Expressjs send content after listen - express

I want to make a route in express js to send some content after 1000 ms.
Note: I cant use res.sendFile, it has to be a plain route.
This is the code for the route:
app.get('/r', (req,res)=>{
}, 1000)
But I get the error: ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT, I assume because the page has already been loaded.
I need my node program to send it after it has already been loaded, so I cant like send a html,js,css script to do it. Is it possible? I cant seem to find how.
Well, if that is not possible, what I am really trying to do is after the page has loaded, execute js or send a message that the page can receive from the node program, like if there was res.execute_js('postMessage(1)')

EDIT based on your edit: So as I understand you want a way to send different values from a node app endpoint without using socketio. I've managed to replicate a similar experimental behavior using readable streams. Starting off, instead of returning response to the request with res.send() you should be using res.write() In my case I did something like this:'/api', (req, res) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
This will write to a stream "First" then after 1000ms it'll write another "Second" chunk then end the stream, thus completing the POST request.
Now in the client, you'll make the fetch response callback async, get the ReadableStream from the request like so
const reader = response.body.getReader();
now we should be reading this stream, we'll first initialize an array to collect all what we're reading,
const output = [];
now to actually read the stream,
let finished, current;
while (!finished) {
({ current, finished} = await;
if (finished) break;
if you read current in the loop, it'll contain each value we passed from res.write() and it should read twice, "First" and after 1000ms "Second".
EDIT: This is very experimental however, and I wouldn't recommend this in a production codebase. I'd suggest trying out socketio or a publish/subscribe mechanism instead.
Old answer: You're already sending "a" back, you should remove the first res.send() invocation at the top of the callback.

So, this is for all the people wondering. No you cannot do this with pure express (there is a workaround, so keep reading).
The reason you cant do this is because, when the user requests to the url, it sends them a response, and the browser renders it. You cant then tell it to change the response, as the browser has already received a response. Even if you send multiple, like with res.write, rather then res.send, the browser will just wait until it receives all the data.
Here are two workarounds:
    1. Use, cscnode, or another library to have events for updating text,
    2. Send hardcoded html, that updates text (1 was probably better)
That is all I think you can do.
More clarification on the socketio one is basically have an event for changing text that you can fire from node, and the browser will understand, and change the text.


How to get data from an API of the same origin?

I have a route (/user/{id}) that returns user information in json format. I want to display some user info on my index(/) page. So, in my handler for the index(/), I have
const host ="https//"
const url = host + "/user/1"
const response = await fetch(url, init)
But, the thing is that it hangs and times out. I guess it is because, it is still serving the request for the index page, which is also making another request to /user/{id}. So, the second request doesn't seem to be served as the handler is occupied by the first request in my opinion.
Is there a way to fix this?
Thank you

RxJS polling by interval and when manually called

In my Angular app I'm working on notifications and I have an REST API to call for latest user's notifications. I need to call this API on few minutes since it's not really important that user gets notifications in real time (they probably won't even appear that fast). However the idea to refresh notifications on the client side is next:
When user logs in start refreshing notifications - here is the first manual call to start refreshing the API on few minutes
If user leaves app opened or is just navigating through the app then don't change timer and wait for the rest of the time
If user opens subpage where it can perform actions related to notifications and does it, then refresh notifications and reset timer
Refresh notifications until logout
I already have working code for the described procedure, but I'm somehow unsure that it's correct for what I need. Here is the code for performing calls (for manual check there is just a Subject and for stop checking there is a subscription to observable - code below is actually separated, but here is in one place because of readability):
// Subject for manual triggering
this.checkFeed = new Subject<void>();
// Call for refresh in own method;
// Waiting for manual refresh or triggering it on some interval after it was last triggered
this.feedSub = this.checkFeed.asObservable()
.switchMap(() => Observable.timer(0, this.interval))
.mergeMap(() => this.fetchChanges())
.subscribe(res => this.notify(res));
// Unsubscription when logging out
if (this.feedSub) this.feedSub.unsubscribe();
The part which I'm most unsure about is .switchMap(() => Observable.timer(0, this.interval)) since it needs 0 to start right away (which is ok, but still doesn't look correct at all?). So is there any better way to achieve what I described?
I also have another question how to start check for notifications from another observable - which operator should I use. As I mentioned I have call to the Subject's next in own method like this:
refreshFeed(): void {;
So when there is some other observable performing (the action when notifications should be refreshed) I need to call this one. What's the correct way to call void method when other observable has response from API? I was thinking of something like this:
someActionThatCanChangeNotifications(): Observable<any> {
return this.api.get('path/to/endpoint')
.do(() => this.feedService.refreshFeed());
Is this ok, or is there also any better way?
Thanks in advance for help!
So basically you have two observable.
One that you call manually:
and the interval(let's callit intervalObs):
this.intervalObs = Observable.timer(0, this.interval);
If you see it like this the easyest way is to merge you'r two source stream and then do whatever you want.
var mergedSource = Observable.merge(
subscription = mergedSource.subscribe(this.fetchChanges());
Maybe you need to do some more operation in between but this should give you a more readable alternative.
You can try this working plunker if you want something to play arround
From what I can see you've pretty much done it "correctly". As with programming in general, there are many possible (and correct) solutions to a single problem. Personally, I'd do this the same way.
I can give you some commentary on the two points you mentioned too:
.switchMap(() => Observable.timer(0, this.interval))
Observable.timer pretty much an Observable.interval with a custom timeout before the first value. Observable.timer(0, this.interval) is the correct usage.
An alternative could be Observable.just(0).concat(Observable.interval(this.interval)), which returns a value immediately and then starts the interval. I prefer the way you put however; I think it clearly states your intention: "Produce a value after 0 milliseconds, and then an interval of this.interval".
.do(() => this.feedService.refreshFeed())
I'd say this is the totally correct way of doing it. do is meant for side effects, eg. stuff that happening outside the observable.
I can say though, I wouldn't expect someActionThatCanChangeNotifications to kick off a refresh of the feed. When a function returns an observable, I would expect to return an observable that doesn't have any side effects. However, as we live in a non-perfect world, we can't always have what we want.
You can't expect every subscriber to remember to do .do(() => this.feedService.refreshFeed()), instead I'd add a notice in the doc comment for the function: "Note: The returned observable will refresh the feed on every next signal", or something of that kind.

