I created a resource bundle file in the Intellij idea called login.properties with some key value pairs. Now I want to create a french version for it so I guess it should be named login_fr.properties
But what about the text in french. The login.properties file has English text. Is there an automated way to create this login_fr.properties file? the file and the content bother tr
I have several django projects and several different files with name utils.py, however pycharm treats them as simple .txt files with no syntax highlighting or any other kind of parsing, how can I fix this?
Please see File | Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | File Types.
Look for your file name mapped to the Text type or to the Auto-detect file type by content type.
Remove the incorrect mapping and it will fix the issue.
If you still can't find the wrong mapping in the IDE settings, locate the options/filetypes.xml file in the Configuration directory. Close the IDE and either edit this file to remove the incorrect mapping or delete this file to reset all the file types to the defaults.
You can also use Revert File Type Override / Override File Type file context menu actions.
As CrazyCoder answered, my file also landed in an unintended association. In my case it was "Auto-detect file type by content". You can just try to add your file to the desired file type (e.g. Python) and PyCharm will automatically try to move the association.
FYI, a quick action to reassociate a file's type will be available in the context menu of the Project tool window in IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 (EAPs should be available publicly around May 2021).
In my case I had to right click the file in question (a django migration) and select Mark as Python.
I probably clicked Mark as Plain Text before by mistake.
I actually solved this by going to the Project section , and then clicking Override File Type by right clicking on the specific file. Then I selected the type of the file from the list of available file types.
That worked
For me, the file somehow forgot its type. This can be overridden by
Right click the file name --> Override File Type --> Select file type.
I am trying to create a new file template in IntelliJ for a specific type of file needed by the framework I am using. The name of this file is always going to be base.kt, and I have added the file template as per this:
This works fine for me other than the fact that everytime I right-click on a module and say 'New base.kt', it still asks me to enter a filename. For the package-info file template that comes pre-shipped with IntelliJ, it just creates the file without prompting this dialog:
Is there a way for me to make IntelliJ always use a particular name and skip this dialog?
You just need to write #set($NAME="base")
I have a new resource file in my directory named protected.keys. When creating it, i asked IntelliJ to treat it as properties.
Instead i'd like to change this to text how can i do this please?
You can change it in File | Settings | File Types, remove the file name or extension from the Properties files and assign it to the Text files.
I want to update or replace Localizable.strings Runtime. i have .strings files on server. so if any one can update .strings files on server. then also i need to update value or replace into bundle.
can i read .strings file form server directly? and make all static string localized.
Sure you can. You have to roll your own.
If you look at the NSLocalizableString macro, you can make your own like :
RMLocalizableString that instead of pointing to the resources, points to a file you have downloaded in your documentation folder. But of course you have to make sure the file is actually there.
I have a "Resources/en.lproj/Localized.strings" file, with some key/value pairs in the format:
I select this file and in File Inspector in the Utilities Pane I choose to add a new localization (es) pressing the '+' button in the Localization tab.
This action should create a new file "Resources/es.lproj/Localized.strings", but instead the original "Resources/en.lproj/Localized.strings" now displays a small triangle at the left ( as if it were a folder ) and holds inside two files Localized.strings (English) and Localized.strings (Spanish). No es.lproj directory created.
I have never read of this behavior even in references to this using XCode4.
What I'm missing?
Updated info:
I have checked the app bundle installed in my iPhone Simulator and the folders are created there, with the corresponding files.
I don't know if this is the default way but is confusing to me since reading the documentation this is not what I understand.
Your could try this : Quit XCode, relaunch your project. Remove all localizations from your project properties (keeping the files when asked), add them back, remove es localization on your file, then add it back.