How to use Google Map API in Nuxt Js? - vue.js

This is my code below to fetch API in Nuxt.Js. I have written the code that should be used to call an API, but I am not getting the results. I am not getting any resources regarding this as well.
async created(){
const config = {
headers : {
Accept : "application/json"
const result = await axios.get(``, config);
//this.users =;
catch (err){

Official GM NPM loader + diy Nuxt plugin
There's an official npm loader for the Google Maps JS API:
Below is how I have it implemented in Nuxt (2.15.7).
Side note: Yes, this places your API key client side, which in some contexts (e.g. internal team tools) is fine. For public production deployment, you probably want to protect the API key behind a proxy server, and keep any communication with Google occurring only on your server. A proxy server works great for things like Google search and geolocation services, however for map tiles you may never have a map tile server as fast as Google, so you may have to keep an API key on client-side to ensure smooth performance.
1. Install
npm i #googlemaps/js-api-loader
2. Make your own Nuxt plugin
This keeps the Google Map API as a global so you can make use of it in various components (i.e. non-map contexts, like searching Google Places in a form).
import Vue from 'vue'
import { Loader } from '#googlemaps/js-api-loader'
// Store GM_instance as a window object (outside of the Vue context) to satisfy the GM plugin.
window.GM_instance = new Loader({
apiKey: process.env.GOOGLEMAPSAPIKEY, // This must be set in nuxt.config.js
version: "weekly",
libraries: ["places", "drawing", "geometry"] // Optional GM libraries to load
data() {
return {
GM_loaded: false, // Tracks whether already GM loaded
GM_instance: null // Holds the GM instance in the context of Vue; much more convenient to use *anywhere* (Vue templates or scripts) whereas directly accessing the window object within Vue can be problematic.
GM_placeService: null, // Optional - Holds the GM Places service
methods: {
GM_load() {
return new Promise( async (resolve, reject) => {
// Need to do this only once
if (!this.GM_loaded) {
// Load the GM instance
.then((response) => {
this.GM_loaded = true
// this.GM_instance is what we use to interact with GM throughout the Nuxt app
this.GM_instance = response
.catch(e => {
} else {
GM_loadPlaceService(map) {
this.GM_placeService = new this.GM_instance.maps.places.PlacesService(map)
GM_getPlaceDetails(placeRequest) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.GM_placeService.getDetails(placeRequest, (response) => {
3. Set env and plugin in nuxt config
Pass your GM key from your .env file and register your new plugin.
export default {
// ...
// It's best to keep your GM key where all other keys are: your .env file; however this is inaccessible client-side.
// Here, we tell Nuxt the specific env's we want to make available client-side.
env: {
// Register your new plugin
plugins: [
// ...
4. Now use the GM plugin anywhere
Make a map and process clicks on Google Places
<div id="map" class="map"></div>
export default {
name: "MapGoogle",
data() {
return {
map: null
mounted() {
// This is the actual trigger that loads GM dynamically.
// Here we run our global GM func: GM_load.
// Side note; annoyance: As you see, using Vue mixin's, you have functions available from out-of-nowhere. Research alternative to mixin's, especially in Vue3/Nuxt3.
.then( () => {
methods: {
initMap() { = new this.GM_instance.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
center: { lat: 43.682284, lng: -79.401603 },
zoom: 8,
this.GM_loadPlaceService("click", (e) => {
async processClick(e) {
// If clicked target has a placeId, user has clicked a GM place
if (e.placeId) {
let placeRequest = {
placeId: e.placeId,
//fields: ['name', 'rating', 'formatted_phone_number', 'geometry']
// Get place details
let googlePlace = await this.GM_getPlaceDetails(placeRequest)
console.log("googlePlace %O", googlePlace)


How to write PWA in Vue js?

