I'm trying to create a firestore listener, which handles changes on my collection. After some research, I implement the feature as below.
useEffect(() => {
const firebaseApp = getFirebaseApp();
const db = firestore(firebaseApp);
const handleSnapshotChanges = ( snapshot: FirebaseFirestoreTypes.QuerySnapshot<FirebaseFirestoreTypes.DocumentData> ) => {
const changes = snapshot.docChanges();
changes.forEach((change) => {
if (change.type === "added") {
if (change.type === "modified") {
console.log("Doc modified");
if (change.type === "removed") {
console.log("Remove doc");
const query = db.collection("history");
const unsubscribe = query.onSnapshot(handleSnapshotChanges, (err) =>
return () => {
}, []);
If I doing so, every time I enter the screen where I put the above useEffect, firestore keeps loading all documents in the collection and marks them as added. How can I implement this function properly.
I want to create a function inside my components that detect when the app is in the background for 30 seconds, I want to dispatch a logout action or close the apps. is that possible if we do that in react native?
I'm using hooks
update :
I'm using the wowandy's solution but the thing is if user close the apps for less than 10 seconds and then open the app again, the dispatch command will still be executed in 30 seconds. is there any way to cancel the timeout ?
useEffect(() => {
let timeout;
const subscription = AppState.addEventListener('change', (nextAppState) => {
if (appState.current === 'background') {
timeout = setTimeout(() => dispatch(removeDataLogin()), 30000);
appState.current = nextAppState;
return () => {
}, []);
Update 3
So I tried to use Michael Bahl's solution as commented below. it works great with timestamp.
useEffect(() => {
let start;
let end;
const subscription = AppState.addEventListener("change", nextAppState => {
if (
appState.current.match(/inactive|background/) &&
nextAppState === "active"
) {
end = new Date()
let ms = moment(end).diff(moment(start))
if (Number(ms) >= 30000) {
} else {
} else {
start = new Date()
console.log('start diff :', start)
appState.current = nextAppState;
console.log("AppState", appState.current);
return () => {
}, []);
update 3 Im using Michael Bahl's solution so I created a timestamp that check the difference between inactive and active screens, then dispatch the redux action
useEffect(() => {
let start;
let end;
const subscription = AppState.addEventListener("change", nextAppState => {
if (
appState.current.match(/inactive|background/) &&
nextAppState === "active"
) {
console.log('end =====')
console.log('start diff == ', start)
end = new Date()
console.log('end diff ===', end)
let ms = moment(end).diff(moment(start))
console.log('different : ', ms)
console.log(typeof ms)
if (Number(ms) >= 30000) {
console.log('harusnya logout')
} else {
console.log(ms, 'masuk sini')
} else {
start = new Date()
console.log('start diff :', start)
appState.current = nextAppState;
console.log("AppState", appState.current);
return () => {
}, []);
You can handle app state using AppState and close it with BackHandler
See example:
import React, {useRef, useEffect} from 'react';
import {AppState, BackHandler} from 'react-native';
const App = () => {
const appState = useRef(AppState.currentState);
useEffect(() => {
let timeout;
const subscription = AppState.addEventListener('change', (nextAppState) => {
if (appState.current === 'background') {
timeout = setTimeout(() => BackHandler.exitApp(), 30000);
appState.current = nextAppState;
return () => {
}, []);
return /* TODO */;
I have created a custom react hook which uses fetch from whatwg-fetch. I have tests for the components that make use of the hook and can mock the whole hook, but now am trying to write tests for the hook itself and my goal is to mock the fetch response. This is my hook.
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import "whatwg-fetch";
export default function useFetch(url) {
const [data, setData] = useState(undefined);
const [response, setResponse] = useState(undefined)
const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [error, setError] = useState(undefined);
useEffect(() => {
try {
const fetchData = async () => {
const result = await fetch(url);
const responseText = await result.text();
} catch (error) {
}, [url]);
return { data, response, isLoading, error };
export { useFetch }
Currently, this is how my test looks like. Feels like I cannot mock the fetch to return the desired value.
