SQL Select query in VB.NET - sql

I want to pull some stuff out of a database using a select query. I have the query i need already written in SQL Server management studio and it works. I tried just copy it in but it doesn't work. I have some other queries that do work and i tried to make it formatted like those, but it'll just see it as string since its between "" those things.
Below is the query, it uses the join function that doesn't appear to be recognized by vb.net. the query also uses certain tables from other parts of the database, those also dont seem to get recognized.
the query:
select th.Thickness, count(th.Thickness)
from dbname..trackinghistory th
join dbname..OrderDetailOptions odo on odo.odKey=th.odKey
join dbname..MasterPartOptions mpo on mpo.Code=odo.OptionCode and mpo.[Group]=odo.optiongroup
and mpo.QuestionKey='KGLASS' and OptionType=5
where th.DateTime>DATEADD(DAY,-4,getdate()) and th.Code='__A__' and th.StationID='HO4' and
left(odo.OptionCode,1) = 'H'
group by th.Thickness
I think i just need a push in the right direction, can someone here help me with how to properly format these type of queries?
my VB.Net code:
Sub SetButtonColor()
btnIsClicked = False
Dim iWeek As Integer = tbWeek.Text
Dim iYear As Integer = tbYear.Text
If sql.hasconnection And iWeek <> 0 Then
Dim dtimeStartDate As DateTime = GetWeekStartDate(tbWeek.Text, tbYear.Text) 'get the startdate from the textboxes week and year
Dim dtimeEndDate As DateTime = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 7, dtimeStartDate) 'add 7 days to the startdate to set the enddate
sql.runquery("SELECT th.Thickness, count(th.Thickness)" +
"from FVMASTER..trackinghistory th" +
"join FVMASTER..OrderDetailOptions odo on odo.odKey=th.odKey" +
"join FVMASTER..MasterPartOptions mpo on mpo.Code=odo.OptionCode and mpo.[Group]=odo.optiongroup and mpo.QuestionKey='KGLASS' and OptionType=5" +
"where th.DateTime>DATEADD(DAY,-4,getdate()) and th.Code='__A__' and th.StationID='HO4' and left(odo.OptionCode,1) = 'H'" +
"group by th.Thickness")
If sql.sqldataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
For Each row As DataRow In sql.sqldataset.Tables(0).Rows
Select Case row("Thickness")
Case 3
btn3.BackColor = Color.Red
Case 4
btn4.BackColor = Color.Red
Case 5
btn5.BackColor = Color.Red
Case 6
btn6.BackColor = Color.Red
Case 8
btn8.BackColor = Color.Red
Case 10
btn10.BackColor = Color.Red
Case 12
btn12.BackColor = Color.Red
Case 15
btn15.BackColor = Color.Red
Case 19
btn19.BackColor = Color.Red
Case 24
btn24.BackColor = Color.Red
End Select
End If
end sub
i have for now just pasted in the query, i know that that wont work

The problem are the missing spaces in the SQL string. Just because the concatentated strings are on different lines, this does not add line breaks to the string.
"from FVMASTER..trackinghistory th" +
"join FVMASTER..OrderDetailOptions odo on odo.odKey=th.odKey"
results in
"from FVMASTER..trackinghistory thjoin FVMASTER..OrderDetailOptions odo on odo.odKey=th.odKey"
As you can see, you get a thjoin in there, which should be th join.
Just write it as a single multiline string (which now includes the line breaks)
sql.runquery("SELECT th.Thickness, count(th.Thickness)
from FVMASTER..trackinghistory th
join FVMASTER..OrderDetailOptions odo on odo.odKey=th.odKey
join FVMASTER..MasterPartOptions mpo on mpo.Code=odo.OptionCode and mpo.[Group]=odo.optiongroup and mpo.QuestionKey='KGLASS' and OptionType=5
where th.DateTime>DATEADD(DAY,-4,getdate()) and th.Code='__A__' and th.StationID='HO4' and left(odo.OptionCode,1) = 'H'
group by th.Thickness")
Alternatively, you can keep your original approach and add the missing spaces at the line end
sql.runquery("SELECT th.Thickness, count(th.Thickness) " +
"from FVMASTER..trackinghistory th " +
"join FVMASTER..OrderDetailOptions odo on odo.odKey=th.odKey " +
"join FVMASTER..MasterPartOptions mpo on mpo.Code=odo.OptionCode and mpo.[Group]=odo.optiongroup and mpo.QuestionKey='KGLASS' and OptionType=5 " +
"where th.DateTime>DATEADD(DAY,-4,getdate()) and th.Code='__A__' and th.StationID='HO4' and left(odo.OptionCode,1) = 'H' " +
"group by th.Thickness")


