How to trigger PC Keyboard inputs in Kotlin Desktop Compose - kotlin

I am going to develop a POS system using Kotlin Jetpack Compose and I wanna know how to trigger keyboard input events inside my project.

In Compose Desktop You can listen for key events using onKeyEvent Window parameter:
onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication,
visible = visible,
onKeyEvent = {
if (it.isCtrlPressed && it.key == Key.A) {
println("Ctrl + A is pressed")
} else {
// let other handlers receive this event
) {
An other options, which will also work for Compose in Android, is using Modifier.onKeyEvent. As documentation says:
will allow it to intercept hardware key events when it (or one of its children) is focused.
So you need to make an item or one of its children focusable and focused. Check out more about focus in compose in this article
To do this you need a FocusRequester, in my example I'm asking focus when view renders using LaunchedEffect.
For the future note, that if user taps on a text field, or an other focusable element will gain focus, your view will loose it. If this focused view is inside your view with onKeyEvent handler, it still gonna work.
An empty box cannot become focused, so you need to add some size with a modifier. It still will be invisible:
val requester = remember { FocusRequester() }
.onKeyEvent {
if (it.isCtrlPressed && it.key == Key.A) {
println("Ctrl + A is pressed")
} else {
// let other handlers receive this event
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
Alternatively just add content to Box so it will stretch and .size modifier won't be needed anymore

Following the second option of the Philip answer is possible to get a strange behavior when you set the focus and, for some reason, click inside application window. Doing this, is possible "lost" the focus and the key events are not propper handled.
In order to avoid this the suggestion is manually handle this problem by adding a click/tap modifier, which just specifies that when detect a click/tap the requester requests the focus again. See below:
val requester = FocusRequester()
//pointer input handles [onPress] to force focus to the [requester]
.pointerInput(key1 = true) {
detectTapGestures(onPress = {
.onKeyEvent {
if (it.isCtrlPressed && it.key == Key.A) {
println("Ctrl + A is pressed")
} else {
// let other handlers receive this event
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {


Composable State from Jetpack Compose execute these two states once or twice

I got a two states for handling a dynamic pop up screen component
var showPopUpScreen by remember { viewModel.popUpScreenIsOpen }
var popUpType by remember { viewModel.popUpScreenType }
but when I change the value of these mutableState-values when opening the pop up component
like this:
fun OpenPopUpScreen(type: BasePopUpScreen) {
popUpScreenType.value = type
popUpScreenIsOpen.value = true
will this composable function get executed twice (which is performance heavy) or will it be smart enough to know that these values are set at once so execute my pop up render function only once?
Extra code info:
fun LiveTrainingScreen(viewModel: LiveTrainingViewModel = viewModel()) {
// lots of code and then:
var showPopUpScreen by remember { viewModel.popUpScreenIsOpen }
var popUpType by remember { viewModel.popUpScreenType }
//pop up container
if(showPopUpScreen) {
Row(modifier = Modifier
.background(Color.Black.copy(alpha = 0.6f))
.zIndex(11f), verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically) {
Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
DyanmicPopUpScreenLiveTraining(popUpScreenTypeInfo = popUpType, viewModel = viewModel)
} // pop up main column
} // end pop up screen row
} // end if pop up screen
I believe the recomposition starts right after both have changed as the compose guide says:
"Recomposition is optimistic and may be canceled." [source:]
in which means the recomposition will be canceled as the other parameter is assigned and you will see the change in state in UI in means of both values.
However, it is a better approach to save the UI state inside a data class and remember the data class directly. that way, you change both variables and the composition resets as the data class changes. plus, rather than remembering the data class, hoist the state in a ViewModel and you will good to go.
I think compose is smart enough to identify the changes and react on it.
As per your question
once you set first value it will start changes compose views which are dependent on it
And suppose considering complex view previous recomposition process is going on, after setting second value previous recomposition will get cancelled and compose will recompose your screen with updated both values.
So effectively we can Recomposition will happen once only.

Composable Focus

I have a project where we display a graph, this graph is in an Box which is scrollable.
By opening the view, we need to center the root node which causes the problem currently.
Determining the position and setting the values of the states is currently done the following way:
.onGloballyPositioned { coordinates -> scrollBy = coordinates.positionInParent().y - dpstate!!.scrollState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset
.onFocusChanged {
if(it.isFocused ){
print("is focused")
scope.launch { dpstate!!.scrollState.animateScrollBy(scrollBy)
dpstate!!.offsetState.value = Offset(leftX.toFloat(),dpstate!!.offsetState.value.y)
in the modifier of the box.
The state dpstate is an instance of the following:
data class DisplayState(
val scrollState: LazyListState,
val scaleState: MutableState<Float>,
val offsetState: MutableState<Offset>,
val editState: MutableState<Boolean>,
val showInfo:Map<Int, MutableState<Boolean>>,)
Important is, that I need to center by opening it, not by clicking a button.
My try was in the calling code of all of this the following code:
onDispose { }
There is no exception, it just don't do anything, thanks for your help.

How to retrigger focusRequester.requestFocus() when coming back to a composable?