I have tried writing tests by looking at several tutorials with no luck. I have tried the following tutorials:
Test Custom Hooks Using React Hooks Testing Library
Testing custom react hooks with jest
A Complete Guide to Testing React Hooks
UPDATE: Changed tests, my first test passes (resolve) my second one does not. Based on the third tutorial.
import React from "react";
import { render, unmountComponentAtNode } from "react-dom";
import { act } from "react-dom/test-utils";
import useFetch from "./useFetch";
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
let container = null;
describe("useFetch tests", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// setup a DOM element as a render target
container = document.createElement("div");
afterEach(() => {
// cleanup on exiting
container = null;
it("useFetch returns data on success", async () => {
function fetchMock(url) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => {
status: 200,
ok: true,
text: () => Promise.resolve({
data: "data from api"
}, 300));
jest.spyOn(global, "fetch").mockImplementation(fetchMock);
act(() => {
render(<TestComponent url="url1" />, container);
await sleep(500);
expect(container.textContent).toBe("data from api");
it("useFetch return error on fail", async () => {
// const a = 200 + Math.random() * 300;
// console.log(a)
// let promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
// // after 1 second signal that the job is finished with an error
// setTimeout(() => reject("error"), a);
// });
// function fetchMock(url) {
// return promise;
// }
function fetchMock(url) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => {
status: 404,
ok: true,
text: () => Promise.resolve({
data: "data from api"
}, 200 + Math.random() * 300));
jest.spyOn(global, "fetch").mockImplementation(fetchMock);
act(() => {
render(<TestComponent url="url1" />, container);
await sleep(500);
function TestComponent({ url }) {
const {
data, response, isLoading, error
} = useFetch(url);
if (isLoading) {
return <div>loading</div>;
if (data) {
return <div>{data.data}</div>
if (error) {
return <div>error</div>
return <div></div>;
import { useFetch } from "../../../src/utils/custom-hooks/useFetch";
describe("useFetch tests", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(window, "fetch");
it("200", () => {
ok: true,
status: 200,
const { result, rerender } = renderHook(
(url) => useFetch(url),
url: "url1"
I'm developing a react-native application, which uses webRTC.
I extremely liked the minimal version I found here (kudos to baconcheese113!) and I decided to refactor it to create my react component.
I have set up a backend (DynamoDB, Appsync) and a redux store that allows me to:
dispatch an action sendCreateUserControlMsg, which down the line calls the Appsync endpoint to create a new ControlUserMsg
subscribe to a ControlUserMsg, set the flag triggerWebrtcData and save webrtcData in the Redux state
The following component (which for now calls itself), sometimes works, but mostly doesn't. I feel that the problem is related to JS Promises, but I do not fully understand how I should design the component to avoid race conditions.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { View, SafeAreaView, Button, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { RTCPeerConnection, RTCView, mediaDevices } from 'react-native-webrtc';
import { sendCreateUserControlMsg } from '../redux/actions/UserControlMsgActions';
import controlMsgActions from './../model/control_msg_actions';
import webrtcActionTypes from './../model/webrtc_action_types';
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";
import * as triggersMatch from '../redux/actions/TriggersMatchActions';
var IS_LOCAL_USER = true //manual flag I temporarily set
var localUserID = '00';
var localUser = 'localUser'
var remoteUserID = '01';
var remoteUser = 'remoteUser'
var matchedUserId = remoteUserID
var user_id = localUserID;
var user = localUser
else {
var matchedUserId = localUserID
var user_id = remoteUserID;
var user = remoteUser
export default function App() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
var triggersMatchBool = useSelector(state => state.triggers_match)
var webrtcData = useSelector(state => state.webrtc_description.webrtcData)
const [localStream, setLocalStream] = useState();
const [remoteStream, setRemoteStream] = useState();
const [cachedLocalPC, setCachedLocalPC] = useState();
const [cachedRemotePC, setCachedRemotePC] = useState();
const sendICE = (candidate, isLocal) => {
var type
isLocal ? type = webrtcActionTypes["NEW_ICE_CANDIDATE_FROM_LOCAL"] : type = webrtcActionTypes["NEW_ICE_CANDIDATE_FROM_REMOTE"]
var payload = JSON.stringify({
console.log(`Sending ICE to ${matchedUserId}`)
dispatch(sendCreateUserControlMsg(matchedUserId, user_id, user, payload, controlMsgActions["WEBRTC_DATA"]));
const sendOffer = (offer) => {
type = webrtcActionTypes["OFFER"]
