.6.0., which isn't helpful.
So, which version of the kotlin-gradle-plugin do I need if I want to stay on Gradle 5.6.3?

How to get a recent Kotlin version in a multi-project Gradle setup with Kotlin DSL

I setup a Gradle multi-project project, including the Kotlin DSL as described on in the Gradle documentation. My Gradle version is 7.4.1, which is the recent version at the time of writing.
In this part of the documentation we are told to use convention plugins for subproject configuration and we should not use subprojects or allprojects DSL.
That is the reason I ended up having
plugins {
in my buildSrc/build.gradle.kts, which is all working as expected.
By using kotlin-dsl I'm wired to gradle-kotlin-dsl-7.4.1.jar (Gradle version, I mentioned earlier). This jar seems to specify all Kotlin related versions along the project; i.e. I cannot do this to specify my Kotlin version
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version "1.6.10"
// ...
Because two different Kotlin versions will appear
$ ./gradlew build
> Configure project :buildSrc
WARNING: Unsupported Kotlin plugin version.
The `embedded-kotlin` and `kotlin-dsl` plugins rely on features of Kotlin `1.5.31` that might work differently than in the requested version `1.6.10`.
That behaviour and the warning are described here.
Am I able to use a more recent version of Kotlin in this setup, if so: how?
Out of curiosity: where do I see the Kotlin version tracked, that is baked into Gradle? I could not find any notice in the last hand full of release notes
atm there is no way to update the embedded version of the Kotlin the kotlin-dsl plugin relies on (
I think your best bet would be the gradle github

Kotlin Multiplatform project include cocoapod dependency

Trying to setup cocoapods for my Kotlin MPP:
plugins {
kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.5.10"
kotlin("native.cocoapods") version "1.5.10"
Syncing the project ends up in this error:
Execution failed for task ':podspec'.
> this and base files have different roots: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\wrap6957loc\gradlew and G:\Workspace\tracking-lib.
I am on windows and always will be. The project should build on Windows and Mac. So I assume basic inclusion of that plugin should work?
What can I do to fix the paths?
This looks like a bug. The plugin should be disabled, but the build should be working fine. Please consider reporting it to The cocoapods plugin strongly relies on pre-installed components, such as Xcode CLI Tools, cocoapods and cocoapods-generate. All of them are described here. The iOS targets of the Kotlin MPP project themselves can't be built on Windows, this is a restriction of the compiler. See a full list of targets and their availability here.