Update previous row

I have an Excel file that contains some datas that I want to export into an Access db. In the C column I've got a field called 'Description'. Usually this field occupy just one cell, but it can happens that is more long.
In this case, for example, AP.01 has got 5 rows of description. How can update the first row with the next rows?
Public Sub updateDB(ByVal PathDB As String, str As String, id As Integer)
Dim db As New cDB
Dim v As New cVoce
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset = db.RecordSet
v.Description = str
db.get_rs("UPDATE Voice SET Description = '" + v.Description + "' WHERE id= '"+id+"'")
End Sub
Public Function get_rs(ByVal query As String) As ADODB.Recordset
If db Is Nothing Then rs = Nothing : Return rs
rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic
rs.LockType = ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic
rs.Open(query, db)
Return rs
End Function
This code doesn't work because I update my current row, for this reason is useless the UPDATE instruction. How can I fix my code?
EDIT I post here the For loop
For r = 2 To grid.RowCount - 1
vett = Split(grid(r, 1).Text)
total = UBound(Split(grid(r, 1).Text, "."))
If grid(r, 1).Text <> "" Then
Select Case total
Case 0
Dim chapter As New cChapter
flag = 1
id = id + 1
chapter.Cod = grid(r, 1).Text.Substring(0, 1)
chapter.Description = grid(r, 3).Text
If Left(vett(0), 1) >= Chr(65) And Left(vett(0), 1) <= Chr(90) Then
chapter.Cod = Left(vett(0), 1)
oldChap = chap.Cod
If chapter.Cod <> oldCap Then
End If
End If
stringChap = chap.Description
Dim par As New cParagraph
If Left(vett(0), 2) >= Chr(65) And Left(vett(0), 2) <= Chr(90) Then
par.Cod = Left(vett(0), 2)
par.Cod_Chapter = Left(vett(0), 1)
oldPar = par.Cod
If par.Cod <> oldPar Then
End If
End If
If grid(r, 3).Text.Length > 255 Then
par.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString.Substring(0, 252) + "..."
par.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString
End If
stringPar = par.Description
Case 1
flag = 2
id = id + 1
c_Voc = voc.Cod_Chapter
p_Voc = voc.Cod_Paragraph
voc.Cod_Chapter = grid(r, 1).Text.Substring(0, 1)
voc.Cod_Paragraph = grid(r, 1).Text.Split(".")(0)
voc.Cod_Voice = Right(vett(0), 2)
If grid(r, 3).Text.Length > 255 Then
voc.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString.Substring(0, 252) + "..."
voc.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString
If voc.Description.EndsWith("-") Then
a = Replace(voc.Description, "-", "")
voc.Description = a
End If
End If
stringVoice = voc.Description
Case 2
flag = 3
id = id + 1
sVoice = New cVoice
oldSvoice = voice.Cod_SVoice
sVoice.Cod_SVoice = Left(vett(0), 2)
If sVoice.Cod_SVoce <> oldSvoice Then
End If
If grid(r, 3).Text.Length > 255 Then
sVoice.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString.Substring(0, 252) + "..."
sVoice.Description = grid(r, 3).Text
End If
stringSvoice = sVoice.Description
sVoice.Cod_Voce = Left(vett(0), 5)
sVoice.Price1 = grid(r, 12).Text
sVoice.Price2 = sVoice.Price1
sVoice.UniMi = grid(r, 11).Text
sVoce.Sep = "."
End Select
If flag = 1 Then
stringChap = grid(r, 3).Text
chap.Description = stringChap & grid(r, 3).Text
stringPar = grid(r, 3).Text
paragraph.Description = stringPar & grid(r, 3).Text
End If
If flag = 2 Then
stringVoice = grid(r, 3).Text
voc.Description = voc.Description & stringVoice
voices.updateDB(dbDest, stringVoice, id)
End If
If flag = 3 Then
stringSvoice = grid(r, 3).Text
sVoice.Description = stringSvoice & grid(r, 3).Text
End If
End If
EDIT2 I declared id As Integer and when Code column has a value then id=id+1. In this way I always know which row I have to modify. I modified also updateDB (now I'm using 3 parameters) and I added a WHERE condition into my query. Despite the update, nothing has changed
In database you cannot store records without PrimaryKey (actually you can, but it is bad idea). Since in your solution id is in fact Excel row number (sorry if I'm not correct but it looks like from code) it could be very hard to maintain it in future (in case someone add or remove description row). It would be better to change id column to text and use code as PK.
Storing description then could be solved in 2 ways:
1) Concatenate all rows containing description into 1 variable adding vbNewLine in between and store it in description field.
2) More relational but also more complex - create 2nd table for description with PK as i.e. autonumber, ForeignKey Code referring to main table. Maintenance will be here very complex. Not really worth effort.
Amount of changes in code is quite big, so sorry I'll not provide fixed code but I hope idea is clear.
BTW: The reason why description is not updated is described in your post. You are increasing id only when code is present, so every description field from first group have id = 1. The most simple fix in your code would be to create 2 update statements - One for rows with code
UPDATE Voice SET Description = '" + v.Description + "' WHERE id= '"+id+"'
Second one for rows without code:
UPDATE Voice SET Description = Description + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + '" + v.Description + "' WHERE id= '"+id+"'

