Update Column in table using Select, Inner Join and Case When - sql

I have a table called: Claim, where I've already moved data from another table called Damage. However, today I needed to add a column in Claim called ClaimStatusID. And to give values to ClaimStatusID I need to to it based on another column called DamageApprovedStatusID, which exists in yet another table called DamageErrand. Damage and DamageErrand has relation through a crosstable called DamageErrandCrossDamage. In that crosstable DamageErrandID and DamageID exists. Here, I've commented more information:
-- Claim has column ID which has the same ID as the table Damage
-- DamageErrand has DamageApprovedStatus ID which need to be inserted
-- to ClaimStatusID, where the ID's need to be correct.
-- Table Damage and Table DamageErrand has a cross table:
-- DamageErrandCrossDamage, where both of their ID's are stored
-- Claim.ID should therefore be the same as DamageErrandCrossDamage.DamageID
-- Since Claim.ID has the same ID as Damage.ID
-- IF DamageApprovedStatus = -1, SET ClaimStatusID = 0
-- IF DamageApprovedStatus = 0, SET ClaimStatusID = 4
-- IF DamageApprovedStatus = 1, SET ClaimStatusID = 2
And here's a SQL query I created for selecting and using Case When to give the correct statuses:
SELECT Claim.ID as claimid, DamageErrandID as damageerrandeid,
WHEN DamageErrand.DamageApprovedStatusID = -1 THEN 0
WHEN DamageErrand.DamageApprovedStatusID = 0 THEN 4
WHEN DamageErrand.DamageApprovedStatusID = 1 THEN 2
ELSE '-'
END AS DamageApprovedStatusID,
INNER JOIN DamageErrandCrossDamage ON DamageErrand.ID =
INNER JOIN Claim ON DamageErrandCrossDamage.DamageID = Claim.ID
WHERE Claim.ID = DamageErrandCrossDamage.DamageID
I do believe this is correct, with the ID's matching and everything. But how can I actually update the table Claim with this? I know insert won't work since I have columns that does not allow null in Claim table. I tried doing something similar to:
--UPDATE Claim
--SET ClaimStatusID =
--(SELECT DamageApprovedStatusID FROM
--INNER JOIN DamageErrandCrossDamage ON DamageErrand.ID =
-- DamageErrandCrossDamage.DamageErrandID
--INNER JOIN Claim ON DamageErrandCrossDamage.DamageID = Claim.ID
--WHERE Claim.ID = DamageErrandCrossDamage.DamageID)
But obviously this won't work either. Really thankful for any help!
Btw: I'm using SQL-server for this.

I believe something like this should work:
SET ClaimStatusID = alias.DamageApprovedStatusID
SELECT DamageErrandCrossDamage.DamageID,
WHEN DamageErrand.DamageApprovedStatusID = -1 THEN 0
WHEN DamageErrand.DamageApprovedStatusID = 0 THEN 4
WHEN DamageErrand.DamageApprovedStatusID = 1 THEN 2
ELSE '-'
END AS DamageApprovedStatusID
FROM DamageErrand
INNER JOIN DamageErrandCrossDamage ON DamageErrand.ID = DamageErrandCrossDamage.DamageErrandID
) alias
WHERE Claim.ID = alias.DamageID
I guess it could be rewritten like this too:
SET ClaimStatusID = CASE
WHEN DamageErrand.DamageApprovedStatusID = -1 THEN 0
WHEN DamageErrand.DamageApprovedStatusID = 0 THEN 4
WHEN DamageErrand.DamageApprovedStatusID = 1 THEN 2
ELSE '-'
FROM DamageErrand
INNER JOIN DamageErrandCrossDamage ON DamageErrand.ID = DamageErrandCrossDamage.DamageErrandID
INNER JOIN Claim ON DamageErrandCrossDamage.DamageID = Claim.ID


