How to use vnode in vue template - vue.js

I want to call the dialog like this:
import demo from './demo.vue';
methods: {
open() {
const dialog = this.$dialog({
content: demo
import Vue from 'vue';
import QfDialog from './qf-dialog';
import ElementQfUI from 'element-qf-ui';
let DialogConstructor = Vue.extend(QfDialog);
export const dialog = (params) => {
const instance = new DialogConstructor({
propsData: {
visible: true,
return instance;
Vue.prototype.$dialog = dialog;
I tried to generate a VNode from a vue object to use in the template, but it gives me following error:
Error in render: "TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
--> starting at object with constructor 'Object'
--- property '_renderProxy' closes the circle"
<el-dialog :visible.sync="visible" v-bind="$attrs" v-on="$listeners">
{{ contentTpl }}
export default {
name: 'qf-dialog',
props: {
visible: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data() {
return {
contentTpl: null
created() {
// this.content is a vue obj
let content = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.content));
let vnode = this.$createElement('demo-cc', content);
this.contentTpl = [vnode];
How do I make {{contentTpl}} work ?

You are passing a whole Vue component into your Dialog - not a VNodes
Just use Dynamic Components
<el-dialog :visible.sync="visible" v-bind="$attrs" v-on="$listeners">
<component :is="content" />
Note that using :visible.sync is problematic as Vue does not allow to modify props the component receives


Vue template does not update value (composition api)

I have a functional component:
export default defineComponent({
name: 'MovieOverview',
components: {
setup() {
let toggleValue = false;
const toggleExpandedMovieInformation = (moviex: Movie) => {
toggleValue = !toggleValue;
return {
<button v-on:click='toggleExpandedMovieInformation'>click</button>
{{ toggleValue }}
When I click the button the console.log does log the change, but the toggleValue in the template stays the same value: false.
Right now the toggleValue variable has no reactivity. You should use ref() or reactive() in order to make it reactive so the view re-renders every time changes are made into that property.
So you should do something like this:
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'MovieOverview',
components: {
setup() {
let toggleValue = ref(false);
const toggleExpandedMovieInformation = (moviex: Movie) => {
// now you'll have to access its value through the `value` property
toggleValue.value = !toggleValue.value;
return {
<button v-on:click='toggleExpandedMovieInformation'>click</button>
<!-- You DON'T need to change toggleValue to toggleValue.value in the template -->
{{ toggleValue }}
Check the docs for more info about ref and reactive.

Element UI dialog component can open for the first time, but it can't open for the second time

I'm building web app with Vue, Nuxt, and Element UI.
I have a problem with the Element dialog component.
It can open for the first time, but it can't open for the second time.
This is the GIF about my problem.
This is my code.
<el-button type="text" #click="handleDialogVisible">click to open the Dialog</el-button>
<modal-first :visible=visible></modal-first>
import ModalFirst from './../components/ModalFirst.vue'
export default {
components: {
'modal-first': ModalFirst
data() {
return {
visible: false,
methods: {
handleDialogVisible() {
this.visible = true;
<span>This is a message</span>
<span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
export default {
props: [ 'visible' ]
And I can see a warning message on google chrome console after closing the dialog.
The warning message is below.
webpack-internal:///./node_modules/vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm.js:620 [Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "visible"
found in
---> <ModalFirst> at components/ModalFirst.vue
<Pages/index.vue> at pages/index.vue
<Layouts/default.vue> at layouts/default.vue
This is the screenshot of the warning message.
In vue , using directly to prop value is not allowed . Especially when your child component will update that prop value , in my option if prop will be use
for display only using directly is not a problem .
In your code , .sync will update syncronously update data so I recommend to create local data.
export default {
props: [ 'visible' ],
data: function () {
return {
localVisible: this.visible // create local data using prop value
If you need the parent visible property to be updated, you can create your component to leverage v-model:
export default {
props: [ 'value' ],
data() {
return {
localVisible: null
created() {
this.localVisible = this.value;
this.$watch('localVisible', (value, oldValue) => {
if(value !== oldValue) { // Optional
this.$emit('input', value); // Required
<el-button type="text" #click="handleDialogVisible">click to open the Dialog</el-button>
<modal-first v-model="visible"></modal-first>
import ModalFirst from './../components/ModalFirst.vue'
export default {
components: {
'modal-first': ModalFirst
data() {
return {
visible: false,
methods: {
handleDialogVisible() {
this.visible = true;
v-model is basically a shorthand for :value and #input
You can also import your component like so:
components: { ModalFirst },
as ModalFirst will be interpreted as modal-first as well by Vue.js