SQL Syntax error, expression of non-boolean type

This code is supposed to create a graph of revenue from money made through sales tickets at an event.
The code only executes up to da.Fill(ds) when it returns the error, which can be seen at the end of the code.
Does anybody know why
Private Sub frmRevenue_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim dt As DataTable
dt = New DataTable
Dim sales As Integer = 0
Dim gridtable As New DataTable
For i = 1 To 12
sql = "SELECT Fee FROM tblTickets WHERE MONTH(DatePurchased) = " & i & " AND (YEAR(DatePurchased) = " & Today.Year & " OR " & Year(Today.AddYears(1)) & ") AND (Status = 'SOLD' OR RESERVED" _
da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, con)
ds = New DataSet
Dim dr As DataRow
For Each dr In ds.Tables(0).Rows
monthly(i) = monthly(i) + 1
contracts = sales + 1
total(i) = total(i) + dr.Item("Fee")
yearlytotal = yearlytotal + dr.Item("Fee")
For i = 1 To 12
Dim month As String
Select Case i
Case 1
month = "Jan"
Case 2
month = "Feb"
Case 3
month = "Mar"
Case 4
month = "Apr"
Case 5
month = "May"
Case 6
month = "Jun"
Case 7
month = "Jul"
Case 8
month = "Aug"
Case 9
month = "Sep"
Case 10
month = "Oct"
Case 11
month = "Nov"
Case 12
month = "Dec"
Case Else
month = "ERR"
End Select
gridtable.Rows.Add(month, FormatCurrency(total(i)), monthly(i))
ugTickets.DataSource = gridtable
ugTickets.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("Month").Width = 35
ugTickets.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("#").Width = 20
ugTickets.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowUpdate = DefaultableBoolean.False
txtAnnual.ReadOnly = True
txtAnnual.BackColor = Color.White
txtAnnualContracts.ReadOnly = True
txtAnnualContracts.BackColor = Color.White
chRevenue.Titles("chTitle").Text = "Predicted revenue for " & Today.Year & " - " & Year(Today.AddYears(1))
txtAnnual.Text = FormatCurrency(yearlytotal, 2)
txtAnnualContracts.Text = contracts
chRevenue.Series("Series1").Name = "Revenue"
For i = 1 To 12
chRevenue.BackColor = Color.Transparent
chRevenue.Legends("Revenue").BackColor = Color.Transparent
chRevenue.Series("Revenue").ChartArea = "ChartArea1"
chRevenue.Series("Revenue").Color = Color.SkyBlue
chRevenue.Series("Revenue").ToolTip = FormatCurrency("#VALY", 2)
End Try
End Sub
An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ')'.
The problem is with this bit of the SQL:
(YEAR(DatePurchased) = " & Today.Year & " OR " & Year(Today.AddYears(1)) & ")
It should probably be
(YEAR(DatePurchased) = " & Today.Year & " OR YEAR(DatePurchased) = " & Year(Today.AddYears(1)) & ")
The OR in SQL (and in most other languages) needs to have two independently valid conditions on each side. The left hand side currently looks like this:
YEAR(DatePurchased) = 2016
...which is fine. But the right looks like this:
...which isn't a valid boolean.
When you get an error like this on the da.Fill() line (ie. the line that's actually running the SQL in the database), the easiest way to debug it is to print out the value of the "sql" variable.
Often, you can just look at the SQL it's generated and the problem will be obvious. Other times you have to copy it and run it directly against your database to see what the problem is.
Might be your SQL, try:
"SELECT Fee FROM tblTickets WHERE MONTH(DatePurchased) = '" & i &
"' AND (YEAR(DatePurchased) = '" & Today.Year &
"' OR '" & Year(Today.AddYears(1)) & "') " &
"OR Status = 'AVAILABLE' " &