How to refer to the exact object

I need a script that will change status to 0 for every student that has 3 or more absences
This is what I came up with:
UPDATE Group_cast
SET gc_Status = CASE WHEN ((SELECT COUNT(at_Presence)
FROM Attendance INNER JOIN Student ON at_stID = st_ID
INNER JOIN Group_cast ON st_ID = gc_stID
WHERE at_Presence = 0) >= 3) THEN 0
but it's updating every student status to 0 on the list and not just the one with 3 or more absences.
The problem is your subquery has a completely separate reference to Group_cast so it's counting a grand total for every Student, not just the one relevant to the row.
With no sample data, or expected results, this is impossible to test, but perhaps this?
SET gc_Status = CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(A.at_Presence) --Guessed the qualifier
FROM dbo.Attendance A
JOIN dbo.Student S ON A.at_stID = S.st_ID --Guessed the qualifiers
WHERE S.st_ID = GC.gc_stID --Guessed the qualifiers
AND A.at_Presence = 0) >= 3 THEN 0 --Guessed the qualifier
FROM dbo.Group_cast GC;
Try this:
UPDATE Group_cast
set gc_Status =case when absentcnt>=3 then 0 end
(SELECT st_ID,COUNT(at_Presence) absentcnt
FROM Attendance INNER JOIN Student ON at_stID = st_ID
WHERE at_Presence = 0
group by st_ID)t where t.st_id=Group_cast.gc_stID

update with subquery

The code :
UPDATE tt_t_documents
SET t_Doc_header_ID = (SELECT
FROM tt_t_documents td WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN Doc_header dh WITH (NOLOCK)
ON dh.DH_doc_number = td.t_dh_doc_number
AND dh.DH_sub = 1
JOIN Pred_entry pe WITH (NOLOCK)
ON pe.Pred_entry_ID = dh.DH_pred_entry
JOIN Doc_type dt WITH (NOLOCK)
ON dty.Doc_type_ID = pe.PD_doc_type
AND dt.DT_mode = 5
HAVING COUNT(dh.Doc_header_ID) = 1);
I want to update my columns, but before that I also want to check if there is only one ID found.
The problem in this select is that I get more than one ID.
How can I write a query that updates each row and checks in the same query that there is only one id found?
I am guessing that you intend something like this:
update td
set t_Doc_header_ID = min_Doc_header_ID
from tt_t_documents td join
(select DH_doc_number, min(dh.Doc_header_ID) as min_Doc_header_ID
from Doc_header dh join
Pred_entry pe
on pe.Pred_entry_ID = dh.DH_pred_entry join
Doc_type dt
on dty.Doc_type_ID = pe.PD_doc_type and dt.DT_mode = 5
where dh.DH_doc_number = td.t_dh_doc_number and dh.DH_sub = 1
group by DH_doc_number
having count(dh.Doc_header_ID) = 1
) dh
on dh.DH_doc_number = td.t_dh_doc_number;
Using a join also means that you do not update the values where the condition does not match. If you use a left join, then the values will be updated to NULL (if that is your intention).
I'm not sure I believe you are getting more than one id back with that select given that you are doing a 'min' on it and have no group by. It should be only returning the lowest value for Doc_header_id.
To do what you are asking, first, you should have some way of joining to the tt_t_documents table in the update statement (eg. where td.id == tt_t_documents.id).
Second, you could re-write it to use the sub-query in the from. Something like:
t_Doc_header_ID = x.Doc_Header_id
from tt_t_documents join (
select td.id,
tt_t_documents td
join Doc_header dh
on dh.DH_doc_number = td.t_dh_doc_number
and dh.DH_sub = 1
join Pred_entry pe
on pe.Pred_entry_ID = dh.DH_pred_entry
join Doc_type dt
on dty.Doc_type_ID = pe.PD_doc_type
and dt.DT_mode = 5
group by td.id
count(dh.Doc_header_ID) = 1
) x on tt_t_documents.id= x.id;
The syntax may not be perfect and I'm not sure how you want to find the doc_header_id but it would be something like this. The sub query would only return values with 1 doc_header_id). Not knowing the schema of your tables, this is as close as I can get.

sql query updates all rows and not only where clause

I am having trouble executing this query:
update public.fortune_companies
set industry_id = (select id
from public.industries
where name = 'Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing')
from Temp_Sic_Fortune_Companies as temp
left join public.fortune_companies as fc on fc.account_name = temp.account_name
where temp.sic between '0' and '499';
I think this is supposed to set the industry_id for only ones that have a sic number of 0-499 but it actually sets every record to the same id. No matter if the sic number is between 0-499 or not.
Why is this.
SELECT #id = id
FROM public.industries
WHERE name = 'Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing';
SET industry_id = #id
FROM public.fortune_companies AS fc
FROM dbo.Temp_Sic_Fortune_Companies
WHERE account_name = fc.account_name
AND sic BETWEEN '0' and '499'
Of course, if temp.sic = '3000', it will be part of the set. This is one of the dangers of using the wrong data type (or the wrong operator). You can fix that by saying:
AND sic BETWEEN '0' and '499'
AND LEN(sic) <= 3
Or by saying:
(This avoids errors if - since you've let them - someone enters a non-numeric value into the column.)
Or by using the right data type in the first place.
Change the left join to inner join

