Functions in SPARQL to Manipulate IRIs? - sparql

I want to write some reusable SPARQL queries to do things like take an IRI, get the name part (typically after the # sign), modify it (e.g., replace underscores with blank spaces) and put it in the rdfs:label property. This would be useful for Protege which doesn't fill in the rdfs:label if you use user defined IRIs. Or take an IRI with a user defined name, do the same and then replace the user defined IRI with a UUID. I looked in the SPARQL spec for functions to manipulate IRIs and either they don't exist or I'm missing something obvious. I'm posting this to make sure it isn't the latter. I know it is easy to do the equivalent with things like SUBSTR but I'm surprised that there aren't predefined operators to do things like getting the name part of an IRI and getting the base and want to double check before I roll my own.

In case anyone else wants to do this, I figured it out. There are some answers on this site but they are all for SQL or other languages than SPARQL. The following is for classes and it should be obvious how to adapt it for other entities. Note: this works in the Snap SPARQL Plugin for Protege (that's why I use CONSTRUCT rather than INSERT), however, there is a bug in their implementation of SUBSTR so that it uses 0 based indexing rather than 1 based as the spec says. So if you use this in Snap SPARQL change the 1 to a 2.
CONSTRUCT {?c rdfs:label ?lblname.}
WHERE {?c rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing.
BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?c), '#') as ?name)
BIND(REPLACE(?name,"([A-Z])", " $1" ) as ?namewbs)
BIND (IF (STRSTARTS(?namewbs," "),SUBSTR(?namewbs,1),?namewbs) AS ?lblname)
FILTER(?c != owl:Thing || ?c != owl:Nothing)}


Is it possible to use variables as integers in SPARQL property paths?

I am currently trying to create pointers to datatype values as they cannot be linked directly. However, I would like to be able to evaluate the pointers from within the SPARQL environment, which raised specifically in the case that the desired value is part of an ordered rdf:List some questions for me. My approach is to use property paths within a SPARQL query in which I can use the defined individual, property and index of the ordered list that the pointer has attached to it.
Given the following example data with the shortened syntax for ordered lists by ttl:
ex:myObject ex:somePropery ("1" "2" "3") .
ex:myPointer ex:lookAtIndividual ex:myObject;
ex:lookAtProperty ex:someProperty ;
ex:lookAtIndex "3"^^xsd:integer .
Now I would like to create a SPARQL query that -- based on the pointer -- returns the value at the given index. To my understanding the query could/should look something like this:
SELECT ?value
ex:myPointer ex:lookAtIndividual ?individual ;
ex:lookAtProperty ?prop ;
ex:lookAtIndex ?index .
?individual ?prop/rdf:rest{?index-1}/rdf:first ?value .
But if I try to execute this query with TopBraid, it shows an error message that ?index has been found when <INTEGER> was expected. I also tried binding the index in the SPARQL query via BIND(?index-1 AS ?i), again without success. If the pointed value is not stored in a list, the query without property path works fine.
Is it in general possible to use a value that is connected via datatype property within a SPARQL query as path length for property paths?
This syntax: rdf:rest{<number>} is not standard SPARQL. So the short answer is, regrettably: no, you can't use variables as integers in SPARQL property paths, for the simple reason that you can't use integers in SPARQL property paths at all.
In an earlier draft of the SPARQL standard, there was a proposal to use this kind of syntax to allow specifying the min and max length of a property path, e.g. rdf:rest{1, 3} would match any paths using rdf:rest properties between length 1 and 3. But this was never fully standardized and most SPARQL engines don't implement it.
If you happen to use a SPARQL engine that does implement it, you will have to get in touch with the developers directly to ask if they can extend the mechanism to allow use of variables in this position (the error message suggests to me that it's currently just not possible).
As an aside: there's a SPARQL 1.2 community initiative going on. It only just got started but one of the proposals on the table is re-introducing this particular piece of functionality to the standard.

SPARQL: is there any path between two nodes?