how to use an in clause to check if a column is a certain string or not when referencing 3 tables

I have this SQL statement and it joining 2 tables...
SELECT TRIDENT.Maintenance.RCFAs.*, TRIDENT.Maintenance.Equipment.EquipmentName
LEFT JOIN TRIDENT.Maintenance.Equipment
ON TRIDENT.Maintenance.Equipment.EquipmentId = TRIDENT.Maintenance.RCFAs.EquipmentId
WHERE 1 = 1
Now I have to reference a third table because I have a dropdown by the name of components that we will use to lookup stuff on the table named TRIDENT.Maintenance.RCFAXrefComponents. So if "bolts" is selected from the dropdown it will look up the YEAR and RCFAID which makes a unqiue key for both RCFAXrefComponents and RCFAs and checks if there are any rows in RCFAs that had "bolts" in the component column when looking up that YEAR and RCFAId. A coworker suggested I use an IN clause to check if the YEAR and RCFAId is in that RCFAXrefComponents. He said it might be tricky, but I'm a little lost on how to do this.
Below is the RCFAs table that I want to grab the YEAR and RCFAId values together and lookup on the other to see if that bolt is also there. Then it should bring up the line item on RCFAs table to output to user
this is RCFAXrefComponents table below
Public Shared Function GetRCFAList(rcfaNumber As Integer?, description As String,
failureType As String, equipmentDescription As String, componentSelection As String) As List(Of RCFA)
Dim sql = "SELECT r.*, e.EquipmentName FROM TRIDENT.Maintenance.RCFAs AS r LEFT JOIN TRIDENT.Maintenance.Equipment AS e ON e.EquipmentId = r.EquipmentId JOIN TRIDENT. Maintenance.RCFAXrefComponents AS c ON c.Year = r.Year AND c.RCFAId = r.RCFAId WHERE"
If failureType <> "" Then
sql += " AND RCFAs.FailureType = '" & failureType.ToUpper & "'"
End If
If description <> "" Then
sql += " AND RCFAs.ShortDesc LIKE '%" & description.ToUpper & "%'"
End If
If equipmentDescription <> "" Then
sql += " AND Equipment.EquipmentName LIKE '%" & equipmentDescription.ToUpper & "%'"
End If
If componentSelection <> "" Then
sql += " c.ComponentId = '%" & componentSelection.ToUpper & "%'"
End If
Dim dbConn As New Trident.Core.DBConnection
Dim ds = dbConn.FillDataSet(sql)
Dim tmpList As New List(Of RCFA)
For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
tmpList.Add(New RCFA(New Trident.Objects.Maintenance.RCFA.RCFA(dr)))
Return tmpList
End Function
Just use a simple JOIN with the RFCAXrefComponents table, and a WHERE clause that filters the component ID.
SELECT r.*, e.EquipmentName
LEFT JOIN TRIDENT.Maintenance.Equipment AS e
ON e.EquipmentId = r.EquipmentId
JOIN TRIDENT.Maintenance.RCFAXrefComponents AS c
ON c.Year = r.Year
WHERE c.ComponentID = 'BOLTS'
I may be confused but it sounds like you need to use EXISTS.
FROM TRIDENT.Maintenance.RCFAs r
LEFT JOIN TRIDENT.Maintenance.Equipment e ON e.EquipmentId = r.EquipmentId
FROM TRIDENT.Maintenance.RCFAXrefComponents c
WHERE c.Year = r.Year
AND c.ComponentId LIKE '%BOLTS%' )
you may not need the c.ComponentId LIKE '%BOLTS%' you might just want c.ComponentId = 'BOLTS'