var payload = JSON.stringify({
console.log(`Sending Offer to ${matchedUserId}`)
dispatch(sendCreateUserControlMsg(matchedUserId, user_id, user, payload, controlMsgActions["WEBRTC_DATA"]));
const sendAnswer = (answer) => {
type = webrtcActionTypes["ANSWER"]
var payload = JSON.stringify({
console.log(`Sending answer to ${matchedUserId}`)
dispatch(sendCreateUserControlMsg(matchedUserId, user_id, user, payload, controlMsgActions["WEBRTC_DATA"]));
const [isMuted, setIsMuted] = useState(false);
// START triggers
async function triggerMatchWatcher() {
if (triggersMatchBool.triggerWebrtcData) {
switch (webrtcData.type) {
case webrtcActionTypes["NEW_ICE_CANDIDATE_FROM_LOCAL"]:
try {
} catch (error) {
console.warn('ICE not added')
case webrtcActionTypes["NEW_ICE_CANDIDATE_FROM_REMOTE"]:
try {
} catch (error) {
console.warn('ICE not added')
case webrtcActionTypes["OFFER"]:
console.log('remotePC, setRemoteDescription');
try {
await cachedRemotePC.setRemoteDescription(webrtcData.offer);
console.log('RemotePC, createAnswer');
const answer = await cachedRemotePC.createAnswer();
} catch (error) {
console.warn(`setRemoteDescription failed ${error}`);
case webrtcActionTypes["ANSWER"]:
try {
console.log(`Answer from remotePC: ${webrtcData.answer.sdp}`);
console.log('remotePC, setLocalDescription');
await cachedRemotePC.setLocalDescription(webrtcData.answer);
console.log('localPC, setRemoteDescription');
await cachedLocalPC.setRemoteDescription(cachedRemotePC.localDescription);
} catch (error) {
console.warn(`setLocalDescription failed ${error}`);
useEffect(() => {
const startLocalStream = async () => {
// isFront will determine if the initial camera should face user or environment
const isFront = true;
const devices = await mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
const facing = isFront ? 'front' : 'environment';
const videoSourceId = devices.find(device => device.kind === 'videoinput' && device.facing === facing);
const facingMode = isFront ? 'user' : 'environment';
const constraints = {
audio: true,
video: {
mandatory: {
minWidth: 500, // Provide your own width, height and frame rate here
minHeight: 300,
minFrameRate: 30,
optional: videoSourceId ? [{ sourceId: videoSourceId }] : [],
const newStream = await mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
const startCall = async () => {
const configuration = { iceServers: [{ url: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' }] };
const localPC = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
const remotePC = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
localPC.onicecandidate = e => {
try {
console.log('localPC icecandidate:', e.candidate);
if (e.candidate) {
sendICE(e.candidate, true)
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error adding remotePC iceCandidate: ${err}`);
remotePC.onicecandidate = e => {
try {
console.log('remotePC icecandidate:', e.candidate);
if (e.candidate) {
sendICE(e.candidate, false)
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error adding localPC iceCandidate: ${err}`);
remotePC.onaddstream = e => {
console.log('remotePC tracking with ', e);
if (e.stream && remoteStream !== e.stream) {
console.log('RemotePC received the stream', e.stream);
// Not sure whether onnegotiationneeded is needed
// localPC.onnegotiationneeded = async () => {
// try {
// const offer = await localPC.createOffer();
// console.log('Offer from localPC, setLocalDescription');
// await localPC.setLocalDescription(offer);
// sendOffer(localPC.localDescription)
// } catch (err) {
// console.error(err);
// }
// };
try {
const offer = await localPC.createOffer();
console.log('Offer from localPC, setLocalDescription');
await localPC.setLocalDescription(offer);
} catch (err) {
const switchCamera = () => {
localStream.getVideoTracks().forEach(track => track._switchCamera());
const closeStreams = () => {
if (cachedLocalPC) {
if (cachedRemotePC) {
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
{!localStream && <Button title="Click to start stream" onPress={startLocalStream} />}
{localStream && <Button title="Click to start call" onPress={startCall} disabled={!!remoteStream} />}
{localStream && (
<View style={styles.toggleButtons}>
<Button title="Switch camera" onPress={switchCamera} />
<View style={styles.rtcview}>
{localStream && <RTCView style={styles.rtc} streamURL={localStream.toURL()} />}
<View style={styles.rtcview}>
{remoteStream && <RTCView style={styles.rtc} streamURL={remoteStream.toURL()} />}
<Button title="Click to stop call" onPress={closeStreams} disabled={!remoteStream} />
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
// omitted
The most common errors I receive are:
Error: Failed to add ICE candidate
Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection
setLocalDescription failed TypeError: Cannot read property 'sdp' of
If I console.log I can see that are JS Promise, but since are not a functions I cannot use .then().