Vuejs build/render component inside a method and output into template

I have a string (example, because it's an object with many key/values, want to loop and append to htmloutput) with a component name. Is it possible to render/build the component inside a method and display the html output?
Is that possible and how can i achieve that?
<div v-html="htmloutput"></div>
export default {
component: {
data() {
return {
htmloutput: ''
let string = 'component-test';//ComponentTest
//render the ComponentTest directly
You might be looking for dynamic components:
<component :is="changeableComponent">
import FirstComponent from '#/views/first';
import SecondComponent from '#/views/second';
export default {
components: {
FirstComponent, SecondComponent
computed: {
changeableComponent() {
// Return 'first-component' or 'second-component' here which corresponds
// to one of the 2 included components.
return 'first-component';
Maybe this will help -
StarRating is a sample Vue component. You can get it HTML code by run:
new Vue({
parent: this,
propsData: { /* pass props here*/ }
in Your method. Remember about import Vue from 'vue'; and of course import component.
What you're trying to do really isn't best practice for Vue.
It's better to use v-if and v-for to conditionally render your component in the <template> section.
Yes you can use the render function for that here is an example :
Vue.component('CompnentTest', {
data() {
return {
text: 'some text inside the header'
render(createElement) {
return createElement('h1', this.text)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<Compnent-test />
Or :
if you are using Vue-cli :
on your componentTest component :
export default {
render(createElement) {
return createElement('h1', 'sometext')
// Same as
// <template>
// <h1>sometext</h1>
// </template>
and on your root element (App.vue as default) :
export default {
component: {
<Component-test />
example : codesandbox
you can read more about
Render Functions & JSX

how to call a method on the component by clicking Vue.js?

I am use component of the dialog window dialog.vue from vue-mdl package
<div class="mdl-dialog-container" v-show="show">
<div class="mdl-dialog">
<div class="mdl-dialog__title">{{title}}</div>
<div class="mdl-dialog__content">
<div class="mdl-dialog__actions" :class="actionsClasses">
<slot name="actions">
<mdl-button class="mdl-js-ripple-effect" #click.native.stop="close">Close</mdl-button>
import mdlButton from './button.vue'
import createFocusTrap from 'focus-trap'
export default {
components: {
computed: {
actionsClasses () {
return {
'mdl-dialog__actions--full-width': this.fullWidth
data () {
return {
show: false
props: {
title: {
type: String
fullWidth: Boolean
mounted () {
this._focusTrap = createFocusTrap(this.$el)
methods: {
open () { = true
this.$nextTick(() => this._focusTrap.activate())
close () { = false
I want to bring a dialog window to the other component
<button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised">Click me</button>
I found no information on how to call a method of one component within the other. All examples are mainly used props. Tell me how to do it?
How can I call a method open() in <mdl-dialog></mdl-dialog>?
Since they're not parent child you'd want to use an event bus. Since you're using .vue files you can create a file called bus.js like
import Vue from 'vue'
export default new Vue()
Then, import that wherever you need to emit and listen for centralized events. Here's a quick example:
// SomeComponent.vue
import bus from './bus.js'
export default {
methods: {
log (msg) {
created () {
bus.$on('someEvent', this.log)
Then in another component you can do like...
// AnotherComponent.vue
import bus from './bus.js'
export default {
methods: {
emitClick (msg) {
bus.$emit('Hello from AnotherComponent.vue')
You can read up a bit more about it here:
You can create below helper method in methods in your parent component:
getChild(name) {
for(let child of this.$children) if (child.$ return child;
And call child component method in this way:
I don't test it for Vue>=2.0

Vue: How to use store with component?

export default {
state: {
aboutModels: []
actions: {
findBy: ({commit}, about)=> {
//do getModels
var aboutModels = [{name: 'About'}] //Vue.resource('/abouts').get(about)
commit('setModels', aboutModels)
getters: {
return state.aboutModels
mutations: {
setModels: (state, aboutModels)=> {
state.aboutModels = aboutModels
import {mapActions, mapGetters} from "vuex";
export default {
name: 'About',
template: require('./about.template'),
style: require('./'),
created () {
document.title = 'About'
computed: mapGetters({
abouts: 'getModels'
methods: mapActions({
findBy: 'findBy'
<div class="about" v-for="about in abouts">{{}}</div>
vue.js:2532[Vue warn]: Cannot use v-for on stateful component root element because it renders multiple elements:
<div class="about" v-for="about in abouts">{{}}</div>
vue.js:2532[Vue warn]: Multiple root nodes returned from render function. Render function should return a single root node. (found in component <About>)
You are mapping your Vuex state getters and action correctly. Your problem is something else as your error message states...
In your component template you can not use v-for directive on a root element. For example this is not allowed because your component can have multiple root elements:
<div class="about" v-for="about in abouts">{{}}</div>
instead do it this way:
<div class="about" v-for="about in abouts">{{}}</div>
** *fixed typo in template tag **