Is there a good kind of SPARQL query that let's me answer if two given nodes are connected on a single / multiple SPARQL endpoints?
Let's say i want to check if the two nodes
are connected. If yes, i'd be interested in the path.
By guessing i already knew they were connected via the label, so a query like this returns a path of length 3:
<> ?p1 ?n1.
# SERVICE <> {
<> ?p2 ?n1 .
# }
try yourself
Now what if i don't have an idea yet and want to do this automatically & for arbitrary length and direction?
I'm aware of SPARQL 1.1's property paths, but they only seem to work for known properties (
Variables can not be used as part of the path itself, only the ends.
Also i would want to allow for any path, so the predicates on the path may change.
My current (as i find ridiculous) approach is to query for all possible paths of length k up to a limit of n.
Dumping isn't an option for me as it's billions of triples... I want to use SPARQL!
While you can't use variables in property paths, you can use a wildcard by taking advantage of the fact that for any URI, every property either is that property or isn't. E.g., (<>|!<>) matches any property, since every property either is <> or isn't. You can make a wildcard that goes in either direction by alternating that with itself in the other direction: (<>|!<>)|^(<>|!<>). That means that there's a path, with properties going in either direction, between two nodes ?u and ?v when
?u ((<>|!<>)|^(<>|!<>))* ?v
For instance, the following query should return true (indicating that there is a path):
<> ((<>|!<>)|^(<>|!<>))* <>
Now, to actually get the links of a path between between two nodes, you can do (letting <wildcard> stand for the nasty looking wildcard):
?start <wildcard>* ?u .
?u ?p ?v .
?v <wildcard>* ?end .
Then ?u, ?p, and ?v give you all the edges on the path. Note that if there are multiple paths, you'll be getting all the edges from all the paths. Since your wildcards go in either direction, you can actually get to anything reachable from the ?start or ?end, so you really should consider restricting the wildcard somehow.
On the endpoint that you linked to, it doesn't, but that appears to be an issue with Virtuoso's implementation of property paths, rather than a problem with the actual query.
Do note that this will be trivially satisfied in many cases if you have any kind of inference happening. E.g., if you're using OWL, then every individual is an instance of owl:Thing, so there'd always be a path of the form:
?u &rightarrow;rdf:type owl:Thing &leftarrow;rdf:type ?v

Avoiding count explosion in querying with SPARQL ontologies containing owl:sameAs triples

I am trying to build a (local) ontology that describes a finite number of objects, and that links these objects to external resources via the owl:sameAs predicate. However, when I simply query for the number of objects of that kind, I obtain twice as much as the object described. It is clear that also the external resources are counted independently, as what is taken into account is the number of URIs, and not the number of distinct objects.
I have solved this issue in the following way: I assume that the local ontology can be seen as a "reference hub" for knowing basic stuff about these objects, so I select all the objects of a certain kind, and then filter out only those that contain the base URI of the local ontology, i.e.:
# How many objects are there?
PREFIX ch: <>
?elem a ch:Element.
FILTER (REGEX (STR(?elem) ,"") ).
However, I have two concerns with this way of doing:
1) it looks a bit of a hack (even if somehow principled), whilst I would like something that makes more logical sense
2) I have the impression that this query is not very efficient.
I have searched quite a bit here, and on google, but didn't come out with any better solution... any suggestions here?
Thank you very much for any help!
GROUP BY a representative element
If there's some property that should have distinct values for each individual, then you can use it to impose the "equivalent class" structure that you need. E.g., something like this:
prefix ch: <>
select (count(?label) as ?count) where {
?elem a ch:element ;
rdfs:label ?label .
group by ?label
Synthesize a representative element
if there's not a value that will be shared by all elements in an equivalence class, you can still get a representative element from the set by asking for the minimal element in each equivalence class. We can use the IRIs of the elements to order the elements, and use that to select a unique individual. This does presume that each ?elem and all the things that it is the same as have well defined behavior under the str function (and IRIs do).
prefix ch: <>
select (count(distinct ?elem) as ?count) where {
?elem a ch:element .
filter not exists {
?elem (owl:sameAs|^owl:sameAs)* ?elem_
filter( str(?elem_) < str(?elem) )