How can I call the addIceCandidate method or setLocalDescription method without incurring in the Unhandled Promise Rejection errors?
What are the best practices to work with WebRTC in react-native?
I'm trying to start a loading spinner when an image uploads as part of a form, and stop it when a reference to the image is saved in Firebase.
This function in my Actions.js file returns the input from a given form field:
export const formUpdate = ({ prop, value }) => {
return {
payload: { prop, value }
With Connect, I use formUpdate to store values for different form fields in my Form.js component - this works fine.
I use a separate function in Actions.js to handle the image upload, and once uploaded, I call this function to save a reference in Firebase:
export const saveImageReference = (downloadUrl, sessionId) => {
const { currentUser } = firebase.auth();
imageId: sessionId,
imageUrl: downloadUrl
.then(formUpdate({ prop: 'loading', value: false }));
I'm trying to get my form to show a loading spinner during upload. To do this, I'm using formUpdate at the end of saveImageReference to dispatch a loading prop. However, this isn't working.
formUpdate executes as part of the .then() block - I see the alert to confirm this - but no data makes it to the Form component.
I've also tried using a different prop (for example 'name') to see if it updates the form field, but nothing happens.
I have redux-thunk working properly - I use a similar approach to show a spinner in my login form - but this action doesn't seem to want to play ball.
If it helps, here's mapStateToProps from my Form component:
const { name, location, loading } = state.testForm;
return {
export default connect(
{ formUpdate, uploadImage }
Here's the uploadImage code based on azundo's answer. This doesn't execute:
export const uploadImage = (
mime = 'application/octet-stream'
) => dispatch => {
const { Blob } = RNFetchBlob.polyfill;
window.XMLHttpRequest = RNFetchBlob.polyfill.XMLHttpRequest;
window.Blob = Blob;
const { currentUser } = firebase.auth();
console.log('Starting upload action...');
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log('in promise 1');
const uploadUri = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? uri.replace('file://', '') : uri;
const sessionId = new Date().getTime();
// create a reference in firebase storage for the file
let uploadBlob = null;
const imageRef = firebase
// encode data with base64 before upload
.readFile(uploadUri, 'base64')
.then(data => {
console.log('Encoding image...');
return RNFetchBlob.polyfill.Blob.build(data, {
type: `${mime};BASE64`
// put blob into storage reference
.then(blob => {
uploadBlob = blob;
return imageRef.put(blob, { contentType: mime });
.then(() => {
console.log('Getting download URL...');
return imageRef.getDownloadURL();
.then(url => {
console.log('Saving reference...');
// setLoading();
saveImageReference(url, sessionId);
.then(() => {
dispatch(formUpdate({ prop: 'loading', value: false }));
.catch(error => {
Based on what you've described, the formUpdate call in saveImageReference is not actually dispatching your action, it's just calling the bare formUpdate function which simply returns the plain action object. You'll need to find some way to actually get that action dispatched.
Assuming uploadImage is a redux-thunk action I would recommend keeping the knowledge of the action dispatch out of the saveImageReference function and instead dispatch from uploadImage:
export const saveImageReference = (downloadUrl, sessionId) => {
const { currentUser } = firebase.auth();
// note that we are now returning the firebase promise here
return firebase
imageId: sessionId,
imageUrl: downloadUrl
const uploadImage = (arg1, arg2) => dispatch => {
// other upload code here prior to calling the firebase function...
saveImageReference(downloadUrl, sessionId).then(() => {
dispatch(formUpdate({prop: 'loading', value: false}));
If you trying to render loader, when you await for an async operation. You could use suspense.