Getting the requester's socket inside an express route

I want to send to every users the signal that a user has used a route, but not to this user. SocketIO has a "broadcast" function that does the trick just fine, but I don't know how (even if) I can have access to this variable inside the route function.
For example:'/api', (req, res) => {
// Doing stuff...
// Broadcast will send the signal to every users but the socket's owner
So, I don't know how to get this "broadcast" socket inside the route, if there's a middleware to get it, or even if it's possible. If it's not, how can I achieve my goal?
Thank you for your attention.
The way I am doing the same is first authenticating client's socket and giving the socket some temporary code.
Now whenever client is hitting the route, I expects socket-id and temporary code provided as above in all request.
Now using that socket-id, I send broadcast to all other.
You can modify the same logic as per your need.

Intercept Requests With Custom Responses in PhantomJS?

Is there a way to intercept a resource request and give it a response directly from the handler? Something like this:
request.reply({data: 123});
My use case is for using PhantomJS to render a page that makes calls to my API. In order to avoid authentication issues, I'd like to intercept all http requests to the API and return the responses manually, without making the actual http request.
onResourceRequest almost does this, but doesn't have any modification capabilities.
Possibilities that I see:
I could store the page as a Handlebars template, and render the data into the page and pass it off as the raw html to PhantomJS (instead of a URL). While this would work, it would make changes difficult since I'd have to write the data layer for each webpage, and the webpages couldn't stand alone.
I could redirect to localhost, and have a server there that listens and responds to the requests. This assumes that it would be ok to have an open, un-authenticated version of the API on localhost.
Add the data via page.evaluate to the page's global window object. This has the same problems as #1: I'd need to know a-priori what data the page needs, and write server side code unique to each page.
I recently needed to do this when generating pdfs with phantom js.
It's slightly hacky, but seems to work.
var page = require('webpage').create(),
server = require('webserver').create(),
totallyRandomPortnumber = 29522,
//in my actual code, totallyRandomPortnumber is created by a java application,
//because phantomjs will report the port in use as '0' when listening to a random port
//thereby preventing its reuse in page.onResourceRequested...
server.listen(totallyRandomPortnumber, function(request, response) {
response.statusCode = 200;
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=UTF-8');
response.write(JSON.stringify({data: 'somevalue'}));
page.onResourceRequested = function(requestData, networkRequest) {
if(requestData.url.indexOf('interceptme') != -1) {
networkRequest.changeUrl('http://localhost:' + totallyRandomPortnumber);
In my actual application I'm sending some data to phantomjs to overwrite request/responses, so I'm doing more checking on urls both in server.listen and page.onResourceRequested.
This feels like a poor-mans-interceptor, but it should get you (or whoever this may concern) going.

Flux without data caching?

Almost all examples of flux involve data cache on the client side however I don't think I would be able to do this for a lot of my application.
In the system I am thinking about using React/Flux, a single user can have 100's of thousands of the main piece of data we store (and 1 record probably has at least 75 data properties). Caching this much data on the client side seems like a bad idea and probably makes things more complex.
If I were not using Flux, I would just have a ORM like system that can talk to a REST API in which case a request like userRepository.getById(123) would always hit the API regardless if I requested that data in the last page. My idea is to just have the store have these methods.
Does Flux consider it bad that if I were to make request for data, that it always hit the API and never pulls data from a local cache instance? Can I use Flux in a way were a majority of the data retrieval requests are always going to hit an API?
The closest you can sanely get to no caching is to reset any store state to null or [] when an action requesting new data comes in. If you do this you must emit a change event, or else you invite race conditions.
As an alternative to flux, you can simply use promises and a simple mixin with an api to modify state. For example, with bluebird:
var promiseStateMixin = {
thenSetState: function(updates, initialUpdates){
// promisify setState
var setState = this.setState.bind(this);
var setStateP = function(changes){
return new Promise(function(resolve){
setState(changes, resolve);
// if we have initial updates, apply them and ensure the state change happens
return Promise.resolve(initialUpdates ? setStateP(initialUpdates) : null)
// wait for our main updates to resolve
// apply our unwrapped updates
return setStateP(updates);
And in your components:
handleRefreshClick: function(){
// users is Promise<User[]>
{users: Api.Users.getAll(), loading: false},
// we can't do our own setState due to unlikely race conditions
// instead we supply our own here, but don't worry, the
// getAll request is already running
// this argument is optional
{users: [], loading: true}
// the rejection reason for our getUsers promise
// `this` is our component instance here
Of course this doesn't prevent you from using flux when/where it makes sense in your application. For example, react-router is used in many many react projects, and it uses flux internally. React and related libraries/patters are designed to only help where desired, and never control how you write each component.
I think the biggest advantage of using Flux in this situation is that the rest of your app doesn't have to care that data is never cached, or that you're using a specific ORM system. As far as your components are concerned, data lives in stores, and data can be changed via actions. Your actions or stores can choose to always go to the API for data or cache some parts locally, but you still win by encapsulating this magic.