i used to write pwa via vanilla javascript like this
const CACHE_STATIC_NAME = 'static-v4';
const CACHE_DYNAMIC_NAME = 'dynamic-v2';
const STATIC_FILES = [
self.addEventListener('install', function(e) {
.then(function(cache) {
console.log('[Service Worker] Installing Service Worker ...');
self.addEventListener('activate', function(e) {
console.log('[Service Worker] Activating Service Worker ...');
// clear old cache
.then(function(cachedKeys) {
return Promise.all( {
return caches.delete(key);
// Tell the active service worker to take control of the page immediately.
return self.clients.claim(); // to ensure that activating is correctly done
//After install, fetch event is triggered for every page request
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
let url = '';
if(event.request.url === url) {
fetch(event.request).then(res => {
let clonedRes = res.clone();
// in order to clear ol data if new data is different from the original one
.then(() => {
return clonedRes.json()
.then(data => {
for(let key in data) {
writeData('posts', data[key])
return res;
// USE Cache only Strategy if the request is in the static Files
} else if(STATIC_FILES.includes(event.request.url)) {
} else {
caches.match(event.request).then(response => {
return response || fetch(event.request).then(response => {
return => {
cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
return response;
.catch(err => {
return => {
// i need to show offline page only if the failure is in the help Page
// because it does not make any sence if i show this page in case of the failure in files like css
if(event.request.headers.get('accept').includes('text/html')) {
return cache.match('/offline.html');
but when I'm trying to write my own in vuejs app I installed pwa via vue add pwa it created for me a file called registerServiceWorker.js that I don't understand because I'm not used to use it
This file contains the following
/* eslint-disable no-console */
import { register } from 'register-service-worker'
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
register(`${process.env.BASE_URL}service-worker.js`, {
ready () {
'App is being served from cache by a service worker.\n' +
registered () {
console.log('Service worker has been registered.')
cached () {
console.log('Content has been cached for offline use.')
updatefound () {
console.log('New content is downloading.')
updated () {
console.log('New content is available; please refresh.')
offline () {
console.log('No internet connection found. App is running in offline mode.')
error (error) {
console.error('Error during service worker registration:', error)
I don't know how to write my own pwa code here or where I can do that?
Also I don't know if it will work on localhost or not because from what I'm noticing it works in Production
So My Question is, How Can I Write PWA As I used to do with vanilla js in vue app? What are the steps should I do in order to accomplish my full custom PWA?
Can I Do That without using workbox?
if anyone can help me i'll be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I/(pretty sure most of us) won't likely throw to redo service worker from scratch in any project, Workbox is also recommended tools in Google Developers' page other than Vue CLI.
As the registerServiceWorker.js, that's boilerplate for your service worker cycle in your App, as the logs pretty straightforward in the flow of your app process
If you wanna to do from scratch still, i would suggest read to understand the fundamentals. I would recommend because service-worker pretty much "I hope you know what you doing with your app like what-when-to update/caching/do-when-offline/"

How can I fix nuxt js static site links leading to network error?

I have a very basic nuxt.js application using JSON in a local db.json file, for some reason the generated static site links leading to network error, but I can access them from the url or page refresh.
nuxt config
generate: {
routes () {
return axios.get('http://localhost:3000/projects')
.then((res) => {
return => {
return '/project/' +
main root index page
data() {
return {
projects: []
async asyncData({$axios}){
let projects = await $axios.$get('http://localhost:3000/projects')
return {projects}
single project page
data() {
return {
id: this.$
async asyncData({params, $axios}){
let project = await $axios.$get(`http://localhost:3000/projects/${}`)
return {project}
P.S. I have edited the post with the code for the main and single project page
Issues with server-side requests of your application are caused by conflicts of ports on which app and json-server are running.
By default, both nuxt.js and json-server run on localhost:3000 and requests inside asyncData of the app sometimes do not reach correct endpoint to fetch projects.
Please, check fixed branch of your project's fork.
To ensure issue is easily debuggable, it is important to separate ports of API mock server and app itself for dev, generate and start commands.
Note updated lines in nuxt.config.js:
const baseURL = process.env.API_BASE_URL || 'http://localhost:3000'
export default {
server: {
port: 3001,
host: ''
modules: [
['#nuxtjs/axios', {
generate: {
async routes () {
return axios.get(`${baseURL}/projects`)
.then((res) => {
return => {
return '/project/' +
This ensures that API configuration is set from a single source and, ideally, comes from environmental variable API_BASE_URL.
Also, app's default port has been changed to 3001, to avoid conflict with json-server.
asyncData hooks have been updated accordingly to pass only necessary path for a request. Also, try..catch blocks are pretty much required for asyncData and fetch hooks, to handle error correctly and access error specifics.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'cache' of undefined - VueJS

