How do I properly import multiple components dynamically and use them in Nuxt? - vue.js

I need to implement dynamic pages in a Nuxt + CMS bundle.
I send the URL to the server and if such a page exists I receive the data.
The data contains a list of components that I need to use, the number of components can be different.
I need to dynamically import these components and use them on the page.
I don't fully understand how I can properly import these components and use them.
I know that I can use the global registration of components, but in this case I am interested in dynamic imports.
Here is a demo that describes the approximate logic of my application.

Here is a github issue that may be useful for you:
I've used something like this before
<nuxt-dynamic :name="icon"></nuxt-dynamic>
to load dynamic SVG depending of the icon prop thanks to dynamic.
Since now, it is baked-in you should be able to do
<component :is="componentId" />
but it looks like it is costly in terms of performance.
This is of course based on Nuxt components and auto-importing them.
Also, if you want to import those from anywhere you wish, you can follow my answer here.

I used this solution. I get all the necessary data in the asyncData hook and then import the components in the created () hook
asyncData({ route, redirect }) {
const dataFromServer = [
path: "/about",
componentName: 'myComponent'
const componentData = dataFromServer.find(
(data) => data.path === route.path
return { componentData };
data() {
return {
selectedRouteData: null,
componentData: {},
importedComponents: []
created() {
methods: {
async importComponent() {
const comp = await import(`~/folder/${this.componentData.componentName}.vue`);


How to use VueRouter with Storybook

I'm trying to write a story for a component that references this.$route.params. I'm not sure how to synthetically define this.$route in the context of a story. I think the solution is to use decorators, but all the examples in the docs focus on rendering, like adding a wrapping <div> etc. I'm not sure how to inject values.
I also found this project which appears designed for this exact situation, but it hasn't been maintained in years and README references outdated syntax that doesn't match modern versions of Storybook, so I don't think it's an option.
Here's what doesn't work:
import AssetShow from '../app/javascript/src/site/components/assets/Show'
export default {
title: 'Site/AssetShow',
component: AssetShow,
parameters: {
export const CustomerSpotlight = () => ({
components: { AssetShow },
template: '<AssetShow />',
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import StoryRouter from 'storybook-vue-router';
CustomerSpotlight.decorators = [
(story) => {
return {
components: { story },
template: '<story />'
The component I'm writing the story for has this:
mounted() {
...which causes Storybook to throw this error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'params')
I suppose that your intention is to do something with the story's component based on the route parameters?
If that is the case, then I don't think you need to define the route.params within the story context. I suggest either keeping that code within the component itself, or create an option within the story for the user to simulate adding parameters to the path. Which you can simply have as an input text / select field that you send down to the component as a prop.

How to create dynamic components in vueJS

I am new to vueJS and am trying to load components dynamically. I searched on the web and experimented with many suggestions but am still not able to get it to work.
Scenario: I want to have a 'shell' component that acts as a container for swapping in and out other components based on user's selection. The file names of these components will be served up from a database
Here's the shell component:
<component :is='compName'></component>
props: ['vueFile'],
export default ({
data() {
compName: ()=> import('DefaultPage.vue')
watch: {
compName() {
return ()=> import(this.vueFile);
This does not work.
If I hard code the component file name, it works correctly... e.g.
return ()=> import('MyComponent.vue');
The moment I change the import statement to use a variable, it gives an error even though the variable contains the same string I hard code.
What am I doing wrong?
compName() {
const MyComponent = () => import("~/components/MyComponent.js");
You can see this post
You can put the components you want to add dynamically in a directory, for example: ./component, and try this
compName () {
return ()=> import(`./component/${this.vueFile}`);
The import() must contain at least some information about where the module is located.

Vue/Nuxt: How to define a global method accessible to all components?

