ORA-01008: not all variables bound ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 1721. I am learning SQL and I got this error - sql

I created a simple table with one PRIMARY Key column and two VARCHAR columns
student_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
lName VARCHAR(20)
INSERT INTO student VALUES(1, "Rahul", "Krub");
INSERT INTO VALUES(&student_id, &fName, &lName);
SELECT * FROM student;
I have no idea why the latter is not working while the former does? I want to dynamically enter data into the table (User Inputted). Please help me out I cannot find the answer for this anywhere as all of my searches keep leading me to dynamic SQL.


Error when trying to add multiple rows of data to table using SQL Query

I'm trying to insert multiple lines of data into a table that I created using SQL. Adding just one line into the table everything works fine. Whenever I put the comma after the first line in order to add more data that's when I get the error message "Incorrect syntax near ','." which is in reference to the first comma after the first line of data.
Copy of code:
FirstName nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
LastName nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
Age int NOT NULL,
Specialty nvarchar(50)
INSERT INTO Workers (FirstName, LastName, Age, Specialty)
VALUES ('Marvin','Smith',30,'Bossman'),
('Dexter','Akers',22,'New Guy'),

How do I select insert into select a table which already has values in the primary key column without adding new rows?

I'm working on a database for my school project in which I have to produce a functional database by normalizing sample tables given to us.
One table I'm having trouble with is itineraries. I produce 3 tables from the normalization which are "Destinations", "Itineraries" and "Itinerary_Destinations".
The code for Destinations is:
create table Destinations
DestinationID varchar(5) primary key,
Name varchar(45)
The code for Itineraries is:
create table Itineraries
ItineraryID varchar(5),
Name varchar(45)
The code for the last table is:
create table Itinerary_Destinations
DI varchar(5) primary key,
ItineraryID varchar(5) foreign key references Itineraries(ItineraryID),
Itinerary_Name varchar(45),
DestinationID varchar(5) foreign key references Destinations(DestinationID),
Destination_Name varchar(45)
Data has already been inserted into all 3 tables with the exception of 'Destination_Name' and 'Itinerary_Name' columns. The code I'm attempting to use is returning as error. The code is shown below.
insert into Itinerary_Destinations (Itinerary_name)
select Name from Itineraries where
Itineraries.ItineraryID = ItineraryID;
The error it returns is
Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Cannot insert the value NULL into
column 'DI', table 'DDDAssignment.dbo.Itinerary_Destinations'; column
does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.
Is there a method to accomplish the task of inserting the Destination_Name and Itinerary_Name without creating new records that require primary keys?
Or should I do it manually?
If you want to modify records which already exist, then you should be using an UPDATE rather than an INSERT:
SET Itinerary_name = b.Name
FROM Itinerary_Destinations a
INNER JOIN Itinerary_name b
ON a.ItineraryID = b.ItineraryID;
But, if you do have some data which is not already logically associated with the Itinerary_Destinations table, then using an insert is appropriate.
use coalesce funtion in case null it will insert blank string, as your column does not allow null value thats why you got that error in your query
insert into Itinerary_Destinations (Itinerary_name)
select coalesce(Name,' ') from Itineraries where
Itineraries.ItineraryID = ItineraryID;

Why does the zipcode fail the check constraint?

I feel like I am probably missing something really simple, but I really can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to use a check constraint to make sure zipcodes are 5 digit numbers, but the check restraint keeps failing. Here is the table creating with the constraint:
Create Table Students (
StudentID Int Primary Key Identity(1,1)
StudentNumber nVarchar(100) Unique Not Null,
StudentZipCode nChar(10) Not Null
Alter Table Students Add Constraint chZipCode
CHECK (StudentZipCode LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' OR StudentZipCode
Like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
Codes like 12345-6789 work, but when I try to insert the values like '12345' or '01234' it gives me this error:
The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "chZipCode". The conflict occurred in database ..., table "dbo.Students", column 'StudentZipCode'.
It fails because you defined the zip code as a char() instead of a varchar(). Hence, it has a bunch of spaces padding it out.
So, define it as:
Create Table Students (
StudentID Int Primary Key Identity(1,1),
StudentNumber nVarchar(100) Unique Not Null,
StudentZipCode nVarChar(10) Not Null,
CHECK (StudentZipCode LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' OR
StudentZipCode LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')
Then '12345' works, because it matches the first of the LIKE patterns.
'012344' does not work, because no pattern has six digits in a row.
Here is a SQL Fiddle.

SQL Server 2014 : help creating tables

I am new to MSSQL 2014 Server, my professor listed these steps to make a table, I don't know the proper steps to create tables in the pictures listed below, please help.
Create and populate (insert values) the following tables per table description and data values provided
Add a SQL Comment to include /* * Your First Name_Your Last Name* */ when inserting corresponding values for each table.
What I tried so far:
DepartmentName Text(35) PRIMARY KEY,
BudgetCode Text(30) NOT NULL,
OfficeNumber Text(15) NOT NULL,
Phone Text(12) NOT NULL, );
I have put this to my query and the error is
Msg 2716, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Column, parameter, or variable #1: Cannot specify a column width on data type text.
Try this(I assume that your table exists in dbo schema):
DepartmentName varchar(35) PRIMARY KEY,
BudgetCode varchar(30) NOT NULL,
OfficeNumber varchar(15) NOT NULL,
Phone varchar(12) NOT NULL
You can not define width for Text data type. In case which you need to define width you can use char or varchar data types. Also keep in mind that if you need to work with Unicode characters then you will need to use nchar or nvarchar instead.

oracle error: not enough values

i have a table donor_master:
create table donor_master
donor_id number(10) primary key not null,
dob date not null,
age number(3) not null,
gender char(1) not null,
blood_group char(3),
contact_no number(10),
address varchar(50) not null,
city varchar(10) not null,
pin number(10) not null,
state varchar(10) not null,
branch_registration_id number(5) references branch_master(branch_id)
when i try to insert into the table in a procedure insert_donor_master, i get "not enough values" error on compilation.
this is the procedure:
create or replace procedure insert_donor_master(
vdob donor_master.dob%type,
vage donor_master.age%type,
vgender donor_master.gender%type,
vblood_group donor_master.blood_group%type,
vcontact_no donor_master.contact_no%type,
vaddress donor_master.address%type,
vcity donor_master.city%type,
vpin donor_master.pin%type,
vstate donor_master.state%type,
vbranch_registration_id donor_master.branch_registration_id%type
insert into donor_master values (sq_donor_master.nextval, vdob, vage, vgender, vblood_group, vcontact_no, vaddress, vcity, vpin, vstate, vbranch_registration_id);
What is the problem?
Oracle hurls ORA-00947 when we specify an INSERT statement which doesn't have a value for every column in the table.
Now, the CREATE TABLE statement you posted shows a table with eleven columns. And the stored procedure code you posted shows an insert statement with eleven values in the VALUES (...) clause.
So, the explanations are:
you have a configuration management issue, and you're running the wrong version of the stored procedure or the wrong version of the table
you have a configuration management issue, and the actual structure of the table isn't what you think it is (doesn't match your CREATE TABLE script)
you aren't really getting an ORA-00947 error
Note that if you don't want to populate every row you can specify a projection of the relevant columns before the VALUES clause. For instance, if you just wanted to populate the mandatory columns you would code this:
insert into donor_master
(donor_id, dob, age, gender, address, city, pin, state )
values (sq_donor_master.nextval, vdob, vage, vgender, vaddress, vcity, vpin, vstate)
All that matters is that the number of values matches the number of columns.
The complete syntax for INSERT statements is in the documentation. enter link description hereFind out more.