Sparql query with Blank node can be complex

I read this blog article, Problems of the RDF model: Blank Nodes, and there's mentioned that using blank nodes can complicate the handling of data.
Can you give me an example why using blank nodes is difficult to perform a SPARQL query?
I do not understand the complexity of blank nodes.
Can you explain me the meaning and semantics of an existential variable?
I do not understand clearly this explanation given in the RDF Semantics Recommendation, 1.5. Blank Nodes as Existential Variables.
Existential Variables
In the (first-order) predicate calculus, there is existential quantification which lets us make assertions about things that exist, without saying (or, possibly, knowing) which specific individuals in the domain we're actually talking about. For instance, a sentence like
entails the sentence
Of course, there are lots of scenarios in which the second sentence could be true without the first one being true. In that sense, the second sentence gives us less information than the first. It's also important to note that the variable x in the second sentence doesn't provide any way to find out which element in the domain of discourse actually has the given userId. It also also doesn't make any claim that there's only one such thing that has the given user id. To make that clearer, we might use an example:
This is presumably true, since someone or something out there is age 29. Note that we can't talk about y as the individual that is age 29, though, because there could be lots of them. All this sentence tells us is that there is at least one.
Even though we used different variables in the two sentences, there's nothing to say that the individuals with the specified properties might not be the same. This is particularly important in nested quantification, e.g.,
∃x.∃y.likes(x, y)
This sentence could be true because there is one individual in the domain that likes itself. just because x and y have different names in the sentence doesn't mean that they might not refer to the same individual.
Blank Nodes as Existential Variables
There is a defined RDF entailment model defined in RDF Semantics. This has been described more in another Stack Overflow question, RDF Graph Entailment. The idea is that an RDF graph is treated a big existential quantification over the blank nodes mentioned in the graph. E.g., if the triples in the graph are t1, …, tn, and the blank nodes that appear in those triples are b1, …, bm, then the graph is a formula:
∃b1, …, bm.(t1 &wedge; … &wedge; tn)
Based on the discussion of the existential variables above, note that this means that blank nodes in the data might refer to same element of the domain, or different elements, and that it's not required that exactly one element could take the place of a blank node. This means that a graph with blank nodes, when interpreted in this manner, provides much less information than you might expect.
Blank Nodes in Real Data
Now, the discussion above is useful if people are using blank nodes as existential variables. In many cases, authors think of them more as anonymous, but definite and distinct objects. E.g., if we casually write
#prefix : <> .
:Carol :hasAddress [ :hasNumber 4222 ;
:hasStreet :Clinton_Way ] .
we may well be trying to say that there is a single address out there with the specified properties, but according to the RDF entailment model, that's not what we're doing.
In practice, this isn't so much of a problem, because we're usually not using RDF entailment. What is a problem though is that since the scope of blank variables is local to a graph, we can't run a SPARQL query against an endpoint asking for Carol's address and get back an IRI that we can reuse. If we run a query like this:
prefix : <>
construct {
:Mike :hasAddress ?address
where {
:Carol :hasAddress ?address
then we get back the following (unhelpful) graph as a result:
#prefix : <> .
:Mike :hasAddress [] .
We won't have a way to get more information about the address because all we have now is a blank node. If we had used IRIs, e.g.,
#prefix : <> .
:Carol :hasAddress :address1267389 .
:address1267389 :hasNumber 4222 ;
:hasStreet :Clinton_Way .
then the query would have produced something more helpful:
#prefix : <> .
:Mike :hasAddress :address1267389 .
Why is this more useful? The first case is like having the data
∃ x.(hasAddress(Carol,x) &wedge; hasNumber(x,4222) &wedge; hasStreet(x,ClintonWay))
and getting back a result
∃ y.hasAddress(Mike,y)
Sure, it's possible that Mike and Carol have the same address, but from these sentences there's no way to know for sure. It's much more helpful to have data like
and getting back a result
From this, you know that they have the same address, and you can ask things about it.
How much this will affect your data and its consumers depends on what the typical use cases are. For automatically constructed graphs, it may be hard to know in advance just what kind of data you'll need to be able to refer to later, so it's a good idea to generate IRIs for as many of your resources as you can. Since IRIs are free-form, it's usually not too hard to do this. For instance, if you've got some sensible “base” IRI, e.g.,
then you can easily append suffixes to identify your resources. E.g.,

Selecting strings with LIKE operator in SPARQL

In ANSI SQL, you can write something like:
or also:
What I would like help with is writing the SPARQL equivalent of the above please.
Use a regex filter. You can find a short tutorial here
Here's what it looks like:
PREFIX ns: <>
{ ?x ns:SomePredicate ?y .
FILTER regex(?y, "YOUR_REGEX", "i") }
YOUR_REGEX must be an expression of the XQuery regular expression language
i is an optional flag. It means that the match is case insensitive.
If you have a fixed string to match you can use that directly in your graph pattern e.g.
PREFIX ns: <>
{ ?x ns:SomePredicate "YourString" }
Note this does not always work because pattern matching is based on RDF term equality which means "YourString" is not considered the same term as say "YourString"#en so if that may be an issue use the REGEX approach Tom suggests
Also some SPARQL engines provide a full text search extension which allows you to integrate Lucene style queries into your SPARQL queries which may better fit your use case and almost certainly be more efficient for the generic search which would otherwise require a REGEX