How to merge cells and remove blank spaces in my DataGrid using proper loop

My title is still broad so i'll explain here further.
This is my current output using my code:
But I want to make it look like this..
As you can see on the pictures, i want to remove the blank spaces. Because if I selected MORE data, let's say I selected 7 more days, it will go DIAGONALLY not horizontally.
I think I have a problem regarding my loops. Hope you can help me trace because I've been stuck here for a week debugging. (nevermind my long query, i just want to post all my code. I've also added comments for easier debugging.)
Here's my code:
Private Sub LoadDateAndUser()
Dim SqlStr As String = ""
Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(DataSource.ConnectionString)
Dim sqlComm As New SqlCommand(SqlStr, sqlConn)
Dim sqlAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlComm)
Dim o_Dataset As New DataSet()
SqlStr = " SELECT convert(varchar(10), A.TransDate, 101) as TransDate,ADMMED.TransNum, ADMMED.AdministeredDate, D.Dosage [Dosage], ISNULL(C.GenericName, ' ') + ' (' + IsNull(B.ItemName,'') + ' ' + IsNull(B.ItemDesc,'') + ')' [Medication], ADMMED.UserID" & _
" FROM INVENTORY..tbInvStockCard as A" & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN INVENTORY..tbInvMaster as B On A.ItemID = B.ItemID " & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Inventory.dbo.tbForGeneric as C On B.GenericID = C.GenericID" & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Station..tbNurse_AdministeredMedicines ADMMED on a.idnum= ADMMED.idnum " & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN build_file.dbo.tbCoDosage as D on A.DosageID = D.DosageID" & _
" LEFT OUTER JOIN Station.dbo.tbNurseCommunicationFile as E on A.IdNum = E.IDnum and E.ReferenceNum = A.RefNum" & _
" WHERE A.IdNum = '" & Session.Item("IDNum") & "' and ( A.RevenueID = 'PH' or A.RevenueID = 'PC' ) " & _
" AND A.LocationID = '20' and Not IsNull(ADMMED.AdministeredDate, '') = ''" & _
" AND A.RefNum = ADMMED.ReferenceNum and ADMMED.ItemID = A.itemid" & _
" AND (B.ItemClassificationID = '1' or B.ItemClassificationID = '10' or B.ItemClassificationID = '11' or B.ItemClassificationID = '16' or B.ItemClassificationID = '2' or B.ItemClassificationID = '9')" & _
" order by TransDate desc,ADMMED.AdministeredDate desc"
sqlComm.CommandText = SqlStr
sqlAdapter.Fill(o_Dataset, "Table")
Dim o_Row As DataRow
Dim o_AdmDates As New Collection()
Dim s_FormattedLastAdmDate As String = ""
Dim s_FormattedAdmDate As String = ""
Dim o_DerivedTable As New DataTable()
With o_DerivedTable
End With
'Select all unformatted administered dates from the query
Dim o_UnformattedAdmDates As DataRow() = o_Dataset.Tables(0).Select("", "AdministeredDate Desc")
'Extract distinct administered dates and change its format
For Each o_Row In o_UnformattedAdmDates
s_FormattedAdmDate = Format(CDate(o_Row.Item("AdministeredDate")), KC_Date_Format) 'eg. Jan 01 15
If s_FormattedLastAdmDate <> s_FormattedAdmDate Then
s_FormattedLastAdmDate = s_FormattedAdmDate
o_AdmDates.Add(s_FormattedLastAdmDate) 'add all formatted dates in o_AdmDates
End If
'Add formatted administred dates to derived table
Dim o_Item As String
For Each o_Item In o_AdmDates
'Loop through the administred date
Dim o_NewRow As DataRow
Dim o_NextRow As DataRow
Dim i_Ctr As Integer
Dim x_isNewRow As Boolean = True
Dim i_MaxRec As Integer
i_MaxRec = o_Dataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
For i_Ctr = 0 To i_MaxRec
o_Row = o_Dataset.Tables(0).Rows(i_Ctr)
If i_Ctr <> i_MaxRec Then
o_NextRow = o_Dataset.Tables(0).Rows(i_Ctr + 1)
End If
If x_isNewRow Then
o_NewRow = o_DerivedTable.NewRow()
End If
o_NewRow("TransDate") = o_Row("TransDate")
o_NewRow("Medication") = o_Row("Medication")
o_NewRow("Dosage") = o_Row("Dosage")
o_NewRow("TransNum") = o_Row("TransNum")
'Fill approriate result date column based on query
For Each o_Item In o_AdmDates
s_FormattedAdmDate = Format(CDate(o_Row.Item("AdministeredDate")), KC_Date_Format)
Dim AdmTim As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(o_Row("AdministeredDate"))
If s_FormattedAdmDate = o_Item Then
o_NewRow(s_FormattedAdmDate) = AdmTim.ToString("hh:mm tt") + " - " + o_Row("UserID")
End If
If i_Ctr < i_MaxRec _
And Not o_NextRow Is Nothing _
And o_Row("TransDate") = o_NextRow("TransDate") _
And o_Row("Medication") = o_NextRow("Medication") _
And o_Row("Dosage") = o_NextRow("Dosage") _
And o_Row("AdministeredDate") = o_NextRow("AdministeredDate") Then
x_isNewRow = False
x_isNewRow = True
End If
'Bind derived table
dgSheet.DataSource = o_DerivedTable
If o_Dataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
GroupGridView(dgSheet.Items, 0, 3)
End If
End Sub
I think you must review your programming logic:
After that huge ugly SqlStr : you will have a DataSet, with a Table with all rows mixed !?
Let's try a pseudo-code:
I think is better to create in that DataSet, 2 Tables:<br>
**first** table with: id, DateOrder, Medication, Dosage <br>
and **second** table with: idDate, FirstTable.id, AdministeredDate
after that you know how many ADMMED.AdministeredDate.Count are, because you must know how manny columns you need to add
create a 3-rd table from iteration of first table, nested with second by ID.
Set as Datasource for DataGridView the Third DataTable.
So you have 2 datasets, and generate this one .. one to many ..
.. I have no time now, if you don't get the ideea .. forget it !

