Is there a way to disable displaying request payload and respond body in console in Karate? [duplicate] - karate

I'm using Karate for validation tests.
I setup a retry on one of my request but sometimes there is more than 100 retry, this create to big useless logs with the same big payload on each request...
And this bloat my CI.
I want to reduce this logs quantity, maybe by disable log for just this request ?
I've tried * configure report = false but this disable only on Cucumber html report.
I want to disable also in STDOUT console.
So maybe with some form of log level manipulation setted in the logback-test.xml ?

No you con't disable logs per request, you can switch off everything by setting the log level to INFO - but I guess you don't want that. 100 retries sounds very unusual to me. You can try your luck with a feature request - but I can tell you that this would be low priority unless someone contributes code.
If this really bothers you, write some custom Java code to do this polling + HTTP request and call it from Karate.
EDIT: I think I have a solution that will work for you. You can completely disable the Karate logs appearing on the console - while still having the HTML report with this change to the logback-test.xml:
<root level="warn">
<!-- <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" /> -->
<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
So just commenting out the console log appender will do the trick !
Also read:


Jmeter version 5.5 not storing debug logs in jtl file

When I set the log level in UI to debug/trace, the jtl file is still storing the data with only info logs but showing the debug logs in UI. I even modified the log4j2 configuration file and tried the below
jmeter -Lorg.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control=DEBUG
jmeter -Lorg.apache.http=DEBUG
jmeter -LDEBUG
This also is not storing the debug logs, I'm simply trying to get the request/response parameters completely stored for every single request that we are making in our test plan. What am I missing? Anyone can help me with this?
Your configuration increases JMeter logging verbosity so jmeter.log file has more details comparing to default configuration
If you want to save request and response details there are 2 options:
Amend JMeter's Results File Configuration to look like:
Or add a listener like Simple Data Writer and choose what and where to store
More information: How to Save Response Data in JMeter

Mule4 error handler - Enable Notifications and Log Exception

This is more a generic question about the usage of this feature , so please excuse the absence of code.
<on-error-continue enableNotifications="true" logException="true" doc:name="OnErrorContinue" />
Was reading link here but could not find any meaningful details about :
enableNotifications="true" logException="true"
what is the significance of these attributes ?
when should they be enabled and similarly when should we NOT enable them ?
as far as I can see disabling them prevents exceptions to show up in the logs
Enable notifications is to send an internal Mule notification, unrelated to logging.
Only the logException attribute activates sending the exception in the log.

Spring Boot, Apache CXF 3.2.5 with MTOM sends empty attachment

I'm having a weird issue with Apache CXF and large (375MB) MTOM attachments are empty.
Running it locally in Eclipse produces the desired results, but deploying it to our server just gives an empty attachment.
The server is written in .NET and doesn't support chunking. With Chunking enabled the client works, but when i disable cunking it fails.
Sadly i'm unable to debug on the server, so i'm restricted to trace logging.
I've tried every trick i've been able to google.
Disable schema validation (CXF-4551) (CXF-7758)
Manually copying the file to before sending, to ensure it can be read.
Custom DataSource
Disable WS-Security
Disable logging interceptor
Nothing seems to make a difference.
Every run i just get something like the following
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <>
Content-Disposition: attachment;name="32_2018-03-28_output.xml"
Trying with a smaller (2KB) file on the server works just fine. A 75MB file gets attached correctly, but results in a HTTP 400 from the receiver (which i suspect is because the file is not fully transferred)
Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be causing this ?
After much trial & error, i finally managed to "solve" this. I enabled schema validation, and the data now appears. This is the exact issue that both bugs in my original question claims to fix.
Client client = ClientProxy.getClient(port);
BindingProvider bp = ((BindingProvider) port);
bp.getRequestContext().put("schema-validation-enabled", "true");
I can't add a comment so I'm posting this as an answer.
Jimmy could you perhaps comment on the latest CXF issue and provide some more details? Which version of CXF, what kind of client you are using, real code samples ideally, client logs?