This would be a better option.
const OtherComponent = React.lazy(() => import('./OtherComponent'));
function MyComponent() {
return (
<React.Suspense fallback={<Spinner />}>
<OtherComponent />
After much investigation, I solved the issue. I moved saveImageReference() from Actions.js to my component:
addImage = () => {
ImagePicker.showImagePicker(response => {
if (!response.didCancel) {
// shows modal with a form for user to select an image and add metadata
this.setState({ showModal: true });
// set the loading spinner in the form to show image is uploading
this.props.formUpdate({ prop: 'loading', value: true });
// takes the selected image and invokes uploadImage
uploadImage(response.uri).then(url => {
// once image is uploaded, generate sessionId in the component, and invoke saveImageReference
const sessionId = new Date().getTime();
this.props.saveImageReference(url, sessionId);
The uploadImage() action creator resolves with the URL of a successfully uploaded image, which saveImageReference() uses to create the reference.
Once that reference is saved, saveImageReference() dispatches a dedicated action to set loading to false. Here's the contents of Actions.js:
export const uploadImage = (uri, mime = 'application/octet-stream') => {
const { Blob } = RNFetchBlob.polyfill;
window.XMLHttpRequest = RNFetchBlob.polyfill.XMLHttpRequest;
window.Blob = Blob;
const { currentUser } = firebase.auth();
console.log('Starting upload action...');
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log('in promise');
const uploadUri = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? uri.replace('file://', '') : uri;
const sessionId = new Date().getTime();
// create a reference in firebase storage for the file
let uploadBlob = null;
const imageRef = firebase
// encode data with base64 before upload
.readFile(uploadUri, 'base64')
.then(data => {
console.log('Encoding image...');
return RNFetchBlob.polyfill.Blob.build(data, {
type: `${mime};BASE64`
// put blob into storage reference
.then(blob => {
uploadBlob = blob;
return imageRef.put(blob, { contentType: mime });
.then(() => {
console.log('Getting download URL...');
return imageRef.getDownloadURL();
.then(url => {
resolve(url, sessionId);
.catch(error => {
export const saveImageReference = (downloadUrl, sessionId) => {
const { currentUser } = firebase.auth();
console.log('Saving reference!');
return dispatch => {
imageId: sessionId,
imageUrl: downloadUrl
.then(ref => {
const imageUploadComplete = () => {
return dispatch => {
return dispatch({
payload: false
No matter what I tried, I couldn't dispatch another action from within saveImageReference() - introducing return dispatch would freeze the flow, and without it I'd get dispatch is not defined.
Invoking this at a component level, using this.props.saveImageReference() solved the issue.
I am trying to add pull-to-refresh functionality to a <ScrollView> using a refreshControl and integrate it with Redux.
Example from https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/refreshcontrol:
_onRefresh = () => {
this.setState({refreshing: true});
fetchData().then(() => {
this.setState({refreshing: false});
My problem is that my own fetchData function dispatches an action for the reducer to handle, so as far as I understand it, it is not a thenable promise. So I don't fully understand the integration with Redux in this case. What do I need to change in my code to be able to set refreshing to false as in the above example?
// on mount, fetch all posts from the API
componentDidMount() {
_onRefresh = () => {
this.setState( { refreshing: true } );
this.props.fetchPostsFromAPI().then( () => { // error
this.setState( { refreshing: false } );
// map dispatch to props
const mapDispatchToProps = ( dispatch ) => {
return {
fetchPostsFromAPI: () => {
dispatch( fetchPostsFromAPI() );
// fetch all posts
export function fetchPostsFromAPI() {
return( dispatch ) => {
let loadData = new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
resolve( postsInitial ); // using dummy data for now
.then( posts => dispatch( fetchPostsSuccess( posts ) ) );
// is used if posts were succesfully loaded
function fetchPostsSuccess( posts ) {
return {
type: PostConstants.FETCH_POSTS_SUCCESS,
data: posts,
const PostReducer = ( state = initialState, action ) => {
switch( action.type ) {
// if fetching data was successful
case PostConstants.FETCH_POSTS_SUCCESS: {
return {
posts: action.data,
default: {
return state
You get an error cause you call .then on something who don't return a promises. Just add return in front of your loadData, cause you can chain promises.
export function fetchPostsFromAPI() {
return dispatch => {
let loadData = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return loadData.then(posts => dispatch(fetchPostsSuccess(posts)))