Heroicons not appearing in chrome for TailwindUI, but appears broken in Firefox - vue.js

I bought and installed TailwindUI. I copied and pasted one of the Navigation components just to see how it looks in the app and the hamburger menu and the notification bell (both part of Heroicons) aren't appearing.
When I click on the part where the menu should dropdown it works. But all that's present is a little square that sort of looks like a checkbox.
Here is what it looks like in Firefox (mobile debugger):
Testing on Safari and it looks like Chrome.
In node_modules I can see heroicons are present:
The app uses Elixir/Phoenix, Vue, Webpack, and Tailwindcss.
Anyone know what the issue is or how I'd go about debugging it?

If you are not using SVG syntax, you have to install and import #heroicons/react package into your project using npm/yarn
npm install #heroicons/react

TailwindUI supports Vue 3, which does not appear to include #vue/compat. #vue/compat is a compatibility build for when one wants to migrate from Vue 2 to Vue 3. the compat build (aka, migration build) is supposed to be Vue 3 compatible but I guess it's still not enough for TailwindUI.


How to show suggestion of my custom component properties installed from npm in vscode?

I just tried to create my own custom component for React Native, i just tried it directly inside vscode editor and it's works.
but when i install it from npm, my properties not showing up
how to make it works like 1st pick above?
here's my source code on github

How to make React app created by create-react-app support IE11

I have a simple react app created by the latest version of create-react-app (that only support node version 14+). I am trying to make this app run in IE11. So as recommended, I did following:
installed react-app-polyfill
added two imports at the beginning of index.js: import "react-app-polyfill/ie11", import "react-app-polyfill/stable"
added "ie 11" under the development in the package.json
I installed a chrome extension, IE Tab, and tested there. But still not working, I see following error when I open the chrome devtool:
IE: Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'endsWith'. Source: http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:63700
Can anyone help?
I can reproduce the issue. You can add a polyfill for endsWith() so that it can work well in IE 11.
You can include the polyfill within <script> tag in index.html.
Found this solution on the 3rd page of google. It's going to help you:
The first thing you have to do - include polyfills from react-app-polyfill at the top of your app
Then in package.json set up browserlist (add ie11, ie10, etc)
In the end - add meta tag in your public/index.html

VSCode autocomplete extension for React Native?

I'm using VSCode with my React Native project and want to get the same autocomplete extension used in this video for the 5s clip at 1:08:12, where it shows you what properties there are of a given import etc. I installed TabNine, but it doesn't make any suggestions when I type the name of an import, or anything else.
You can use react-native with TypeScript and you will get really powerful autocompletion support, I believe you can do the same in JavaScript projects if you installed #types/react-native like that
npm i -D #types/react-native

Vue devtools stops after refresh

I open vscode and start my development server via npm run serve. My app loads into chrome and upon inspection under the vue tab vuex I can see my store.
Now when I refresh the page under the vue tab it says "No App" and can no longer see my vuex store. Any thought on why the devtools stops working after a refresh? If i stop the server and restart the devtools work... but on refresh is stops.
I'm using vue devtools version 6.0.0 beta updated June 28, 2021, and chrome version 72.0.4515.131. My app is using vue 2.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
There is a similar open issue in Vue devtools version 6.0.0-beta.15 posted on their github. Seems like yours is a bug as well, you should add your own issue and steps to reproduce the issue. In the meanwhile you can downgrade the Vue devtools to a stable version.
Are you using the development or production version of Vue?
The solution for me was to use the latest development version of Vue.
You can find more about it in their documentation.