ModSecurity - disable logging to standard Apache error log

I'm wondering if there is some way in ModSecurity Apache2 module (version 2.9.1) how to log error messages into log file specified by the SecDebugLog option but don't duplicate them into the standard Apache error log file?
According to ModSecurity documentation the error messages are always doubled in both log files: Messages with levels 1–3 are designed to be meaningful, and are copied to the Apache’s error log. But I'd like to keep the ModSecurity stuff separate and don't mess the standard error log.
You can remove log from any of the Rules and just leave auditlog.
If using the OWASP CRS then change the default action from this:
SecDefaultAction "phase:1,deny,log"
SecDefaultAction "phase:2,deny,log"
to this:
SecDefaultAction "phase:1,deny,nolog,auditlog"
SecDefaultAction "phase:2,deny,nolog,auditlog"
Which will turn off all logging, but then turn on auditlogging again.
You may also want to add similar for phase 3 and 4 depending on whether you are also checkout outbound traffic.
However I would really, really, really caution against this for a number of reasons:
You will eventually block something with a ModSecurity rule and wonder why it's happening and skip over the Audit log and blame Apache. Trust me. "Why is this request returning 403 when I can see the page exists?!?!" At least if in the error log then you've another chance to see why this is so.
The entry in the error log is in one line. This makes it much easier to collect, parse and deal with errors in tools like Splunk. The audit log is spread over several lines so is less machine readable. And you should be reviewing your WAF logs regularly and not just assuming it's working correctly and only look at logs when something goes wrong. Maybe not in detail at each log level but in summary. Ivan Ristic, the original creator of ModSecurity, recently tweeted:
"If you’re not using your WAF as an IDS, you’re doing it wrong."
These are errors. And the error log is therefore the right place for them. The audit log is then a useful place to get extra detail if you cannot explain the errors.

Nservicebus disable default logger in web.config

I'm using the DefaultFactory LogManager for Nservicebus v5. I'm happy with this but was hoping to be able to disable via the web.config.
I use web.config settings, as found in the help docs
<section name="Logging" type="NServiceBus.Config.Logging, NServiceBus.Core" />
<Logging Threshold="Debug" />
I'd prefer not to set the threshold as fatal. I was hoping for a "None" or Disabled="true"
Also can the directory path be set web.config?
Update: Why would we want to ignore errors?
The short is we don't really have write permission on the servers.
The long is this isn't 100% true.
Our systems is moving towards microservices, the problem with this is that decentralized logging is a tracing/visualization nightmare.
So we moved flow tracing, exceptions, and limited tracing to a centralized system.
Programming Entry points (aka message Handlers, web api endpoints, etc) are nearly always wrapped in a try catch log throw on each handler, this covers all our programming errors. This isn't anything really that different to normal.
The centralized logging location sets of all the nice red flashing real time alarms one could wish for.
Which leaves only configuration type error left like missing queues, bad assembly bindings, faulty config files, or more runtime style stuff like IoC wiring (outside of the handler code).
With the centralized logging and monitoring of the error quests, it is fairly easy to detect when the service is broken and if it is then we turn on logging, restart, try the faulty issue, and fix.
Guaranteed delivery will take care of everything else once it is up again :D Gone are the days of 150mb log files spread across 10 different servers.
The simplicity of DefaultFactory was nice, as was not needing another nuget package and associated configuration.
Is this the correct way forward. Many would argue no.
Could we have done it better? yes we could implement the common logger interface and pass it into NServiceBus but we arn't quiet there just yet and the win isn't critical atm.
A side note: One really really nice thing about the way we log is that in our backoffice tool we have been able to simply show the flow for each "order", similar to using a correlation id in greylog.
Since this was not considered a likely scenario it does not have a first class API. But you can achieve this via passing in a null logger from any of the common logging libraries (NLog, Log4net, CommonLogging). I assume you are using one of these in your website.
So take NLog for example.
Install-Package NServiceBus.NLog
The in your webconfig
<add key="disableLogging" value="true"/>
Then in your global startup
if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("disableLogging") == "true")
LoggingConfiguration config = new LoggingConfiguration();
LogManager.Configuration = config;
This is leveraging the approach documented here