I have a MyBasicTextField in a composable to request user input:
fun MyBasicTextField() {
val keyboardController = LocalSoftwareKeyboardController.current
val focusRequester = remember{ FocusRequester() }
modifier = Modifier
keyboardActions = keyboardActions ?: KeyboardActions(onAny = { keyboardController?.hide() }),
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
The keyboard automatically slides in when showing this composable, always.
But wherever MyBasicTextField is used:
I tap on a LinkifiedText to leave and open a browser to show link
I tap BACK
and come back to previous MyBasicTextField screen, the keyboard is not shown
also the focusRequester.requestFocus() is not triggered again when coming back
How can I solve my issue?
Create a top-level variable in your activity, then modify it from within the onStart overridden method. Use that variable as the key for LaunchedEffect in place of Unit. That variable basically keeps track of when the user enters the app.
var userIn by mutableStateOf (true)
In your Composable,
Launched effect(userIn){
if(userIn && isKeyboardShown){
You can use my answer here as well, but instead of incrmenting the launchKey every time it's called, only increment the launchKey once user clicks on the browser link, that way it will not pop up during other re-compositions.

Optimise Kotlin code for button clicked state

I want to change the button background when the button clicked, the function is work by using this code
bank1.setOnClickListener {
bank2.setOnClickListener {
bank3.setOnClickListener {
bank4.setOnClickListener {
But it kinda hardcoded, and make it to so many lines, any way to make the code shorter?
I would keep a variable that keeps track of the selected one like
private var selectedBank: View? = null
And then do
arrayOf(bank1, bank2, bank3, bank4).forEach {
it.setOnClickListener {
selectedBank = it
you only need to deselected the previous selected one

Drag gestures inside scrollable control

I've made a custom control based around a Canvas. It uses two .pointerInput modifiers, one to detect click and one to detect drag so the user can toggle a column of 50 buttons, either by clicking on one at a time or dragging across a number of them to set them all at once. It works well, and now I'd like to have a horizontally scrollable Row containing a number of these. The immediate problem is that the Row, when the .horizontalScroll modifier is applied, swallows vertical movement as well, and even taps, so although I can scroll through a number of controls I'm no longer able to interact with them.
The only example I can find that's similar is the nested scrolling in the Gestures documentation, but that's between two controls using scrolling, and although the outer control is clearly not preventing the inner control receiving events it's not clear how to apply it in my case.
Without pasting huge quantities of code, I'm defining the Row by
fun ScrollBoxes() {
modifier = Modifier
) {
repeat(20) {
Column {
"Item $it", modifier = Modifier
model = JetwashSlideViewModel()
and the modifier of the Canvas is my custom control is set up as
.pointerInput(Unit) {
onDragStart = { ... }
onDragEnd = { ... },
onDrag = { change, dragAmount ->
.pointerInput(Unit) {
onPress = { it ->
A crude approach would be to have a scrollable row of labels and use the presently selected label to determine which full width custom control is presently visible. This wouldn't be as aesthetically pleasing as having the controls scrolling horizontally. Does anyone have an idea how this could be achieved?
Ok, my starting point was this tutorial on how to make a scrolling pager from scratch;
Using that, you can get a horizontally scrolling row of instances of a control. The problem is that I wanted horizontal swipes to be handled by the pager, and taps and vertical swipes to be handled by the custom control, and although the custom control gets the gestures if made over the control, it couldn't pass them up to the pager if they were horizontal swipes, so you could only scroll using the gaps between the custom controls. I expected that the control could use .detectVerticalDragGestures and .detectTapGestures and the pager could use .detectHorizontalDragGestures, but it wasn't that simple.
I ended up pulling code from the Jetpack source into my own code so I could modify it to produce my own gesture detector which captures vertical scroll and tap events but does not capture horizontal scroll;
suspend fun PointerInputScope.detectVerticalDragOrTapGestures(
onDragStart: (Offset) -> Unit = { },
onDragEnd: () -> Unit = { },
onDragCancel: () -> Unit = { },
onVerticalDrag: (change: PointerInputChange, dragAmount: Float) -> Unit,
onClick: ((Offset) -> Unit) = { },
model: JetwashSlideViewModel
) {
forEachGesture {
awaitPointerEventScope {
model.inhibitGesture = false
val down = awaitFirstDown(requireUnconsumed = false)
//val drag = awaitVerticalTouchSlopOrCancellation(, onVerticalDrag)
val drag = awaitTouchSlopOrCancellation(
) { change: PointerInputChange, dragAmount: Offset ->
if (abs(dragAmount.y) > abs(dragAmount.x)) {
//This is a real swipe down the slide
onVerticalDrag(change, dragAmount.y)
if (model.inhibitGesture) {
} else {
if (drag != null) {
if (
verticalDrag( {
onVerticalDrag(it, it.positionChange().y)
) {
} else {
} else {
if (!model.inhibitGesture)
Now in the pager, it was using .horizontalDrag. This is fine if you can actually drag purely horizontally or purely vertically, but you can't and swipes that were intended to be vertical on the inner control often had a tiny bit of horizontal motion which caused the pager to intercept it. So in the pager, I also had to copy and modify some code to make my own .horizontalDrag;
suspend fun AwaitPointerEventScope.horizontalDrag(
pointerId: PointerId,
onDrag: (PointerInputChange) -> Unit
): Boolean = drag(
pointerId = pointerId,
onDrag = onDrag,
motionFromChange = { if (abs(it.positionChangeIgnoreConsumed().x) > 10) it.positionChangeIgnoreConsumed().x else 0f },
motionConsumed = { it.positionChangeConsumed() }
This only triggers if the horizontal component of the movement is larger than 10px.
Finally, since a horizontal scroll may also have some element of vertical which could affect the inner controls, in my onPagerScrollStart and onPagerScrollFinished callbacks I set and clear a flag in the model, inhibitGesture which causes the inner control to disregard gestures that it happens to get while the pager is in the process of being scrolled.