Any function/attribute in dataframe similar to attribute 'remove' or 'pop' - pandas

Is there any attribute/function for dataframe similar to like 'remove' attribute in series, to remove the 1st occirance of similar indexes in a dataframe.
a b c d
100 1 2 3 NaN
200 4 5 6 NaN
100 7 9 10 NaN
Desired output:(after the desired command)
a b c d
200 4 5 6 NaN
100 7 9 10 NaN

Try with loc and duplicated with keep='last':
>>> df[~df.index.duplicated(keep='last')]
a b c d
200 4 5 6 NaN
100 7 9 10 NaN


Pandas groupby calculation using values from different rows based on other column

I have the following dataframe, observations are grouped in pairs. NaN here represents different products traded in pair wrt A. I want to groupby transaction and compute
A/NaN so that the value for all NaNs can be expressed in unit A.
transaction name value ...many other columns
1 A 3
1 NaN 5
2 NaN 7
2 A 6
3 A 4
3 NaN 3
4 A 10
4 NaN 9
5 C 8
5 A 6
Thus the desired df would be
transaction name value new_column ...many other columns
1 A 3 NaN
1 NaN 6 0.5
2 NaN 7 0.8571
2 A 6 NaN
3 A 4 1.333
3 NaN 3 NaN
4 A 10 1.111
4 NaN 9 NaN
5 C 8 0.75
5 A 6 NaN
First filter rows with A and convert transaction to index for possible divide rows with missing value by mapped transaction by
m = df['name'].ne('A')
s = df[~m].set_index('transaction')['value']
df.loc[m, 'new_column'] = df.loc[m, 'transaction'].map(s) / df.loc[m, 'value']
print (df)
transaction name value new_column
0 1 A 3 NaN
1 1 NaN 5 0.600000
2 2 NaN 7 0.857143
3 2 A 6 NaN
4 3 A 4 NaN
5 3 NaN 3 1.333333
6 4 A 10 NaN
7 4 NaN 9 1.111111
8 5 NaN 8 0.750000
9 5 A 6 NaN
EDIT: There is multiple A values per groups, not only one, possible solution is removed duplicates:
print (df)
transaction name value
0 1 A 3
1 1 A 4
2 1 NaN 5
3 2 NaN 7
4 2 A 6
5 3 A 4
6 3 NaN 3
7 4 A 10
8 4 NaN 9
9 5 C 8
10 5 A 6
# s = df[~m].set_index('transaction')['value']
# df.loc[m, 'new_column'] = df.loc[m, 'transaction'].map(s) / df.loc[m, 'value']
# print (df)
#InvalidIndexError: Reindexing only valid with uniquely valued Index objects
m = df['name'].ne('A')
print (df[~m].drop_duplicates(['transaction','name']))
transaction name value
0 1 A 3
4 2 A 6
5 3 A 4
7 4 A 10
10 5 A 6
s = df[~m].drop_duplicates(['transaction','name']).set_index('transaction')['value']
df.loc[m, 'new_column'] = df.loc[m, 'transaction'].map(s) / df.loc[m, 'value']
print (df)
transaction name value new_column
0 1 A 3 NaN <- 2 times a per 1 group
1 1 A 4 NaN <- 2 times a per 1 group
2 1 NaN 5 0.600000
3 2 NaN 7 0.857143
4 2 A 6 NaN
5 3 A 4 NaN
6 3 NaN 3 1.333333
7 4 A 10 NaN
8 4 NaN 9 1.111111
9 5 C 8 0.750000
10 5 A 6 NaN
Assuming there are only two values per transaction, you can use agg and divide the first and last element by each other:
df.loc[df['name'].isna(), 'new_column'] = df.sort_values(by='name').\
agg(f='first', l='last').agg(lambda x: x['f'] / x['l'], axis=1)

Is there a way to get the previously received message by id in pandas?