I just want to be able to call
{{ globalThing(0) }}
in templates, without needing to define globalThing in each .vue file.
I've tried all manner of plugin configurations (or mixins? not sure if Nuxt uses that terminology.), all to no avail. It seems no matter what I do, globalThing and this.globalThing remain undefined.
In some cases, I can even debug in Chrome and see this this.globalThing is indeed defined... but the code crashes anyway, which I find very hard to explain.
Here is one of my many attempts, this time using a plugin:
plugins: [
src: '~/plugins/global.js',
mode: 'client'
import Vue from 'vue';
Vue.prototype.globalFunction = arg => {
console.log('arg', arg);
return arg;
and in the template in the .vue file:
<div>gloabal test {{globalFunction('toto')}}</div>
and... the result:
_vm.globalFunction is not a function
Here's a different idea, using Vuex store.
export const actions = {
globalThing(p) {
return p + ' test';
.vue file template:
test result: {{test('fafa')}}
.vue file script:
import { mapActions } from 'vuex';
export default {
methods: {
test: 'globalThing'
aaaaaaaaand the result is.........
test result: [object Promise]
OK, so at least the method exists this time. I would much prefer not to be forced to do this "import mapActions" dance etc. in each component... but if that's really the only way, whatever.
However, all I get is a Promise, since this call is async. When it completes, the promise does indeed contain the returned value, but that is of no use here, since I need it to be returned from the method.
On the client, "this" is undefined, except that..... it isn't! That is to say,
console.log('this', this);
says "undefined", but Chrome's debugger claims that, right after this console log, "this" is exactly what it is supposed to be (the component instance), and so is this.$store!
I'm adding a screenshot here as proof, since I don't even believe my own eyes.
Nuxt explain this in Inject in $root & context section.
you must inject your global methods to Vue instance and context.
for example we have a hello.js file.
in plugins/hello.js:
export default (context, inject) => {
const hello = (msg) => console.log(`Hello ${msg}!`)
// Inject $hello(msg) in Vue, context and store.
inject('hello', hello)
// For Nuxt <= 2.12, also add 👇
context.$hello = hello
and then add this file in nuxt.config.js:
export default {
plugins: ['~/plugins/hello.js']
Use Nuxt's inject to get the method available everywhere
export default ({ app }, inject) => {
inject('myInjectedFunction', (string) => console.log('That was easy!', string))
Make sure you access that function as $myInjectedFunction (note $)
Make sure you added it in nuxt.config.js plugins section
If all else fails, wrap the function in an object and inject object so you'd have something like $myWrapper.myFunction() in your templates - we use objects injected from plugins all over the place and it works (e.g. in v-if in template, so pretty sure it would work from {{ }} too).
for example, our analytics.js plugin looks more less:
import Vue from 'vue';
const analytics = {
setAnalyticsUsersData(store) {...}
//this is to help Webstorm with autocomplete
Vue.prototype.$analytics = analytics;
export default ({app}, inject) => {
inject('analytics', analytics);
Which is then called as $analytics.setAnalyticsUsersData(...)
P.S. Just noticed something. You have your plugin in client mode. If you're running in universal, you have to make sure that this plugin (and the function) is not used anywhere during SSR. If it's in template, it's likely it actually is used during SSR and thus is undefined. Change your plugin to run in both modes as well.
This would be the approach with Vuex and Nuxt:
// store/index.js
export const state = () => ({
globalThing: ''
export const mutations = {
setGlobalThing (state, value) {
state.globalThing = value
// .vue file script
export default {
created() {
this.$store.commit('setGlobalThing', 'hello')
// .vue file template
{{ this.$store.state.globalThing }}

Page reload causes Vuex getter to return undefined

Using Vue.js (Vuetify for FE).
A page reload causes the getter in Vuex to fail with pulling required data from the store. The getter returns undefined. The code can be found on GitHub at:
Please see the full details on this issue at This page has complete info on the issue and instructions on how to view the issue.
Note, there is mention of in the issue description. This is the main site. is my test site. So, they are the same for all intents and purposes. But, my demo of this issue is at the Netlify site.
I read the complete issue in the website you mentioned. It's a generic case.
Say, for cat details page url:
Now in Per-Route Guard beforeEnter() you can set the cat-id in store. Then from your component call the api using the cat-id (read from getters)
I found the solution to my issue:
I had to move the call of the action which calls the mutation that loads the .json file (dbdata.json) into a computed() within App.vue. This was originally done in Stage1.vue.
Thanks all for responding.
I had the same issue and my "fix" if it can be called that was to make a timer, so to give the store time to get things right, like so:
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
const pause = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
export default {
data () {
return {
children: []
computed: {
...mapGetters('app', ['services']),
items () {
return [{
id: 0,
name: 'Services',
children: this.children
methods: {
async setChildren () {
await pause(1000)
Even though this is far from ideal, it works.

Nuxt - define a const once and which can use across all pages

I'm trying to implement Shopify JS SDK in Nuxt
So this is what I did, a plugin
// plugins/shopify.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import 'isomorphic-fetch'
import Shopify from 'shopify-buy'
export default ({ app }, inject) => {
app.shopify = Shopify.buildClient({
domain: '',
storefrontAccessToken: 'aaa'
nuxt config
plugins : [{ src : '~/plugins/shopify', ssr: false}]
vendor : ['shopify-buy']
asyncData ({ app }) {
return app.shopify.product.fetchAll().then((products) => {
// Do something with the products
return { products : products }
The result is
TypeError Cannot read property 'product' of undefined
But it works if I removed the asyncData, refresh my page, and add the code back without refreshing.
I believe this has something to do with the lifecycle.
Can anyone please tell me if I'm doing it the right way, or there's other proper way to define such const which can be use across pages, components etc
And if this is the right way, what I did wrong?
Thanks in advance.
My reference are Nuxt guides as well as examples.
I tried google around but can't locate what I need, or maybe I just didn't get the right keywords.
Nuxt.js lets you create environment variables that will be shared for
the client and server-side.
To do this, you can use the env property:
module.exports = {
env: {
baseUrl: process.env.BASE_URL || 'http://localhost:3000'
Then to access it from anywhere, just use it like so:
For example, in an axios plugin:
import axios from 'axios'
export default axios.create({
baseURL: process.env.baseUrl