Do I have to move my Dropbox folder to work with JupyterLab? - dropbox

The File menu in JupyterLab has few options for saving and opening files. The menu items do let one browse the file system and search for a directory. For example, the File->Open from Path... menu item only allows entering a file on a path relative to /jlab/root. Questions:
What is the location of /jlab/root. Is there a command that shows it?
I like to keep files with code in a subfolder of my Dropbox folder. What do I do if my Dropbox folder is not a subfolder of /jlab/root?


Apple Automator to add password to all files within a folder including subfolders and over right files

I have a folder with multiple subfolders, each subfolder contains 1 or more PDF files.
I would like to add password to each file and save over.
My current automator, can get all the files, add password, but then cannot replace the files into their original folders.

How to add a file to BBEdit Project folders

I have these two folders in a BBEdit project. When I drag one of the files into the folder, the file is not added to the folder? How do I add a file to the folder in a project?
Just drag the file to the folder in the Finder, it will be updated in the project. Here is what you do according to the BBEdit manual:
To add files or folders to a project, drag them from the Finder into
the project window, or click the Add button. When you click Add,
BBEdit presents the Open dialog in which you can choose one or more
files and folders to add. The files and folders you select will be
added directly to the project’s file list, and you can drag them to
reorganize their positions. You can also add a file by dragging its
icon from a text window’s navigation bar or sidebar to the group
window, or by dragging a file entry from any disk browser or results

Can not create a content hierarchy inside a shared folder

I followed the steps in this post successfully, but I cannot make a new text document inside the shared folder.
I can create a top level folders inside the the shared folder, but I cannot also browse the folder to create second level folders and so on!
Update 1
Screenshot of Folder's Browse page
Update 2
Screenshot of Folder's Copy of Browse page
Update 3
If we browse a folder from mike's My page ,like the one in below, we got a result as in the second screenshot
It is because the Folder content type has a separate custom Browse page and it is not the same as the one for the 'My page' which is a UserProfile. So if you want to make it work for folders:
Create a System Folder with the name (apps) into your 'shared folder' and a Folder in to the newly created (apps) folder with the name Folder
Copy the Browse page from the UserProfile folder (/Root/Profiles/(apps)/UserProfile) into the 'shared folder's (apps)/Folder folder
Change the list portlet on the Folder Browse page to display always the current folder (set CurrentContent as Bind Target and remove the path from the Custom Root Path input)
Check this article about sensenet smart application model which is strongly related to your question.

How Do I Know Change Directory System Watcher?

How do I change directory folder in system watcher?
I made a desktop app to upload file in database.
I set the root folder as C:\Users\x\Desktop\Test.
A user can copy/paste a file into that folder and that file will upload to database.
but sometimes, a user can upload not in that root folder. user can upload file to other folder in root.
Let's say in the root folder, there are folders called Hello and Hallo..
the user clicks on the folder Hello, directory change not C:\Users\x\Desktop\Test again but C:\Users\x\Desktop\Test\Hello
My question, how can I detect it?
Because system watcher can only handle created, changed, deleted, renamed. So I must change or create file first to get e.fullpath.
I want that if I click folder Hello, I get e.fullpath :)
Set the IncludeSubdirectories property on your FileSystemWatcher to true, e.g.:
fsw.IncludeSubdirectories = True

Uploadify - How to upload contents of a folder recursively

I need to upload files in a folder recursively.
Is it possible to use Uploadify to upload contents of a folder recursively by selecting the folder instead of selecting individual files in a folder?
I would not think so. The browser is in control of the file selection dialog (which will not allow you to select folders, only files).
I have not tried the file drag-drop feature of the paid Uploadifive (HTML 5 version), but it might support dragging a folder. Not sure what HTML 5 allows with with drag-drop