How do i access a file inside the angular 10 - file-upload

My folder structure of Angular 10 project is given below
I want to access backend/uploads/profilepic.jpg in the angular's index.html page. Simply, i just want to load an image file in the front end which is uploaded in the backend folders.

A static resource, like an image, is either bundled inside the angular webapp, by adding it to the assets folder (e.g. 'src\assets\images') and have that folder referenced inside angular.json:
"assets": [
Or, make the backend serve that image and simply access it from the frontend like this:
<img alt="xyz" src="https://yourdomain/img_test.png">
If both the backend and frontend are hosted on the same domain, you can use relative path for the URL, i.e https://yourdomain can be omitted.

Finally, I found the solution. In order to access the files of the 'uploads' folder which is located in the backend folder. I have to make that folder static. for that in my server.js file, I have added below code
after that, I could load my image file from that uploads folder by calling


Vue.js - How to loop through a folder

I have a Vue SPA app. Now I want to extend this app with app modules so I thought to make a folder src/modules that contain the modules folders. I want to put at the root of each folder some configuration js files (store.js, route.js, and so on).
The question is: in the main files (src/store/index.js, src/router/index.js, etc.), how can I loop for every folder in src/modules and check if some configuration file exists to add its content at the main config? Of course this operation should be executed at build time, modules install is not intended to be dynamically.
Thanks a lot
You can use require.context
const configurations = require.context('./modules', true, /config\.js$/i);
configurations.keys().forEach(filename =>
// file contents will be inside configurations[filename]

Reference HTML file in iframe with Quasar framework

I need to open an static HTML file inside an iframe because I need it to be printed silently, I’m trying setting the iframe src with absolete and relative paths but none of them work, I’ve tried moving my files inside public, static and assets folders with no success, I’ve seen that some people uses process.env.BASE_URL to access absole path of environment but it doesn’t work in Quasar.
Currently I have my files in a folder called ticketTemplates inside public folder placed at root, and it has two files: first.html and first.css, I’m doing the following:
<iframe src="ticketTemplates/first.html" frameborder="1"></iframe>
But as I said before it does not with relative or absolute paths. I've tried with http://localhost:8080/ticketTemplates/first.html too and it does not work.
Could you tell me how to achieve it?
I opened this tread in Quasar Forum and I found I was using an outdated version of #quasar/app, I updated my project and the content worked inside my iframe.
I moved my ticketTemplates folder inside public folder located in root directory, next to quasar.conf.js file and the resulting code was:
<iframe src="http://localhost:8080/ticketTemplates/first.html" frameborder="1"></iframe>
All the credit goes to the user who helped me.

How to access Angular 8 website without using base-href folder name in browser

I have angular 8 website which I build for production using following command:-
ng build --prod --configuration=production --base-href /eportal/*
I have created a folder "eportal" in hosting site and uploaded all components in the folder. It all worked fine and I can browse to the site using following url:-
Is there any method or any command available in Angular 8 where I can keep my components in "eportal" folder in hosting site but access in this way(removing folder name):-
Please help me on this.
First of all the —prod flag is an alias to —configuration=production. Please take advantage of this
Coming to the question in particular, use the following command
ng build —prod
There should be assets generated in your dist/[app-name]/ folder.
In your hosting site, instead of uploading those assets in the folder you created upload them outside.
ie. You would have uploaded your assets in public_html/eportal instead of that upload them in public_html directly.

Images uploaded in Vue.js production mode not showing

I am a bit new to Vue.js. I am doing a social media application that allows users to upload and share images with others. I store my images in src/assets folder during development. However, when I build the project, all images are put in the dist folder. Therefore, what can I do to enable users to still upload images on production? Do I create the assets directory in the dist folder?
I have since tried different ways, including storing images on the backend. In dooing this, I reference the backend path relatively, using, for example, ../../../backend/public/assets..., and it works on development. However, when I build, the images that existed in the backend directory at the time of building are visible, however, whenever I try uploading more on production to the ../../../backend/public/assets... directory, they are uploaded successfully but are not visible (that is on production). I get an error that Cannot find module './image_name.image_extension'.
What am I doing wrong?
I have seen similar questions like this but there was no answer.
You must set your public path and change your way!!
first step to do is creating vue.config.js in your root directory, if you want to know more details, read this:
for example, I define prefix path for my files:
module.exports = {
process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? "/" : "/",
remember, It's better if you use "#" to define your paths.
for example, if you want to load a image which located in src/assets/files/img/myImage.png, you can use #/assets/files/img/myImage.png in template section for binding or script section of your .vue files!
It always help you to find correct path of your files.
and finally your way is not standard because "src/assets/..." will used for compiled scripts and styles and also your files which you want to use on your UI layout like static images. so you have to use "public/assets/..." directory to save your file, then you will see everything is going well for you.
if you have a more question or stuck solving this problem again, I'm here to fix your issues.

How to generate txt & xml files in nuxt SSR?

Is there any way of generating a Google : ads.txt file every time i build my SSR project?
There is a module called: sitemap-module from nuxt-community, it is used to generate a sitemap xml file, and that file can be accessed by http://domain.tls/sitemap.xml. and i want something like that.
So currently i'am achieving this by building the project, then manually put ads.txt it in : /var/www/site/.nuxt/dist/client/,
The problem with this is that everytime i rebuild the project i loose /var/www/site/.nuxt/dist/client/ folder then i have to add ads.txt file again.
I would like to know how i can hook up my code to tell nuxt to generate ads.txt file and put it in /var/www/site/.nuxt/dist/client/
Not sure if it makes sense, but i hope someone will understand.
Place your ads.txt file in a directory named static as mentioned here. All the contents of the static directory can be accessed via{filename.extension}
If you are not using nuxt.js and just using vue js, place it in a public directory right next to src directory.
Haven't found any way of solving this in nuxt, so i decided to redirect all https://domain.tld/ads.txt in Nginx configuration.
#redirect all txt request
location ~* ^.+.(txt)$ {
root /var/www/other.files/;
So i think i'll stick to it.