Where clause on dynamic column name in LINQ query?

I've created a dropdown with some column names in a table in my db. When a user selects a column name i want to add a where clause to the query to use this filter.
What i'm trying to do is:
Dim objQuery = (From wc In _dbBellen.dealer_telefonies Order By wc.Bedrijfsnaam Select wc)
'if dropdown has value...
objQuery = objQuery.Where(Function(wc) wc.DynamicColumnName < txtFilterValue1.Text)
The wc.DynamicColumnName has to be replaced by for example wc.Price.
The code what i'm tried now after some replies is:
Dim objQuery = (From wc In _dbBellen.dealer_telefonies Order By wc.Bedrijfsnaam Select wc)
If ddlFilterColumn1.SelectedValue <> "" And ddlFilterOperator1.SelectedValue <> "" And txtFilterValue1.Text <> "" Then
Select Case ddlFilterOperator1.SelectedValue
Case "..%"
objQuery = objQuery.Where(Function(wc) wc.WHMCSClient_id Like txtFilterValue1.Text & "%")
Case "%.."
objQuery = objQuery.Where(Function(wc) wc.WHMCSClient_id Like "%" & txtFilterValue1.Text)
Case Else '< > = <>
'objQuery = objQuery.Where(Function(wc) wc.WHMCSClient_id < txtFilterValue1.Text)
'objQuery = objQuery.Where(Function(wc) "wc." + ddlFilterColumn1.SelectedValue.ToString + " < " + txtFilterValue1.Text)
objQuery = objQuery.Where(Function(wc) "wc.WHMCSClient_id < 500")
End Select
End If
But i am getting the following error (original error is in dutch but it said as follow):
The conversion from string wc.WHMCSClient_id < 500 to type Boolean is invalid.
This is quite an old article, but I think it's still viable
Scott Gu posted about the Dynamic LINQ library a while back which essentially allows you to use strings to query collections in a "LINQ"-type format., i.e. something like this:
Dim objQuery = (From wc In _dbBellen.dealer_telefonies Order By wc.Bedrijfsnaam Select wc)
// if dropdown has value...
Dim result = objQuery.Where("MyColumnName < " + txtFilterValue1.Text);
Here's a link to the full article: Dynamic LINQ (Part 1: Using the LINQ Dynamic Query Library)