VueJs dev tools panel not showing

I started using vue dev-tools in my application but it is not visible when in developer mode in Chrome. I tried various solutions found on the dev-tools github page and in other places on the web, but no luck. Below are the things i have done/tried to get it to display.
Enabled allow access to file URL’s option in the chrome extension
Added Vue.config.debug = true; Vue.config.devtools = true; just before new Vue({})
Added non-minified versions of VueJS file
Also I am using Chrome latest version: 55.0.2883.87.
I do get the following message when I click on the chrome extension
Except the panel is not actually showing.
Does anyone have a solution to this? Thanks.
I could not get the Vue icon to be active on the menu bar, however I was able to get the Vue tab to show in the Chrome developer tools. Try the following:
Close the Chrome developer tools window
Hard refresh the browser
Re-open the developer tools window and look for the Vue tab
The icon in the toolbar might still indicate that it cannot detect Vue, but the tab should be visible in the Chrome developer tools.
I had this same issue, I was using minified vue from cdn "vue.min.js" .Then I removed that and used non-minified vue. Then I reloaded browser and reopened console and the vue tab was there.
For me, I was running a local HTML file. By default, Chrome blocks extensions from working on local files.
3-dot menu -> More Tools -> Extensions
Find the Vue extension, click details and change turn on the setting "Allow access to file URLs:
close & reopen chrome
Also found today that if you have an ad blocker installed that this also stops Vue Devtools from running properly.
Closing the file tab and reopening it worked for me.
Restart many times Google Chrome
Don't use min file
And add before new vue instantiation:
Vue.config.devtools = true;
chrome developer tools should be close before enabling the vue dev tools extention...
(if chrome devtools is open, close chrome development tools and re-open)
Just do a "hard reload" for a few times. On windows: SHIFT + F5.
On Mac: CMD + SHIFT + R.
Use the devtools beta for Vue 3. And always check if your Vue app mounted correctly.
Step 1: add vue.js devtools as an extension from here
step 2: After adding vue.js devtools, close your browser.
Step 3: Open your browser and open your html page.
Step 4: click right side of your mouse and select inspect and try to find Vue.
Note: If you didn't added the CDN of vue.js, then add these line to your html file.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue#2"></script>
You should enable Allow access to file URLs from Vue extension and then hard refresh your page with Shift + F5
It worked for me
(For Firefox Browser) If the add-ons 'Vue.js devtools' is added in browser..Just click on Inspect Element (or press F12) and there is a tab of Vue along with Inspector, Console, Network etc. Click on that Vue tab and enjoy debugging.
Just do hard reload and close development console then reopen it.
Hard Reload, help me.
Open devtools -> right click on reload button -> Hard Reload
Please make sure you don't use the production CDN. The only way that make it work for me is to use the VueJS dev version.
Development : vue.js
This happens to me periodically, pretty annoying because there seems to be no cause.
Go to Chrome browser extensions
Remove the Vue DevTools extension
Add it back again
Hard refresh your page
Chrome - Version 71.0.3578.98
MacOS Mojave 10.14
VueJS 2.5.21
close the chrome app
re-run development server
re-open chrome app
open localhost
press F12 (to open development tools)
In case you are using vue3, uninstall Vue devtool extension and install the beta version.
you can install it for chrome from the below link:
In #Daryn answer he mention that he has problems witch vue icon - here is solution to this part of running vue extension on chrome which in the same time also solve OP problem for me:
During plugin installation for short moment in upper right chrome corner the VUE ICON appears with message (screenshot is not my):
And CRITICAL is to click right button on that icon (without close that message!) and choose "PIN" (it pin to extensions icons bar) - if you not do it - then you will never see that icon again (which is mistake). After that shut down and reopen chrome. And now in you page with vue, this icon should have green colors (you can click on it) and click right button on some page element (or on screen center) and choose "Inspect" to see
maybe you can go to settings then go to preferences then look for persistence then enable local overrides, sorry my english is not good
Don't know if this helps but make sure to refer to app.js in your view file you are rendering in your current path. Laravel example from view file: <script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}" defer></script>
This way the vue extension starded working for me.
You should run
npm run watch
npm run dev
otherwise you can not see Vue Toolbar
Restarting Chrome worked for me
Maybe obvious but the Vue panel is not available when in incognito mode. In this case, the Vue icon is not visible either.
Enter chrome://extensions in the address bar and click on Details for Vue.js devtools. Scroll down to "Allow in Incognito" and switch to On.
don't forget about
npm run dev
(or something like in your project)
And then try advisions from first answers