I created a Vue component which exports an async function. This component acts as a wrapper for calling my API. It's based on axios with a caching component that relies on localforage for some short lived persistence.
import localforage from 'localforage'
import memoryDriver from 'localforage-memoryStorageDriver'
import { setup } from 'axios-cache-adapter'
export default {
async cache() {
// Register the custom `memoryDriver` to `localforage`
await localforage.defineDriver(memoryDriver)
// Create `localforage` instance
const store = localforage.createInstance({
// List of drivers used
driver: [
// Prefix all storage keys to prevent conflicts
name: 'tgi-cache'
// Create `axios` instance with pre-configured `axios-cache-adapter` using a `localforage` store
return setup({
// `axios` options
baseURL: 'https://my.api',
cache: {
maxAge: 2 * 60 * 1000, // set cache time to 2 minutes
exclude: { query: false }, // cache requests with query parameters
store // pass `localforage` store to `axios-cache-adapter`
Here is how I am importing and using this component in my views:
import api from '#/components/Api.vue'
export default {
data() {
return {
userId: this.$,
userData: ''
methods: {
loadClient(userId) {
const thisIns = this;
api.cache().then(async (api) => {
const response = await api.get('/client/find?id='+userId)
thisIns.userData =[0]
}).catch(function (error) {
created() {
I can import this component and everything appears to work. I get data back from my API. However, immediately after every call, I get an error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'cache' of undefined
Which references this line:
api.cache().then(async (api) => {
I am unable to understand why this is happening, or what it means. The error itself indicates that the component I am importing is undefined, though that's clearly not the case; if it were, the API call would ultimately fail I would suspect. Instead, I am lead to believe that perhaps I am not constructing/exporting my async cache() function properly.
Upon further review, I don't actually understand why the author has implemented it the way he has. Why would you want to create an instance of localForage every single time you make an API call?
I've opted not to use a component and to only instantiate an instance of localForage once.
import localforage from 'localforage'
import memoryDriver from 'localforage-memoryStorageDriver'
import { setup } from 'axios-cache-adapter'
// Register the custom `memoryDriver` to `localforage`
// Create `localforage` instance
const localforageStore = localforage.createInstance({
// List of drivers used
driver: [
// Prefix all storage keys to prevent conflicts
name: 'my-cache'
Vue.prototype.$http = setup({
baseURL: 'https://my.api',
cache: {
maxAge: 2 * 60 * 1000, // set cache time to 2 minutes
exclude: { query: false }, // cache requests with query parameters
localforageStore // pass `localforage` store to `axios-cache-adapter`
the view
export default {
data() {
return {
userId: this.$,
userData: ''
methods: {
loadClient(userId) {
const thisIns = this;
.then(async (response) => {
thisIns.userData =[0]
.catch(function (error) {
created() {

Nuxt: Inside a plugin, how to add dynamic script tag to head?

I'm trying to build a Google Analytics plugin to Nuxt that will fetch tracking IDs from the CMS. I am really close I think.
I have a plugin file loading on client side only. The plugin is loaded from nuxt.config.js via the plugins:[{ src: '~/plugins/google-gtag.js', mode: 'client' }] array.
From there the main problem is that the gtag script needs the UA code in it's URL, so I can't just add that into the regular script object in nuxt.config.js. I need to get those UA codes from the store (which is hydrated form nuxtServerInit.
So I'm using head.script.push in the plugin to add the gtag script with the UA code in the URL. But that doesn't result in the script being added on first page load, but it does for all subsequent page transitions. So clearly I'm running head.script.push too late in the render of the page.
But I don't know how else to fetch tracking IDs, then add script's to the head.
// plugins/google.gtag.client.js with "mode": "client
export default ({ store, app: { head, router, context } }, inject) => {
// Remove any empty tracking codes
const codes = store.state.siteMeta.gaTrackingCodes.filter(Boolean)
// Add script tag to head
src: `${codes[0]}`,
async: true
console.log('added script')
// Include Google gtag code and inject it (so this.$gtag works in pages/components)
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []
function gtag() {
inject('gtag', gtag)
gtag('js', new Date())
// Add tracking codes from Vuex store
codes.forEach(code => {
gtag('config', code, {
send_page_view: false // necessary to avoid duplicated page track on first page load
console.log('installed code', code)
// After each router transition, log page event to Google for each code
router.afterEach(to => {
gtag('event', 'page_view', { page_path: to.fullPath })
console.log('afterEach', code)
I ended up getting this to work and we use it in production here.
Code as of this writing looks like this:
export default ({ store, app: { router, context } }, inject) => {
// Remove any empty tracking codes
let codes = _get(store, "state.siteMeta.gaTrackingCodes", [])
codes = codes.filter(Boolean)
// Abort if no codes
if (!codes.length) {
if (context.isDev) console.log("No Google Anlaytics tracking codes set")
inject("gtag", () => {})
// Abort if in Dev mode, but inject dummy functions so $gtag events don't throw errors
if (context.isDev) {
console.log("No Google Anlaytics tracking becuase your are in Dev mode")
inject("gtag", () => {})
// Abort if we already added script to head
let gtagScript = document.getElementById("gtag")
if (gtagScript) {
// Add script tag to head
let script = document.createElement("script")
script.async = true = "gtag"
script.src = "//"
// Include Google gtag code and inject it (so this.$gtag works in pages/components)
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []
function gtag() {
inject("gtag", gtag)
gtag("js", new Date())
// Add tracking codes from Vuex store
codes.forEach(code => {
gtag("config", code, {
send_page_view: false // Necessary to avoid duplicated page track on first page load
// After each router transition, log page event to Google for each code
router.afterEach(to => {
gtag("event", code, { page_path: to.fullPath })
If not in a plug-in, this was a good read on how to load 3rd party scripts: How to Load Third-Party Scripts in Nuxt.js

