Vue 3 composition API with updating refs - vue.js

I am passing a ref value to a composable function, updateableSetting. This has an initial value, settingA, but can be updated by the user. When updated, us it possible to have useFeature run again and return an updated feature value?
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const updateableSetting = ref('settingA')
const { feature } = useFeature(updateableSetting.value)

Sure. Use a computed property
import { ref, defineComponent, computed} from 'vue'
const useFeature = (initialRef) => {
const feature = computed(() => initialRef.value + ' - I am always up to date!')
return {
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const updateableSetting = ref('settingA')
//make sure you don't pass .value here - pass the whole ref object instead
const { feature } = useFeature(updateableSetting)
return { feature }
If you mean "run a function everytime updatedValue changes", you can use
() => {console.log('updatedValue changed! doing some calculations...')}

I had same problem when using composables in nuxt 3.
In nuxt 3 new reactive state is available called useState. try useState instead of ref.
for more information see nuxt 3 document: useState nuxt3


Vue 3 with Vuex 4

I'm using Vue 3 with the composition API and trying to understand how I can map my state from Vuex directly so the template can use it and update it on the fly with the v-model.
Does mapState works or something else to solve this issue? Right no I need to get my state by a getter, print it out in the template, and then do a manual commit for each field in my state... In Vue 2 with Vuex, I had this 100% dynamic
To make two-way binding between your input and store state you could use a writable computed property using set/get methods :
const store=useStore()
const username=computed({
return {username}
template :
<input v-model="username" />
I've solved it!
Helper function:
import { useStore } from 'vuex'
import { computed } from 'vue'
const useMapFields = (namespace, options) => {
const store = useStore()
const object = {}
if (!namespace) {
console.error('Please pass the namespace for your store.')
for (let x = 0; x < options.fields.length; x++) {
const field = [options.fields[x]]
object[field] = computed({
get() {
return store.state[namespace][options.base][field]
set(value) {
store.commit(options.mutation, { [field]: value })
return object
export default useMapFields
And in setup()
const {FIELD1, FIELD2} = useMapFields('MODULE_NAME', {
fields: [
base: 'form', // Deep as next level state.form
mutation: 'ModuleName/YOUR_COMMIT'
Vuex Mutation:
MUTATION(state, obj) {
const key = Object.keys(obj)[0]
state.form[key] = obj[key]

Vue composition api not working, data not set with the extracted data from the dabase

Trying out the Vue 3 composition API to write some better code but I cant get it to work as I wanted to work. I cant get the values to update with the values from the DB.
// component part
<SomeChildComponent :value="settings"/>
// script part
import { ref, onMounted} from 'vue'
export default {
setup() {
let settings = ref({
active : 1,
update : 0,
// this wont change the values
const getSettingsValues = async () => {
const response = await axios.get('/api/settings')// works =;//undefined
settings.update.value = 1;//undefined (even with hardcoded value)
[and more]
return { settings };
You're misplacing the field value when you use the ref property, it should be :;
settings.value.update= 1

How to get item by Id using Vue 3 Composition API using Axios

Im struggling using Axios and useRoute using Axios with Composition API. Here is the code on how to do it in using the Option API, how do I recreate it, the Vue-router docs not well documented at all right now.
async created() {
const result = await axios.get(`https://localhost:5001/api/artists/${this.$}`
const artist =;
this.artist = artist;
To convert that code to Composition API:
created() hook is effectively the same timing as setup(), so put that code in setup().
this.$route can be accessed via useRoute() (from vue-router#4).
artist can be declared as a data ref, returning it from setup() if used in the template.
To reactively fetch data from the API based on the id parameter, use watch on This watch call returns a function that stops the watcher, which is useful if you need to conditionally unwatch the reference.
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router'
import { ref, watch } from 'vue'
export default {
// 1
setup() {
const route = useRoute() // 2
const artist = ref(null) // 3
// 4
const unwatch = watch(() =>, (newId, oldId) => {
const result = await axios.get(`https://localhost:5001/api/artists/${newId}`)
artist.value =
// run only once
return {

How to access Vuex map helpers with Composition API

I am using Composition API in Vue2. Can you tell me how to access mapState with composition API? I want to watch for state changes as well. Hence I would have to use it within setup function as well (not only in return). Thanks
The Vuex map helpers aren't supported (yet?) in the Vue 2 or Vue 3 composition API, and this proposal for them has been stalled for a while.
You'll have to manually create a computed like in the docs:
const item = computed(() => store.state.item);
A more complete example:
import { computed } from 'vue';
import { useStore } from 'vuex';
export default {
setup() {
const store = useStore();
const item = computed(() => store.state.item);
return {
For me the trick was using the vuex-composition-helper npm package.
import { useState, useActions } from 'vuex-composition-helpers';
export default {
props: {
articleId: String
setup(props) {
const { fetch } = useActions(['fetch']);
const { article, comments } = useState(['article', 'comments']);
fetch(props.articleId); // dispatch the "fetch" action
return {
// both are computed compositions for to the store

Mobx React Reactivity with Hooks and Observer

I've updated the app to use Mobx-react 6 along with Mobx state tree.
I'm not able to get the latest value inside the component when I use custom store hooks.
import { observer, MobXProviderContext, useObserver } from 'mobx-react';
function useStores() {
return useContext(MobXProviderContext);
function useJob() {
const { jobStore } = useStores();
return useObserver(() => jobStore);
function ChildDocs(props) {
const jobStore = useJob();
const { validChildDocuments, setCurrentChildDoc, currentChildDoc, noneDocuments } = jobStore;
//This won't update although the value in the store is null after re-mount. This shows the old value
console.log('verificationDataStore=', currentChildDoc.verificationDataStore);
export default observer(ChildDocs);