Searching through an entire SQL Server database - sql

I have a SQL Server database that has around 30 tables. I need to be able to search for a keyword (could be string, number, float, date, time) throughout the database and list all the rows where that particular keyword occurs. If it so happens that the keyword is in multiple rows spread across multiple tables, they still need to be displayed. For example, rows containing the keyword from table1 and then some space and then the rows containing the keyword from table 2 and so on.
I have found solutions on this platform such as this:
and Narayana Vyas's stored procedure.
But the issue is it displays the table name and te column name and the keyword value. It doesn't display the values of the rest of the columns in that particular row that has the keyword.
Any help would be appreciated!


Select a single column across an entire database

I have database (couple hundred tables) that all contains a specific column called LastReplicationDate. This column name is always the same in each table, and is always the same value within each table.
Is it possible to write a query that gets the distinct value of this column assigned to each table in my database without having to select each table via a union query?

Postgres copy to select * with a type cast

I have a group of two SQL tables in postgres. A staging table and the main table. Among the variety of reasons for the staging table, the data i am uploading has irregular and different formats for all of the date columns. During the upload process these values go into staging table as varchars to be manipulated into usable formats.
In the main table the column type for the date fields is of type 'date' in the staging table they are of type varchar.
The question is, does postgres support a copy expression similar to
insert into production_t select *,textdate::date from staging_t
I need to change the format of a single field during the copy process. I know i can individually type out all of the column names during the insert and typecast the date columns there, but this table has over 200 columns and is one of 10 tables with similar issues. I want to accomplish this insert+typecast in one line that i can apply to all tables rather than having to type 2000+ lines of sql queries.
You have to write every column of such a query, there is no shorthand.
May I say that a design with 200 columns is questionable.

How to repeat records in access table number of times

I need your assistance to figure out how to achieve the following in MS access database.
I have a table with a lot of columns but one of them has a numeric value that will be used as how many times will the record will be repeated.
I need to make another table with repeated records based on Count column.
Build a numbers (aka tally) table (you can google it). I'll call it tblNumbers. Then all you need to do is create a query SELECT <yourTable>.* FROM <yourTable>, tblNumbers WHERE tblNumbers.Number <= <yourTable>.<numberField>

stored procedure that returns in one row duplicate column names and converts 1->N to a string

I'm trying to put all the below in a single stored procedute that returns a single row because the data is up on Sql Azure and the rule for it is do everything in a single query with a single return.
I have the following tables:
Person (
CompanyDomains (
Company (
I have two problems here. The first is I want to get all the elements of a Company row, and the 2 Person rows of data. That's easy with a join. But the columns for the 2 person columns will have duplicate names. I can do 'as' one by one, which is a pain as the database schema is still in a state of flux. Is there a global way to apply 'as' so all the columns brought in from Billing_PersonId get a Billing_ prepended to the column name and Admin_ prepended to the admin column name?
The second is there is a 1->N list of company domains. Is there a way to pull all those and add a column that is a single string that has "domain1;domain2;" in it? We have the distinct domains in the CompanyDomain table so we can quickly find the company that owns any domain. But a single string works fine when I'm reading the company in.
I know single SQL selects pretty well. But I've got very little experience with stored procedures (aside from calling them) and so what I'm asking here may be basic. If so, sorry. And again, this is for Sql Azure.
thanks - dave
If you are using Azure, then you application should be able to parse XML.
Write a stored procedure to join the three tables, select the data given an input like company id, and return an xml record containing information from all three.
Look at the following references.
If you need more help, you need to post a simple schema with sample data.
sql select a field into 2 columns
1 - Without detailed information, not one will be able to help you.
2 - Try it on your own. I can give you the answer but you will not learn anything.

T-SQL - Using Column Name in where condition without any references when having multiple tables that are engaged using multiple joins

I am a newbie for T-Sql, I came across a SP where multiple tables are engaged using multiple joins but the where clause contain a column field without any table reference and assigned for an incoming variable,like
where 'UserId = #UserId'
instead - no table reference like
'a.UserId = #Userid'`
Can any please do refer to me any material that clears my mind regarding such issue.
If the query works it means that there is only one Column with the name UserId, if there are multiple columns with the same name you have to reference the table too.
If you don't specify the table reference you will get
Ambiguous column name 'UserId'. error
Which means there are more then 2 tables with a column name UserId.
Anyway, always try and use the reference table.