Nuxt Ava End-to-End Testing Store Configuration

Given the example official Nuxt end-to-end test example using Ava:
import test from 'ava'
import { Nuxt, Builder } from 'nuxt'
import { resolve } from 'path'
// We keep a reference to Nuxt so we can close
// the server at the end of the test
let nuxt = null
// Init Nuxt.js and start listening on localhost:4000
test.before('Init Nuxt.js', async t => {
const rootDir = resolve(__dirname, '..')
let config = {}
try { config = require(resolve(rootDir, 'nuxt.config.js')) } catch (e) {}
config.rootDir = rootDir // project folder = false // production build
config.mode = 'universal' // Isomorphic application
nuxt = new Nuxt(config)
await new Builder(nuxt).build()
nuxt.listen(4000, 'localhost')
// Example of testing only generated html
test('Route / exits and render HTML', async t => {
let context = {}
const { html } = await nuxt.renderRoute('/', context)
t.true(html.includes('<h1 class="red">Hello world!</h1>'))
// Close the Nuxt server
test.after('Closing server', t => {
How can you use Nuxt or Builder to configure/access the applications Vuex store? The example Vuex store would look like:
import Vuex from "vuex";
const createStore = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
state: () => ({
todo: null
mutations: {
receiveTodo(state, todo) {
state.todo = todo;
actions: {
async nuxtServerInit({ commit }, { app }) {
const todo = await app.$axios.$get(
commit("receiveTodo", todo);
export default createStore;
Currently trying to run the provided Ava test, leads to an error attempting to access #nuxtjs/axios method $get:
TypeError {
message: 'Cannot read property \'$get\' of undefined',
I'd be able to mock $get and even $axios available on app in Vuex store method nuxtServerInit, I just need to understand how to access app in the test configuration.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Just encountered this and after digging so many tutorial, I pieced together a solution.
You have essentially import your vuex store into Nuxt when using it programmatically. This is done by:
Importing Nuxt's config file
Adding to the config to turn off everything else but enable store
Load the Nuxt instance and continue your tests
Here's a working code (assuming your ava and dependencies are set up)
// For more info on why this works, check this aweomse guide by this post in getting this working
import test from 'ava'
import jsdom from 'jsdom'
import { Nuxt, Builder } from 'nuxt'
import nuxtConfig from '../nuxt.config' // your nuxt.config
// these boolean switches turn off the build for all but the store
const resetConfig = {
loading: false,
loadingIndicator: false,
fetch: {
client: false,
server: false
features: {
store: true,
layouts: false,
meta: false,
middleware: false,
transitions: false,
deprecations: false,
validate: false,
asyncData: false,
fetch: false,
clientOnline: false,
clientPrefetch: false,
clientUseUrl: false,
componentAliases: false,
componentClientOnly: false
build: {
indicator: false,
terser: false
// We keep a reference to Nuxt so we can close
// the server at the end of the test
let nuxt = null
// Init Nuxt.js and start listening on localhost:5000 BEFORE running your tests. We are combining our config file with our resetConfig using Object.assign into an empty object {}
test.before('Init Nuxt.js', async (t) => {
const config = Object.assign({}, nuxtConfig, resetConfig, {
srcDir: nuxtConfig.srcDir, // don't worry if its not in your nuxt.config file. it has a default
ignore: ['**/components/**/*', '**/layouts/**/*', '**/pages/**/*']
nuxt = new Nuxt(config)
await new Builder(nuxt).build()
nuxt.listen(5000, 'localhost')
// Then run our tests using the nuxt we defined initially
test.serial('Route / exists and renders correct HTML', async (t) => {
t.timeout(600000) // Sometimes nuxt's response is slow. We increase the timeont to give it time to render
const context = {}
const { html } = await nuxt.renderRoute('/', context)
// t.true(true)
test.serial('Route / exits and renders title', async (t) => {
const { html } = await nuxt.renderRoute('/', {})
const { JSDOM } = jsdom // this was the only way i could get JSDOM to work. normal import threw a functione error
const { document } = (new JSDOM(html)).window
t.true(document.title !== null && document.title !== undefined) // simple test to check if site has a title
Doing this should work. HOWEVER, You may still get some errors
✖ Timed out while running tests. If you get this you're mostly out of luck. I thought the problem was with Ava given that it didn't give a descriptive error (and removing any Nuxt method seemed to fix it), but so far even with the above snippet sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
My best guess at this time is that there is a delay on Nuxt's side using either renderRouter or renderAndGetWindow that ava doesn't wait for, but on trying any of these methods ava almost immediately "times out" despite the t.timeout being explicitly set for each test. So far my research has lead me to checking the timeout for renderAndGetWindow (if it exists, but the docs doesn't indicate such).
That's all i've got.