I have a dataframe like this:
ID Message week
10 A 1
11 A 1
12 C 1
10 B 2
12 B 2
How can I get one like this?:
ID Message week previous
10 A 1 nan
11 A 1 nan
12 C 1 nan
10 B 2 A
12 B 2 A
Use an asof merge to bring the closest message in the past. allow_exact_matches=False prevents merging on the same week.
df = df.sort_values('week') # Only b/c merge_asof requires sorted input
res = (pd.merge_asof(df, df.rename(columns={'Message': 'previous'}),
on='week', by='ID',
direction='backward', allow_exact_matches=False))
ID Message week previous
0 10 A 1 NaN
1 11 A 1 NaN
2 12 C 1 NaN
3 10 B 2 A
4 12 B 2 C
We can use groupby with Series.shift here:
df["previous"] = df.groupby("ID")["Message"].shift()
ID Message week previous
0 10 A 1 NaN
1 11 A 1 NaN
2 12 C 1 NaN
3 10 B 2 A
4 12 B 2 C

Average per category per last N round in Pandas and lag it

I have a following problem.
I want to compute mean of last 2 observations per name and round and lag it. See following example:
df = pd.DataFrame(data={ 'name':["a","a","a","a","b","b","c" ] , 'value':[6,5,4,3,1,2,1] ,
'round':[1,2,3,4,1,2,1 ]})
Desired output is:
df = pd.DataFrame(data={ 'name':["a","a","a","a","b","b","c" ] , 'value':[6,5,4,3,1,2,1] ,
'round':[1,2,3,4,1,2,1 ], 'mean_last_2':["NaN","NaN",5.5,4.5,"NaN","NaN","NaN"]})
I tried this, but got "AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'shift'":
df['mean_last_2'] = df.groupby("name")['value'].apply(lambda x:
How can I fix it please?
You could try something like this:
df['mean_last_2'] = df.groupby('name')['value'].apply(lambda x: x.rolling(2).mean().shift())
name value round mean_last_2
0 a 6 1 NaN
1 a 5 2 NaN
2 a 4 3 5.5
3 a 3 4 4.5
4 b 1 1 NaN
5 b 2 2 NaN
6 c 1 1 NaN
You can do something like
df.groupby("name").apply(lambda d: d.assign(mean_last_2 = d['value'].rolling(2).mean().shift()))
to get
name value round mean_last_2
a 0 a 6 1 NaN
1 a 5 2 NaN
2 a 4 3 5.5
3 a 3 4 4.5
b 4 b 1 1 NaN
5 b 2 2 NaN
c 6 c 1 1 NaN

