How to Show hidden Paths from api - api

is it possible to find hidden paths and files of a Website and/or API when it hasnt got any docs about the Paths and endpoints?

You can always contact the author of the API and ask if there are any public facing endpoints that you can access that lack documentation.


postman collection sharing options for an enterprise?

I recently developed a new REST API for a company. I've created a Postman collection including some sample requests for real-world scenarios. I need to share this collection with other members of the organization.
I found a "Publish Docs" menu option for Postman collections which is pretty cool. It publishes web pages of the documentation and then displays the url for where the documentation can be accessed:
One issue is that the documentation is publicly available to anyone who has the url. Meaning that anyone on the internet could potentially access the documentation. This is a corporate API and should only be accessible within the organization.
Another issue is that it appears that the published url changes every time I "Publish Docs." That's a problem b/c I need to provide a static url for Postman examples on the corporate intranet page listing API resources. My manager won't spend any money on this. I like the documentation feature but:
The documentation should have a static url
The documentation should not be accessible by anyone on the internet who gets a hold of the url
Would I need to pay license costs to satisfy the 2 requirements listed above? What would be my best free option? The default free option for me would be to save off the collection json to a shared drive on the network.
I've been asking this very question for a while now. Finally decided to implement a simple tool that generates an HTML document similar to what postman does.
hope this helps -

Accessing a public google drive without authentication using Corona sdk

I have two public folders in my google drive and I want my app to be able read images from one folder and read and write images to another folder. Is there a way to do this using the google api or any GET method and hopefully without needing to authorize or authenticate the user's google account? Thank you!
It's a cross platform application being developed in Lua using the Corona sdk
Unfortunately, you cannot access a particular drive without any authentication/authorization.
Every request your application sends to the Drive API must include an
authorization token. The token also identifies your application to
Same question was also raised in this SO post.
But there is an alternative if you go further in the answer of the SO post. This link maybe useful if you want to try the alternative.

How do you create web pages via the Stores/Content API in BigCommerce?

The API Documentation states that the Content API can be used to:
Edit and publish blog posts and web pages, improve SEO, and drive traffic to stores.
I'm working on migrating a site from a different platform onto BigCommerce. I was able to migrate all of the blog posts fairly easily using the API, but the documentation for the web pages resource is completely missing.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
This API endpoint doesn't currently exist. It is, however, in progress. I don't have an available ETA to provide around this. This wording on the docs is misleading.

Invite People to folder with Onedrive for Buisness RESTful API

I'm using the onedrive RESTful API to integrate a webapp and share file between a group of people. I manage to correctly authenticate a user and get its access token, create folders and upload files.
The problem I'm having is finding a way to invite people to a folder. The closest documentation I have found is about permissions, where it talks about updating permissions (read, write, creating links) however I cant get a way to invite a specific user to a folder like its done directly in the One drive official webapp OneDrive Invite people to folder img
We don't officially support adding permissions through OneDrive API yet. If you need to do this in a production environment right now you'd need to use the SharePoint REST API to add the user permissions.
In the near future we'll be adding an invite function to the OneDrive API. While we haven't released documentation on it yet, you can see the unofficial syntax for it by looking at the service metadata information for the consumer service ($metadata). Of course, usage of this API would not be supported until it is documented on though.

Is it possible to upload/publish an unlisted extension via the chrome webstore api?

We are hoping to upload a chrome extension and publish it as unlisted (as the visibility option) via the Chrome Webstore Api.
So far we have been able to upload but not publish using this documentation -- we can't publish because extensions have a whole bunch of required parameters (like a screenshot or small-tile image) which we can't figure out how to attach. We are really hoping that one of these parameters will be visibility, and we can set it to "unlisted".
If any kind soul has any knowledge of the Chrome Webstore API, or how to set these parameters, our whole development team would be very appreciative.
The documentation on this is very sparse:
Quoting Using the Chrome Web Store Publish API:
Note: Currently, there is no API for setting an item’s metadata, such as description. This has to be done manually in the Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard. More detail about the Web Store API can be found here.
So, to the question whether you can supply all the metadata programmatically - the answer is "no". And the Publish method does not seem to support "unlisted".