im trying to use swiper but it's not working - swiper.js

im trying to use swiperjs but it's not working,even though im copying and past it from one of the Swiper demos.
Module not found: Can't resolve 'swiper' in 'C:\Users\atozgram\Desktop\Jackson\front\src\UI\swiper'

Probably because they did some stuff and you need newest node/npm, otherwise it will not install swipper succesfully, try to install 6.* version instead of 7.


How to Upgrade React Native Version 0.66.3 to 0.70.6?

Currently, my project running on the 0.66.3 version I need to upgrade to react native version 0.70.6. So I have used to following command
npx react-native upgrade
After running this command showing some error I have attached a screenshot please refer.
I am also trying the manual way using react native helper but some files are not available in my project.
so anyone please tell me how I will upgrade my project version?
After Run npx react-native run-android my build was created successfully but 3 errors showing in the metro bundler. I have attached a screenshot of the metro bundler error.
you can specify a React Native version and pass it as an argument:
npx react-native upgrade 0.70.6
you can also refer this official documentation for this
& it will also helps you if you got any error.
I found by changing react-native - index.js and react-native/Libraries/Text - index.js
Follow this link for output:
Don't know whether it is the right way or not....
Since upgrading an application can break functionality in your app if you do not know what is needed to be changed. the upgrade is tells you to visit the pages to go through and see what has changed throughout the upgrading process.
Other as that I am just needing more information regarding to what is not working. Since upgrading is more as just running a command, its about reading the documentation and see what part is missing and what they replaced the files with. The missing files could be straight-out deprecated and not working with the new version.
As always check the debugger and read every message throughout and visit all links given and see the documentation regarding the upgrade differences, find out if there are any log files you could look at, and talk with people in your company / group of react-native about this.
"Some files are not available in my project"
This part might just be able to google and see if this is still supported or not in the version it could be phased out, or not supported in the version. that's where versioning comes in to play.
I am unsure what files and which libraries are deprecated based on your Opening Post, this needs more information, to help us, help you.

Cant run setDebugModeEnabled on Expo for Firebase Analytics

So to give a little context im using expo-firebase-analytics (latest version) on Expo (27) and im trying to activate setDebugModeEnabled so that i can use the debugView on firebase analytics.
The problem is that when running it i get the following warning
The method or property expo-firebase-analytics.setDebugModeEnabled is not available on ios, are you sure you've linked all the native dependencies properly?]
I havent found any information about it on the web
Have you tried installing the latest version of expo-firebase-analytics since expo install brings an older one
Ok so i tried to reproduce the issue.It seems ("even though it seemed obvious") that its not available for a reason on ios. but it is in android. if you use an android device it shoudl work seamlesly
if you check on the exports is the function there?

Expo: Can't find variable require

Dear stackoverflow community,
I'm not able to find any solution online for my problem. My error is the following:
Can't find variable: require
global code#
Screenshot Expo Error
It was working perfectly 2 days ago, and (apparently) I didn't change anything since then.
Do you have any idea where it can come from?
I'm using:
react-native ""
Very basic configuration. I'm suspecting some kind of miss configuration...
Thanks in advance!
Updates 09-02-2020 4pm20:
I tried cleaning caches,
I tried changing directory,
I tried expo init a new app, importing the sources of the previous app, installing dependencies, it worked until I ran expo start -c, then the problem came back,
Still working on it...
Updates 09-02-2020 7pm:
I finally succeed to make it work.
Update expo-cli to the latest version
Initialize a new expo app in another directory
Copy/paste source code
Use expo start -c instead of expo start to make sure no cache is involved in the following steps
Install dependencies one by one to make sure none is the problem
Finally test the app
try by adding, import React from 'react' in the file where you mentioned require
first : expo r -c ,
then : npm start,
finally: use require function

Tried to register two views with the same name RNCWebView

I have used two social login and both are refers the react-native-webview dependency.
installed versions:
react-native-linkedin(it uses react-native-webview 7.0.5),
react-native-instagram-login (it uses react-native-webview 7.5.1),
react-native-webview ^7.5.1
Can you please tell me how to resolve this issue
facing same issue with same library . It is cause of different versions of webview which these library are using and as much as i know we can update those npm module directly so we can solve this issue temporary by following these steps
Create file InstaWebView.js(name can be any)
Copy code from
Paste in InstaWebView.js and use as normal
I know it is hack but for now we can do this
Note :- For this hack , you need to install webview module so you may install webview module of same version as linkedin has so there will be no issue

How solve problem with install vue native?

When I install vue native. I get this Err.
enter image description here
I cant understand what I need to do.
I find some link about babel Requires Babel "7.0.0-0" but was loaded with "6.26.3"
install and it doesnt work.
I solve it, when I move in my created project, and make command npx babel-upgrade.
It's strange, because I was upgraded babel globaly erly