Rolling grouped cumulative sum

I'm looking to create a rolling grouped cumulative sum. I can get the result via iteration, but wanted to see if there was a more intelligent way.
Here's what the source data looks like:
Per C V
1 c 3
1 a 4
1 c 1
2 a 6
2 b 5
3 j 7
4 x 6
4 x 5
4 a 9
5 a 2
6 c 3
6 k 6
Here is the desired result:
Per C V
1 c 4
1 a 4
2 c 4
2 a 10
2 b 5
3 c 4
3 a 10
3 b 5
3 j 7
4 c 4
4 a 19
4 b 5
4 j 7
4 x 11
5 c 4
5 a 21
5 b 5
5 j 7
5 x 11
6 c 7
6 a 21
6 b 5
6 j 7
6 x 11
6 k 6
This is a very interesting problem. Try below to see if it works for you.
pd.concat([df.loc[df.Per<=i][['C','V']].assign(Per=i) for i in df.Per.unique()])
Per C V
0 1 a 4
1 1 c 4
2 2 a 10
3 2 b 5
4 2 c 4
5 3 a 10
6 3 b 5
7 3 c 4
8 3 j 7
9 4 a 19
10 4 b 5
11 4 c 4
12 4 j 7
13 4 x 11
14 5 a 21
15 5 b 5
16 5 c 4
17 5 j 7
18 5 x 11
19 6 a 21
20 6 b 5
21 6 c 7
22 6 j 7
23 6 k 6
24 6 x 11
If you set the index to be 'Per' and 'C', you can first accumulate over those index levels. Then I decided to reindex the resulting series by the the product of the index levels in order to get all possibilities while filling in new indices with zero.
After this, I use groupby, cumsum, and remove zeros.
s = df.set_index(['Per', 'C']).V.sum(level=[0, 1])
pd.MultiIndex.from_product(s.index.levels, names=s.index.names),
).groupby('C').cumsum().loc[lambda x: x > 0].reset_index()
Per C V
0 1 a 4
1 1 c 4
2 2 a 10
3 2 b 5
4 2 c 4
5 3 a 10
6 3 b 5
7 3 c 4
8 3 j 7
9 4 a 19
10 4 b 5
11 4 c 4
12 4 j 7
13 4 x 11
14 5 a 21
15 5 b 5
16 5 c 4
17 5 j 7
18 5 x 11
19 6 a 21
20 6 b 5
21 6 c 7
22 6 j 7
23 6 k 6
24 6 x 11
You could use pivot_table/cumsum:
(df.pivot_table(index='Per', columns='C', values='V', aggfunc='sum')
.replace(0, np.nan)
Per C 0
0 1 a 4.0
1 1 c 4.0
2 2 a 10.0
3 2 b 5.0
4 2 c 4.0
5 3 a 10.0
6 3 b 5.0
7 3 c 4.0
8 3 j 7.0
9 4 a 19.0
10 4 b 5.0
11 4 c 4.0
12 4 j 7.0
13 4 x 11.0
14 5 a 21.0
15 5 b 5.0
16 5 c 4.0
17 5 j 7.0
18 5 x 11.0
19 6 a 21.0
20 6 b 5.0
21 6 c 7.0
22 6 j 7.0
23 6 k 6.0
24 6 x 11.0
On the plus side, I think the pivot_table/cumsum approach helps convey the meaning of the calculation pretty well. Given the pivot_table, the calculation is essentially a cumulative sum down each column:
In [131]: df.pivot_table(index='Per', columns='C', values='V', aggfunc='sum')
C a b c j k x
1 4.0 NaN 4.0 NaN NaN NaN
2 6.0 5.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 NaN NaN NaN 7.0 NaN NaN
4 9.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.0
5 2.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
6 NaN NaN 3.0 NaN 6.0 NaN
On the negative side, the need to fuss with 0's and NaNs is not ideal. We need 0's for the cumsum, but we need NaNs to make unwanted rows to disappear when the DataFrame is stacked.
The pivot_table/cumsum approach also offers a considerable speed advantage over using_concat, but piRSquared's solution is the fastest. On a 1000-row df:
In [169]: %timeit using_reindex2(df)
100 loops, best of 3: 6.86 ms per loop
In [152]: %timeit using_reindex(df)
100 loops, best of 3: 8.36 ms per loop
In [80]: %timeit using_pivot(df)
100 loops, best of 3: 8.58 ms per loop
In [79]: %timeit using_concat(df)
10 loops, best of 3: 84 ms per loop
Here is the setup I used for the benchmark:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def using_pivot(df):
return (df.pivot_table(index='P', columns='C', values='V', aggfunc='sum')
.replace(0, np.nan)
def using_reindex(df):
""" (piRSquared)
s = df.set_index(['P', 'C']).V.sum(level=[0, 1])
return s.reindex(
pd.MultiIndex.from_product(s.index.levels, names=s.index.names),
).groupby('C').cumsum().loc[lambda x: x > 0].reset_index()
def using_reindex2(df):
""" (piRSquared)
with first line changed
s = df.groupby(['P', 'C'])['V'].sum()
return s.reindex(
pd.MultiIndex.from_product(s.index.levels, names=s.index.names),
).groupby('C').cumsum().loc[lambda x: x > 0].reset_index()
def using_concat(df):
""" (Allen)
return (pd.concat([df.loc[df.P<=i][['C','V']].assign(P=i)
for i in df.P.unique()])
def make(nrows):
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(50, size=(nrows,3)), columns=list('PCV'))
return df
df = make(1000)

based on a value in column A, shift the values in columns C and D to the right in a pandas dataframe

How can i achieve the desired result based on the following dataset ?
1 apple 5 2 20 NaN
2 orange 2 6 30 NaN
3 apple 6 1 40 NaN
4 apple 10 3 50 NaN
5 banana 8 9 60 NaN
Desired Result :
1 apple 5 NaN 2 20
2 orange 2 6 30 NaN
3 apple 6 NaN 1 40
4 apple 10 NaN 3 50
5 banana 8 9 60 NaN
IIUC you can use np.roll on the rows of interest, here we need to select only the rows where 'A' is 'apple' and then roll these by a single column row-wise and assign back:
In [14]:
df.loc[df['A']=='apple', 'C':] = np.roll(df.loc[df['A']=='apple', 'C':], 1,axis=1)
1 apple 5 NaN 2 20.0
2 orange 2 6.0 30 NaN
3 apple 6 NaN 1 40.0
4 apple 10 NaN 3 50.0
5 banana 8 9.0 60 NaN
Note that because you introduce NaN values the dtype changes to float to allow this