UDF not returning the same value as select contained in UDF

I created this UDF
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[HasExtendedRetentionSamples] (#BoxNumber varchar(20))
declare #cnt int
set #cnt = 0
select #cnt = (select count(*)
from tFreezerBoxInfo bi
inner join tFreezerDetails fd on fd.boxTrayId = bi.boxTrayId
inner join tncDrugTestListNew dt on dt.labnumber = fd.labnumber
inner join ExtendedRetentionSites a on dt.number = a.number
where boxnumber = 'ND011811001'
case isnull([retention],0)
when 0 then proposedDestructionDate
else dateadd(dd,abs([retention]),proposedDestructionDate)
end <> proposedDestructionDate)
return #cnt
When I execute the UDF
select dbo.[HasExtendedRetentionSamples] ('ND011811001')
The value 0 is returned, which is incorrect,
When I execute the SQL statement contained in the UDF (replacing #BoxNumber with 'ND011811001')...
select count(*)
from tFreezerBoxInfo bi
inner join tFreezerDetails fd on fd.boxTrayId = bi.boxTrayId
inner join tncDrugTestListNew dt on dt.labnumber = fd.labnumber
inner join ExtendedRetentionSites a on dt.number = a.number
where boxnumber = 'ND011811001'
case isnull([retention],0)
when 0 then proposedDestructionDate
else dateadd(dd,abs([retention]),proposedDestructionDate)
end <> proposedDestructionDate
The value 5 is returned, which is correct.
So the big question is WHY????
All the datatype in the joins & case statement are the same.
I would change the function to this, take the count out of the subquery:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[HasExtendedRetentionSamples] (#BoxNumber varchar(20))
declare #cnt int
set #cnt = 0
select #cnt = count(*)
from tFreezerBoxInfo bi
inner join tFreezerDetails fd on fd.boxTrayId = bi.boxTrayId
inner join tncDrugTestListNew dt on dt.labnumber = fd.labnumber
inner join ExtendedRetentionSites a on dt.number = a.number
where boxnumber = 'ND011811001'
case isnull([retention],0)
when 0 then proposedDestructionDate
else dateadd(dd,abs([retention]),proposedDestructionDate)
end <> proposedDestructionDate
return #cnt
try changing your CASE statement to:
when isnull([retention],0) = 0 then proposedDestructionDate
else dateadd(dd,abs([retention]),proposedDestructionDate)
end <> proposedDestructionDate
I am embarrassed to say, I have found out why this was happening.....
When I created the table ExtendedRetentionSites, it was created & populated with me as the owner. I realized that and recreated the table with DBO as the owner, populating this table, but never dropping the table with the same name that I owned. I ran an insert statement & it inserted into ExtendedRetentionSites that I owned, but this data never made it to the table that DBO owned.
Soooooo when I ran the select script, it used ExtendedRetentionSites that I owned, that had the new row, that would give me the results I was looking for. When I ran the UDF, it used the table that DBO owned, without the new row thus returning nothing or a zero count.
Thanks to everyone who helped me out with this, I will now pull my head out of my ass & get back to work.
Thanks again to all!!!!

updating Table from Another Table with Criteria

i am trying to write a query that will update the schemeid of a row with the id of the matching row from another table.
tblschemes b holds the schemes detail and tblclaims_liberty a holds the claims data and the fields to join on are b.nett_scheme = a.schemename and a.agentcode = b.agentcode
why then id the query below allocating a schemeid to rows of data that do not match the agentcode??
update tblclaims_liberty
set tblclaims_liberty.schemeid = tblschemes.id
from tblschemes inner join tblclaims_liberty on tblclaims_liberty.schemename = tblschemes.nett_scheme and tblclaims_liberty.agentcode = tblschemes.agentcode
ce_report = 'yes'
and (tblclaims_liberty.schemeid != tblschemes.id or schemeid is null) --only updates rows that require updateing instead of 6mil+ lines of data.
can someone point me in the right direction?? why is it not recognising the agentcode match?
Try with this:
update tblclaims_liberty TLtoUpdate
set TLtoUpdate.schemeid =
select TS.id
from tblschemes TS inner join tblclaims_liberty TL on TL.schemename = TS.nett_scheme and TL.agentcode = TS.agentcode
where TL.schemeid = TLtoUpdate.schemeid
where TLtoUpdate.ce_report = 'yes' and TLtoUpdate.schemeid is null
Looks there was missing the TL.id condition in the subquery.